232 research outputs found

    Classification of colon biopsy samples by spatial analysis of a single spectral band from its hyperspectral cube

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    The histopathological analysis of colon biopsy samples is a very important part of screening for colorectal cancer. There is, however, significant inter-observer and even intra-observer variability in the results of such analysis due to its very subjective nature. Therefore, quantitative methods are required for the analysis of histopathological images to aid the histopatholgists in their diagnosis. In this paper, we exploit the shape and structure of the gland nuclei cells for the classification of colon biopsy samples using two-dimensional principal component analysis (2DPCA) and Support Vector Machine (SVM). We conclude that the use of textural features extracted from non-overlapping blocks of the histopathological images results in a non-linear decision boundary which can be efficiently exploited using a SVM with appropriate choice of parameters for its Gaussian kernel. The SVM classifier outperforms all the remaining methods by a clear margin

    The Influence of Social Presence on Students’ Satisfaction toward Online Course

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    Students’ satisfaction plays a vital role in ensuring effective online learning. This study investigated the association between social presence and students’ satisfaction toward online discussions in Learning Management System (LMS) platform conducted at a private university in Malaysia. Both correlation and two-step hierarchical linear regression were performed to analyze the online survey data. The instruments used to measure the summated scores of social presence and satisfaction were Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework and satisfaction scale, respectively. The results revealed that the correlation between both variables was significantly positive. Students who declared relatively high level of satisfaction were more likely to report high level of interaction with their peers in online conversation and high level of social presence. Essentially, social presence seemed to contribute the most in predicting the level of course satisfaction amongst the students

    The Effectiveness of the Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in Rural Secondary Schools in Malaysia

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    The Ministry of Education has established viable educational ecosystems in order to ensure the equality of rural education. There are three aspects that have been outlined, namely value-based education, quality improvement, and autonomy and accountability of schools and universities. Hence, a study in the form of a survey was conducted to identify the issues surrounding information technology faced by students and teachers in rural secondary schools, and to provide an overview of the usage of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as well as students’ knowledge and teachers’ skills in the teaching and learning process. A total of 49 respondents were involved, comprising 21 students and 28 teachers from nine secondary schools located in one rural area of Kelantan. The findings revealed that a majority of the respondents perceived the use of ICT positively, despite the lack of facilities and expertise. Thus, a need for relevant ICT training was raised by the teachers. Recommendations are also discussed to guide the authorities in planning and preparing appropriate equipment and facilities for the schools, as well as adequate training for teachers and facilitators, before a new policy is introduced to the students. Further research is also recommended to examine the rural students' acceptance of the use of technology

    Discusión sobre los cursos en línea desde el punto de vista de la comunidad de investigación

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    This study involved students feedback from various faculties from a Malaysian university which incorporates hybrid learning model in its education ecosystem. The aim of this study is to explore the factors that influence online student to actively engage in discussion forum via platform of Learning Management System (LMS) provided by the university. This study employed qualitative approach involving seventy-three research participants from the university. Qualitative data from open-ended survey toward online discussions were collected and analysed based on classical content analysis method. The feedback were coded based on the pre-determined themes in the Community of Inquiry (CoI) model. It was found that teaching presence was a main predictor of the effectiveness of the online courses offered. In other words, the ability of online instructors in designing, organizing, instructing, and facilitating via online platforms are essential in the successful implementation of the hybrid learning model.En este estudio participaron los comentarios de los estudiantes de varias facultades de una universidad de Malasia que incorpora un modelo de aprendizaje híbrido en su ecosistema educativo. El objetivo de este estudio es explorar los factores que influyen en los estudiantes en línea para participar activamente en el foro de discusión a través de la plataforma del Sistema de Gestión de Aprendizaje (LMS) que proporciona la universidad. Este estudio empleó un enfoque cualitativo que involucró a setenta y tres participantes de investigación de la universidad. Los datos cualitativos de la encuesta abierta hacia la discusión en línea se recopilaron y analizaron en función del método clásico de análisis de contenido. Los comentarios se codificaron en función de los temas predeterminados en el modelo de Comunidad de Investigación (CoI). Se descubrió que la presencia docente era un predictor principal de la efectividad de los cursos en línea ofrecidos. En otras palabras, la capacidad de los instructores en línea para diseñar, organizar, instruir y facilitar a través de plataformas en línea es esencial para la implementación exitosa del modelo de aprendizaje híbrido

    The Influence of Social Presence on Students’ Satisfaction toward Online Course

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    Students’ satisfaction plays a vital role in ensuring effective online learning. This study investigated the association between social presence and students’ satisfaction toward online discussions in Learning Management System (LMS) platform conducted at a private university in Malaysia. Both correlation and two-step hierarchical linear regression were performed to analyze the online survey data. The instruments used to measure the summated scores of social presence and satisfaction were Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework and satisfaction scale, respectively. The results revealed that the correlation between both variables was significantly positive. Students who declared relatively high level of satisfaction were more likely to report high level of interaction with their peers in online conversation and high level of social presence. Essentially, social presence seemed to contribute the most in predicting the level of course satisfaction amongst the students.</p

    The Effects of Principals’ Digital Leadership on Teachers’ Digital Teaching during the Covid-19 Pandemic in Malaysia

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    Education involving digital technology is the latest transformation of the education system, especially during the occurrence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Malaysian Ministry of Education (MOE) has taken the initiative to spearhead efforts to develop the skills and potential of students in the use of digital technology. The main purpose of this study was to identify the level of digital leadership displayed by principals, the level of teachers' digital teaching practices and the elements of principals' digital leadership that predict the level of teachers' digital teaching. About 400 secondary school teachers in Hulu Langat District, Selangor were involved in this study. The findings of this study show that the level of digital leadership displayed by principals and teachers’ digital teaching practice are both at a high level. However, the positive correlation between the two is moderate. Multiple regression found that only digital citizenship is a strong predictor of teachers' digital teaching. The findings show that the ability to plan and organize digital leadership programs is important and can help improve students' academic performance, despite the COVID-19 pandemic crisis

    Enhancing E-Learning through Web Service and Intelligent Agents

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    E-learning is basically the integration of various technologies. E-Learning technology is now maturing and we can find a multiplicity of standards. New technologies such as agents and web services are promising better results. In this paper we have proposed an e-learning architecture that is dependent on intelligent agent systems and web services. These communication technologies will make the architecture more robust, scalable and efficient

    Relación entre aprendizaje en línea, instrucción multimedia y aprendizaje individualizado

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    The quest for effective teaching-learning strategies and instructional approach in engineering communication skills has been a challenge to educators throughout the world. Students must be in the centre of learning in any effective approach to cater for each individual to achieve the predetermined objectives. This study aimed at designing, developing and implementing a new online individualized multimedia instruction framework for engineering communication skills. The questionnaire has three sections to assess individualized instruction, multimedia instruction and online learning. Overall reliability using the Alpha Cronbach test and the Rasch Model analysis together with expert reviews for the content validation of the questionnaire, suggested that the questionnaire is reliable and valid to measure the OIMI model. Data collected from 166 engineering learners were tested with confirmatory factor analysis using AMOS to obtain three best-fit measurement models from the three latent variables. Subsequently, the structural equation modeling was applied to test the hypotheses. The results showed a strong relationship between Online Learning and Multimedia Instruction, and a negative relationship between Individualized Instruction and Multimedia Instruction.La búsqueda de estrategias de aprendizaje de enseñanza efectivas y un enfoque de instrucción en habilidades de comunicación de ingeniería ha sido un desafío para los educadores de todo el mundo. Los estudiantes deben estar en el centro de aprendizaje en cualquier enfoque efectivo para atender a cada individuo para lograr los objetivos predeterminados. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo diseñar, desarrollar e implementar un nuevo marco de instrucción multimedia individualizado en línea para las habilidades de comunicación de ingeniería. El cuestionario tiene tres secciones para evaluar la instrucción individualizada, la instrucción multimedia y el aprendizaje en línea. La confiabilidad general usando la prueba de Alpha Cronbach y el análisis del Modelo Rasch junto con revisiones de expertos para la validación del contenido del cuestionario, sugirió que el cuestionario es confiable y válido para medir el modelo OIMI. Los datos recopilados de 166 estudiantes de ingeniería se probaron con análisis factorial confirmatorio utilizando AMOS para obtener tres modelos de medición de mejor ajuste de las tres variables latentes. Posteriormente, se aplicó el modelo de ecuaciones estructurales para probar las hipótesis. Los resultados mostraron una fuerte relación entre el aprendizaje en línea y la instrucción multimedia, y una relación negativa entre la instrucción individualizada y la instrucción multimedia

    Statistical approach to modeling & optimization of surface roughness in high speed end milling of silicon with diamond coated tools

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    This research demonstrated the use of conventional milling machines with diamond coated tools, high speed attachments, and air blowing mechanisms for ductile mode machining of silicon and subsequently modeling and optimizing the resultant surface roughness. Spindle speed, depth of cut, and feed rate, ranges: 60,000 to 80,000 rpm, 10 to 20 μm, and 5 to 15 mm/min respectively, were considered as the independent machining parameters for the modeling process. Compressed air at 0.35 MPa was also provided to prevent chip deposition on the finished surfaces. The resultant surfaces were analysed using Optical and Scanning Electron (SEM) Microscopes as well as Wyko NT 1100 and SurfTest SV-500 profilometers. The response, surface roughness, was then modeled using a small Central Composite Design (CCD) in Response Surface Methodology (RSM). The quadratic relation was found to be most suitable following Fit and Summary and ANOVA analyses. The relation was then optimized using Desirability Function (DF) in Design of Expert (DOE) software. The optimum attainable surface roughness, which was validated using experimental runs, was found to be 0.11 μm which may be considered quite satisfactory

    Investigation of the effects of machining parameters and air blowing on surface topography in high speed end milling of silicon

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    Machining of silicon is an expensive affair because its inherent brittleness leads to subsurface crack generation. Research endeavours have therefore focused on ductile mode machining of silicon to obtain crack free machined surfaces with roughness as low as 0.22 μm or even below, hence eliminating the need for subsequent polishing/grinding operations. However, most of these research works utilized expensive ultraprecision machines and tools. This research aimed at determining the viability of using conventional milling machines with diamond coated tools, high speed attachments, and air blowing mechanisms in order to achieve ductile regime machining of silicon. Spindle speed, depth of cut, and feed rate, ranges: 60,000 to 80,000 rpm, 10 to 20 μm, and 5 to 15 mm/min respectively, were considered as the independent machining parameters. Compressed air at 0.35 MPa was also provided to prevent chip deposition on the finished surfaces. The resultant surfaces were analysed using Optical and Scanning Electron Microscopes. Then, the influence of each machining parameter on surface roughness was investigated. From the analyses it was concluded that all three machining parameters and air blowing had significant influence on the surface topography and integrity of silicon