6 research outputs found

    Extracellular vesicle DNA from human melanoma tissues contains cancer-specific mutations

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    Liquid biopsies are promising tools for early diagnosis and residual disease monitoring in patients with cancer, and circulating tumor DNA isolated from plasma has been extensively studied as it has been shown to contain tumor-specific mutations. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) present in tumor tissues carry tumor-derived molecules such as proteins and nucleic acids, and thus EVs can potentially represent a source of cancer-specific DNA. Here we identified the presence of tumor-specific DNA mutations in EVs isolated from six human melanoma metastatic tissues and compared the results with tumor tissue DNA and plasma DNA. Tumor tissue EVs were isolated using enzymatic treatment followed by ultracentrifugation and iodixanol density cushion isolation. A panel of 34 melanoma-related genes was investigated using ultra-sensitive sequencing (SiMSen-seq). We detected mutations in six genes in the EVs (BRAF, NRAS, CDKN2A, STK19, PPP6C, and RAC), and at least one mutation was detected in all melanoma EV samples. Interestingly, the mutant allele frequency was higher in DNA isolated from tumor-derived EVs compared to total DNA extracted directly from plasma DNA, supporting the potential role of tumor EVs as future biomarkers in melanom


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    In the present study, a high-surface area activated carbon was prepared by chemical activation of lemon peel with H3PO4 as the active agent. Then, the adsorption behavior of Malachite green dye and Pb(II) ions on the produced activated carbon was studied. Batch process was employed for sorption kinetics and equilibrium studies. Experimental data were ĂŻÂŹïżœtted to various isotherm models. According to the Langmuir model, the maximum adsorption capacities of Malachite green dye and Pb(II) ions were found to be 66.67 and 90.91 mg g-1, respectively, at room temperature. Kinetic studies showed the adsorption process followed a pseudo second-order rate model. The sorption kinetics were controlled by intra-particle diffusion. The results indicated that the produced activated carbon can be economically and effectively used as an adsorbent for the removal of Malachite green dye and Pb(II) ions from wastewaters

    Proteomic profiling of tumour tissue‐derived extracellular vesicles in colon cancer

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    Abstract Colon cancer is one of the most commonly occurring tumours among both women and men, and over the past decades the incidence has been on the rise. As such, the need for biomarker identification as well as an understanding of the underlying disease mechanism has never been greater. Extracellular vesicles are integral mediators of cell‐to‐cell communication and offer a unique opportunity to study the machinery that drives disease progression, and they also function as vectors for potential biomarkers. Tumour tissue and healthy mucosal tissue from the colons of ten patients were used to isolate tissue‐resident EVs that were subsequently subjected to global quantitative proteomic analysis through LC‐MS/MS. In total, more than 2000 proteins were identified, with most of the common EV markers being among them. Bioinformatics revealed a clear underrepresentation of proteins involved in energy production and cellular adhesion in tumour EVs, while proteins involved in protein biosynthesis were overrepresented. Additionally, 53 membrane proteins were found to be significantly upregulated in tumour EVs. Among them were several proteins with enzymatic functions that degrade the extracellular matrix, and three of these, Fibroblast activating factor (FAP), Cell surface hyaluronidase (CEMIP2), as well as Ephrin receptor B3 (EPHB3), were validated and found to be consistent with the global quantitative results. These stark differences in the proteomes between healthy and cancerous tissue emphasise the importance of the interstitial vesicle secretome as a major player of disease development

    Detailed analysis of the plasma extracellular vesicle proteome after separation from lipoproteins

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    The isolation of extracellular vesicles (EVs) from blood is of great importance to understand the biological role of circulating EVs and to develop EVs as biomarkers of disease. Due to the concurrent presence of lipoprotein particles, however, blood is one of the most difficult body fluids to isolate EVs from. The aim of this study was to develop a robust method to isolate and characterise EVs from blood with minimal contamination by plasma proteins and lipoprotein particles. Plasma and serum were collected from healthy subjects, and EVs were isolated by size-exclusion chromatography (SEC), with most particles being present in fractions 8-12, while the bulk of the plasma proteins was present in fractions 11-28. Vesicle markers peaked in fractions 7-11; however, the same fractions also contained lipoprotein particles. The purity of EVs was improved by combining a density cushion with SEC to further separate lipoprotein particles from the vesicles, which reduced the contamination of lipoprotein particles by 100-fold. Using this novel isolation procedure, a total of 1187 proteins were identified in plasma EVs by mass spectrometry, of which several proteins are known as EV-associated proteins but have hitherto not been identified in the previous proteomic studies of plasma EVs. This study shows that SEC alone is unable to completely separate plasma EVs from lipoprotein particles. However, combining SEC with a density cushion significantly improved the separation of EVs from lipoproteins and allowed for a detailed analysis of the proteome of plasma EVs, thus making blood a viable source for EV biomarker discover

    Subpopulations of extracellular vesicles from human metastatic melanoma tissue identified by quantitative proteomics after optimized isolation

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    The majority of extracellular vesicle (EV) studies conducted to date have been performed on cell lines with little knowledge on how well these represent the characteristics of EVs in vivo. The aim of this study was to establish a method to isolate and categorize subpopulations of EVs isolated directly from tumour tissue. First we established an isolation protocol for subpopulations of EVs from metastatic melanoma tissue, which included enzymatic treatment (collagenase D and DNase). Small and large EVs were isolated with differential ultracentrifugation, and these were further separated into high and low-density (HD and LD) fractions. All EV subpopulations were then analysed in depth using electron microscopy, Bioanalyzer (R), nanoparticle tracking analysis, and quantitative mass spectrometry analysis. Subpopulations of EVs with distinct size, morphology, and RNA and protein cargo could be isolated from the metastatic melanoma tissue. LD EVs showed an RNA profile with the presence of 18S and 28S ribosomal subunits. In contrast, HD EVs had RNA profiles with small or no peaks for ribosomal RNA subunits. Quantitative proteomics showed that several proteins such as flotillin-1 were enriched in both large and small LD EVs, while ADAM10 were exclusively enriched in small LD EVs. In contrast, mitofilin was enriched only in the large EVs. We conclude that enzymatic treatments improve EV isolation from dense fibrotic tissue without any apparent effect on molecular or morphological characteristics. By providing a detailed categorization of several subpopulations of EVs isolated directly from tumour tissues, we might better understand the function of EVs in tumour biology and their possible use in biomarker discovery.11Ysciescopu