3 research outputs found

    Study of MRI brain findings and carotid US features in systemic sclerosis patients, relationship with disease parameters

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    Abstract Background/objectives Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is an autoimmune disease associated with immune abnormalities and widespread vascular lesions, including increased intimal and medial thickness. These changes may be reflected in early atherosclerosis and cardiovascular risks. We aimed in this study to examine the carotid artery intima-media thickness and MRI brain findings in SSc patients and compared them to a group of normal controls. A relationship between these parameters and clinical measures in SSc was also sought. Methods Seventy-two SSc patients with no central nervous system (CNS) symptoms and 42 healthy controls were included. Clinical and laboratory measures, Medsger’s severity scale, and Doppler ultrasound common carotid artery intima-media thickness (CCA-IMT) were measured. Brain fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR)-MRI and diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI) were also done. Results SSc patients had more CCA-IMT, higher CRP, and more brain MRI hyperintense lesions than controls (P < 0.05). Significant positive correlations existed between CCA-IMT and Medsger vascular (r = 0.7, P = 0.02). The FLAIR-MRI showed multiple hyperintense lesions in 24 patients (33%), ranging 0–36 lesions. SSc patients with more lesions (positive MRI) had longer disease duration (P = 0.001) and left and right carotid artery atheromata (P = 0.001, and 0.013, respectively) than SSc patients with negative MRIs; Medsger vascular score did not separate the SSc groups (P = 0.08). Conclusions In systemic sclerosis patients without central nervous system symptoms, MRI lesion numbers correlated with CCA-IMT. MRI abnormalities were found more frequently if CRP was elevated, if the Medsger SSc Severity Scale was increased, or if there was thickened carotid IMT

    Evidence of a Link between Hepatitis E Virus Exposure and Glomerulonephritis Development

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    Viruses can trigger glomerulonephritis (GN) development. Hepatitis viruses, especially Hepatitis C virus and Hepatitis B viruses, are examples of the viruses that trigger GN initiation or progression. However, the proof of a correlation between GN and Hepatitis E virus infection is not clear. Some studies confirmed the development of GN during acute or chronic HEV infections, mainly caused by genotype 3. While others reported that there is no relation between HEV exposure and GN development. A recent study showed that a reduced glomerular filtration rate was developed in 16% of acute HEV genotype 1 (HEV-1) infections that returned to normal during recovery. HEV-1 is endemic in Egypt with a high seroprevalence among villagers and pregnant women. There is no available data about a link between HEV and GN in Egypt. Methods: GN patients (n = 43) and matched healthy subjects (n = 36) enrolled in Assiut University hospitals were included in this study. Blood samples were screened for hepatotropic pathogens. Tests for HEV markers such as HEV RNA and anti-HEV antibodies (IgM and IgG) were performed. Laboratory parameters were compared in HEV-seropositive and HEV-seronegative GN patients. Results: Anti-HEV IgG was detected in 26 (60.5%) out of 43 GN patients. HEV seroprevalence was significantly higher in GN than in healthy controls, suggesting that HEV exposure is a risk factor for GN development. None of the GN patients nor the healthy subjects were positive for anti-HEV IgM or HEV RNA. There was no significant difference between seropositive and seronegative GN patients in terms of age, gender, albumin, kidney function profiles, or liver transaminases. However, anti-HEV IgG positive GN patients had higher bilirubin levels than anti-HEV IgG negative GN patients. HEV-seropositive GN patients had a significantly elevated AST level compared to HEV-seropositive healthy subjects. Conclusion: exposure to HEV infection could be complicated by the development of GN