47 research outputs found

    Quantitative assignment of reaction directionality in constraint-based models of metabolism: application to Escherichia coli.

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    Constraint-based modeling is an approach for quantitative prediction of net reaction flux in genome-scale biochemical networks. In vivo, the second law of thermodynamics requires that net macroscopic flux be forward, when the transformed reaction Gibbs energy is negative. We calculate the latter by using (i) group contribution estimates of metabolite species Gibbs energy, combined with (ii) experimentally measured equilibrium constants. In an application to a genome-scale stoichiometric model of Escherichia coli metabolism, iAF1260, we demonstrate that quantitative prediction of reaction directionality is increased in scope and accuracy by integration of both data sources, transformed appropriately to in vivo pH, temperature and ionic strength. Comparison of quantitative versus qualitative assignment of reaction directionality in iAF1260, assuming an accommodating reactant concentration range of 0.02-20mM, revealed that quantitative assignment leads to a low false positive, but high false negative, prediction of effectively irreversible reactions. The latter is partly due to the uncertainty associated with group contribution estimates. We also uncovered evidence that the high intracellular concentration of glutamate in E. coli may be essential to direct otherwise thermodynamically unfavorable essential reactions, such as the leucine transaminase reaction, in an anabolic direction

    Eukaryotic DNA polymerases, a growing family.

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    In eukaryotic cells, DNA polymerases are required to maintain the integrity of the genome during processes, such as DNA replication, various DNA repair events, translesion DNA synthesis, DNA recombination, and also in regulatory events, such as cell cycle control and DNA damage checkpoint function. In the last two years, the number of known DNA polymerases has increased to at least nine (called alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon, zeta, eta, t and iota), and yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains REV1 deoxycytidyl transferase

    Integrated stoichiometric, thermodynamic and kinetic modelling of steady state metabolism.

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    The quantitative analysis of biochemical reactions and metabolites is at frontier of biological sciences. The recent availability of high-throughput technology data sets in biology has paved the way for new modelling approaches at various levels of complexity including the metabolome of a cell or an organism. Understanding the metabolism of a single cell and multi-cell organism will provide the knowledge for the rational design of growth conditions to produce commercially valuable reagents in biotechnology. Here, we demonstrate how equations representing steady state mass conservation, energy conservation, the second law of thermodynamics, and reversible enzyme kinetics can be formulated as a single system of linear equalities and inequalities, in addition to linear equalities on exponential variables. Even though the feasible set is non-convex, the reformulation is exact and amenable to large-scale numerical analysis, a prerequisite for computationally feasible genome scale modelling. Integrating flux, concentration and kinetic variables in a unified constraint-based formulation is aimed at increasing the quantitative predictive capacity of flux balance analysis. Incorporation of experimental and theoretical bounds on thermodynamic and kinetic variables ensures that the predicted steady state fluxes are both thermodynamically and biochemically feasible. The resulting in silico predictions are tested against fluxomic data for central metabolism in Escherichia coli and compare favourably with in silico prediction by flux balance analysis

    Protein-Protein interactions of the Primase Subunits p58 and p48 with Simian Virus 40 T Antigen are Required for Efficient Primer Synthesis in a Cell-free System.

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    DNA polymerase alpha-primase (pol-prim, consisting of p180-p68-p58-p48), and primase p58-p48 (prim(2)) synthesize short RNA primers on single-stranded DNA. In the SV40 DNA replication system, only pol-prim is able to start leading strand DNA replication that needs unwinding of double-stranded (ds) DNA prior to primer synthesis. At high concentrations, pol-prim and prim(2) indistinguishably reduce the unwinding of dsDNA by SV40 T antigen (Tag). RNA primer synthesis on ssDNA in the presence of replication protein A (RPA) and Tag has served as a model system to study the initiation of Okazaki fragments on the lagging strand in vitro. On ssDNA, Tag stimulates whereas RPA inhibits the initiation reaction of both enzymes. Tag reverses and even overcompensates the inhibition of primase by RPA. Physical binding of Tag to the primase subunits and RPA, respectively, is required for these activities. Each subunit of the primase complex, p58 and p48, performs physical contacts with Tag and RPA independently of p180 and p68. Using surface plasmon resonance, the dissociation constants of the Tag/pol-prim and Tag/primase interactions were 1.2 x 10(-8) m and 1.3 x 10(-8) m, respectively

    Functional association of poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase with DNA polymerase alpha-primase complex: a link between DNA strand break detection and DNA replication.

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    Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) is an element of the DNA damage surveillance network evolved by eukaryotic cells to cope with numerous environmental and endogenous genotoxic agents. PARP has been found to be involved in vivo in both cell proliferation and base excision repair of DNA. In this study the interaction between PARP and the DNA polymerase alpha-primase tetramer has been examined. We provide evidence that in proliferating cells: (i) PARP is physically associated with the catalytic subunit of the DNA polymerase alpha-primase tetramer, an association confirmed by confocal microscopy, demonstrating that both enzymes are co-localized at the nuclear periphery of HeLa cells; (ii) this interaction requires the integrity of the second zinc finger of PARP and is maximal during the S and G2/M phases of the cell cycle; (iii) PARP-deficient cells derived from PARP knock-out mice exhibited reduced DNA polymerase activity, compared with the parental cells, a reduction accentuated following exposure to sublethal doses of methylmethanesulfonate. Altogether, the present results strongly suggest that PARP participates in a DNA damage survey mechanism implying its nick-sensor function as part of the control of replication fork progression when breaks are present in the template