8 research outputs found

    Digitalization of the agro-industrial complex in the Russian Federation: Current status and development prospects

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    The article is concerned with the current state of digitalisation of the agro-industrial complex (AIC) in the Russian Federation. It lists a number of legal instruments that have been approved by the legislative authorities and establish the digitalisation trends of the agro-industrial complex at the federal and regional level

    Radio Broadcasting Experience and Development Prospects (European Scientific Dialogue)

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    The paper presents an analysis of various opinions concerning radio-industry development issues, given new IT processes implemented in mass media. The authors study the technological evolution of radio broadcasting in terms of analyzing its main development stages. They provide an assessment of listeners’ high confidence in radio broadcasts as compared to other mass media sources. Focus is placed on promoting sonic brands in the sphere of media-communication. The researchers also pay special attention to podcasting as a new way to listen to audio-content. The advantages and possible consequences of podcasting influence on radio-industry are assessed. The research is based on the expert discussion on radio broadcasting issues which took place at “Radiodays Europe 2019”

    Current challenges to the sustainable development of rural communities in Russia's Central Chernozem Region

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    This paper analyses the role of urbanisation processes in population changes and transformation of rural community systems in the region; determines the level of horizontal mobility among the rural population, as well as its impact on settlement evolution; assesses the share of small and extremely small communities in settlement composition; and outlines these communities’ future development prospects

    Basin-scale approach to integration of agro- and hydrogeological monitoring for sustainable environmental management: a case study of Belgorod oblast, European Russia

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    Some integrated indicators of agroecological (on the watershed surface) and hydroecological (in river water flow) monitoring are proposed to improve basin environmental management projects. Six-year monitoring showed the effectiveness of water quality control measures on an example of a decrease in the concentrations of five major pollutants in river water

    Radio broadcasting experience and development prospects (European scientific dialogue)

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    The paper presents an analysis of various opinions concerning radio-industry development issues, given new IT processes implemented in mass media. The authors study the technological evolution of radio broadcasting in terms of analyzing its main development stages. They provide an assessment of listeners’ high confidence in radio broadcasts as compared to other mass media sources. Focus is placed on promoting sonic brands in the sphere of mediacommunication. The researchers also pay special attention to podcasting as a new way to listen to audio-content. The advantages and possible consequences of podcasting influence on radio-industry are assesse

    Urban sprawl in the regional settlement system: a case study of Belgorod and Stary Oskol-Gubkin metropolitan areas

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    The paper defines factors and methods of studying spatial sprawl of Belgorod and Stary Oskol-Gubkin metropolitan areas. A differentiation of population dynamics in Belgorod regional settlement system is made. Built-up areas are found to occupy larger territories and display a higher development density, while the population size in metropolitan areas does not change significantl

    Solutions for the Spatial Organization of Cropland with Increased Erosion Risk at the Regional Level: A Case Study of Belgorod Oblast, European Russia

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    Among the reasons for soil degradation, runoff-induced erosion causes the greatest damage to agriculture in European Russia. One of the effective tools for regulating soil erosion is changing the structure of sown areas and the composition of crops with a focus on soil conservation and rehabilitation land use. The aim of this paper is to present the results of the impact of the program on river-basin nature management and the adaptive landscape agriculture system (ALAS) on changes in soil losses due to storm erosion in one of the agriculturally most developed and, at the same time, most eroded administrative regions of European Russia—Belgorod Oblast. In this study, the calculation of potential soil washout was carried out for three cropland models: (1) The maximum erosion potential of the territory, expressed in terms of soil washout from bare (clean) fallow areas; (2) soil washout, considering the actual structure of sown areas over the past 10 years; and (3) soil washout, considering the full implementation of projects for the erosion-control organization of cropland within the framework of ALAS. The calculation of erosion-induced soil losses was carried out according to the USLE model adapted to regional environmental conditions, while the C-factor values were set separately for each model. For model 1, the average soil loss is 11.3 t/ha per year; for model 2, it is 3.5 t/ha per year; and for model 3, it is 2.2 t/ha per year. It was found that the current programs for the biologization of agriculture and the contour-reclamation organization of cropland would have a noticeable erosion-control effect. It is noteworthy that the greatest efficiency was modeled for areas with unfavorable relief conditions, with up to 40% reduction in soil losses as compared to actual ones

    Communicative Interaction among Local Editorial Staff Members: Current Situation and the Ways of its Improving

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    Communication between management and employees is very important in organizations. However, communication problems might be more felt in any media organization as a whole and in the local media staff in particular. It’s obvious that news workers have everyday communicative interaction with different newsmakers. The article deals with the study and analysis of the communicative interaction between the local editorial creative staff members. Internal and external organizational understanding data are considered. It is determined that the level of organizational communication development influences the local editorial success and employees’ performance. Mutual understanding as the basic criterion of effective communication has several forms. The subject of our study is organizational understanding, that is, a special type of editorial staff relationship which is limited by the boundaries of the organization and is essential for its successful functioning and development. The analysis of empirical data allowed to identify the main problematic aspects and to work out the recommendations for vertical and horizontal communication development