8 research outputs found
Living-donor kidney transplantation: risks of the donor ? benefits of the recipient
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
To Do or Not to Do Living Donor Hepatectomy in Jehovah's Witnesses: Single Institution Experience of the First 13 Resections.
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Long-Term Consequences of Live Kidney Donation Follow-Up in 93% of Living Kidney Donors in a Single Transplant Center
- Author
- Publication venue
- 'Wiley'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Ethical issues relating to renal transplantation from prediabetic living donor
- Author
- A Arredondo
- Aldo Ferreira-Hermosillo
- C Batis
- CB Vigneault
- CS Fox
- DECODE Study Group European Diabetes Epidemiology Group
- DM Narkun-Burgess
- DM Nathan
- Edith Valdez-Martínez
- F Delmonico
- G Fanghanel-Salmon
- GA Nichols
- GT Obrador
- I Fehrman-Ekholm
- I Hopper
- I Zamora-Ginez
- JP Gutiérrez
- K Faerch
- KC Portero McLellan
- L Hernandez-Ronquillo
- M Coutinho
- Miguel Bedolla
- MR-RM López-Cervantes
- MT Villarreal-Molina
- N Boudville
- S Chadban
- S Chandran
- SA Azar
- SS Rao
- TLCJ Beauchamp
- VR Aroda
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Live Donor Transplantation
- Author
- A Chagnac
- A Vivante
- A Young
- AD Rule
- AJ Matas
- AS Go
- AX Garg
- AX Garg
- B Andersen
- B O’Brien
- CY Hsu
- DJ Taber
- DL Segev
- DM Narkun-Burgess
- E Chung
- E Ejerblad
- EM Gibney
- ES Ommen
- F Delmonico
- G Knoll
- G Mjoen
- G Norden
- HN Ibrahim
- HN Ibrahim
- I Fehrman-Ekholm
- J Lin
- JC Berger
- JD Hunt
- JK Heimbach
- JS Gill
- KT Flaherty
- LD Horvat
- M Okamoto
- MK Haroun
- N Kambham
- P Baudoin
- PR Lujan
- R Koushik
- R Parasuraman
- RK Loo
- SC Textor
- SJ Taler
- SR Orth
- Y Nagasawa
- ZM El-Zoghby
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Assessment of serum cystatin C in children with congenital solitary kidney
- Author
- A Bokenkamp
- A Shimizu-Tokiwa
- A Wasilewska
- A Wasilewska
- AC Novick
- Agata Korzeniecka–Kozerska
- AJ Barakat
- Alicja Niewiarowska
- Anna Biernacka
- Anna Wasilewska
- AO Grubb
- BL Kasiske
- CR Parikh
- D Miletic
- DA Goldfarb
- DJ Newman
- DM Narkun-Burgess
- DM Rosenbaum
- E Coll
- G Oberle
- GJ Schwartz
- GT John
- GT Rottenberg
- H Wong
- HL Willems
- Iwona Jadeszko
- J Janda
- J Weisenbach
- JJ Kazama
- JM Zerin
- JS Najarian
- JS Tapson
- K Kaneyama
- LH Chi
- LR Argueso
- LW Chu
- M Fischbach
- M Mei-Zahav
- NS Maluf
- OK Eberhard
- OL Konus
- P Galindo Sacristan
- P Robitaille
- P Wiesli
- P Zucchelli
- PP Godbole
- R Saran
- RD Wilson
- RD Wilson
- RR Lan
- S Fotino
- S Herget-Rosenthal
- S Okuda
- SC Michel
- Tadeusz Porowski
- W O’Neill
- Walentyna Zoch–Zwierz
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Renal agenesis and unilateral nephrectomy: what are the risks of living with a single kidney?
- Author
- A Fogo
- AC Novick
- AG Krohn
- AP Provoost
- AP Provoost
- B Andersen
- BL Kasiske
- BM Brenner
- BM Brenner
- BM Brenner
- BM Brenner
- BM Brenner
- C Beisland
- C Deming
- C Sommerer
- C Tomson
- C Wanner
- D Fliser
- D Ogden
- DM Narkun-Burgess
- DT Lackland
- DU Acharya
- E Dinkel
- E Higashihara
- G Keller
- G Remuzzi
- G Simon
- HL Kretschmer
- I Fehrman-Ekholm
- I Fehrman-Ekholm
- I Oldrizzi
- I Wikstad
- I Wikstad
- J Grossman
- J Simon
- JL Olson
- JL Robertson
- JM Kaufman
- JM Kaufman
- JP Hayslett
- JP Lam
- JR Henegar
- JR Nyengaard
- JS Najarian
- JW Rowe
- K Hoogenberg
- K Schmidt
- KC Kobashi
- KM Moritz
- L Argueso
- L Larsson
- L Reyes
- LD Dworkin
- LF Fried
- LG Baez-Trinidad
- LL Woods
- LL Woods
- LL Woods
- LR Argueso
- M Ciszek
- M Hughson
- M McGraw
- M Praga
- Malcolm G. Coulthard
- MD Ellison
- MM Rodriguez
- N Boudville
- N Sugino
- NS Johal
- P Baudoin
- P Robitaille
- P Ruggenenti
- P Zucchelli
- PJ Garrett
- PS Thorner
- RE Steckler
- RM Hakim
- S Anderson
- S Azar
- S Hegde
- S Okuda
- S Smith
- Shivaram Hegde
- SL Williams
- SR Orth
- T Ramcharan
- T Shimamura
- T Talseth
- TH Hostetter
- TH Hostetter
- TH Hostetter
- The Modification of Diet in Renal Disease Study
- TK Slack
- TW Meyer
- TW Myer
- V Vallon
- WD Hall
- WE Hoy
- WE Hoy
- WH Bay
- WJ Flanigan
- WL Kupin
- Y Yoshida
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Consequences of Intrauterine Growth Restriction for the Kidney
- Author
- Abdi R
- Abitbol CL
- Adams MA
- Alexander BT
- Alexander BT
- Almeida JR
- Alper
- Alves GM
- Amri K
- Amri K
- Anderson CF
- Anderson S
- Ans van Wijk
- Aperia A
- Argueso LR
- Argueso LR
- Arnal JF
- Aurell M
- Bains RK
- Bajoria R
- Barker DJ
- Battista MC
- Baudoin P
- Bauer R
- Baumgartl HJ
- Baylis C
- Baylis C
- Beech DJ
- Bergstrom A
- Bhathena DB
- Bianchi G
- Black MJ
- Brawley L
- Brenner BM
- Brenner BM
- Briscoe TA
- Campbell ME
- Carter AM
- Celsi G
- Celsi G
- Celsi G
- Coles HS
- Courreges MC
- Cullen-McEwen LA
- Cullen-McEwen LA
- Dahl LK
- De Santo NG
- Desai M
- Deutinger J
- Doublier S
- Duncan RC
- Dunn JF
- Dunnill MS
- Eklof O
- Epstein MF
- Eshoj O
- Fan Z
- Fassi A
- Feig DI
- Feld S
- Figueroa JP
- Fischer E
- Flyvbjerg A
- Fogo A
- Forsyth JS
- Franco MC
- Franco MC
- Frattarelli DA
- Friberg P
- Garrett PJ
- Gil FZ
- Gilbert JS
- Godfrey KM
- Goldstein RS
- Grisk O
- Gubhaju L
- Guron G
- Guron G
- Gutierrez-Millet V
- Hakim RM
- Hales CN
- Hales CN
- Hales CN
- Hall SM
- Hammerman MR
- Han KH
- Harrap SB
- Hartshorne N
- Hayman JM
- Hayman JM
- Hayslett JP
- He C
- Hellmann H
- Hellmann H
- Henriette Delemarre-van de Waal
- Henriksen T
- Higashihara E
- Hinchliffe SA
- Hinchliffe SA
- Hinchliffe SA
- Holemans K
- Hostetter TH
- Hostetter TH
- Hotoura E
- Howie AJ
- Hoy WE
- Hoy WE
- Hoy WE
- Hoy WE
- Hughson MD
- Iosipiv IV
- Jackson AA
- Jacobsen P
- Johnston LB
- Jones SE
- Jones SE
- Jung JY
- Kanwar YS
- Kasiske BL
- Kataoka H
- Kaufman JM
- Kaufman JM
- Keijzer-Veen MG
- Keijzer-Veen MG
- Kempley ST
- Kind KL
- Kingdom JC
- Kingdom JC
- Kiprov DD
- Kistner A
- Konje JC
- Konje JC
- Kopf D
- Koseki C
- Kost
- Kouwenhoven EA
- Kreutz R
- Kunzelman CL
- Kurjak A
- Kutzler MA
- Kwong WY
- Lackland DT
- Lackland DT
- Lafeber HN
- Lamireau D
- Lampl M
- Langford K
- Langley SC
- Langley-Evans SC
- Langley-Evans SC
- Langley-Evans SC
- Larsson L
- Larsson L
- Latini G
- Law CM
- Lelievre-Pegorier M
- Lent V
- Lewis RM
- Li M
- Lindblad P
- Lisle SJ
- Liu PL
- Liu ZZ
- Lizardo-Daudt HM
- Lopes AA
- Louey S
- Lucas SR
- Lucas SR
- MacDonald MS
- Makipernaa A
- Manalich R
- Manning J
- Manning J
- Marsh AC
- Martins JP
- Mathillas O
- Mathillas O
- Matsell DG
- McCausland JE
- McLachlan MS
- McLaughlin JK
- McMullen S
- McMullen S
- Menini S
- Merlet-Benichou C
- Merlet-Benichou C
- Merlet-Benichou C
- Michiel Schreuder
- Mitchell EK
- Moberg E
- Mok KY
- Moore L
- Moore RA
- Moritz AR
- Moritz KM
- Muaku SM
- Mulroney SE
- Na YW
- Naeye RL
- Najarian JS
- Nakaya H
- Narkun-Burgess DM
- Neiss WF
- Nelson RG
- Nelson RG
- Neuringer JR
- Nigam SK
- Nilsson AB
- Nilsson AB
- Novick AC
- Nwagwu MO
- O'Donnell MP
- Ogata ES
- Okada T
- Okuda S
- Ortiz LA
- Ortiz LA
- Ozaki T
- Pabico RC
- Painter RC
- Patschan O
- Payne JA
- Payne JA
- Pham TD
- Pole RJ
- Poore KR
- Potter EL
- Pryde PG
- Regazzoni BM
- Rettig R
- Rettig R
- Rettig R
- Rettig R
- Ribeiro MO
- Ritacco G
- Riviere G
- Robinson D
- Robitaille P
- Rodriguez MM
- Rodriguez MM
- Rogers SA
- Roghair RD
- Rossing P
- Rugiu C
- Saeki T
- Sander S
- Sanders M
- Sanders MW
- Saran R
- Sato A
- Schmidt IM
- Schmidt K
- Schmitz A
- Schreuder MF
- Schreuder MF
- Schutz S
- Schwartz MM
- Sedman AB
- Sesso R
- Sherman RC
- Sheu JN
- Silver LE
- Skov K
- Sladek SM
- Smallegange C
- Smallegange C
- Smith S
- Sorenson CM
- Speller AM
- Spence SG
- Spencer J
- Spencer JL
- Stewart T
- Sundstrom J
- Talseth T
- Tannirandorn Y
- Thorner PS
- Tufro-McReddie A
- Vanpee M
- Vasarhelyi B
- Verhaeghe J
- Vickers MH
- Vidonho
- Vilar J
- Vimtrup BJ
- Vincenti F
- Wada J
- Weiner CP
- Weinstein T
- Westwood M
- Wijnberger LD
- Wikstad I
- Wikstad I
- Williams SJ
- Williams SJ
- Winberg J
- Wintour EM
- Winyard PJ
- Woodall SM
- Woods LL
- Woods LL
- Woods LL
- Woods LL
- Woods LL
- Woods LL
- Woods LL
- Woolf AS
- Wu JN
- Yoo KH
- Yosipiv IV
- Young RJ
- Yudkin JS
- Zeman FJ
- Zhang DY
- Zidar N
- Zidar N
- Zidar N
- Zimanyi MA
- Zimmermann H
- Zucchelli P
- Publication venue
- 'S. Karger AG'
- Publication date
- Field of study