3,220 research outputs found

    Dynamical Origin of Extrasolar Planet Eccentricity Distribution

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    We explore the possibility that the observed eccentricity distribution of extrasolar planets arose through planet-planet interactions, after the initial stage of planet formation was complete. Our results are based on ~3250 numerical integrations of ensembles of randomly constructed planetary systems, each lasting 100 Myr. We find that for a remarkably wide range of initial conditions the eccentricity distributions of dynamically active planetary systems relax towards a common final equilibrium distribution, well described by the fitting formula dn ~ e exp[-1/2 (e/0.3)^2] de. This distribution agrees well with the observed eccentricity distribution for e > 0.2, but predicts too few planets at lower eccentricities, even when we exclude planets subject to tidal circularization. These findings suggest that a period of large-scale dynamical instability has occurred in a significant fraction of newly formed planetary systems, lasting 1--2 orders of magnitude longer than the ~1 Myr interval in which gas-giant planets are assembled. This mechanism predicts no (or weak) correlations between semimajor axis, eccentricity, inclination, and mass in dynamically relaxed planetary systems. An additional observational consequence of dynamical relaxation is a significant population of planets (>10%) that are highly inclined (>25deg) with respect to the initial symmetry plane of the protoplanetary disk; this population may be detectable in transiting planets through the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect.Comment: Accepted to ApJ, conclusions updated to reflect the current observational constraint

    Formation of Hot Planets by a combination of planet scattering, tidal circularization, and Kozai mechanism

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    We have investigated the formation of close-in extrasolar giant planets through a coupling effect of mutual scattering, Kozai mechanism, and tidal circularization, by orbital integrations. We have carried out orbital integrations of three planets with Jupiter-mass, directly including the effect of tidal circularization. We have found that in about 30% runs close-in planets are formed, which is much higher than suggested by previous studies. We have found that Kozai mechanism by outer planets is responsible for the formation of close-in planets. During the three-planet orbital crossing, the Kozai excitation is repeated and the eccentricity is often increased secularly to values close enough to unity for tidal circularization to transform the inner planet to a close-in planet. Since a moderate eccentricity can remain for the close-in planet, this mechanism may account for the observed close-in planets with moderate eccentricities and without nearby secondary planets. Since these planets also remain a broad range of orbital inclinations (even retrograde ones), the contribution of this process would be clarified by more observations of Rossiter-McLaughlin effects for transiting planets.Comment: 15 pages, 16 figures, Accepted for publication in Ap

    The Prograde Orbit of Exoplanet TrES-2b

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    We monitored the Doppler shift of the G0V star TrES-2 throughout a transit of its giant planet. The anomalous Doppler shift due to stellar rotation (the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect) is discernible in the data, with a signal-to-noise ratio of 2.9, even though the star is a slow rotator. By modeling this effect we find that the planet's trajectory across the face of the star is tilted by -9 +/- 12 degrees relative to the projected stellar equator. With 98% confidence, the orbit is prograde.Comment: ApJ, in press [15 pages

    Analytic Description of the Rossiter-McLaughlin Effect for Transiting Exoplanets: Cross-Correlation Method and Comparison with Simulated Data

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    We obtain analytical expressions for the velocity anomaly due to the Rossiter- McLaughlin effect, for the case when the anomalous radial velocity is obtained by cross-correlation with a stellar template spectrum. In the limit of vanishing width of the stellar absorption lines, our result reduces to the formula derived by Ohta et al. (2005), which is based on the first moment of distorted stellar lines. Our new formula contains a term dependent on the stellar linewidth, which becomes important when rotational line broadening is appreciable. We generate mock transit spectra for four existing exoplanetary systems (HD17156, TrES-2, TrES- 4, and HD209458) following the procedure of Winn et al. (2005), and find that the new formula is in better agreement with the velocity anomaly extracted from the mock data. Thus, our result provides a more reliable analytical description of the velocity anomaly due to the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, and explains the previously observed dependence of the velocity anomaly on the stellar rotation velocity.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures, Astrophysical Journal in pres

    Sodium Absorption From the Exoplanetary Atmosphere of HD189733b Detected in the Optical Transmission Spectrum

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    We present the first ground-based detection of sodium absorption in the transmission spectrum of an extrasolar planet. Absorption due to the atmosphere of the extrasolar planet HD189733b is detected in both lines of the NaI doublet. High spectral resolution observations were taken of eleven transits with the High Resolution Spectrograph (HRS) on the 9.2 meter Hobby-Eberly Telescope (HET). The NaI absorption in the transmission spectrum due to HD189733b is (-67.2 +/- 20.7) x 10^-5 deeper in the ``narrow'' spectral band that encompasses both lines relative to adjacent bands. The 1-sigma error includes both random and systematic errors, and the detection is >3-sigma. This amount of relative absorption in NaI for HD189733b is ~3x larger than detected for HD209458b by Charbonneau et al. (2002), and indicates these two hot-Jupiters may have significantly different atmospheric properties.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures; Accepted for publication in ApJ Letter

    Spin-Orbit Alignment of the TrES-4 Transiting Planetary System and Possible Additional Radial Velocity Variation

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    We report new radial velocities of the TrES-4 transiting planetary system, including observations of a full transit, with the High Dispersion Spectrograph of the Subaru 8.2m telescope. Modeling of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect indicates that TrES-4b has closely aligned orbital and stellar spin axes, with λ=6.3∘±4.7∘\lambda = 6.3^{\circ} \pm 4.7^{\circ}. The close spin-orbit alignment angle of TrES-4b seems to argue against a migration history involving planet-planet scattering or Kozai cycles, although there are two nearby faint stars that could be binary companion candidates. Comparison of our out-of-transit data from 4 different runs suggest that the star exhibits radial velocity variability of ∼\sim20 ms^-1 in excess of a single Keplerian orbit. Although the cause of the excess radial velocity variability is unknown, we discuss various possibilities including systematic measurement errors, starspots or other intrinsic motions, and additional companions besides the transiting planet.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, 3 tables, PASJ in pres

    Measurements of Stellar Inclinations for Kepler Planet Candidates II: Candidate Spin-Orbit Misalignments in Single and Multiple-Transiting Systems

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    We present a test for spin-orbit alignment for the host stars of 25 candidate planetary systems detected by the {\it Kepler} spacecraft. The inclination angle of each star's rotation axis was estimated from its rotation period, rotational line broadening, and radius. The rotation periods were determined using the {\it Kepler} photometric time series. The rotational line broadening was determined from high-resolution optical spectra with Subaru/HDS. Those same spectra were used to determine the star's photospheric parameters (effective temperature, surface gravity, metallicity) which were then interpreted with stellar-evolutionary models to determine stellar radii. We combine the new sample with the 7 stars from our previous work on this subject, finding that the stars show a statistical tendency to have inclinations near 90∘^\circ, in alignment with the planetary orbits. Possible spin-orbit misalignments are seen in several systems, including three multiple-planet systems (KOI-304, 988, 2261). Ideally these systems should be scrutinized with complementary techniques---such as the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, starspot-crossing anomalies or asteroseismology---but the measurements will be difficult owing to the relatively faint apparent magnitudes and small transit signals in these systems.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Ap
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