39 research outputs found

    Effects of Multi-Trait Selection on Phenotypic and Genetic Changes in Japanese Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica)

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    The present study in Japanese quail was aimed to develop multi-trait genetic selection program for a meat type sire line utilizing the mixed-model methodology. In total, 2000 pedigreed quail were formed the basis of the research where a multi-trait animal model was performed. A flock consisting of a total of 160 families (1 male: 3 female) was developed from the initial flock (base population of sire line), so as to obtain a selection flock sire line. Body weight at 5 weeks of age was chosen as a primary selection criterion in flock. The age at point of inflection derived from Gompertz growth curve, feed conversion ratio between 3 to 5 weeks of age, and carcass yield at 5 week of age were determined as selection criteria. Multi-trait BLUP methodology was carried out for genetic improvement of birds. In flock, 25 percent of males and females with highest breeding value were selected to produce next generation. Genetic parameter estimates, realized genetic parameters, selection responses, and genetic trends were obtained. Significant (P< 0.01) selection responses for body weight, age at point of inflection, feed conversion ratio, and carcass yield traits on generations were observed. The results of the study revealed that the negative genetic relationships exhibited between some studied traits had overcame by modern poultry breeding methods such as selection via multi-trait BLUP.Akdeniz University Scientific Research Coordination Unit (Turkey)Akdeniz University [2011.03.0121.005]; Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [111O413]This research with the project number of 2011.03.0121.005 is part of the first author's PhD thesis, financially supported by Akdeniz University Scientific Research Coordination Unit (Turkey). We thank the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) for the financial support of this study with the project number of 111O413

    Effects of slaughter age and mass selection on slaughter and carcass characteristics in 2 lines of Japanese quail

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between slaughter age and slaughter-carcass characteristics in 2 quail lines. With this aim, a Japanese quail flock subjected to mass selection to increase BW for 4 generations and a control flock that randomly mated for 4 generations were used. Birds of both lines were slaughtered at 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 wk of age. Weights of carcass, breast, leg, wing, edible inner organs, and abdominal fat, and their percentages in BW were measured. Short-term mass selection for increased BW resulted in an increase for all slaughter and carcass traits, except edible inner organ percentage. Slaughter age had a significant effect on the studied traits, indicating that the BW and weight of carcass, carcass parts, abdominal fat, edible inner organs, and percentage of abdominal fat increased with increased slaughter age. Conversely, the carcass yield and percentages of carcass parts and edible inner organs were decreased with an increase in slaughter age. The present study showed that deterioration in carcass quality occurred with an increase in slaughter age. Furthermore, the differences between the carcass weights over the different ages ranged between 16.83 to 22.45% in favor of the selection line after a short-term mass selection.Akdeniz University Scientific Research Projects ManagementAkdeniz University [2005.02.0121.005]The research with the project number of 2005.02.0121.005 was supported by the Akdeniz University Scientific Research Projects Management

    Effects of Multi-Trait Selection on Phenotypic and Genetic Changes in a Meat Type Dam Line of Japanese Quail

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    Bu çalışmada, et tipi bıldırcın ana hattı geliştirmek için karışık model eşitliklerinden yararlanarak çok özellikli seleksiyon programı uygulamanın fenotipik ve genetik ilerlemelere etkisi incelenmiştir. Araştırmada pedigri kaydı bulunan yaklaşık 2.000 birey kullanılmış olup, bıldırcın türünde çok özellikli birey modeli ile seleksiyon Türkiyede ilk kez uygulanmıştır. Bir başlangıç sürüsünden (AHBS: ana hattı başlangıç sürüsü) şansa bağlı çiftleşmelerle 160 aileden oluşan (160 erkek - 480 dişi) ana hattı seleksiyon sürüsü (AHSS-1) elde edilmiştir. Sürüde ilk seleksiyon kriteri olarak 5 haftalık yaştaki canlı ağırlık (CA) seçilmiştir. Bunun yanında, ana hattında 20 haftalık yaşa kadar olan toplam yumurta verimi (YV), Gompertz büyüme eğrisinden tahmin edilen 5 haftalık yaştaki bağıl büyüme hızı (BBH) ve 10-11, 14-15 ve 17-18 haftalık yaşlarda toplanan yumurtalardan elde edilen döllülük oranı (DO) özellikleri seleksiyon kriterleri olarak kullanılmıştır. Çok özellikli BLUP değerleri elde edilmiş ve damızlık değerlerine göre en iyi %25 erkek ve dişi bıldırcın bir sonraki sürünün (AHSS-2) ebeveynleri olacak şekilde seçilmiştir. Seleksiyon sonrasında genetik parametre tahminleri, gerçekleşen genetik parametreler, seleksiyonla sağlanan genetik ilerlemeler ve genetik yönelimler elde edilmiştir. Kuşaklarda CA, BBH ve YV özellikleri bakımından istatistiksel olarak önemli genetik ilerlemeler sağlanmıştır. Çalışma sonuçları, negatif genetik ilişkili özelliklerin çok özellikli BLUP yöntemiyle seleksiyonda bir arada değerlendirilebileceğini ortaya koymuştur.The present study in Japanese quail was aimed to develop multi-trait genetic selection program for meat type dam line utilizing the mixed-model methodology. In total, 2000 pedigreed quail were formed the basis of the research where a multi-trait animal model was performed for the first time in a selection study of quail in Turkey. A flock consisting of a total of 160 families (160 male- 480 female) was developed from the initial flock (AHBS: initial flock of dam line), so as to obtain a selection flock dam line (AHSS-1). Body weight at 5 weeks of age (CA) was chosen as a primary selection criterion in flock. The total egg number (YV) from the day of first lay to the 20 weeks of age, relative growth rate (BBH) at 5 weeks of age derived from Gompertz equation, and fertility rate (DO) were used as selection criteria in AHSS. Multi-trait BLUP methodology was carried out for genetic improvement of birds. In flock, 25 percent of males and females with highest breeding value were selected to produce next generations (AHSS-2). Genetic parameter estimates, realized genetic parameters, selection responses, and genetic trends were obtained. Significant (P&lt;0.01) selection responses for CA, BBH and YV traits on generations were observed. The results of the study revealed that the negative genetic relationships exhibited between some studied traits had overcame by modern poultry breeding methods such as selection via multi-trait BLUP

    A data mining application in animal breeding: Determination of some factors in Japanese quail eggs affecting fertility

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, Japon bıldırcını yumurtalarının döllülük üzerine etkisi olan mevsim, seleksiyon ve yerleşim sıklığı faktörlerine göre veri madenciliği yöntemi ile sınıfandırılması ve bu faktörlerin etkisinin belirlenmesidir. Çalışmada seleksiyon yapılmış bir hattan ve rastgele çiftleştirilmiş bir kontrol hattından 3 farklı mevsimde (Yaz, Kış ve Sonbahar) elde edilen 180 dişi bıldırcın kullanılmıştır. İki farklı tip kafeste barındırılan (160-240 cm2/bıldırcın) bıldırcınlardan 12 haftalık yaşta bir hafta boyunca toplanan 1141 kuluçkalık yumurta çalışmanın materyalini oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada kullanılan sınıfandırma algoritmaları sırasıyla YSA, RBF Network, Naive Bayes, KStar, ve Ridor algoritmalarıdır. Söz konusu bu algoritmalara göre oluşturulan modellerin karşılaştırmasında Kappa istatistiği, Ortalama Mutlak Hata (OMH), Ortalama Hata Karekök (OHK), Göreli Mutlak Hata (GMH) ve Göreli Hata Karekök (GHK) performans kriterleri kullanılmıştır. Analizler sonucunda, yapılan karşılaştırmada performans kriter değerleri sırasıyla OMH: 0.002, OHK: 0.05, GMH: %1.07, GHK: %14.50 ve Kappa: 0.98 olan Ridor algoritmasına göre oluşturulan modelin en az hata ile sınıfandırma yaptığı görülmüştür. Yapılan bu çalışma ile %99.73 doğru sınıfandırma başarısı ile bıldırcın yumurtalarının genel olarak %85inin döllü, %15nin ise üreme kapasitelerinin düşük olduğu tespit edilmiştir.The purpose of this study, classification with data mining methods according to the factors of season, selection, and frequency of settlement which have an efect on fertility in Japanese quail eggs, and is to determine the efect of these factors. In this study, 180 female quails in three diferent seasons (summer, winter and autumn) which were obtained from a selection line and a control line were used. 1141 hatching eggs collected from quails which were hosted on two diferent types of cages (160-240 cm2/quail) during a week at 12 weeks of age have formed the material of study. Classification algorithms used in the study are YSA, RBF Network, Naive Bayes, KStar, and Ridor algorythms, respectively. In the comparison of the models formed according to these algorithms, Kappa statistic, Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD), Mean Square Root Error (MSE), Relative Absolute Error (RAE), Relative Square Root Error (RSE) performance criteria were used. As a result of analysis, it has been seen in the comparison made that the model formed according to Ridor algorithm that has MAD: 0.002, MSE: 0.05, RAE: 1.07%, RSE: 14.50% and Kappa: 0.98 performance criteria values, respectively, has made the classification with minimum error. With this study conducted, it was determined that 85% of the quail eggs fertile and 15% of them has low reproduction capacity with the accurate classification success of 99.73%

    Effects of monochromatic light stimuli during embryogenesis on some performance traits, behavior, and fear responses in Japanese quails

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    Lighting is crucial in poultry rearing and the subjects with light intensity, source, and color having been addressed in numerous studies. Numerous studies with monochromatic light from light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs have been reported. In the current study, fertile Japanese quail eggs were exposed to a dark environment (Control) or monochromatic green (560 nm) and blue (480 nm) lighting throughout incubation. There were no significant differences in hatch weight, hatchability, total embryonic mortality, hatch time, growth performance, and slaughter-carcass traits in the study (P > 0.05). Furthermore, the lowest mean in terms of early embryonic mortalities (12.37%) was determined in the group treated with green LED light-ing (P < 0.05), whereas it was discovered that the lowest mean in terms of late embryonic mortalities (13.59%) was in the group treated with blue LED lighting (P < 0.05). During the test time, the green LED group showed higher averages in terms of the number of peeps and first defecation time as response to environmental stimuli (P < 0.05). The highest mean for jumping (7.6 times) was detected in the group treated with blue LED lighting (P < 0.05). In conclusion, it was revealed that the blue and green LED lighting applied to the Japanese quail eggs in incubation had no effects on incubation traits, growth, and slaughter-carcass traits but had positive effects on some behavioral traits.Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK)Turkiye Bilimsel ve Teknolojik Arastirma Kurumu (TUBITAK) [2209-A]We thank the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) for the financial support of this study with Project No. 2209-A

    Effect of different slaughter weights, genotype and sex on sensory attributes of chicken breast meat

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    Bu çalışma; farklı kesim ağırlığı, genotip ve cinsiyet faktörlerinin etlik piliçlerde göğüs eti duyusal özellikleri üzerine etkilerini saptamayı hedeflemiştir. Yavaş- (YG) ve hızlı-gelişen (HG) etçi civcivler (Sasso ve Cobb-308) yer bölmelerinde (12 piliç/m2) beslenmiştir. Piliçler düşük, orta ve yüksek canlı ağırlıkta (1.5, 2 ve 2.5 kg) kesime sevk edilmişlerdir. Söz konusu ağırlıklara HG’ler 41., 53. ve 58.; YG’ler ise 62., 73. ve 82. günlerde ulaşmışlardır. Farklı kesim ağırlığındaki her iki genotipten 20’şer (10 erkek, 10 dişi) karkas lezzet paneli için rasgele seçilmiştir. Bunların sağ göğüs etleri derisiz olarak ayrılmış ve tüketici paneline dek -18ºC’de tutulmuştur. Toplam 120 adet göğüs eti çözdürülmüş ve iki taraflı pişirme özelliğine sahip ızgarada, alüminyum folyo arasında pişirilmiştir. Pişirilen örnekler 80 kişiden oluşan bir tüketici paneline sunulmuştur. Panelistler, örnekleri koku, yumuşaklık, tat ve genel beğeni bakımından 10 puan üzerinden (1=aşırı kötü, 10=mükemmel) değerlendirmişlerdir. Koku bakımından yüksek kesim ağırlığına sahip grup daha fazla beğenilmiştir (P<0.05). Kesim ağırlığı, etin yumuşaklığı ile genel beğeniyi de etkilemiştir (P<0.05), en düşük ortalamalar 1.5 kg’lık gruplarda saptanmıştır. Dişilerden elde edilen etler daha yumuşak bulunmuştur (P<0.01). Hem genotip, hem de kesim yaşı ile interaksiyonu; yumuşaklık, tat ve genel beğeniyi etkilemiştir (P<0.01); yüksek kesim ağırlığında YG’ler, düşük ve orta kesim ağırlığında HG’ler daha yüksek değerler göstermişlerdir.This study aimed to asses the impact of slaughter weights, genotype and sex on sensory attributes of breast meat. Slow- (SG) and fast-growing (FG) broilers (Sasso and Cobb-308) were raised indoor pens (12 chickens/m2). The birds were slaughtered at light, medium and heavy (1.5, 2 and 2.5 kg) body weight. Slaughter ages were 41, 53, or 58 days for FG and 62, 73, or 82 days for SG. Twenty carcasses (10 female, 10 male) were randomly selected for sensory evaluations from both genotypes in different slaughter weights. The right skinless breast fillets of them were manually dissected and stored at -18&ordm;C until consumer panel. A total 120 breast fillets were thawed and cooked between aluminum foil in two sided grill. Cooked samples were served to 80 consumer panelists. The panelists evaluated samples for odor, tenderness, taste and acceptance on ten-point scales (1=dislike extremely and 10=like extremely). It was observed that the heavy group was most preferred group according to odour scores (P&lt;0.05). Slaughter weight also affected tenderness and acceptability (P&lt;0.05), the lowest scores were obtained for light groups. It was found that meat comes from female was more tender compared to male (P&lt;0.01). Genotype and its interaction with slaughter weight had significant effects (P&lt;0.01) on tenderness, flavour and acceptability; SG in the heavy weight group, FG in the light and medium weight groups performed higher scores

    Growth curve analyses in poultry science

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    Growth is a key characteristic of animals and can be defined as any change in body size per time unit, and is influenced by genotype and environment. Mathematical functions called 'growth models' have been used to explain the growth patterns of poultry species. These semi-mechanistic growth models have a non-linear structure, sigmoid shape, and certain biologically meaningful parameters. In poultry science, Gompertz, Logistic, Richards and von Bertalanffy functions have been commonly used to model the growth patterns of birds. In this review, the studies concerned have been summarised under the titles 'determination of the best-fitting growth model', 'a comparison of the growth of poultry species or various experimental groups', and 'genetic parameter estimates for growth curve parameters'. This review discusses existing and new approaches to growth modelling

    The Effects of Thermal Manipulations During Embryogenesis of Broiler Chicks on Growth of Embryo and Skeletal Traits

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    International Conference on Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences (ICANAS) -- APR 21-23, 2016 -- Antalya, TURKEYIncubation temperature is one of the important environmental factors that can induce epigenetic thermal adaptation of different physiological control systems. Thus, post hatch thermo tolerance ability of birds may be gained using these manipulations during different incubation periods. The current study was carried out to reveal the effects of temperature manipulations during early and late embryogenesis on weight of embryo and size of skeletal bilateral traits (face, wings, metatarsus, tibia, and femur) in broiler chicken embryos. One thousand commercial broiler eggs from 46 week old breeder flock were used in study. Treatments consisted of eggs incubated at 37.8 degrees C and 55% relative humidity throughout (control; DG1), heated to 36.9 degrees C and supplied 60% relative humidity for 6 hours daily from day 0 to 8 (DG2), heated to 36.9 degrees C and supplied 60% relative humidity for 6 hours daily from day 10 to 18 (DG3), heated to 41 degrees C and supplied 65% relative humidity for 3 hours daily from day 8 to 10 (DG4), and heated to 41 degrees C and supplied 65% relative humidity for 3 hours daily from day 16 to 18 (DG5). Measurements of embryo weight and bilateral traits were obtained at 20 day of incubation and at hatch (at day 21). It was determined that the live weights of embryo and chick were affected significantly by treatment; DG3 group has shown higher mean values than the other treatment groups (P<0.05). There were differences in lengths of femur, tibia and metatarsus among treatment groups at hatch. Particularly, the high incubator temperatures at the second half of incubation accelerated growth of body and bone in embryos. These consequences of the treatments performed at different temperatures and times indicate that the different metabolic shifts realized by the embryos

    A non parametric data transformation technique for quantitative genetic analyses: The rank transformation

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    2nd International Conference on Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences (ICANAS) -- APR 18-21, 2017 -- Antalya, TURKEYThe aim of this study was to determine the effects of rank transformation on estimations of genetic parameters for non-normally distributed four simulated variables. X-1, X-2, X-3, X-4 have means and variances of 10, and the variables originated from Laplace distribution, Poisson distribution, Uniform distribution, Weibull distribution, respectively. After rank transformation, these values are 0 and 1 for each variable, respectively. Except the Poisson distribution all variables has been transformed into Gaussian distribution by rank transformation. It was determined that genetic information loss did not occur in any of the variables with normally distributed by rank transformation. It is possible to say that rank transformation can be used safely in quantitative genetic analyzes with regard to research results.Agri Ibrahim Cecen Univ, IC Fd