37 research outputs found

    Sluggish and Brisk Ganglion Cells Detect Contrast With Similar Sensitivity

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    Developmental expression of synaptophysin, synapsin I and syntaxin in the rat retina

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    Expression of synaptophysin, synapsin I and syntaxin was studied immunocytochemically in the developing rat retina using indirect immunoperoxidase technique. In the inner plexiform layer (IPL), syntaxin immunoreactivity appeared at postnatal day 1 (P1) whereas synaptophysin and synapsin I staining were first observed at P2. In the outer plexiform layer (OPL), synaptophysin appeared at P4, while synapsin I and syntaxin appeared at P8. In the case of synaptophysin, a punctate pattern of staining was observed from the time of its appearance (P4) in the OPL and from P12 onwards in the IPL. Synapsin I and syntaxin immunoreactivity in the OPL were of a low intensity throughout the development and in the adult stage. These findings are discussed in relation to synaptogenesis in the rat retina

    Intravitreal Injection of Fluorochrome-Conjugated Peanut Agglutinin Results in Specific and Reversible Labeling of Mammalian Cones In Vivo

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    PURPOSE. To investigate whether intravitreally injected peanut agglutinin (PNA) conjugated with a fluorochrome can specifically label retinal cones in vivo and to evaluate its clinical potential. METHODS. Fluorescein-or rhodamine-conjugated PNA (0.005%-0.5%) was intravitreally injected into anesthetized mouse, guinea pig, or monkey and retinas were removed at various intervals for fluorescence microscopy. Immunofluorescence and TUNEL assay were carried out to investigate whether PNA injection adversely affected other retinal neurons. Gross visual function was studied in a visual cliff test. The retina of an N-methyl, N-nitrosourea (MNU)-induced mouse model of retinal degeneration was stained with PNA to evaluate how spatiotemporal pattern of the staining would reflect the progression of degeneration. RESULTS. Intravitreally injected PNA resulted in specific labeling of cone outer and inner segments and cone pedicles within 30 minutes over the entire retina and in all tested species. The labeling was reversible; cones did not show any labeling 3 weeks after the injection but could be restained with PNA. TUNEL signal and expression pattern of several retinal proteins in PNA-injected mouse retina were indistinguishable from normal. Similarly, visual behavior of mouse 10 hours after the injection was normal. The pattern of PNA labeling in mice with MNU-induced retinal degeneration showed progressive disappearance of cones from the center to the periphery. CONCLUSIONS. Intravitreal injection of fluorochrome-conjugated PNA results in specific and reversible labeling of mammalian cones in vivo without causing any gross adverse effects. This novel method may eventually provide a clinical tool to examine diseased retina. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci

    Loss of photoreceptors results in upregulation of synaptic proteins in bipolar cells and amacrine cells.

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    Deafferentation is known to cause significant changes in the postsynaptic neurons in the central nervous system. Loss of photoreceptors, for instance, results in remarkable morphological and physiological changes in bipolar cells and horizontal cells. Retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), which send visual information to the brain, are relatively preserved, but show aberrant firing patterns, including spontaneous bursts of spikes in the absence of photoreceptors. To understand how loss of photoreceptors affects the circuitry presynaptic to the ganglion cells, we measured specific synaptic proteins in two mouse models of retinal degeneration. We found that despite the nearly total loss of photoreceptors, the synaptophysin protein and mRNA levels in retina were largely unaltered. Interestingly, the levels of synaptophysin in the inner plexiform layer (IPL) were higher, implying that photoreceptor loss results in increased synaptophysin in bipolar and/or amacrine cells. The levels of SV2B, a synaptic protein expressed by photoreceptors and bipolar cells, were reduced in whole retina, but increased in the IPL of rd1 mouse. Similarly, the levels of syntaxin-I and synapsin-I, synaptic proteins expressed selectively by amacrine cells, were higher after loss of photoreceptors. The upregulation of syntaxin-I was evident as early as one day after the onset of photoreceptor loss, suggesting that it did not require any massive or structural remodeling, and therefore is possibly reversible. Together, these data show that loss of photoreceptors results in increased synaptic protein levels in bipolar and amacrine cells. Combined with previous reports of increased excitatory and inhibitory synaptic currents in RGCs, these results provide clues to understand the mechanism underlying the aberrant spiking in RGCs

    Differential alterations in the expression of neurotransmitter receptors in inner retina following loss of photoreceptors in rd1 mouse.

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    Loss of photoreceptors leads to significant remodeling in inner retina of rd1 mouse, a widely used model of retinal degeneration. Several morphological and physiological alterations occur in the second- and third-order retinal neurons. Synaptic activity in the excitatory bipolar cells and the predominantly inhibitory amacrine cells is enhanced. Retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) exhibit hyperactivity and aberrant spiking pattern, which adversely affects the quality of signals they can carry to the brain. To further understand the pathophysiology of retinal degeneration, and how it may lead to aberrant spiking in RGCs, we asked how loss of photoreceptors affects some of the neurotransmitter receptors in rd1 mouse. Using Western blotting, we measured the levels of several neurotransmitter receptors in adult rd1 mouse retina. We found significantly higher levels of AMPA, glycine and GABAa receptors, but lower levels of GABAc receptors in rd1 mouse than in wild-type. Since GABAa receptor is expressed in several retinal layers, we employed quantitative immunohistochemistry to measure GABAa receptor levels in specific retinal layers. We found that the levels of GABAa receptors in inner plexiform layer of wild-type and rd1 mice were similar, whereas those in outer plexiform layer and inner nuclear layer combined were higher in rd1 mouse. Specifically, we found that the number of GABAa-immunoreactive somas in the inner nuclear layer of rd1 mouse retina was significantly higher than in wild-type. These findings provide further insights into neurochemical remodeling in the inner retina of rd1 mouse, and how it might lead to oscillatory activity in RGCs

    Contrast Threshold of a Brisk-Transient Ganglion Cell In Vitro

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    Retinal Remodeling: Concerns, Emerging Remedies, and Future Prospects

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    Deafferentation results not only in sensory loss, but also in a variety of alterations in the postsynaptic circuitry. These alterations may have detrimental impact on potential treatment strategies. Progressive loss of photoreceptors in retinal degenerative diseases, such as retinitis pigmentosa and age-related macular degeneration, leads to several changes in the remnant retinal circuitry. Müller glial cells undergo hypertrophy and form a glial seal. The second- and third-order retinal neurons undergo morphological, biochemical and physiological alterations. A result of these alterations is that retinal ganglion cells (RGCs), the output neurons of the retina, become hyperactive and exhibit spontaneous, oscillatory bursts of spikes. This aberrant electrical activity degrades the signal-to-noise ratio in RGC responses, and thus the quality of information they transmit to the brain. These changes in the remnant retina, collectively termed retinal remodeling, pose challenges for genetic, cellular and bionic approaches to restore vision. It is therefore crucial to understand the nature of retinal remodeling, how it affects the ability of remnant retina to respond to novel therapeutic strategies, and how to ameliorate its effects. In this article, we discuss these topics, and suggest that the pathological state of the retinal output following photoreceptor loss is reversible, and therefore, amenable to restorative strategies