228 research outputs found

    Precise Atomic Structures of two Important Molecules in Biochemistry:

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    This work celebrates the “International Year of Chemistry – 2011”, by providing “for the first time”, the structures at the atomic level of two important molecules, namely, ascorbic acid and aspirin. Ascorbic acid, also known as vitamin C, was discovered as a cure for scurvy which claimed many human lives and hence got its name. It is also supposed to be an antioxidant and to prevent flu. Aspirin is synthesized from salicylic acid and is widely used as a remedy for flu and has other medical uses such as saving the lives of cardiac patients as an anticoagulant of blood. The biochemistry and chemistry of both these compounds have been evolving for nearly a century ever since their discoveries. Here, the atomic structures of these compounds have been presented where the known lengths of the various chemical bonds are exact sums of the appropriate radii of the adjacent atoms

    Precise Atomic Structures of Three Novel Nanomaterials in Nanotechnology, Biomedicine and Cosmology: Graphene, Boron Nitride and Coronene

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    Nanomaterials are currently of great importance in science, technology and commercial applications. Since these materials are atomic layer thick and are a few square nanometers of area, a knowledge of their precise atomic structures will help in the exact understanding of the properties at the nanoscale and in the fabrication and design of the nanomaterials for their many uses. Their known inter-atomic distances have been used here to obtain the exact atomic radii of the component atoms and thereby their precise atomic structures, for the first time. Considered here are three nanomaterials with hexagonal structures, but of quite different properties, namely, graphene (an electrical conductor), boron nitride (an insulator) and coronene (indicators of life in the Universe)

    Fundamental studies of hydrogen chemisorption on supported monometallic and bimetallic catalysts using microcalorimetry

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    Hydrogen serves as a reactant in many important commercial processes catalyzed by supported transition metals. However, little is known about the fundamental interactions of hydrogen with these complex catalyst systems. Hence, the objective of this thesis was to investigate the energetics of hydrogen chemisorption on supported monometallic and bimetallic catalysts using microcalorimetry. Differential heats of hydrogen adsorption on silica supported Ru, Rh, Pt, Ru-Ag, Ru-Cu, K/Ru/SiO{dollar}\sb2{dollar} were investigated.;A home-built Tian-Calvet microcalorimeter was designed, built and used to determine the dependence of differential heats of adsorption on the ratio of hydrogen to surface metal. Comparison of initial heats of adsorption on various catalysts provided information on phenomena, such as electronic effects, which might occur in bimetallic and promoted catalysts. Differential heats of adsorption and amounts of hydrogen adsorbed were determined as a function of pressure and coverage. The ability to probe the energetics of adsorption at high pressures was specifically developed in this work. At high pressures weak hydrogen becomes available and this plays an important role in catalytic reactions. However, little is known about the nature of this weak hydrogen. The microcalorimetric results were complemented with hydrogen mobility information obtained via {dollar}\sp1{dollar}H NMR.;The energetics of hydrogen adsorption on silica supported Ru, Rh and Pt was investigated. The Ru-Cu and Ru-Ag model systems were also investigated with emphasis on probing the energetics of adsorption at high pressure. The influence of K promoter on the chemisorption and kinetics of hydrogen adsorption on Ru/SiO{dollar}\sb2{dollar} were also studied. It is proposed that the chemisorption behavior and the energetics of hydrogen adsorption on supported systems at high pressures cannot be obtained through a simple extrapolation of results obtained from surface science studies on single crystals at low pressures

    A genotyping protocol for multiple tissue types from the polyploid tree species Sequoia sempervirens (Cupressaceae).

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    Premise of the studyIdentifying clonal lineages in asexually reproducing plants using microsatellite markers is complicated by the possibility of nonidentical genotypes from the same clonal lineage due to somatic mutations, null alleles, and scoring errors. We developed and tested a clonal identification protocol that is robust to these issues for the asexually reproducing hexaploid tree species coast redwood (Sequoia sempervirens).MethodsMicrosatellite data from four previously published and two newly developed primers were scored using a modified protocol, and clones were identified using Bruvo genetic distances. The effectiveness of this clonal identification protocol was assessed using simulations and by genotyping a test set of paired samples of different tissue types from the same trees.ResultsData from simulations showed that our protocol allowed us to accurately identify clonal lineages. Multiple test samples from the same trees were identified correctly, although certain tissue type pairs had larger genetic distances on average.DiscussionThe methods described in this paper will allow for the accurate identification of coast redwood clones, facilitating future studies of the reproductive ecology of this species. The techniques used in this paper can be applied to studies of other clonal organisms as well

    Characterizing Subpixel Variability of Low Resolution Radiometer Derived Soil Moisture Using High Resolution Radar Data

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    Soil moisture estimates obtained using passive remote sensing from satellite platforms often suffer from the drawback of coarse spatial resolution. In this current work, low resolution soil moisture estimates from passive remote sensing are fused with high resolution radar backscatter data to produce soil moisture change estimates at the spatial resolution of radar. More specifically, soil moisture estimated from AMSR-E and TMI (separate cases) for a single 50 km × 50 km pixel has been fused with TRMM-PR backscatter data at 5 km resolution to produce soil moisture change estimates at 5 km resolution. A brief sensitivity analysis has been presented as a baseline study for soil moisture sensitivity of TRMM-PR backscatter. Soil moisture change estimates have been computed using a simple methodology and validated using in situ measurements from the Little Washita Micronet. It is seen that fusing radar data with radiometer soil moisture estimates leads to a better representation of the soil moisture variability within the radiometer pixel as compared to the baseline (radiometer estimate only) case where uniform subpixel distribution of soil moisture is assumed. The TMI/PR case performs better than the AMSR-E/PR case indicating the need for temporally coincident radar radiometer observations for producing high resolution soil moisture change estimates

    On the stability of a four species: a prey-predator-host- commensal-competition-syn eco-system-I (fully washed out state)

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    This paper deals with an investigation on a four Species Syn-Ecological System (Fully Washed out State). The System comprises of a prey (S1) , a predator (S2) that survives upon S1, two hosts S3 and S4  for which S1, S2 are commensal respectively i.e., S3 and S4 benefit S1 and S2 respectively, without getting effected either positively or adversely. Further S3 and S4 are competitors. The model equations of the system constitute a set of four first order non-linear ordinary differential coupled equations. In all, there are sixteen equilibrium points. Criteria for the asymptotic stability of one of the sixteen equilibrium points: the fully washed out state is established. The system would be stable if all the characteristic roots are negative, in case they are real, and have negative real parts, in case they are complex. The linearised equations for the perturbations over the equilibrium point are analyzed to establish the criteria for stability and the trajectories illustrated

    Possíveis direções para aumentar a eficiência do sistema de saúde por meio do desenvolvimento de software

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    In the modern world, software is practically inevitable and present everywhere. Today, software represents the key to the success of most computer systems and at the same time the differentiation factor of the organizations that own it. Software has become an essential component in healthcare decision-making and the basis of scientific research and healthcare problem solving. The development of microprocessors enabled the widespread infiltration of computers into biomedical instruments for measuring, monitoring and displaying a number of parameters in physiology, clinic, radiology, nuclear medicine, laboratories and others. Digital communication techniques have enabled the networking of computers and the exchange of large amounts of information needed by expert systems to improve the quality of decision-making.En el mundo moderno, el software es prácticamente inevitable y está presente en todas partes. Hoy en día, el software representa la clave del éxito de la mayoría de los sistemas informáticos y al mismo tiempo el factor diferenciador de las organizaciones que lo poseen. El software se ha convertido en un componente esencial en la toma de decisiones de atención médica y en la base de la investigación científica y la resolución de problemas de atención médica. El desarrollo de microprocesadores permitió la infiltración generalizada de computadoras en instrumentos biomédicos para medir, monitorear y mostrar una variedad de parámetros en fisiología, clínica, radiología, medicina nuclear, laboratorios y más. Las técnicas de comunicación digital permitieron la interconexión de computadoras y el intercambio de grandes cantidades de información necesaria para que los sistemas expertos mejoren la calidad de la toma de decisiones.No mundo moderno, o software é praticamente inevitável e está presente em todos os lugares. Hoje, o software representa a chave do sucesso da maioria dos sistemas informáticos e ao mesmo tempo o fator de diferenciação das organizações que o detêm. O software tornou-se um componente essencial na tomada de decisões em saúde e a base da pesquisa científica e resolução de problemas de saúde. O desenvolvimento de microprocessadores permitiu a infiltração generalizada de computadores em instrumentos biomédicos para medir, monitorar e exibir uma série de parâmetros em fisiologia, clínica, radiologia, medicina nuclear, laboratórios e outros. As técnicas de comunicação digital possibilitaram a interligação de computadores e a troca de grandes quantidades de informações necessárias aos sistemas especialistas para melhorar a qualidade da tomada de decisão

    The New Generalized Difference of χ2 over p- metric spaces defined by Musielak Orlicz function

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    We introduce newsequence spaces by using Musielak-Orlicz function and a generalized Bµ η -difference operator on p−metric space. Some topological properties are studied

    Riesz Triple Fuzzy Ideal of Almost Lacunary Cesàro C111 statistical convergence of χ 3 defined by a Musielak Orlicz function

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    In this paper we introduce a new concept for Riesz Fuzzy ideal of almost lacunary Ces´aro statistical convergence of χ 3 sequence spaces strong P− convergent to zero with respect to an Orlicz function and examine some properties of the resulting sequence spaces. We also introduce and study statistical convergence of Riesz Fuzzy ideal of almost lacunary Ces´aro of χ 3 sequence spaces and also some inclusion theorems are discussed
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