49 research outputs found
Corrosion in Titanium dental implants – a review
Titanium (Ti) is the most widely used biomaterial for dental implants as it exhibits excellent mechanical properties and biocompatibility. The biocompatibility of titanium is related to thin, protective surface titanium dioxide (TiO2) layer, which forms a boundary at the implant-biological medium interface, reducing its reactivity with the surrounding biological environment and prevents corrosion. However, the metallic materials used as implants are susceptible to corrosion due to variations in the internal electrolyte environment. The surface oxide layer can be destroyed during insertion of implant or micro-motion between implant and bone under loading conditions. The localized destruction causes corrosion of the implant and induces leak of metallic particles or ions into surrounding tissues. The presence of metallic particles in peri-implant soft and hard tissues may be due to frictional wear or corrosion, or simultaneous occurrence wear and corrosion which is known as tribocorrosion. The released metal ions may remain in the intercellular spaces near the site where they were released or may be taken up by macrophages, or they can migrate systemically. This review article highlights various aspects of corrosion, biological response to corrosion products and prevention of corrosion of titanium dental implants
Global, regional, and national incidence of six major immune-mediated inflammatory diseases: findings from the global burden of disease study 2019
BACKGROUND: The causes for immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs) are diverse and the incidence trends of IMIDs from specific causes are rarely studied. The study aims to investigate the pattern and trend of IMIDs from 1990 to 2019. METHODS: We collected detailed information on six major causes of IMIDs, including asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis, between 1990 and 2019, derived from the Global Burden of Disease study in 2019. The average annual percent change (AAPC) in number of incidents and age standardized incidence rate (ASR) on IMIDs, by sex, age, region, and causes, were calculated to quantify the temporal trends. FINDINGS: In 2019, rheumatoid arthritis, atopic dermatitis, asthma, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease accounted 1.59%, 36.17%, 54.71%, 0.09%, 6.84%, 0.60% of overall new IMIDs cases, respectively. The ASR of IMIDs showed substantial regional and global variation with the highest in High SDI region, High-income North America, and United States of America. Throughout human lifespan, the age distribution of incident cases from six IMIDs was quite different. Globally, incident cases of IMIDs increased with an AAPC of 0.68 and the ASR decreased with an AAPC of −0.34 from 1990 to 2019. The incident cases increased across six IMIDs, the ASR of rheumatoid arthritis increased (0.21, 95% CI 0.18, 0.25), while the ASR of asthma (AAPC = −0.41), inflammatory bowel disease (AAPC = −0.72), multiple sclerosis (AAPC = −0.26), psoriasis (AAPC = −0.77), and atopic dermatitis (AAPC = −0.15) decreased. The ASR of overall and six individual IMID increased with SDI at regional and global level. Countries with higher ASR in 1990 experienced a more rapid decrease in ASR. INTERPRETATION: The incidence patterns of IMIDs varied considerably across the world. Innovative prevention and integrative management strategy are urgently needed to mitigate the increasing ASR of rheumatoid arthritis and upsurging new cases of other five IMIDs, respectively. FUNDING: The Global Burden of Disease Study is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. The project funded by Scientific Research Fund of Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences & Sichuan Provincial People's Hospital (2022QN38)
Caratterizzazione di alcuni siti della rete accelerometrica nazionale al fine di individuare la risposta sismica locale
Le indagini geotecniche finalizzate alla stima della risposta sismica locale si limitano molto spesso ai primi 30 m di profondità, valore che è diventato uno standard per la classificazione delle caratteristiche di un sito. Negli anni ’90 Borcherdt (1994) e Martin e Dobry (1994) suggerirono 30 m come la profondità standard di indagine per la verifica delle strutture. Boore et al. (1993, 1994, 1997) e Boore e Joyner (1997) basarono le regressioni per il calcolo delle leggi predittive del moto del suolo sullo stesso parametro. Nel 1997 negli Stati Uniti il National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) nella stesura delle norme tecniche per le costruzioni in zona sismica (FEMA, 1997) utilizza per la prima volta il parametro Vs30 come indice per la classificazione dei suoli, con lo scopo di definirne l’amplificazione. Le norme tecniche per le costruzioni in zona sismica della comunità Europea, EC8 (ENV, 1998)
ente da dati provenienti dagli Stati Uniti
occidentali e, utilizzando dati provenienti dalla stessa regione, Wald & Mori (2000) segnalano
che le VS,30 non sono molto ben correlate con l’entità dell’amplificazione, in quanto esiste una
forte dispersione dei dati. La figura 1.1 mostra il rapporto tra le amplificazioni, mediate
sull’intervallo di frequenza compreso tra 3-5 Hz.
raccomandano lo stesso parametro per suddividere i terreni, anche se le classi differiscono in parte dalla classificazione NEHRP. Infine, anche in Italia, le Norme Tecniche per le Costruzioni (Normative Tecniche per le Costruzioni, Gazzetta Ufficiale del 14/01/2008) adottano la stessa suddivisione dei terreni adottata dall’EC8.L’attendibilità della velocità delle onde di taglio nei primi 30 m (VS,30) come estimatore della risposta sismica di un sito, in termini di frequenza e amplificazione, è tuttavia molto discussa.Innanzitutto il parametro è stato ricavato unicamente da dati provenienti dagli Stati Uniti occidentali e, utilizzando dati provenienti dalla stessa regione, Wald & Mori (2000) segnalano che le Vs30 non sono molto ben correlate con l’entità dell’amplificazione, in quanto esiste una forte dispersione dei dati. La figura 1.1 mostra il rapporto tra le amplificazioni, mediate sull’intervallo di frequenza compreso tra 3-5 Hz. I valori risultano effettivamente molto dispersi, ma questo risultato può essere spiegato col fatto che non tutte le classi di sito hanno frequenza di risonanza compreso in questo intervallo di frequenza. Perciò per alcuni siti la media è stata calcolata nell’intorno della frequenza di risonanza (sulle amplificazioni massime), mentre per altri è stata calcolata sulle armoniche superiori, che hanno ampiezze minori.
Lavori eseguiti con dati provenienti da altre regioni sottolineano come le Vs30 non siano buoni estimatori per la predizione di amplificazioni in bacini profondi (Park & Hashash, 2004), per la stima delle amplificazioni in altre regioni (Stewart et al., 2003) o in presenza di inversioni di velocità (Di Giacomo et al., 2005). Uno studio recente, eseguito su dati giapponesi (Zhao et al., 2006) si è evitato l’uso della Vs30 perché strati spessi di terreno rigido posti sopra il substrato roccioso amplificano il moto di lungo periodo, mentre gli strati sottili e soffici tendono ad amplificare il moto di corto periodo: ciò significa che la VS,30 non può rappresentare il periodo predominante del sito, dato che si basa solo sugli strati superficiali. Secondo Mucciarelli e Gallipoli (2006) il confronto tra l’amplificazione sismica al sito e la Vs30 mostra che quest’ultimo parametro non è adeguato per spiegare gli effetti di sito osservati in Italia a causa delle situazioni geologiche particolari che sono diffuse nel nostro paese. La figura 1.2 mostra la distribuzione dell’ampiezza rispetto alla classe di sito, in cui si vede che le classi sono mal discriminate e le mediane delle classi A e B (indicate dalla linea nera) sono uguali.
È però necessario notare che questo grafico è stato costruito utilizzando le ampiezze ricavate col metodo dei rapporti spettrali H/V, ma in letteratura (Bard, 1999) è dimostrato che tali rapporti spettrali permettono di stimare la frequenza di risonanza, ma falliscono nella stima del valore di amplificazione.
In particolare la Vs30 sottostima gli effetti locali ai siti con inversione di velocità e li sovrastima in siti con bacini profondi. La Vs30 sembra fornire dei buoni risultati solo in siti che abbiano un profilo di velocità monotono, crescente con la profondità e un forte contrasto di impedenza nella prima decina di metri.
Questo studio si propone di verificare l’attendibilità della velocità delle onde di taglio valutate nei primi 30 m come estimatore della risposta sismica di un sito.
Per questo scopo sono state selezionate 45 stazioni della Rete Accelerometrica Nazionale, di cui si conoscono i profili stratigrafici e i profili di velocità delle onde di taglio e di compressione. Inoltre sono state raccolte le registrazioni strong motion relative ai terremoti registrati da queste stazioni. Gli effetti di sito sono stati valutati in due modi:
· Le registrazioni sono state utilizzate per calcolare i rapporti spettrali H/V per ricavare la frequenza fondamentale propria di ciascun sito (f0) e il relativo valore di amplificazione;
· I profili di velocità delle onde di taglio sono serviti per ricavare il modello teorico monodimensionale per il calcolo della funzione di trasferimento del sito, eseguito per mezzo del modello proposto da Haskell e Thomson (Haskell, 1953, Thomson 1950), da cui ricavare la f0 e l’amplificazione.
I valori ottenuti con i due metodi sono stati poi confrontati per verificare la congruenza dei risultati.
I profili di velocità hanno permesso di classificare le stazioni utilizzando la velocità media delle onde di taglio nei primi 30 m (Vs30), secondo la normativa italiana. I risultati ottenuti dalla valutazione della risposta di ciascun sito, espressi in termini di frequenza fondamentale e amplificazione, sono stati correlati con la rispettiva classe di sito per verificare l’attendibilità del parametro delle Vs30 come estimatore degli effetti di sito
Global burden of cardiovascular diseases and risk factors, 1990–2019: update from the GBD 2019 study
Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs), principally ischemic heart disease (IHD) and stroke, are the leading cause of global mortality and a major contributor to disability. This paper reviews the magnitude of total CVD burden, including 13 underlying causes of cardiovascular death and 9 related risk factors, using estimates from the Global Burden of Disease (GBD) Study 2019. GBD, an ongoing multinational collaboration to provide comparable and consistent estimates of population health over time, used all available population-level data sources on incidence, prevalence, case fatality, mortality, and health risks to produce estimates for 204 countries and territories from 1990 to 2019.
Prevalent cases of total CVD nearly doubled from 271 million (95% uncertainty interval [UI]: 257 to 285 million) in 1990 to 523 million (95% UI: 497 to 550 million) in 2019, and the number of CVD deaths steadily increased from 12.1 million (95% UI:11.4 to 12.6 million) in 1990, reaching 18.6 million (95% UI: 17.1 to 19.7 million) in 2019. The global trends for disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) and years of life lost also increased significantly, and years lived with disability doubled from 17.7 million (95% UI: 12.9 to 22.5 million) to 34.4 million (95% UI:24.9 to 43.6 million) over that period. The total number of DALYs due to IHD has risen steadily since 1990, reaching 182 million (95% UI: 170 to 194 million) DALYs, 9.14 million (95% UI: 8.40 to 9.74 million) deaths in the year 2019, and 197 million (95% UI: 178 to 220 million) prevalent cases of IHD in 2019. The total number of DALYs due to stroke has risen steadily since 1990, reaching 143 million (95% UI: 133 to 153 million) DALYs, 6.55 million (95% UI: 6.00 to 7.02 million) deaths in the year 2019, and 101 million (95% UI: 93.2 to 111 million) prevalent cases of stroke in 2019.
Cardiovascular diseases remain the leading cause of disease burden in the world. CVD burden continues its decades-long rise for almost all countries outside high-income countries, and alarmingly, the age-standardized rate of CVD has begun to rise in some locations where it was previously declining in high-income countries. There is an urgent need to focus on implementing existing cost-effective policies and interventions if the world is to meet the targets for Sustainable Development Goal 3 and achieve a 30% reduction in premature mortality due to noncommunicable diseases
Global, regional, and national incidence of six major immune-mediated inflammatory diseases : findings from the global burden of disease study 2019
DATA SHARING STATEMENT : Data used for the analyses are publicly available from the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation (http://www.healthdata.org/; http:// ghdx.healthdata.org/gbd-results-tool).BACKGROUND : The causes for immune-mediated inflammatory diseases (IMIDs) are diverse and the incidence trends of IMIDs from specific causes are rarely studied. The study aims to investigate the pattern and trend of IMIDs from 1990 to 2019. METHODS : We collected detailed information on six major causes of IMIDs, including asthma, inflammatory bowel disease, multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, and atopic dermatitis, between 1990 and 2019, derived from the Global Burden of Disease study in 2019. The average annual percent change (AAPC) in number of incidents and age standardized incidence rate (ASR) on IMIDs, by sex, age, region, and causes, were calculated to quantify the temporal trends. FINDINGS : In 2019, rheumatoid arthritis, atopic dermatitis, asthma, multiple sclerosis, psoriasis, inflammatory bowel disease accounted 1.59%, 36.17%, 54.71%, 0.09%, 6.84%, 0.60% of overall new IMIDs cases, respectively. The ASR of IMIDs showed substantial regional and global variation with the highest in High SDI region, High-income North America, and United States of America. Throughout human lifespan, the age distribution of incident cases from six IMIDs was quite different. Globally, incident cases of IMIDs increased with an AAPC of 0.68 and the ASR decreased with an AAPC of −0.34 from 1990 to 2019. The incident cases increased across six IMIDs, the ASR of rheumatoid arthritis increased (0.21, 95% CI 0.18, 0.25), while the ASR of asthma (AAPC = −0.41), inflammatory bowel disease (AAPC = −0.72), multiple sclerosis (AAPC = −0.26), psoriasis (AAPC = −0.77), and atopic dermatitis (AAPC = −0.15) decreased. The ASR of overall and six individual IMID increased with SDI at regional and global level. Countries with higher ASR in 1990 experienced a more rapid decrease in ASR. INTERPRETATION : The incidence patterns of IMIDs varied considerably across the world. Innovative prevention and integrative management strategy are urgently needed to mitigate the increasing ASR of rheumatoid arthritis and upsurging new cases of other five IMIDs, respectively.The Global Burden of Disease Study is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Support from Scientific Research Fund of Sichuan Academy of Medical Sciences & Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital; Shaqra University; the School of Pharmacy, University of Botswana; the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR); an Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Investigator Fellowship; the Italian Center of Precision Medicine and Chronic Inflammation in Milan; the Department of Environmental Health Engineering of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran; National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), Australia; Jazan University, Saudi Arabia; the Clinician Scientist Program of the Clinician Scientist Academy (UMEA) of the University Hospital Essen; AIMST University, Malaysia; the Department of Community Medicine, Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, India; a Kornhauser Research Fellowship at The University of Sydney; the National Research, Development and Innovation Office Hungary; Taipei Medical University; CREATE Hope Scientific Fellowship from Lung Foundation Australia; the National Institute for Health and Care Research Manchester Biomedical Research Centre and an NIHR Clinical Lectureship in Respiratory Medicine; Kasturba Medical College, Mangalore and Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal; Author Gate Publications; the Cleveland Clinic Foundation and Nassau University Medical center; the Italian Ministry of Health (RRC); King Abdulaziz University (DSR), Jeddah, and King Abdulaziz City for Science & Technology (KACSAT), Saudi Arabia, Science & Technology Development Fund (STDF), and US-Egypt Science & Technology joint Fund: The Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT), Egypt; partially supported by the Centre of Studies in Geography and Spatial Planning; the International Center of Medical Sciences Research (ICMSR), Islamabad Pakistan; Ain Shams University and the Egyptian Fulbright Mission Program; the Belgian American Educational Foundation; Health Data Research UK; the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Institute of Health Carlos III, CIBERSAM, and INCLIVA; the Clinical Research Development Unit, Imam Reza Hospital, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences; Shaqra University; Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences and SRM Institute of Science and Technology; University of Agriculture, Faisalabad-Pakistan; the Chinese University of Hong Kong Research Committee Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme; the institutional support of the Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Pharmacy, Zagazig University, Egypt; the European (EU) and Developing Countries Clinical Trials Partnership, the EU Horizon 2020 Framework Programme, UK-National Institute for Health and Care Research, the Mahathir Science Award Foundation and EU-EDCTP.http://www.thelancet.comam2024School of Health Systems and Public Health (SHSPH)SDG-03:Good heatlh and well-bein
Electronic And Thermal Properties Of Sn Added-Zn .Lsb3
3-Zn;Sb3 Is A Promising High Temperature Thermoelectric
Materials With A High Power Factor Sea Where S Is The Thermopower And A Is Electrical Conductivity . It Is Found That The Properties Of (3-Zn4Sb3 Can Be Altered By Addition Of Sn. In This Paper The Electronic And Thermal Properties Of 13-Zn4Sb3 Are Given In Detail . Electrical Resistivity And Absolute Thermqpower Are Measured As A Function Of Temperature From Room Temperature To 300°C .Both Electrical Resistivity And Thermopower I Values Are Found To Increase With Addition Of Tin. It Is Observed Experimentally That At Lower Tin Concentrations (<I Weight %) Power Factor Remains Close To That Of 3-Zn4Sb3 And At Higher Concentration Of Sn Power Factor Decreases . Thermal Conductivity K, Of These Sn Added Zn.,+Sb3 Was Found To Be Lower Than That Of (3-Zn4Sb3 Showing A Noticeable Enhancement In ZT (=S 2at/K)At Low Concentration Of Tin
Multiple laminar-turbulent transition cycles around a swept leading edge
Certain interesting flow features involving multiple
transition/relaminarization cycles on the leading edge
of a swept wing at low speeds are reported here. The wing
geometry tested had a circular nose and a leading edge sweep
of 60�. Tests were made at a chord Reynolds number of 1.3 9 106 with model incidence a varied in the range of
3�-18� in discrete steps. Measurements made included wing
chord-wise surface pressure distributions and wall shear
stress fluctuations (using hot-film gages) within about 10 %
of the chord in the leading edge zone. Results at a = 16� and 18� showed that several (often incomplete) transition cycles between laminar-like and turbulent-like flows occurred. These rather surprising results are attributable chiefly to the fact that the Launder acceleration parameter K (appropriately modified for swept wings) can exceed a critical range more than once along the contour of the airfoil in the leading edge region. Each such crossing results in a relaminarization followed by direct retransition to turbulence as K drops to sufficiently low values. It is further shown that the extent of each observed transition zone (of either type) is consistent
with earlier data acquired in more detailed studies of direct transition and relaminarization. Swept leading edge boundary layers therefore pose strong challenges to numerical modelling