5 research outputs found

    Rola oznaczania witaminy D w praktyce klinicznej

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    W badaniach ostatniej dekady ujawniono now膮 rol臋 witaminy D. Odgrywa ona istotn膮 rol臋 nie tylko w chorobach szkieletowych, ale tak偶e w zapobieganiu chorobom uk艂adu sercowo-naczyniowego, chorobom autoimmunologicznym, nowotworom, a tak偶e niekt贸rym chorobom psychicznym. Obecne badania epidemiologiczne wskazuj膮, 偶e u pacjent贸w w podesz艂ym wieku lub chorych na osteoporoz臋 cz臋sto wyst臋puje niedob贸r witaminy D. Dotyczy to r贸wnie偶 dzieci i zdrowych doros艂ych. G艂贸wnym kr膮偶膮cym metabolitem jest 25-hydroksywitamina D, kt贸ra odzwierciedla ilo艣膰 witaminy D w organizmie. St臋偶enie witaminy D w surowicy poni偶ej 20 ng/ml okre艣la si臋 mianem niedoboru (natomiast st臋偶enie 20-30 ng/ml 艣wiadczy o hipowitaminozie). W艂a艣ciwa suplementacja i rozs膮dne za偶ywanie k膮pieli s艂onecznych mog膮 zapobiec wyst膮pieniu niedobor贸w w wi臋kszo艣ci populacji

    Senile osteoporosis

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    Niniejsza praca stanowi podsumowanie wiedzy na temat osteoporozy starczej. Zwr贸cono w niej uwag臋 na du偶膮 chorobowo艣膰 i koszty ponoszone przez systemy opieki zdrowotnej z powodu z艂ama艅. Om贸wiono r贸wnie偶 pokr贸tce z艂o偶on膮 etiopatogenez臋 choroby, zwi膮zan膮 zar贸wno z niedoborami witaminy D, jak i niedoborami innych hormon贸w, niedo偶ywieniem bia艂kowo-energetycznym, upo艣ledzeniem uk艂adu nerwowo-mi臋艣niowego i innymi czynnikami. Przedstawiono tak偶e mo偶liwo艣ci diagnostyki (RTG, densytometria, 10-letnie ryzyko z艂amania) i leczenia.The presented paper aims to summarize knowledge regarding senile osteoporosis. The article highlights high prevalence of the disease and the burden caused by osteoporotic fractures on the healthcare system. It describes shortly a complex ethiopathogenesis, in which vitamin D deficiency, other hormonal disturbances, protein-energy malnutrition, dysfunction of neuromuscular system and other factors may play a role. Possible diagnostics (x-rays, dual x-ray absorptiometry, 10-years fracture risk) and therapeutic methods are also presented

    The histopathological evaluation of the local tolerance of alendronate containing medicines

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    Wst臋p: Aby leczenie osteoporozy by艂o skuteczne, musi by膰 d艂ugotrwa艂e. Niestety, jak wynika z bada艅 klinicznych oraz praktyki klinicznej, najcz臋stsz膮 przyczyn膮 rezygnacji z leczenia s膮 dzia艂ania niepo偶膮dane lek贸w. W przypadku bisfosfonian 贸w wynikaj膮 one najcz臋艣ciej z dra偶ni膮cego dzia艂ania leku na b艂on臋 艣luzow膮 przewodu pokarmowego. Celem niniejszego badania by艂a pr贸ba odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy zastosowanie otoczki w tabletce zawieraj膮cej alendronian chroni 艣luz贸wk臋 przewodu pokarmowego przed dra偶ni膮cym dzia艂aniem substancji czynnej. Materia艂y i metody: 18 chomikom syryjskim podzielonym na 3 grupy do艣wiadczalne (I, II, III) aplikowano do torby policzkowej w ci膮gu 4 kolejnych dni tabletki alendronianu niepowlekane otoczk膮, powlekane otoczk膮 lub placebo (odpowiednio ka偶dej z grup). Czas ekspozycji na dzia艂anie leku po jednorazowym podaniu wynosi艂 4 minuty. Po 24 godzinach od ostatniego podania zwierzêta u艣miercono i pobrano wycinki tkanek do bada艅 histopatologicznych. Zmiany morfologiczne oceniono wed艂ug normy ISO 10993-10:2002(E), zwracaj膮c szczeg贸ln膮 uwag臋 na stan nab艂onka oraz nacieczenie leukocytarne, przekrwienie i obrz臋k 艣luz贸wki. Nast臋pnie obliczano wska藕nik dra偶nienia, na podstawie kt贸rego okre艣lono stopie艅 nasilenia w艂a艣ciwo艣ci dra偶ni膮cych testowanych preparat贸w. Wyniki: W grupie I wska藕nik dra偶nienia wyni贸s艂 11,0, 艣wiadcz膮c o umiarkowanym dzia艂aniu miejscowo dra偶ni膮cym tabletek niepowlekanych. W grupach II i III natomiast wska藕nik ten wyni贸s艂 0,0, oznaczaj膮c ca艂kowity brak w艂a艣ciwo艣ci dra偶ni膮cych. Wniosek: Wydaje si臋, 偶e stosowanie alendronianu w otoczce zmniejsza cz臋sto艣膰 i nasilenie dzia艂a艅 niepo偶膮danych z przewodu pokarmowego.Introduction: In order to be effective, treatment for osteoporosis must be long-term. Unfortunately, according to clinical trials and clinical practice the most frequent cause of patient resignation from the treatment is adverse reactions to the medications. In the case of bisphosphonates they are most frequently connected with irritant impact of the drug on gastrointestinal mucosa. The aim of our study was to answer the question whether alendronate tablets coated with a thin neutral layer may protect gastrointestinal mucosa from the irritant effects of the active substance. Material and methods: Three types of tablets were administered into the cheek pouches of 18 Syrian hamsters (divided into 3 experimental groups: I, II, III) i.e. regular alendronate tablets, coated alendronate tablets and placebo. The tablets were applied for 4 minutes a day on 4 consecutive days. 24 hours after the last application, the animals were sacrificed and segments of buccal tissue were taken for histopathological examination. Oral tissue reaction was assessed using the microscopic examination grading system developed by ISO. The following adverse changes of the tissue were recorded: epithelial lesions, leucocyte infiltration, vascular congestion and oedema. Later the irritation index was calculated. Results: The irritation index was 11.0 (moderately irritant), 0.0 and 0.0 (none-irritant), in each group respectively. Conclusion: It appears that the administration of the coated alendronate tablets reduces the frequency and intensity of the local adverse events from the gastrointestinal tract

    The efficacy of pharmacotherapy in postmenopausal osteoporosis: a longitudinal observational study

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    Introduction: The aim of the study was an assessment of longitudinal changes in fracture probability in postmenopausal women. Material and methods: A group of 226 postmenopausal women at baseline mean age 66.46 卤 7.96 years were studied. There were 21 women without therapy, 102 taking calcium + vitamin D, and 103 women on antiresorptive therapy, in the study group. Data concerning clinical risk factors for osteoporosis and hip BMD were gathered. Fracture probability for major and hip fractures was established using FRAXTM. Results: Mean follow-up time was 2.43 卤 0.59 years. Baseline FRAX value in the whole group for major fracture was 7.1 卤 4.18, and at follow-up it was 7.44 卤 4.04. Respective results for FRAX for hip fracture were 3.17 卤 2.69 and 3.02 卤 2.35. In the whole group the probability for major fractures significantly increased during follow-up (p < 0.05) and for hip fracture did not change. In non-treated patients and patients taking calcium + vitamin D the fracture probability increased significantly. In patients on antiresorptive therapy the fracture probability did not change, which was connected with an improvement in bone status assessed by DXA. Femoral neck T-score in the whole group did not change, in those not treated and taking calcium + vitamin D it decreased significantly (p < 0.05), while in treated women it increased significantly (p < 0.05). In patients with improved bone status the FRAX values for major and hip fractures decreased by 0.44 卤 1.62 and 0.36 卤 1.19, respectively. Conversely, in patients with worsening T-score value the FRAX values increased by 1.33 卤 1.42 and 0.66 卤 1.25, respectively. Conclusion: Antiresorptive therapy stabilises fracture probability in postmenopausal women due to improvement in bone status