59 research outputs found

    Amnwiotic Membrane Transplantation as a Treatment for Sterile Infiltration and Corneal Melting after Corneal Crosslinking for Keratoconus

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    We report a case of corneal melting through sterile infiltration presumably due to excessive use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory eye drops after corneal crosslinking (CXL). It was treated using steroids combined with amniotic membrane transplantation (AMT). A 33-year-old man with progressing keratoconus underwent left eye CXL. We prescribed betamethasone and levofloxacin eye drops 5 times daily and diclofenac sodium eye drops 3 times daily for 3 days. Three days after CXL, there was a persistent epithelial defect and the left corneal stroma was clouded. His visual acuity remained unchanged. We prescribed betamethasone hourly and 20 mg prednisolone daily. At 1 week after CXL, the corneal epithelial defect and infiltration were unchanged. He had not stopped using diclofenac at the prescribed time. On day 17, we performed AMT and his cornea and visual acuity improved. AMT may be effective against persistent epithelial defects and corneal melting after CXL

    Review of suicide-prevention programs in Queensland: state-and community-level activities

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    Objective Information regarding the availability of suicide-prevention programs in Australia is sparse and rather difficult to obtain. This study aimed to report and describe suicide and/or self-harm-prevention programs in Queensland. Methods Programs were classified by type of intervention, predominant type of program, setting of delivery and targeted population-at-risk. Results Sixty-six organisations were identified, providing a total of 101 suicide-prevention programs. The majority of programs operated at the prevention or treatment level, with less than half providing continuing (long-term) care. The programs targeted 12 different risk groups and were most frequently delivered within community settings. Conclusions The findings show a diverse distribution of activities across the levels of prevention and different risk populations. This survey demonstrates the existence of remarkable gaps in coverage and provision of programs for specific high-risk groups. What is known about the topic Although suicide prevention in Australia has recently received considerable attention, there is currently no complete list or register of suicide-prevention programs. This reduces the opportunity for people at risk to access help, as well as agencies to link and build on existing models of service. What does this paper add This study is unique in identifying and reviewing suicide-prevention programs that are funded by national or state suicide-prevention strategies, as well as those funded by private and community-based organisations. The identified programs are matched with the actual suicide risk of the targeted subpopulations, indicating a lack or overlap of programs for specific populations. What are the implications for practitioners This paper is particularly relevant for policy makers as it identifies potential gaps in the provision of suicide-prevention programs for specific at-risk populations in Queensland. The relevance of the paper for practitioners, however, is in encouraging them to re-examine the provision of their services considering the entire continuum of suicide-prevention activities

    Life Historical Traits of Salix hukaoana along Yubiso River

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    ユビソヤナギの,性比,着花開始サイズ,フェノロジー,種子寿命,成長特性を,群馬県湯檜曽川の生育地において調査し,ユビソヤナギの生活史特性を明らかにした。ユビソヤナギは,性比に偏りはなく,着花開始サイズはオオバヤナギより小さかった。ユビソヤナギのフェノロジーは,開花や種子散布が他の2種に比べ最も早く,エゾヤナギと似た特性を示した。種子の寿命は2週間程度で,他のヤナギ科植物より短かった。ユビソヤナギの成長特性は,到達直径がオノエヤナギより大きく,オオバヤナギより小さいと推定された。また成長速度は,オノエヤナギより早く,オオバヤナギと同じ程度だった。ユビソヤナギはエゾヤナギと似た生活史特性を有しており,エゾヤナギ同様に上流の礫質河川に適応した種であることが示唆された。ユビソヤナギはオオバヤナギと,フェノロジーや種子の寿命など種子散布に関する生活史特性に大きな違いがみられるため,実生が定着する際に異なるサイトを選択することで共存が可能になっていることが考えられる。また,ユビソヤナギはオノエヤナギより,寿命や成長速度など個体の競争に関わる生活史特性において有利な特性が認められ,このような特性が種の優占度に影響を与えている可能性が示唆された。The sex ratio, reproduction size, phenology, seed longevity and growth characteristics in Salix hukaoana were studied in ordert to clarify the characteristics of this species\u27life history. The study site was the Yubiso River in Gunma Prefecture, where S. hukaoana, Salix sachalinensis and Toisusu urbaniana coexist. The sex ratio of S. hukaoana was equal to one. This species first reproduced at a smaller size than did T. urbaniana, and the seasons of blossoming and seed dispersal for S. hukaoana were the earliest among the coexisting Salicaceae species. Seed longevity was approximately 2 weeks, comparatively short among species of the Salicacea. Annual ring analysis revealed that S. hukaoana trees lived longer than S. sachalinensis but not as long as T. urbaniana. These characteristics indicate similarities between S. hukaoana and Salix rorida, which is adapted for upstream gravelly rivers. Life history characteristics including phenology and seed dispersal, clearly differentiate S. hukaoana and T. urbaniana. These differences may enable their coexistence, as different sites are available to each species for seedling establishment. In terms of individual competition, S. hukaoana has advantageous characteristics of life span and growth speed relative to S. sachalinensis, which presumably affects colonization and species succession in riparian areas

    Suicide prevention for men

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    The ways in which suicide prevention initiatives can target different stages of the suicidal process have been described by Mann et al. (2005). These authors argue that suicidal ideation may stem from stressful life events and/or psychiatric disorders. These factors can be influenced through education and awareness programs, screening of individuals at risk, and various treatments. However, it must be noted that while the impacts of environmental factors, such as stressful life events, can sometimes be reduced, the events themselves may be unavoidable. Aspects of suicide prevention can focus on building resilience as a way to combat the impacts of these inevitable events. Once suicidal ideation is present, it can be detected by screening individuals at risk. Before ideation leads to a suicidal act, it can be targeted through treating issues such as underlying disorders and impulsivity, hopelessness and/or pessimism. Other suicide prevention initiatives may also limit access to suicide means and exposure to negative or harmful examples in the media. Australia was the one of the first countries to reflect upon the national and global evidence which recognised the devastating consequences of suicidal behaviours (Jenkins and Kovess, 2002; Department of Health and Ageing, 2008). Since the early 1990s, the Department of Health and Ageing has led the national approach for suicide prevention. The National Youth Suicide Prevention Strategy 1995-1999 was further expanded into the National Suicide Prevention Strategy (NSPS); a strategic plan to prevent suicide across the whole lifespan. In 2000, the Living Is For Everyone: A Framework for Prevention of Suicide and Self-harm in Australia (LIFE Framework) was launched. This was later evaluated and further development led to the release of the Living is For Everyone (LIFE) Framework (2007)

    Seedling establishment process of three Salicaceae species along the Yubiso River

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    群馬県湯檜曽川流域に優占する3種のヤナギ科樹種(ユビソヤナギ,オノエヤナギ,オオバヤナギ)について3種の共存機構とユビソヤナギの個体群維持に必要な環境を検討するため,実生の消長に環境要因がどのように影響するかを調べ,3種の生活史特性を整理した。1999年春から2002年春まで,湯檜曽川の河川拡幅部の氾濫原約1kmに,1m×1mのコドラート66個を設置して,実生数を追跡調査した。水位観測所の日平均水位のデータから湯檜曽川の水位変動の状況を把握し,コドラートの環境要因(種子散布量,開空度,流水面からの比高,土壌水分,マトリクス粒径,表層基質,表層粒径,ヤナギ科樹木の優占パッチからの距離)の測定した。ヤナギ属のユビソヤナギとオノエヤナギは毎年多数の実生が出現し,新たな実生の出現は種子散布期間内に限られたが,オオバヤナギは調査を行った3年間のうち1年のみ多数の実生がみられ,種子散布終了後しばらくの間新たな実生が出現した。これらのことおよび種子の形状などから,ヤナギ属2種は先駆性が強く,春の融雪出水による高い地下水位を利用し,オオバヤナギは比較的先駆的性質が弱く,秋の降雨による地表水を利用していると考えられた。河川水位と比高ごとの実生の消長から,発芽から日が浅い個体は,比高が低いほど洪水によって流失しやすく,逆に比高が高いほど乾燥によって死亡しやすく,実生の定着は水位変動と密接に関係していた。また,ユビソヤナギはオノエヤナギに比較して,洪水や乾燥にあっても生残しやすかった。環境要因とコドラートごとの実生の消長から,比高が高く粗い土性の立地にはヤナギ属よりもオオバヤナギが出現しやすく,ヤナギ属の中ででは,ユビソヤナギの方がオノエヤナギより,比高が高く,やや粗い土性の立地でも生残が可能であった。これらから,3種の実生は定着する立地が少しずつ異なることが明らかになった。湯檜曽川は,氾濫原の比高や土性などの立地環境が多様であり,適度な水位変動が起きることによって水分条件は時間的に変化し,様々な撹乱が起きている。 3種は実生定着過程の生活史特性の違いによって,時空間的な変動に対応してすみわけ,共存していると考えられる。ユビソヤナギ個体群維持のためには,河川が本来持つ自然のプロセスを維持すべきである。| We investigated the relationships between environmental factors and the dynamics of seedlings of Salix hukaoana, Salix sachalinensis and Toisusu urbaniana along the Yubiso River in Gunma Prefecture to reveal the mechanisms which allow their coexistence and to clarify the environmental condition necessary to a maintain S. hukaoana population

    Male suicide risk groups

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    This chapter examines those groups of males who have been identifi ed to be at an elevated risk for suicide in Australia. These groups include: youth, elderly, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples, rural and remote, immigrants, gay and bisexual, homeless, separated, and suicide survivors (people who have lost their loved ones by suicide). It presents an overview of the available information from Australian and international studies on the epidemiological dimensions, as well as risk and protective factors, of fatal and non-fatal phenomena in these high-risk groups of males

    Potential habitat estimation of Salix hukaoana in macro scale and changes in distribution in Quaternary Period

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    絶滅危惧植物ユビソヤナギの保全方法の検討資料とするため,ユビソヤナギの潜在生育域を推定し,その結果を踏査により検証した。推定は東北地方から中部地方にかけての地域において,気候,地形,地質などの環境要因に基づきGIS を用いておこなった。また,過去の生育域を地史的な気候変動との関係から推定し,現在の分布への影響を考察した。ユビソヤナギの既知生育地は,温量指数60.1 ~ 85.5,積雪深80cm 以上,TPI 値-3 ~ 0,河床勾配0.1%~ 6.3%,集水域に占める花崗岩系と第三紀層の合計地質割合61.7%以上の範囲内に分布していたため,これらの条件が対象地域内の河川において重なる範囲を潜在生育区間と推定した。その結果248区間が選択され,既知生育地のほとんどはこれらの区間に含まれていた。このうち54 区間を踏査し,新たに7 区間にユビソヤナギの生育を確認した。このことから,本推定の確からしさが証明された。また,ユビソヤナギの過去の生育可能域は,最終氷期最盛期(約20,000 年前)には日本海側の丘陵地2 ヶ所ほどに,縄文海進期(約6,000 年前)には脊梁山脈沿いの狭い地域に限定されていたと推定された。なお,これらの地域から離れた場所には,先に推定された潜在生育区間であっても現在ユビソヤナギの生育は認められなかった。ユビソヤナギの潜在生育区間は,温度や積雪,地形,地質などの制限により非常に限定的であり,個体群の維持や分布地の拡大は容易ではない。同時に,その地質地形的特徴から,治山・砂防ダム,貯水ダムが作られやすいと考えられた。そのため,未知のユビソヤナギの生育地を早急に発見し,現在分布している河川において適切な保全対策をとることが緊急の課題であると考えられた。Based on five environmental factors, the potential habitat of the endangered species Salix hukaoana in the area between Tohoku and Chubu, Japan, was estimated using a geographic information system (GIS). Past S. hukaoana habitat was also estimated in relation to historical climate change. The known distribution of S. hukaoana encompasses the following range of environments: warmth index 60.1–85.5, snow depth >80 cm, topographic position index (TPI) -3 to 0, and the proportion of granitic rocks and Tertiary layer in the watershed >61.7%. Consequently, 248 potential habitats along rivers were identified from areas where these ranges overlapped. After exploring 54 potential habitats, we discovered seven additional habitats. The distribution of S. hukaoana was restricted to two hilly terrain on the Sea of Japan side in the last glacial epoch, and to a narrow area along Ou mountain chain (part of the Chugoku range) in the Hypsithermal period. The strict limitation placed on its habitat by environment parameters inhibits the maintenance and expansion of S. hukaoana populations. Since its potential habitat is in areas that favour dam construction, the conservation of this species is threatened. Consequently, it is imperative that we identify unknown habitats and conserve them immediately