384 research outputs found

    Counter trafficking in Japan

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    It has been three years since Japan launched its first NationalAction Plan of Measures to Combat Trafficking in Persons

    Detention monitoring newly established in Japan

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    Recently established monitoring committees in Japan are opening new channels of communication and opportunities for improvements in detention facilities

    Genetic heterogeneity of the immunogenic viral capsid protein region of human parvovirus B19 isolates obtained from an outbreak in a pediatric ward

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    AbstractWhereas human parvovirus B19 commonly infects children and causes erythema infectiosum, it causes more severe diseases when it infects adults. In order to examine whether different clinical outcomes of B19 infection can be ascribed to the viral genetic heterogeneity, we have determined the nucleotide sequence of highly immunogenic portions of the B19 genome obtained from six patients with various clinical manifestations in a single outbreak. Our observations demonstrated that although the B19 sequences showed a significant heterogeneity, it was not correlated with the clinical manifestation. It was thus suggested that the host immune response to B19 infection may be a major determinant of clinical presentations associated with acute B19 infection

    Towards the Introduction of Parasports in Elective Classes(2): Focus on Blind Football

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    2020東京オリンピック・パラリンピックを控え,日本各地で様々な教育プログラムが行われている。パラスポーツの認知度はメディアや学校教育を通して急速な広がりと発展をみせるであろう。本授業では,ブラインドサッカーの授業実践を取り上げ,体育授業を通して障がい者理解とパラスポーツを普及させていきたい。In preparation for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, various educational programs are being conducted throughout Japan. Recognition of sports for the disabled will be rapidly expanding and developing as a result of education through the media and schools. In this study, we consider the practice of blind soccer classes and of promoting an understanding of disabled people and parasports through physical education classes

    Introduction to Parasports in Elective Course

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    本校では,これまで高校2年生次の授業カリキュラムの中で,約15時間~20時間で種目選択の授業を設定し,実施してきた。今年度は,2020東京オリンピック・パラリンピック開催を見据え,男女共習で展開する「ニュースポーツ」・「パラスポーツ」の教材化を進めた。本稿は,生涯スポーツの観点からその歴史を学び,パラスポーツへの理解を深め,共生社会の実現に向けての人材育成を図ることを目的とした授業実践の報告をまとめたものである。In our school,as you will see in the following 2nd year high school student curriculum,we have set and carried out between 15 to 20 hours of practice in elective courses. This fiscal year,while looking forward to holding the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games and the Paralympic Games,we promoted teaching materials in classes called “New Sports” and “Parasports” which were developed in co-education between boys and girls. This paper summarizes a report on our student’s educational practice which was to learn about the history of lifelog sports and deepen their understanding of parasports,with the end goal of realizing a symbiotic society