640 research outputs found

    Relationship between pre-slaughter handling and carcass bruising in calves. Italian Journal of Animal Science

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    Sono stati esaminati i tempi di svolgimento delle operazioni di carico, scarico, sosta e attesa pre-stordimento di 105 vitelli a carne bianca di razza Frisona. Inoltre, durante tali operazioni è stata rilevata la frequenza di eventi quali la caduta, l’inversione, la testata, la monta, il rifiuto di movimento, il salto, la scivolata, l’evacuazione e la vocalizzazionenonché il numero di applicazioni di pungolo elettrico. Sulle carcasse si è poi proceduto all’individuazione e alla classificazione delle lesioni superficiali utilizzando una scala a tre classi (1=assente, 2=leggera, 3=grave) allo scopo di esaminarne le relazioni con la durata delle operazioni pre-macellazione e con la frequenza degli eventi comportamentali. I tempi di svolgimento delle operazioni di scarico e di sosta hanno influenzato significativamente(P<0,01) la distribuzione delle carcasse nelle tre classi di lesioni. Inoltre, lesioni sia leggere che gravi sono risultate presenti nelle carcasse provenienti da soggetti che, in media, hanno presentato una maggior frequenza di cadute o di monte e una minor frequenza d’evacuazioni durante le operazioni pre-macellazione

    Comparison of nonlinear growth models and factors affecting body weight at different ages in Toy Poodles

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    Limited information is available to evaluate optimal growth in Toy Poodles. This work aimed at comparing three growth curves, proposing centile charts and developing a model to estimate the adult body weight (BW) in Toy Poodles. A total of 65 puppies (male = 30, female = 35) born in the same breeding centre were used. BW at birth and, weekly BW, for 53 weeks, BW of parents, litter size, type of management, daily activity and neutering were recorded. Forty-six puppies were sold, and their data were reported by the new owners. Three growth curves (i.e. Hawthorne, Brody and Gompertz) were constructed and compared; Linear Mixed Models including demographic characteristics and management habits were built. The BW at birth was 154 \ub1 35 g and adult BW was 3208 \ub1 860 g. Based on the goodness-of-fit and accuracy indices, Gompertz was the best growth model and was selected to plot centile curves based on sex. Toy Poodles achieved 50% of their adult weight at 11\u201312 weeks, with an overall growth rate of 11.8%. Adult BW was affected by birth BW (p <.01), sex (p <.05) and mother\u2019s BW (p <.01) and their effects varied depending on the age. Extrinsic factors, including litter size, type of management and daily activity were less significant, probably due to the standardised and high-level management of these Toy Poodles. These new and applicable tools for monitoring the growth and predicting adult BW could be useful for veterinarians, breeders and owners for early diagnosis of poor health and welfare. Subject classification codes: companion animals sectionsHighlights Performance of three logistic models for describing the growth curve in Italian Toy Poodles were compared Based on the goodness of fit and accuracy indices, Gompertz was the best growth model The centile growth curves were constructed for males and females using the Gompertz Adult body weight (BW) was mainly affected by the sex and birth BW, and less by BW of the parents and litter size Monitoring BW of puppies may be useful to enhance their health and welfare

    Comparison of nonlinear growth models and factors affecting body weight at different ages in Toy Poodles

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    Limited information is available to evaluate optimal growth in Toy Poodles. This work aimed at comparing three growth curves, proposing centile charts and developing a model to estimate the adult body weight (BW) in Toy Poodles. A total of 65 puppies (male = 30, female = 35) born in the same breeding centre were used. BW at birth and, weekly BW, for 53 weeks, BW of parents, litter size, type of management, daily activity and neutering were recorded. Forty-six puppies were sold, and their data were reported by the new owners. Three growth curves (i.e. Hawthorne, Brody and Gompertz) were constructed and compared; Linear Mixed Models including demographic characteristics and management habits were built. The BW at birth was 154 ± 35 g and adult BW was 3208 ± 860 g. Based on the goodness-of-fit and accuracy indices, Gompertz was the best growth model and was selected to plot centile curves based on sex. Toy Poodles achieved 50% of their adult weight at 11–12 weeks, with an overall growth rate of 11.8%. Adult BW was affected by birth BW (p <.01), sex (p <.05) and mother’s BW (p <.01) and their effects varied depending on the age. Extrinsic factors, including litter size, type of management and daily activity were less significant, probably due to the standardised and high-level management of these Toy Poodles. These new and applicable tools for monitoring the growth and predicting adult BW could be useful for veterinarians, breeders and owners for early diagnosis of poor health and welfare. Subject classification codes: companion animals sectionsHighlights Performance of three logistic models for describing the growth curve in Italian Toy Poodles were compared Based on the goodness of fit and accuracy indices, Gompertz was the best growth model The centile growth curves were constructed for males and females using the Gompertz Adult body weight (BW) was mainly affected by the sex and birth BW, and less by BW of the parents and litter size Monitoring BW of puppies may be useful to enhance their health and welfare

    Transport certifications of cattle moved from France to Southern Italy and Greece: do they comply with Reg. EC 1/2005?

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    Movements of livestock across the Member States is monitored using the Trade Control and Expert System (TRACES), a web-based veterinarian certification tool. This study aimed to evaluate the criticalities of this tracing system and the most frequent non-conformities in their compilation. TRACES of cattle (n = 320) departed from France and arriving or transiting across Puglia (Italy) in 2019 (n = 199) and 2020 (n = 121) were analysed. The distribution arriving in Italy and Greece did not vary between the 2 years. The majority of the bovine (53.4%) were medium-sized cattle transported for fattening with a median body weight of 410 kg. However, almost half of the TRACES did not report correctly the total expected loaded weight or the available space, so for them, it was impossible to calculate and double-check whether the minimal space allowance was respected. Long journeys must include a resting stop after the first 14 h, however, 20.9% of the examined and declared stops did not comply with it. Finally, comparing the expected declared journey duration with a calculated one (dividing travel distance by an average speed of 70 km/h, adding 1 h for loading and unloading, and 1 h or 24 h for resting stops), we found that only 30.6% of the journey durations were congruent. The irregularities resulted associated with consignors and transporters (p < .05). Overall, the proportion of mistakes and non-compliance suggest that there is a need to improve the current practice to enhance animal welfare during transportation

    Effect of different stunning methods of pigs on subcutaneous veining defect and meat quality of raw ham

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    Trecentocinque suini pesanti sono stati sottoposti a stordimento elettrico (146 soggetti) o con CO2 (159 soggetti) per valutare l’effetto del metodo di stordimento sull’incidenza del difetto di venatura delle cosce, sul valore del pH, sul colore dei muscoli SM e BF e su alcuni parametri ematici. Nei suini sottoposti a stordimento con CO2 si è osservata una più alta percentuale di cosce con il difetto di venatura e valori più elevati di HCT, PT e PTT. I suini storditi mediante elettronarcosi hanno presentato un pH1 più basso e un colore più chiaro nel SM

    Effect of lairage duration on some blood constituents and beef quality in bulls after long journey

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    Al fine di contribuire alla individuazione di un tempo adeguato di sosta al termine di un lungo trasporto, sono stati esaminati gli effetti di diverse durate della sosta al macello su alcuni parametri ematici e sulla qualit\ue0 della carne in bovini maschi interi sottoposti a viaggi commerciali di lunga durata. Lo studio \ue8 stato condotto su 39 vitelloni Limousine allevati nelle medesime condizioni presso un unica azienda situata nelle vicinanze di Saragoza (Spagna). Gli animali sono stati esaminati al termine di 5 viaggi commerciali dopo un tragitto di 2500 km, presso lo stabilimento di macellazione \u201cSan Giorgio\u201d di Gangi (Palermo). Il tempo di trasporto \ue8 stato pari a ore 53,6\ub110,9. Per i soggetti della prima, della terza e della quinta consegna, la durata della sosta \ue8 risultata compresa tra 24 e 36 ore, con una media pari a 31 ore (gruppo \u201cShort Lairage\u201d), mentre nella terza e nella quinta consegna la sosta \ue8 stata pari, rispettivamente, a 57 e 59 ore (gruppo \u201cLong Lairage\u201d). I risultati relativi all\u2019esame emocromo-citometrico, hanno evidenziato un effetto significativo (P>0,001) della durata della sosta pre-macellazione sia sul numero dei leucociti che sulle piastrine. La durata della sosta non ha mostrato avere nessun effetto significativo su globuli rossi, emoglobina ed ematocrito anche se l\u2019analisi della varianza per misure ripetute ha mostrato che, indipendentemente dalla durata della sosta, l\u2019ematocrito \ue8 variato significativamente dal momento dello scarico a quello della macellazione, aumentando durante tale periodo. L\u2019analisi statistica effettuata sui parametri ematochimici ha evidenziato un effetto significativo (P>0,05) della durata della sosta solo sull\u2019enzima CK e sul cortisolo. L\u2019enzima CK ha mostrato un incremento nel gruppo \u201cShort Lairage\u201d (33,2% vs 14,3%) mentre il Cortisolo ha mostrato una diminuzione nel gruppo \u201cLong Lairage\u201d (36,3% vs 3,8%). La durata della sosta non ha influenzato significativamente (P>0,05) l\u2019incidenza di lesioni lievi e gravi registrate sulle carcasse. Per quanto concerne la qualit\ue0 della carne, la durata della sosta ha influenzato significativamente il pHu, risultato pi\uf9 elevato (P>0,01) nel muscolo dei soggetti del gruppo \u201cLong Lairage\u201d; la luminosit\ue0 a 24h post mortem \ue8 risultata significativamente pi\uf9 elevata (P>0,05) nei soggetti del gruppo \u201cShort Lairage\u201d rispetto a quelli del gruppo \u201cLong Lairage\u201d, mentre gli indici del rosso e del giallo sono risultati essere maggiori in quest\u2019ultimo gruppo. Il calo peso dopo cottura \ue8 risultato significativamente minore (P>0,01) nel gruppo \u201cShort Lairage\u201d, lo stesso gruppo \u201cShort Lairage\u201d ha fatto registrare carni significativamente pi\uf9 tenere (P>0,01). Dai risultati ottenuti emerge come la durata della sosta pre-macellazione dopo un trasporto di lunga durata pu\uf2 influenzare il quadro ematologico e la qualit\ue0 della carne. Nel complesso \ue8 emerso che prolungare la sosta oltre le 36 ore non provoca alcun beneficio per il benessere dell\u2019animale e rischia di peggiorare la qualit\ue0 della carne. Nel caso di trasporti cos\uec lunghi come quelli esaminati sarebbe opportuno una migliore organizzazione della logistica al fine di ridurre il tempo di attesa degli animali prima della macellazione.With the aim to contribute to determine an adequate resting time for cattle after long transportation, the effects of different lairage time on some haematic parameters and meat quality of bulls subjected to long commercial journeys were investigated. Thirty-nine Limousine bulls supplied by one farm located near to Saragoza (Spain) were examined after 5 consignments at the final destination, after a journey of 2.550 km, of the \u201cSan Giorgio\u201d abattoir (Palermo, Italy). Transport time was of 53.6 \ub1 10.9 h; lairage duration for bulls of the 1st, 3rd and 5th consignments was of 31 h on average (\u201cShort Lairage\u201d group), whereas, for those of the 2nd and 4th consignments, was of 59 and 57 h, respectively (\u201cLong Lairage\u201d group). As regards the blood cell counts, data showed a significant effect (P< 0.001) of the lairage duration on leukocyte and platelet counts. No significant effect was observed for erythrocyte count, haemoglobin and hematocrit in relation to the lairage duration, even if the repeated measure analysis of variance showed that, irrespectively to the lairage duration, the hematocrit increased significantly from the unloading to the slaughter. Haematological parameters showed a significant (P< 0.05) effect of the lairage time only on CK and Cortisol. CK enzyme showed an increase in the \u201cShort Lairage\u201d group (33.2% vs. 14.3%) whereas, Cortisol showed a decrease in the \u201cLong Lairage\u201d group (36.3% vs. 3.8%). The different lairage duration did not significantly (P> 0.05) affect the incidence of slight and severe bruises of carcass. As regard meat quality, lairage duration has significantly influenced the pHu which was higher (P< 0.01) in the muscle of the animals of the \u201cLong Lairage\u201d group, the luminosity at 24h post mortem which was significantly higher (P< 0.05) in animals of the \u201cShort Lairage\u201d group and the red and yellow indices which were higher in the \u201cLong Lairage\u201d group. \u201cShort Lairage\u201d group showed lower (P< 0.01) value of cooking loss and higher (P< 0.01) value of tenderness. Data show that pre-slaughter lairage duration after a long transport may influence the blood parameters as well as meat quality. On the whole, the increase of the lairage duration over 36 h does not determine any benefit for the animal well-being whereas it can cause a reduction of the beef quality. For so long transports, it should be better an adequate organization of the facilities in order to diminish the pre-slaughter lairage duration
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