5 research outputs found

    Karakteristik dan Profil Asam Lemak Minyak Ikan dari Kepala dan Tulang Ikan Tuna (Thunnus albacares)

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    This study was aimed to determine the physical and chemical quality as well as the fatty acid profile of fish oil from the waste of the head and the bones of Thunnus albacares. An experimental method was applied in this research. Observed variables included yield, density, acid number, saponification value, iodine number, TBA value, as well as fatty acid profile. The results showed that the physical characteristics of the oil from the head and bone of the fish, i.e., yield 12,11% and 9.85%, density 0.92 mg/mL, and 0.90 mg/mL, respectively. The chemical characteristics of the oil from head and bones of tuna were acid number 2.10 mg KOH/g and 2.88 mg KOH/g, iodine number 88.80 mg KOH/g and 77.67 mg KOH/g; saponification number 178.80 mg KOH/g and 145.50 mg KOH/g, TBA values 1.80 mg KOH/kg and 1.29 mg KOH/kg, subsequently. Unsaturated fatty acids were found to dominate oil from the head and bones of tuna. Tuna head contained 25 types of fatty acids consisting of 10 types of saturated fatty acids (SFA) 20.8% w/w, seven types of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) 11.92% w/w, eight polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) 35.98% w/w. In comparison, tuna bones contained 26 types of fatty acids consisting of 11 SFA 19.69% w/w, seven MUFA 10.80% w/w, and 8 PUFA 26.21% w/w. Keywords: fatty acid, fish oil, Thunnus albacares, waste of head and bone   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kualitas fisik maupun kimiawi serta profil asam lemak minyak limbah ikan dari kepala dan tulang ikan tuna (Thunnus albacares). Metode yang digunakan adalah metode eksperimen. Parameter yang diamati yaitu: rendemen, berat jenis minyak, bilangan penyabunan, bilangan iodin, bilangan Tiobarbituric Acid (TBA) serta profil asam lemak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan karakteristik fisik dari kepala dan tulang ikan berturut-turut adalah: rendemen 12,11 dan 9,85%; berat jenis minyak 0,92 mg/mL dan 0,90 mg/mL. Karakteristik kimia dari kepala dan tulang ikan tuna adalah berturut-turut: bilangan asam 2,10 mg KOH/g dan 2,88 mg KOH/g; bilangan iod 88,80 mg KOH/g dan 77,67 mg KOH/g; bilangan penyabunan 178,80 mg KOH/g dan 145,50 mg KOH/g; nilai TBA 1,80 mg KOH/kg dan 1,29 mg KOH/kg. Asam lemak tidak jenuh mendominasi minyak dari kepala maupun tulang ikan Tuna. Kepala ikan tuna mengandung 25 jenis asam lemak terdiri dari 10 jenis asam lemak jenuh (SFA) 20,8% w/w, 7 jenis lemak tak jenuh tunggal (MUFA) 11,92% w/w, 8 asam lemak tak jenuh jamak (PUFA) 35,98% w/w; sedangkan tulang ikan Tuna mengandung 26 jenis asam lemak terdiri dari 11 SFA 19,69% w/w, 7 MUFA 10,80% w/w, dan 8 PUFA 26,21% w/w. Kata kunci: asam lemak, minyak ikan, Thunnus albacares, limbah tulang dan kepal