14 research outputs found

    Resistive Switching in Transition Metal Oxides for Integrated Non-volatile Memory

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    Transition metal oxides (TMOs) exhibit characteristic resistance changes when subjected to high electric fields due to the creation, drift and diffusion of defects, and this resistive-switching response is of interest for future non-volatile memory applications. Indeed, resistive random access memories (ReRAM) are considered promising alternatives to conventional charge storage-based devices because of their low production cost, simple fabrication, and excellent scalability. However, the realization of reliable ReRAM devices and their integration in large-scale arrays requires further understanding of the switching mechanisms and the development of new strategies for improving integrated device functionality. The aim of this work is to understand the role of the material structure on device reliability and to investigate the integration of passive selector elements with memory devices for use in memory cross-bar arrays. The thesis begins by investigating the properties of relevant oxide films (ALD HfO2 and plasma deposited NbOx) and then addresses three technologically relevant problems. Specifically these include: 1) understanding how the roughness of metal/dielectric interfaces affects dielectric breakdown and switching behaviour; 2) exploring methods for reducing the operating current of selector and memory/selector devices and 3) investigating the effect of operating conditions on the switching response of devices. The first of these studies is based on Pt/Ti/HfO2/Pt devices and combines experimental methods and finite element modelling to understand the effect of the Pt/HfO2 interface roughness on the electroforming and switching response. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) showed that the roughness of Pt electrodes deposited by electron-beam evaporation increased with film thickness due to facetted grain growth. Results show that roughness leads to a reduction in the electroforming voltage of HfO2, an increase in the failure rate of devices, and a corresponding reduction in resistive switching reliability. Conventional wisdom suggests that these effects result from local electric field enhancement in the vicinity of electrode asperities. However, the effect on electroforming voltage is much less than estimated from simple geometric considerations. Comparison with finite-element modelled showed high-aspect-ratio asperities can produce field enhancements of more than an order of magnitude but that the generation and redistribution of defects moderates this effect prior to dielectric breakdown. As a consequence, the effect of field enhancement is less than anticipated from the initial electric-field distribution alone. It is argued that the increase in the device failure rate with increasing electrode roughness derives partly from an increase in the film defect density and effective device area and that these effects contribute to the reduction in breakdown voltage. The second study showed that the leakage current in NbO2-x selector (1S) elements is shown to be reduced by the properties of an adjacent memory (1M) element when integrated into a hybrid selector-memory device structure. This is shown to result from current confinement in conductive filaments formed in the memory layer. Finite element modelling of the selector-memory structures is used to confirm the observations and to explore material dependencies. The thermal and electrical conductivities of the memory layer are shown to influence the threshold current, but the dominant effect is due to current confinement. The final study explores the effect of device operating conditions on its operation and identifies an alternative approach for reducing the forming and RESET current in integrated memory/selector devices. This study is based on Pt/Nb/HfO2/Pt devices which require a very "soft" electroforming process. Such devices are shown to undergo configurable switching controlled by the SET compliance current. When operated at a low compliance-current (~100 µA), devices show uniform bipolar resistive switching behaviour. As the compliance current is increased (~500 µA), the switching mode changes to integrated threshold-resistive (1S1M) switching, and at still higher currents (~1 mA), it changes to symmetric threshold switching (1S) characteristic of threshold switching in NbO2-. These switching transitions are shown to be consistent with the development of an NbO2- interlayer at the Nb/HfO2 interface that is limited by the set compliance current due to its effect on oxygen transport and local Joule heating. The proposed mechanism is supported by finite element modelling of the 1S1M response assuming the presence of such an interlayer. These findings help to understand role of interface reactions in controlling device performance and provide a means for the self-assembly of integrated 1S1M resistive random access memory structures

    Current localisation and redistribution as the basis of discontinuous current controlled negative differential resistance in NbOx

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    In-situ thermo-reflectance imaging is used to show that the discontinuous, snap-back mode of current-controlled negative differential resistance (CC-NDR) in NbOx-based devices is a direct consequence of current localization and redistribution. Current localisation is shown to result from the creation of a conductive filament either during electroforming or from current bifurcation due to the super-linear temperature dependence of the film conductivity. The snap-back response then arises from current redistribution between regions of low and high current-density due to the rapid increase in conductivity created within the high current density region. This redistribution is further shown to depend on the relative resistance of the low current-density region with the characteristics of NbOx cross-point devices transitioning between continuous and discontinuous snap-back modes at critical values of film conductivity, area, thickness and temperature, as predicted. These results clearly demonstrate that snap-back is a generic response that arises from current localization and redistribution within the oxide film rather than a material-specific phase transition, thus resolving a long-standing controversy.Comment: 21 Page

    A balanced Memristor-CMOS ternary logic family and its application

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    The design of balanced ternary digital logic circuits based on memristors and conventional CMOS devices is proposed. First, balanced ternary minimum gate TMIN, maximum gate TMAX and ternary inverters are systematically designed and verified by simulation, and then logic circuits such as ternary encoders, decoders and multiplexers are designed on this basis. Two different schemes are then used to realize the design of functional combinational logic circuits such as a balanced ternary half adder, multiplier, and numerical comparator. Finally, we report a series of comparisons and analyses of the two design schemes, which provide a reference for subsequent research and development of three-valued logic circuits.Comment: 15 pages, 30 figure

    A wind-PV-battery hybrid power system at Sitakunda in Bangladesh

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    The measured wind data of Local Government Engineering Department (LGED) for 2006 at 30 m height shows a good prospect for wind energy extraction at the site. For a few months and hours the speed is below the cut in speeds of the available turbines in the market. The predicted solar radiation data from directly related measured cloud cover and sunshine duration data of Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) for 1992-2003 indicates that a reliable power system can be developed over the year if the solar energy technology is merged with the wind energy technologies for this site. This research work has studied on optimization of a wind-photovoltaic-battery hybrid system and its performance for a typical community load. The assessment shows that least cost of energy (COE) is about USD 0.363/kWh for a community using 169 kWh/day with 61 kW peak and having minimum amount of access or unused energy. Moreover, compared to the existing fossil fuel-based electricity supply, such an environment friendly system can mitigate about 25 t CO2/yr. The analysis also indicates that wind-PV-battery is economically viable as a replacement for conventional grid energy supply for a community at a minimum distance of about 17 km from grid.Solar energy Wind energy Green house gas

    Reduced Threshold Current in NbO 2

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    Room temperature synthesis of HfO2/HfO x heterostructures by ion-implantation

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    Implantation of Hf films with oxygen ions is shown to be an effective means of fabricating high-quality HfO2/HfO x heterostructures at room temperature, with the layer composition and thicknesses determined by the ion energy and fluence. Implantation with 3 keV O+ ions to a fluence of 1 × 1017 ions cm−2 produces a polycrystalline (monoclinic-) HfO2 layer extending from the surface to a depth of ~12 nm, and an underlying graded HfO x layer extending an additional ~7 nm, while implantation with 6 keV O to a similar fluence produces a near-stoichiometric surface layer of 7 nm thickness and a graded substoichiometric layer extending to depth of ~30 nm. These structures are shown to be broadly consistent with oxygen range data but more detailed comparison with dynamic Monte Carlo simulations suggests that the near-surface region contains more oxygen than expected from collisional processes alone. The bandgap and dielectric strength of the HfO2 layer produced by 3 keV; 1 × 1017 ions cm−2 implant is shown to be indistinguishable from those of an amorphous film deposited by atomic layer deposition at 200 °C. The utility of these layers is demonstrated by studying the resistive switching properties of metal-oxide-metal test structures fabricated by depositing a top metal contact on the implanted film. These results demonstrate the suitability of ion-implantation for the synthesis of functional oxide layers at room temperature


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    Objectives: Asparagus racemosus (AR) Willd, is commonly known as Shatavari, belongs to family Liliaceae, and has potent medicinal values. The present study deals with detail Pharmacological evaluation of ethanol fraction of AR. Methods: Preliminary phytochemical screening, antimicrobial and antioxidant activity, qualitative analysis of antioxidant and flavonoid detection, total phenol and flavonoid content were measured. Results: Phytochemical screening showed the presence of various phytoconstituents like phytosterols, phenols, flavonoids, saponins and carbohydrates. Ethanol fraction of Asparagus racemosus roots have maximum relative percentage inhibition against gram (-) bacteria. The root displayed significant DPPH free radical scavenging activity against standard ascorbic acid. Thin layer chromatography of the ethanol fraction was also performed to determine the active principles. Four major spots obtained with the Rf values 0.20, 0.22, 0.24 and 0.58. Total flavonoid and phenol content was 188.3 mg/g quercetin equivalent and 165.22mg/g gallic acid equivalent respectively. Conclusion: The findings of the current study shows that Asparagus racemosus is a good source of various phytochemicals and can be useful to progress and surge further scientific investigation to prevent and management of different diseases by their medicinal properties