170 research outputs found

    The Role of Children’s Media Use in Teacher-Child Relationship, Classroom Adjustment and Performance When Transit to Primary School

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    Early transition from preschool to primary school is an important predictor that gives a lot of insight into the later years of formal schooling.In this process,teacher-child relationship is a determining factor on social and academic success when children make an attempt to adjust to the school environment.The major purpose of the study was to examine the teacher-child relationship in children’s media use with a focus on the teacher-child interaction,classroom adjustment and performance.Correlation and regression analyses were used to identify these variables.Participants were 250 children(N=250,121 girls,129 boys) across the first year of primary school. 250 families as well as the teachers of children were surveyed on the children’s media use and teacher-child relationship.Correlation analyses indicated that the quality of teacher-child relationship was linked to children’ media use.Key findings suggest that the longer the media is used by a child, the less likely he/she is to interact with the teacher.What’s more,the more the teacher assigns assignments through the mobile phone or tablet, the less child admires the teacher,which as well could reduce the class satisfaction via teacher-child interaction in sequence.Additionally,this study also indicates that media assignments by teachers is a new risk factor of negative relationship via teacher-child interaction. Keywords: children’s media use,transit to primary school,teacher-child relationship,classroom adjustment and performance DOI: 10.7176/JEP/11-6-01 Publication date: February 29th 202

    How the collaborative research with Hiroshima Private Kindergarten League began <Collaboration with the local community>

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    Relationship Between Baby’s Emotion Regulation and Warabe-uta: Baby’s issue with the development of other relationships

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    This study aims to show the relationship between emotion regulation and Warabe-uta, also to consider the knowledge of childcare by focusing on baby’s positive emotion. Warabe-uta is a Japanese traditional children’s play song. Nursery teachers often sing Warabe-uta for baby’s in order to regulate their emotion. Some research considered the value of Warabe-uta as a music teaching material. However, a few studies investigated the relationship between Warabe-uta and emotion regulation. In this study, therefore, I analyzed positive emotion regulation of a baby who has problem in relationship with others through 4scenes by singing a Warabe-uta. As a result, I found that, Warabe-uta effect baby’s “intentionality” “embodiment” “responsiveness”, and also on nursery teacher’s “intentionality” “embodiment” “nursing characteristic”. It prompts a positive emotion regulation in baby. This result might have positive effect on inter-subjective connection, but in contrary, it might make baby to be dependent on her own nursery teacher. It is interpreted from this study that relationship between emotion regulation and Warabe-uta is close. It is important that nursery teacher work to cooperate for baby’s development

    A Study on Efforts to Improve “Quality in Early Childhood Education and Care for Infants and Young Children” in Higashihiroshima City: A Comparison of the Level of Recognition of Childcare Workers and Parents

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    The purpose of this study is to clarify the extent to which the efforts related to the “Action Plan” in Higashihiroshima City, are recognized by the childcare workers engaged in the selected nursery schools, and the parents of the students at these schools, as well as the differences between them. The results revealed that efforts to “incorporate the natural environment, including plants and animals, into childcare” were highly recognized by both, childcare workers, and parents. In addition, Mann-Whitney’s U-test results showed that “childcare with awareness of the five capabilities formulated by the Hiroshima Prefectural Board of Education,” “efforts for collaboration between day-care centers and elementary schools,” “introduction of a childcare coordinator system, formulated by Higashihiroshima City” and “implementation of parent questionnaire surveys,” were the four initiatives for which childcare workers assign significantly higher value items. On the other hand, the item with significantly higher scores among parents was “Implementation of open class,” but an inadequacy was pointed out in the question setting. Furthermore, since the survey was conducted twice in one year, a within-participant comparison of childcare workers revealed no significant differences between the first and second rounds of the survey.本研究は令和3年度「大学連携政策課題共同研究事業 行政課題解決型共同研究」に提案した「東広島市の就学前保育施設の保育の質と乳幼児の育ちに関する評価研究」の一環として,東広島市 こども未来部 保育課の協力で実施したものである

    A comparative study of child-nurturing considerations of mothers and fathers of children with disabilities : Qualitative Analysis by Focus Group Interview <Research papers>

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the important aspects of the support of children with disabilities from the perspective of their mothers and fathers. A focus group method was used to interview the mothers and fathers of six families separately. The interview data were analyzed according to aspects addressed during the focus group interview. Eight categories were considered important by mothers (“pleasure of my child’s life now,” “influence arising from the behavior of others,” “worry of brothers and sisters,” “gratitude for institutional support,” “respite care,” “difficulty of gathering information,” “not letting father do the housework,” and “support from brothers and sisters”). Six categories were considered important by fathers (“worry about the future of the child,” “sports that father plays,” “dissatisfaction with institutional support,” “respite care for my wife,” “I feel that I should not do housework,” and “work-life balance”). Three complementary results were found. First, mothers consider the “now” while fathers consider “the future” of the child. Second, mothers are “grateful” while fathers are “dissatisfied” with institutional support. Third, both mothers and fathers consider that fathers “must not do housework.”本稿の一部は,日本特殊教育学会第50回研究大会にて報告された。なお,本研究は,平成21~23年度文部科学省科学研究費補助金基盤研究(B)(課題番号21402045 代表 七木田敦)の補助を受けて行われたものである

    A Study of Interaction between Junior High School Students and Infants in “FUREAI” Experience Learning through “Childcare Experience” and “Playing Experience”.

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    This study attempts to clarify what kind of effect the contact experience learning will bring to junior high school students and infants and consider how we can make meaningful exchanges with junior high school students and infants if we do the contents of infants’ ages and contact experiences learning. Furthermore, we will create an experienced contact experience model. In this study, we use word that “FUREAI” experience learning. As a reason, when using “touching” or “contact”, contact with a simple body is emphasized. However, it is thought that ”FUREAI” experience learning is not only simple body contact, but also exchange between middle school students and babies including distance and mind

    Study on lifelong learning-based ECEC practices in Sweden: Toward the Revision of National Curriculum of Preschool in 2019

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the sense of values that support ECEC practices in Sweden. We collected data by observing practices in a Swedish preschool and interviewing the teachers. Our study found that ECEC education is emphasized more and more in Sweden. However, when we reconsider ECEC reform in Sweden from a socio-economic viewpoint, it seems clear that the scoolification caused in this process will establish a lifelong learning society that requires Sweden to maintain a welfare state. Therefore, in the knowledge society based on lifelong learning that Sweden wants to create, there is a possibility that discussion based on the framework of “ECEC” and “school education” will no longer be possible. In short, Sweden is seeking a new way of educating young children through a third “lifelong learning approach”.本論文はその一部を第一著者が提出した「広島大学博士学位請求論文(2017年3月2日授与)」及び「保育学会第71回大会(2018年5月12日)にて発表している。執筆にあたっては,科学研究費基盤研究(C)(19K02612)(2019-2022年)の助成を受けている

    An Intervention for a Child with Special Needs at a Regular Classroom : A Process of being Recognized as “a Specialist of Cleaning”

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    本研究では,通常の学級において対象児が周囲に認められ,自信を持つ過程を明らかにした。その際,小学校と家庭との間でどのような連携が行われ,具体的にどのような支援が行われたのかを検討した。また,「お掃除名人」として表彰され,周囲に認められたことを基点として,表彰されたエピソードの前後における対象児の様子を分析した。その結果,対象児が「お掃除名人」として表彰される前の時期には,自分自身に対するネガティブな発言が見られたが,「お掃除名人」として認められた後には,そのような発言は減少し,その後も自分の与えられた掃除の役割に継続して取り組んでいた。そのため,対象児は学級の友達からも頑張りを認められていた。この背景には,第1に小学校と家庭との間で対象児の様子について密な連携があったことが挙げられる。第2に対象児が学んだことを実際に活動の中に活かそうと思うような支援を先生や保護者が実施できたためだと考える。In this study, we clarified process of getting confidence and be recognized in the class. At that time, we examined how to cooperate with elementary school and children’s family and how to concrete support him. We analyzed children’s behavior basing point of becoming “Specialist of cleaning”, before “Specialist of cleaning” and after “Specialist of cleaning”. In the result, he had talked negative words before “Specialist of cleaning”, but decreased negative words after “Specialist of cleaning”, and continued role of his given cleaning. Therefore, he was recognized about his cleaning work. Behind this background, first is thickly cooperation with elementary school and his family. Second is support him to exploit actually learning