115 research outputs found

    Comparing Niko Niko Room’s educational support effects of university students, elementary students, and guardians (8) : Questionnaires from 2014

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    The effects of educational support programs offered at the Niko Niko Room in 2014 are discussed in this study. Twenty-three university students, twenty-three elementary students, and twenty-three guardians participated in the programs and were asked to answer questionnaires. Questionnaires measured the abilities of university students, degrees of satisfaction, and degrees of interest. Effects of the programs perceived by the three groups were compared between university students and elementary students, between university students and guardians, between elementary students and guardians, and among university students, elementary students, and guardians. Elementary students and guardians highly evaluated the educational abilities of the university students compared to the university students themselves. Overall, university students, elementary students, and guardians positively evaluated the effects of the educational support programs, and were satisfied with the educational support programs

    Effects of Niko Niko Room’s educational support program on students’ ability formation (8) : Survey results of students who participated in the programs of 2014

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    The educational support programs offered at the Niko Niko Room of the Center for School Education and Research of Hiroshima University enable university students to support school children with their studies, especially arithmetic. Effects of the educational support programs of 2014 on university students were examined in this study. Sixty-two students answered questionnaires before and after the programs. Of the 62 students, 24 students did the actual study support and 38 students observed the study support done by other students. Students who did the actual teaching were taught and supervised by supervisors. All students participated in case review sessions where the group reviewed each case. Through their participation in the programs, both the students who did the actual support and who did the observations formed “assessment” and “teaching skill” abilities. Students were especially able to better their ability in understanding where the school children were troubled, and correcting the wrong thinking process the school children had. Overall, university students were satisfied with the educational support program where they were able to interact with the school children, and to experience actual teaching

    Comparing Niko Niko Room's educational support effects of university students, elementary students, and guardians (6) : Questionnaires from 2012

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    The effects of Niko Niko Room's educational support program of 2012 perceived by university students, elementary students, and guardians were compared in this study. Eleven university students, eleven elementary students, and eleven guardians answered questionnaires measuring the ability of university students, degrees of satisfaction, and degrees of interest. Comparisons between university students and elementary students, between university students and guardians, between elementary students and guardians, and among university students, elementary students, and guardians were made. University students tended to underestimate their educational ability compared to elementary students. Overall, the effects of the educational support program were positively evaluated by university students, elementary students, and guardians, and elementary students and guardians were satisfied with the educational support program

    Effects of Niko Niko Room’s educational support program on school children (9) : Survey results of school children and their parents who participated in the programs of 2014

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    The effects of an educational support program on school children who participated in the programs held in 2014 were examined in this study. The educational support program was held at a clinic of school psychology at the Center for School Education and Research of Hiroshima University called Niko Niko Room. Twenty-nine school children and their guardians answered questionnaires about the program. Results showed the following: (1) Educational support had a positive effect on children’s “self-efficacy regarding arithmetic”. (2) Both children and guardians positively evaluated the effects of this program, and both of them estimated students’ abilities high. (3) Children’s estimation of students’ communication and understanding had positive relations to their “interests in arithmetic”. Guardians’ estimation of students’ communication also had a positive relation to their estimation of “their children’s interests in arithmetic”

    Effects of Niko Niko Room's educational support program on school children (7) : Survey results of school children and their parents who participated in the programs of 2012

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of an educational support program on school children who participated in the programs held in 2012. The educational support program was held at the Niko Niko Room which is a clinic of school psychology at the Center for School Education and Research of Hiroshima University. 32 school children and their guardians answered questionnaires. Results showed that the educational support program had a positive effect on the children's "self-efficacy regarding arithmetic". Both children and their guardians highly evaluated the students' abilities who gave actual support to the children. Also, when the students' abilities are highly perceived, children's "interests in arithmetic" were also highly perceived. Overall, the effects of the educational support program were positively evaluated by both the children and their guardians

    Effects of Niko Niko Room's educational support program on students' ability formation (6) : Survey results of students who participated in the programs of 2012

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    Since 2008, the Center for School Education and Research of Hiroshima University has been offering an educational support program at the Niko Niko Room where university students are able to support school children with their studies, especially arithmetic. In this study, the effects of the educational support programs of 2012 on university students were examined. Data of 65 students who answered questionnaires before and after the programs was analyzed. Of the 65 students, 30 students did the actual study support and 35 students observed the study support done by other students. The actual study support was taught and supervised by supervisors, and cases were taken under review by the group. Results showed that students' ability of "teaching skills" was formed through their participation of the program in both the students who did the actual support and who did the observations. Students were especially able to better their ability in offering appropriate educational materials, and in leading the children to notice their study problem on their own. Students were satisfied with the educational support program which they were able to be involved with children, and to experience actual teaching

    Early support for university students with ADHD tendencies

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    近年,注意欠如/ 多動性障害(ADHD)の大学生の存在が注目されるようになってきている。ADHD の主症状には,不注意,多動性,衝動性があるが,多動性は成長とともに軽減するため,成人例は小児例と比較して不注意が目立つ傾向が多く,大学生においては,学業不振が顕著となりやすい。ADHD に関する社会的な認知度も少しずつ高まりつつあるが,学生生活に困難さを感じながらも,相談に至らない学生は少なくない。われわれは,大学生を対象にADHD の症状に関するアンケート調査を実施した。不注意さや集中力の困難さ,落ち着きのなさにより,大学生活で困る頻度が高いと回答した学生も多く,ADHD の症状を有する学生の存在も考えられる。ADHD に関する知識を得ることで,ADHD の学生が自分自身の特性の気づきにつながることもあり,学生や教職員に対してADHD の知識や情報の提供,早期の相談を呼びかけていくことが必要であると思われる。Recently, problems in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) has been an attention-getting topic in campus mental health. ADHD is characterized by inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity symptoms. Adult ADHD is especially characterized by inattention. Poor academic performance is significant in university students with ADHD. Comorbidities with other psychiatric disorders are common and can lead to further impairments. Social recognition about ADHD is increasing little by little, but there is little consultation from students who are troubled with inattention. In this study, a questionnaire about ADHD was conducted to university students. Many students were troubled by inattention and/or hyperactivity-impulsivity which made their lives difficult. On campus, it would be important to provide the students with appropriate information about ADHD, and to offer them with early support