14 research outputs found

    Disinfection Potential of 980 nm Diode Laser and Hydrogen Peroxide (3%) in "Critical Probing Depths" Periodontal Pockets: Retrospective Study.

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    peer reviewedA successful treatment of periodontitis depends largely on the successful elimination of the periodontopathogens during non-surgical and surgical mechanical debridement. In this retrospective study, data collection was conducted from 2017 to 2021. The retrospective study included 128 patients with 128 sites of localized periodontitis with pocket depths > 5 mm. The included data were based on sites that received conventional mechanical debridement followed by different adjunctive approaches. In total, 30 patients did not receive any additional treatment (SRP group), 30 patients received SRP + 980 nm diode laser irradiation only (SRP + laser), 30 patients received SRP + 3% hydrogen peroxide irrigation (SRP + H2O2) only and 30 patients received a combined treatment of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 980 nm diode laser irradiation (SRP + H2O2 + laser). Total bacterial counts (TBC) in the periodontal pocket collected for all participants before treatment, immediately after treatment, 6 weeks after treatment, 12 weeks after treatment and 6 months after treatment were statistically analyzed and compared. When the laser was used, irradiation parameters were 10 μsec/pulse duration, 10 kHz, pick power of 10 W, average power of 1 W, irradiation time of one minute with inward and outward movements, and fiber diameter of 320 μm. The irradiation was repeated 3 times/pocket. When hydrogen peroxide was used, the irrigation was conducted for one minute and repeated 3 times. The maximum reduction in TBC was obtained when SRP was coupled with 3% H2O2 irrigation followed by 980 nm diode laser irradiation. After six months of follow-up, a significant reduction in TBC was obtained for the group of SRP + H2O2 + laser when compared to all the other groups, from 7.27 × 107 before intervention to 3.21 × 107 after six months. All three approaches to SRP showed a significant reduction in TBC immediately after treatment. Values were 3.52 × 107, 4.01 × 106, 9.58 × 106, 1.98 × 106 for SRP alone, SRP + diode, SRP + H2O2 and SRP + H2O2 + diode laser, respectively. At 6 months, we saw no significant difference between SRP + laser and SRP + H2O2 with 4.01 × 107 and 4.32 × 107, respectively. This retrospective study reveals that after SRP, irrigation with 3% hydrogen peroxide and irradiation with a 980 nm diode laser within specific treatment protocol can be used as an additional approach to conventional SRP to increase the disinfection of the periodontal pockets > 5 mm

    Dentinal Hypersensitivity Treatment Using Diode Laser 980 nm: In Vivo Study

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    peer reviewedThe discomfort of patients due to dentinal hypersensitivity (DH) is one of the main challenges that dentists face in daily practice. Difficulties in DH treatment gave rise to many protocols which are currently used. The aim of this clinical study is to evaluate the effectiveness of a new protocol on the reduction of dentinal hypersensitivity with diode laser 980 nm and the application of a graphite paste. 184 patients enrolled in the study, the degree of pain was evaluated by visual analog scale (VAS), graphite paste was applied on the exposed dentine before irradiation, the application of diode laser 980 nm with continuous mode, backward motion, tangential incidence of the beam in non-contact mode and a delivery output of 1 W. Fiber’s diameter was 320 μm and total exposure time depended on the time necessary to remove the graphite paste from the teeth. Statistical analyses were performed with Prism 5® software. Pain in post-operative significantly decreased immediately after the treatment. Mean values stayed stable until a 6-month follow-up. The application is considered to be safe with long-term effectiveness

    Aesthetic Treatment Outcomes of Capillary Hemangioma, Venous Lake, and Venous Malformation of the Lip Using Different Surgical Procedures and Laser Wavelengths (Nd:YAG, Er,Cr:YSGG, CO2, and Diode 980 nm).

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    peer reviewedDifferent approaches with different clinical outcomes have been found in treating capillary hemangioma (CH), venous lake (VL), or venous malformations (VM) of the lips. This retrospective study aims to assess scar quality, recurrence rate, and patient satisfaction after different surgeries with different laser wavelengths. A total of 143 patients with CH or VM were included. Nd:YAG laser was used for 47 patients, diode 980 nm laser was used for 32 patients (treatments by transmucosal photo-thermo-coagulation), Er,Cr:YSSG laser was used for 12 patients (treatments by excision), and CO2 laser was used for 52 patients (treatments by photo-vaporization). The Manchester scar scale was used by practitioners to assess the scar quality. The recurrence rate and patients' satisfaction were noted at different follow-ups during 12 months. Our retrospective study showed that laser-assisted aesthetic treatment of vascular lesions (CH, VL, and VM) of the lips can be considered effective regardless of the wavelength used (Er,Cr:YSGG, CO2, Nd:YAG, and diode 980 nm) or the treatment procedure (transmucosal photo-thermo-coagulation, photo-vaporization, and surgical excision). There was no significant difference in patient and practitioner satisfaction with aesthetic outcome at 6 months follow-up. Furthermore, the treatments of lip vascular lesions performed using Er,Cr:YSGG and CO2 lasers did not show any recurrence during the 12 months of follow-up, while recurrence rates of 11% ± 1.4% and 8% ± 0.9% were seen in the diode and Nd:YAG groups, respectively

    Laser phototherapy in acute posttraumatic trismus - Case-series study.

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    peer reviewed[en] BACKGROUD AND AIMS: There are very few studies on laser phototherapy (LPT) in acute temporomandibular disorders (TMDs). Our objective is to assess the effectiveness of laser phototherapy (LPT) on the limitation of the mouth opening due to an acute mandibular trauma. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Fourteen women of 41 ± 3 years and 24 men of 38 ± 3 years, with no history of TMD and having sustained a mandibular trauma within the prior 20 hours, were treated exclusively by using an 810-nm laser beam in a continuous wave mode, with an output power of 1 W. At a speed of 2 cm/s, it scanned twice, for 60 seconds, with a pause in between of 2 minutes, a large cutaneous area (25 cm2), covering the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), the masseter muscle and a part of the temporalis fossa; also, it scanned just once, for 7 seconds, a small mucous area (3 cm2), covering the internal pterygoid muscle. The clinical outcomes were evaluated by comparing the maximum unassisted opening (MUO), measured at the baseline and immediately after the end of the LPT procedure. RESULTS: The MUO improvement of 24.6 ± 4.4 mm represented a highly significant difference (p < .0001) between the measurements, in all the patients, regardless of gender. CONCLUSIONS: By scanning with an 810-nm laser beam, within less than 20 hours after the trauma, large areas of all the involved tissues and not just a few points, as described until now, the limited mouth opening in acute posttraumatic trismus was immediately and greatly resolved

    Evaluation of a New Method for the Treatment of Invasive, Diffuse, and Unexcisable Lymphangiomas of the Oral Cavity with Defocus CO2 Laser Beam: A 20-Year Follow-Up

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    Abstract Objective: The aim of our study is to evaluate the efficiency of a new therapeutic method using CO2 laser to avoid mutilation or total excision for the treatment of invasive, large and unexcisable oral lymphangiomas. Background data: Cystic lymphatic malformations, or lymphangiomas, are mature lymphatic malformations, consisting of abnormal lymphatic vessels. Surgical excision is considered by most surgeons to be the treatment of choice for lymphangioma. Laser beam has been used to treat superficial or small lymphatic malformations by excision or by photocoagulation, and to excise or photocoagulate small lymphangiomas. Patients and methods: Seventeen patients with diffuse and unexcisable lymphangiomas were treated using a CO2 laser with specific settings: beam was 2W in noncontact and defocus mode, power density was 0.63W/cm2 for irradiation time in the range of 3– 5min, and the estimated energy density range was 114.65–191.02 J/cm2. The beam diameter at the tissular impact point was –2 cm. The laser beam was defocused to provoke a deep heat generation that would dry up the lymphatic tissues and induce deep tissue necrosis that heals by fibrous tissue process. Results: The results were satisfactory and stable, with localized recurrence in three cases. The recurrent areas were re-treated using the same technique successfully and with no further recurrence. Conclusions: The use of CO2 laser under the suggested irradiation conditions can be considered a useful technique for the treatment of invasive lymphangiomas

    Evaluation of Different Laser-Supported Surgical Protocols for the Treatment of Oral Leukoplakia: A Long-Term Follow-Up.

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    peer reviewed[en] PURPOSE: The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term success rate of oral leukoplakia treatments by using different laser-supported surgical protocols. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Overall, 2347 diagnosed homogeneous oral leukoplakias were treated with CO2 laser and were included in this study. Different surgical protocols (P) were used: P1 (SV = superficial scanning) was a complete superficial vaporization of the leukoplakia by a scanning mode in two passages respecting an overlapping. Only the visible white area was treated in one surgical session independently of the lesion size. P2 (CR1x1) was a complete excision of the lesions until a tissular depth of 1 mm and 1 mm of surrounding healthy-like tissue were attained. The visible white area was treated in one surgical session independently of the lesion size. P3 (CR1x3) was a complete excision of the lesions until a minimum tissue depth of 1 mm and 3 mm of surrounding healthy-like tissue were obtained. The visible white area was treated in one surgical session independently of the lesion size. P4 (PR1x3) was similar to the third one, but for patient comfort, the large lesions of leukoplakias (lesion size higher than 20 mm), the complete surgical excision of the leukoplakia was performed in multiple sessions that were spaced by 1 month (partial surgical removal of 10 mm per session). All patients were recalled at 2 and 8 weeks after surgery, and then every 2 months during the first year, every 4 months during the second year, and once a year for the follow-up period of 6 years. A biopsy was done once a year during the follow-up period in the surgical site when needed. The control consisted of checking the nature and the aspect of the healed mucosa to exclude an eventual recurrence of leukoplakia. RESULTS: The percentage of permanent success after 6 years of follow-up was 5.7%, 69.7%, 97.8%, and 71.9%, respectively, for the first surgical protocol (SV), the second (CR 1 × 1), the third (CR 1 × 3), and the fourth (PR 1 × 3). The appearance of malignant transformation after laser treatment (during the follow-up period of 6 years) was 20%, 1%, and 0.2%, respectively, for the groups treated by the following protocols: 1 (SV), 2 (CR 1 × 1), and 4 (PR 1 × 3). Only in the third group CR1x3, no dysplasia or malignant transformation was noted. On the contrary, the appearance of malignant transformation in failed treated cases was 21.21% for the protocol 1 (SV), 3% for the protocol 2 (CR 1 × 1), and 0.6% for the protocol 4 (PR 1 × 3). CONCLUSIONS: The results of this long-term follow-up of treated patients with oral homogeneous leukoplakias pointed out that the surgical laser protocol respecting the complete excision of leukoplakias, in one session, by the removal of a minimum of 1 mm in lesion depth and 3 mm of surrounding healthy-like tissues (CR 1 × 3) offers significantly the highest success rate

    Laser-Assisted Non-Surgical Treatments of Periodontitis

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    This entry explores the innovative use of lasers in the non-surgical treatment of periodontitis, shedding light on the advantages, effectiveness, and limitations of this approach. There has been a massive eruption of innovations and technologies to assist in the treatment of periodontal diseases over the past 30 years. The use of lasers has opened new horizons and possibilities that can enhance periodontal treatments. However, their use is not always based on validated concepts and evidence-based protocols. Hence, this entry aims to describe, summarize, and assess the available evidence on the current laser-assisted protocols in the non-surgical treatment of periodontitis. Four distinct laser-assisted approaches are addressed: (1) the use of lasers for the removal of subgingival calculus, (2) the use of lasers in photodynamic therapy/photoactivated disinfection, (3) the use of lasers in photobiomodulation therapy, and (4) the use of high-power lasers. Based on the available studies and on the current guidelines and recommendations, the use of lasers exhibits several advantages, such as the increased disinfection of periodontal pockets and the junctional epithelium and connective tissue, the removal of calculus and biofilm, and the bactericidal effect on periodontal pathogens. Moreover, photobiomodulation therapy seems to play a positive role in the management of the inflammatory process of periodontitis. Although promising, the use of lasers in the non-surgical treatment of periodontitis needs to be further investigated

    Twelve-Month Follow-Up of Different Dentinal Hypersensitivity Treatments by Photobiomodulation Therapy, Nd:YAG and Nd:YAP Lasers.

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    peer reviewedIn this retrospective study, data for three different laser-assisted approaches for the management of dentinal hypersensitivity (DH) was collected (n = 920 teeth). In total, 387 teeth were treated with photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy with 660 nm red light laser (PBM group), 327 were treated with the Nd:YAG laser (1064 nm) and 206 were treated with the Nd:YAP laser (1340 nm). To assess the effectiveness of each treatment, a visual analogue scale (VAS) was used, where zero represented no pain at all and ten represented the greatest pain. VAS was used before (T0), immediately after (T1), one week after (T2), four weeks after (T3), six months after (T4) and one year after treatment (T5). Means and standard deviations of VAS at different follow-up times were calculated. Values were compared within and between groups. Statistical significance was considered to be achieved when p-value was less than 0.05. Confidence level was proposed to be 99% with a P value lower than 0.001. Within groups, a statistically significant reduction was obtained when the mean value of VAS at T0 was compared with T5. At T5, the PBM group had the highest reduction of VAS (with mean value of 0), while the Nd:YAG and Nd:YAP groups had scores of 1.065 ± 0.674 and 4.665 ± 0.674, respectively. Conclusion: this retrospective study showed that PBM therapy and irradiation with Nd:YAG and Nd:YAP lasers are effective in managing DH pain. However, PBM therapy was the only procedure that showed complete pain relief at six and twelve months after treatment

    Clinical Evaluation of Diode (980 nm) Laser-Assisted Nonsurgical Periodontal Pocket Therapy: A Randomized Comparative Clinical Trial and Bacteriological Study.

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    peer reviewedBackground: Mechanical debridement is the gold standard in the periodontitis therapy. However, it is suggested that adjunctive use of lasers can result in a more effective treatment outcome. Objective: Evaluate the efficiency of diode laser-assisted nonsurgical therapy of periodontitis as adjunctive to scaling and root planing (SRP). Methods: One hundred sixty vertical bone defects [pocket depth (PD) at baseline ≥6 mm] had been randomly allocated to receive SRP alone (group C) or SRP coupled to a diode laser (980 nm) protocol (group C+L): SRP, irrigation with hydrogen peroxide solution (3%), de-epithelization of the internal and external gingiva followed by blood stabilization, and coagulation by laser beam were made. Beam parameters: 10 μsec/pulse duration, 10 kHz, pick power of 10 W, average power of 1 W, and fiber diameter of 400 μm. Plaque index (PI), bleeding on probing, gingival recession (GR), clinical attachment level (CAL), and PD were measured at baseline, at 6 weeks, 12 weeks, 18 weeks, 6 months, and 12 months. Microbiological data were collected randomly from 26 pockets from both groups at baseline, 6 weeks, 12 weeks, and 6 months after treatment. Results: At all periods of follow-up, there was a significant difference between both groups in all clinical parameters except in GR. In group C+L, 76% of pockets had PD ≤3 mm after 12 months of follow-up and an average of PD = 1.77 ± 0.46 mm, while 56% of pockets in group control (C) had an average of PD = 5.00 ± 0.83 mm after 12 months of follow-up. Total bacteria count in group C + L was significantly lower compared to group C only at 12 weeks and 6 months of follow-up. Furthermore, there was high significant decrease in the number of Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans, Porphyromonas gingivalis, Tannerella forsythia, and Prevotella intermedia at all the follow-up periods. Conclusions: As adjunctive to SRP, diode laser-assisted nonsurgical therapy of periodontitis has significantly improved clinical parameters of PI and POB and has significantly reduced the clinical attachment loss (CAL) and PD compared to the control group after 1 year of follow-up. A significant reduction in periodontal pathogens has been observed in group C + L only at 12 weeks and 6 months of follow-up

    Photobiomodulation Therapy vs. Corticosteroid for the Management of Erosive/Ulcerative and Painful Oral Lichen Planus. Assessment of Success Rate during One-Year Follow-Up: A Retrospective Study

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    Photobiomodulation (PBM) therapy is a promising approach for the management of inflammatory conditions and autoimmune lesions, such as oral lichen planus (OLP). The aim of this retrospective study was to assess the effectiveness of PBM in the management of painful and erosive/ulcerative OLP and to compare it with the standard of care that is the topical application of corticosteroids. 96 patients were included with erosive and painful OLP. 48 patients received PBM therapy and 48 received corticosteroids. Data was collected retrospectively on pain using the visual analogue scale; clinical aspects of lesions were assessed with the REU score, and the recurrence rate was noted. One session of PBM therapy with a helium-neon red light (635 nm) was carried out every 48 h for 6 weeks. Treatments were mainly made in contact mode, using a fiber with a diameter of 600 µm (0.6 mm). The output power of the laser beam was calibrated by a power meter. A delivered power of 0.1 W was used for 40 s in a continuous wave (CW), corresponding to a delivered energy of 4 J. The delivered energy density related to the fiber diameter was 1415 J/cm2. Each treated point was considered as 1 cm2 of diameter. PBM therapy within these parameters was carried out on each point until the totality of the lesion was covered, including the non-erosive OLP area. Furthermore, healthy mucosa within 5 mm of the lesion was also irradiated with the same conditions. This PBM treatment was performed during 6 consecutive weeks. The topical corticosteroid treatment consisted of&nbsp;cortisone application to cover the OLP 3 times/day for 6 weeks. Follow-up was made at 6 weeks and at 3, 6 and 12 months. After 6 weeks, both groups showed complete absence of pain, and a complete disappearance of ulcerative/erosive areas. No significant difference was found for both groups concerning the recurrence rate of erosive OLP during the follow-up period; values were 0% at 6 weeks for both groups and 79% and 87.5% for the corticosteroid and PBM group, respectively, at 12 months of follow-up. PBM is effective for managing OLP and is significantly similar to topical corticosteroids without any need for the use of medication and with no reported side effects