98 research outputs found

    Offline Social Relationships and Online Cancer Communication: Effects of Social and Family Support on Online Social Network Building

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    This study investigates how social support and family relationship perceptions influence breast cancer patients’ online communication networks in a computer-mediated social support (CMSS) group. To examine social interactions in the CMSS group, we identified two types of online social networks: open and targeted communication networks. The open communication network reflects group communication behaviors (i.e., one-to-many or “broadcast” communication) in which the intended audience is not specified; in contrast, the targeted communication network reflects interpersonal discourses (i.e., one-to-one or directed communication) in which the audience for the message is specified. The communication networks were constructed by tracking CMSS group usage data of 237 breast cancer patients who participated in one of two National Cancer Institute-funded randomized clinical trials. Eligible subjects were within 2 months of a diagnosis of primary breast cancer or recurrence at the time of recruitment. Findings reveal that breast cancer patients who perceived less availability of offline social support had a larger social network size in the open communication network. In contrast, those who perceived less family cohesion had a larger targeted communication network in the CMSS group, meaning they were inclined to use the CMSS group for developing interpersonal relationships

    KIAA1114, a full-length protein encoded by the trophinin gene, is a novel surface marker for isolating tumor-initiating cells of multiple hepatocellular carcinoma subtypes

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    Identification of novel biomarkers for tumor-initiating cells (TICs) is of critical importance for developing diagnostic and therapeutic strategies against cancers. Here we identified the role of KIAA1114, a full-length translational product of the trophinin gene, as a distinctive marker for TICs in human liver cancer by developing a DNA vaccine-induced monoclonal antibody targeting the putative extracellular domain of KIAA1114. Compared with other established markers of liver TICs, KIAA1114 was unique in that its expression was detected in both alpha fetoprotein (AFP)-positive and AFP-negative hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) cell lines with the expression levels of KIAA1114 being positively correlated to their tumorigenic potentials. Notably, KIAA1114 expression was strongly detected in primary hepatic tumor, but neither in the adjacent non-tumorous tissue from the same patient nor normal liver tissue. KIAA1114(high) cells isolated from HCC cell lines displayed TIC-like features with superior functional and phenotypic traits compared to their KIAA1114(low) counterparts, including tumorigenic abilities in xenotransplantation model, in vitro colony- and spheroid-forming capabilities, expression of stemness-associated genes, and migratory capacity. Our findings not only address the value of a novel antigen, KIAA1114, as a potential diagnostic factor of human liver cancer, but also as an independent biomarker for identifying TIC populations that could be broadly applied to the heterogeneous HCC subtypes.X1110Nsciescopu

    Recruiting farm parents for a 6-week online child safety survey study using paid Facebook advertisements

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    Agricultural populations are a popular target for research due to the industry's dangerous conditions, unique work environments, and youth-including workforce. However, reaching and recruiting eligible participants is challenging and expensive when compared to other industries. We conducted a two-phase, multi-week paid advertising campaign on Facebook.com, varying delivery time, imagery, verbiage, and targeting methods to recruit U.S. farm parents for an online survey study investigating childhood agricultural safety. Advertisements were active for 4 weeks in fall 2021 and 3 weeks in winter 2022 at 1,500perweek.Thefallrecruitmenttargetedfarmparents,depictingthreefarmrelatedimages,whilethewinterrecruitmenttargetedallparents,depictingfarmrescuetrainingswithfirefighters.Thefallrecruitmentgarnered5,535linkclickswithareachof233,690(1,500 per week. The fall recruitment targeted farm parents, depicting three farm-related images, while the winter recruitment targeted all parents, depicting farm-rescue trainings with firefighters. The fall recruitment garnered 5,535 link clicks with a reach of 233,690 (1.07 per click). The winter recruitment garnered 8,602 clicks with a reach of 750,764 (0.53perclick)andhigheruserengagement.Atotalof1,439participantsbeganthescreenerquestionnaire,aconversionrateof10.180.53 per click) and higher user engagement. A total of 1,439 participants began the screener questionnaire, a conversion rate of 10.18%. Of 815 completed responses, 271 met our inclusion criteria. One hundred and sixty-four participants completed the study: 45 from fall (27.6% dropout) and 119 (40% dropout) from winter. The overall attrition rate was 38.1% and cost per completed response was 64 USD. We successfully recruited our target sample size for this study. Notably, advertisement timing, imagery, and sampling frame likely affected performance. A screening questionnaire was imperative in identifying sham responses. These findings show that paid Facebook advertising can be a feasible recruitment tool to engage with a traditionally difficult to reach population with proper precautions and planning

    Expression and Reception: An Analytic Method for Assessing Message Production and Consumption in CMC

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    This article presents an innovative methodology to study computer-mediated communication (CMC), which allows analysis of the multi-layered effects of online expression and reception. The methodology is demonstrated by combining the following three data sets collected from a widely tested eHealth system, the Comprehensive Health Enhancement Support System (CHESS): (1) a flexible and precise computer-aided content analysis; (2) a record of individual message posting and reading; and (3) longitudinal survey data. Further, this article discusses how the resulting data can be applied to online social network analysis and demonstrates how to construct two distinct types of online social networks—open and targeted communication networks—for different types of content embedded in social networks

    Predictors of the Change in the Expression of Emotional Support within an Online Breast Cancer Support Group: A Longitudinal Study

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    OBJECTIVES: To explore how the expression of emotional support in an online breast cancer support group changes over time, and what factors predict this pattern of change. METHODS: We conducted growth curve modeling with data collected from 192 participants in an online breast cancer support group within the Comprehensive Health Enhancement Support System (CHESS) during a 24-week intervention period. RESULTS: Individual expression of emotional support tends to increase over time for the first 12 weeks of the intervention, but then decrease slightly with time after that. In addition, we found that age, living situation, comfort level with computer and the Internet, coping strategies were important factors in predicting the changing pattern of expressing emotional support. CONCLUSIONS: Expressing emotional support changed in a quadratic trajectory, with a range of factors predicting the changing pattern of expression. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: These results can provide important information for e-health researchers and physicians in determining the benefits individuals can gain from participation in should CMSS groups as the purpose of cancer treatment

    Intravaginal Administration of Fc-Fused IL7 Suppresses the Cervicovaginal Tumor by Recruiting HPV DNA Vaccine-Induced CD8 T Cells

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    Purpose: The induction of tissue-localized virus-specific CD8 T-cell response is essential for the development of an effective therapeutic vaccine against genital diseases, such as cervical cancer and genital herpes. Here, we aimed to elucidate the immunologic role of IL7 in the induction of mucosal cellular immunity. Experimental Design: IL7 was engineered through Fc fusion to enhance mucosal delivery across the genital epithelial barrier. The immunomodulatory role of IL7 was evaluated by monitoring the kinetics of various immune cells and measuring the expression of chemokines and cytokines after intravaginal administration of Fc-fused IL7 (IL7-Fc). The antitumor effects of intramuscular human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA vaccine or topical IL7-Fc alone or in a combinational regimen on mice survival were compared using a orthotopic cervical cancer model. Results: Intravaginal treatment of IL7-Fc, but not native IL7, induces upregulation of chemokines (CXCL10, CCL3, CCL4, and CCL5), cytokines (IFN-gamma, TNF alpha, IL6, and IL1 beta), and an adhesion molecule (VCAM-1) in the genital tract, leading to the recruitment of several leukocytes, including CD4, CD8, gamma delta T cells, and dendritic cells. Importantly, in this murine cervical cancer model, topical administration of IL7-Fc after intramuscular HPV DNA vaccination increases the number of HPV-specific CD8 T cells in the genital mucosa, but not in the spleen, leading to stronger antitumor activity than the HPV DNA vaccine alone. Conclusions: Our findings provide an important insight into the immunomodulatory role of IL7-Fc via topical application and the design of therapeutic vaccine regimen that induces effective genital-mucosal CD8 T-cell responses.1110Ysciescopu

    Why blog? (then and now): Exploring the motivations for blogging by popular American political bloggers

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    Abstract Despite the impact that influential American political bloggers have had on public policies and the mainstream media agenda in recent years, very little research is currently available on the most widely read political bloggers. Through a survey of 66 top American political bloggers, the present study examines this elite group by analyzing their initial and current motivations for blogging as well as their online and offline behaviors. The findings demonstrate that nearly all motivations for blogging have increased over time, with the most substantial increases occurring in extrinsic motivations. The results also reveal a significant association between extrinsic motivations and blogger online and offline political participation. This study demonstrates that future research on political blogs needs to look beyond blog readers and blog content and investigate the influential political bloggers themselves. Keywords bloggers, extrinsic and intrinsic motivations, political blogs, political participation In the past several years, political bloggers have played a significant role in the development of the American mainstream news agenda and Washington politics. For example, By now, many of the country's most influential bloggers have been blogging about political topics and current events for years. Some of them have been concentrating on political issues from the very beginning, such as Markos Moulitsas, who made it clear on his first Daily Kos post, 'I am liberal. I make no apologies Yet despite the intriguing emergence of bloggers into legitimate political circles and their apparent influence on American media and public policies, very little research on the most widely read political bloggers is currently available. While there is a growing body of research focused on political blog content Political Blogs and Their Bloggers Although blogs have received a considerable amount of attention recently, there is no clear consensus among scholars, media professionals and blog users about the definition of the word 'blog' 3 found that when blog readers describe blogs, they emphasize the interactional attributes rather than any structural features. These authors argue that it is 'more useful and informative to consider blogs not in terms of academic definitions, but rather in the terms of those involved in the activity of blogging The presence and popularity of blogs, which have been around since the early days of the world wide web, grew exponentially after the 11 September 2001 terrorist attacks as writers sought new outlets to express their feelings about the uncertain times and readers searched for information unavailable in the mainstream media (Blood, 2002; Unlike traditional news, most political bloggers do not subscribe to journalistic norms of objectivity; rather, their writings tend to be grounded in strong ideological assumptions Political Blogger Motivations and Behaviors The content of a blog depends heavily on the intentions of its author or authors, with some blogs serving as news aggregators, some as more personal diaries and others as political soapboxes. As boyd (2006: 3) points out in arguing that blogs should be reconceptualized as a medium rather than a genre, blogging encapsulates a 'diverse set of practices that result in the production of diverse content'. Therefore, understanding why political bloggers choose to blog is useful for expanding our understanding of the content found on those blogs. Indeed, while laying out a framework for studying mainstream media effects, Scheufele (1999) argues for the importance of analyzing why journalists adopt certain frames rather than limiting our focus to frames themselves. Similarly, Carragee and Roefs Cognitive psychologists assert that an individual's behavior is influenced by both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations Several recent studies have begun to examine the question of why bloggers blog. While these studies focused on bloggers generally, it is important to distinguish between those who blog about personal, social and cultural topics and those who concentrate on political issues, as their motivations may differ. In his study of non-'A-list' political bloggers, Wallsten (2005) found these bloggers were primarily driven by two motivations: (1) a desire for self-expression on political issues (i.e. a form of political expression) and (2) a desire to influence the distribution of social goods and social values (i.e. a form of political participation). According to this categorization, political bloggers are driven by both intrinsic and extrinsic motivations, the former being intrinsic and the latter extrinsic as bloggers are rewarded by perceiving the influence of their content beyond themselves. Therefore, the present study provides an investigation into the motivations for political blogging, whether these motivations change over time and if these motivations impact blogger behavior. Following the work of H1: Extrinsic motivations for blogging will increase over the blogspan. RQ1: Will intrinsic motivations for blogging change over the blogspan? Extending the work of Sampling the Most Widely Read Political Blogs To determine the top blogs, indexing sites employ a number of different methods Measures In the survey, we developed 13 possible blogger motivations based on the previous research (Blood, 2002; Beyond questions concerning motivations, the survey also measured bloggers' online and offline political behavior. In terms of bloggers' offline political behavior, we adopted political participation items widely used in political communication research new media & society XX(X) paper petition, contributed money to a political campaign or cause, worked on a political campaign, contacted elected officials, wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper or magazine, volunteered for a social group or cause and attended a protest or rally (M = 4.83, SD = 2.40, α = .86). Their response was recorded on an 11-point scale that ranged from 0 (not at all) to 10 (very frequently). Blogger online behaviors are broadly defined by two behavioral orientations of blogging: social interaction and information search In addition to these quantitative measures, bloggers were also asked the open-ended question, 'Why did you start a blog?' Responses to this question will appear later to provide further contextual information about this study's findings concerning motivations for blogging. Participants were also asked several other questions about party identification, media use and blog content that are beyond the scope of the current study. Results In response to our survey, participants rated the following three items highest for initial blogger motivations: 'to let off steam' (M = 7.00, SD = 2.93), 'to keep track of your thoughts' (M = 6.46, SD = 3.20) and 'to formulate new ideas' (M = 6.44, SD = 3.09). The three lowest initial motivators were 'to influence mainstream media' (M = 3.83, SD = 3.34), 'to help your political party or cause' (M = 4.58, SD = 3.69) and 'to serve as a political watchdog' (M = 4.79, SD = 3.40). As for current motivations for blogging, the three items that most strongly resonated with our respondents were 'to provide an alternative perspective to the mainstream media' (M = 7.87, SD = 2.43), 'to inform people about the most relevant information on topics of interest' (M = 7.61, SD = 2.31) and 'to influence public opinion' (M = 7.27, SD = 2.69). While none of these statements were considered among the top three initial motivations, the three weakest current motivators were very similar to the three lowest initial motivators: 'to influence mainstream media' (M = 5.25, SD = 3.06), 'to critique your political opponents' (M = 5.64, SD = 3.14) and 'to help your political party or cause' (M = 5.81, SD = 3.24). at SAGE Publications on March 20, 2015 nms.sagepub.com Downloaded from Ekdale et al. 9 To test the differences between initial and current levels of motivations for blogging among respondents, we conducted a paired-sample t-test. As shown in In terms of intrinsic motivations, thought process motivations also increased over the blogspan (initial: M = 6.49, SD = 2.69; current: M = 7.04, SD = 2.29; t = 2.02, d.f. = 62, p <.05), although the increase in 'to keep track of your thoughts' is not statistically significant (t = 0.96, d.f. = 60, p > .10). Finally, the catharsis motivation, 'to let off steam', was the only motivation to decrease from initial to current levels at the .1 significance level. The current mean score of 'to let of steam' was 6.57 (SD = 2.76), whereas the initial mean score was 7.00 (SD = 2.93) (t = −1.79, d.f. = 59, p < .1). To assess the relationship between motivations and behaviors, a hierarchical regression analysis was performed. The five demographic and partisanship variables were entered in a first block, followed by a second block consisting of the three types of blogger motivations: extrinsic, articulating ideas and catharsis. The equations of this model were run to make an initial assessment of which kinds of motivations have significant effects on bloggers' political behaviors. Discussion Based on the results of our survey, all motivations for blogging increased over the course of our participants' blogspans except for the motive 'to let off steam'. This finding demonstrates that for the top political bloggers included in our survey the activity of blogging reinforced their motivations for blogging. Overall, these bloggers were more motivated to blog now than when they first started blogging. In particular, the motivation 'to at SAGE Publications on March 20, 2015 nms.sagepub.com Downloaded from 10 new media & society XX (X) provide an alternative perspective to the mainstream media' exhibited the largest increase over time. This demonstrates that relative to when these bloggers first decided to provide their unique point-of-view online, they now saw an increased need to offer their perspective. They became more cognizant of the fact that, outside of traditional news media and day-to-day interactions, the blogosphere provided them with an outlet for disseminating information and expressing political opinions. Indeed, several of the responses to our open-ended motivation question indicate that many bloggers found blogging to be an effective outlet for providing alternative perspectives on political and social issues: I was skeptical of them at first -mostly saw them as vanity projects. Then I saw that they were capable of moving information around the traditional media bottlenecks and decided that it was something I could contribute to. (#33) First, I was frustrated out of my wits with the shallowness, and lack of context, background, and even facts, in political reporting. I started blogging so I could research and provide (for SOMEBODY) the information and context I wasn't seeing in establishment media. (#11

    CHESS Improves Cancer Caregivers\u27 Burden and Mood: Results of an eHealth RCT

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    OBJECTIVE: Informal caregivers (family and friends) of people with cancer are often unprepared for their caregiving role, leading to increased burden or distress. Comprehensive Health Enhancement Support System (CHESS) is a Web-based lung cancer information, communication, and coaching system for caregivers. This randomized trial reports the impact on caregiver burden, disruptiveness, and mood of providing caregivers access to CHESS versus the Internet with a list of recommended lung cancer websites. METHODS: A total of 285 informal caregivers of patients with advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer were randomly assigned to a comparison group that received Internet or a treatment group that received Internet and CHESS. Caregivers were provided a computer and Internet service if needed. Written surveys were completed at pretest and during the intervention period bimonthly for up to 24 months. Analyses of covariance (ANCOVAs) compared the intervention\u27s effect on caregivers\u27 disruptiveness and burden (CQOLI-C), and negative mood (combined Anxiety, Depression, and Anger scales of the POMS) at 6 months, controlling for blocking variables (site, caregiver\u27s race, and relationship to patient) and the given outcome at pretest. RESULTS: Caregivers randomized to CHESS reported lower burden, t(84) = 2.36, p = .021, d = .39, and negative mood, t(86) = 2.82, p = .006, d = .44, than those in the Internet group. The effect on disruptiveness was not significant. CONCLUSIONS: Although caring for someone with a terminal illness will always exact a toll on caregivers, eHealth interventions like CHESS may improve caregivers\u27 understanding and coping skills and, as a result, ease their burden and mood

    Intranasal Introduction of Fc-Fused Interleukin-7 Provides Long-Lasting Prophylaxis against Lethal Influenza Virus Infection

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    Influenza A virus (IAV) infection frequently causes hospitalization and mortality due to severe immunopathology. Annual vaccination and antiviral drugs are the current countermeasures against IAV infection, but they have a limited efficacy against new IAV variants. Here, we show that intranasal pretreatment with Fc-fused interleukin-7 (IL-7-mFc) protects mice from lethal IAV infections. The protective activity of IL-7-mFc relies on transcytosis via neonatal Fc receptor (FcRn) in the lung and lasts for several weeks. Introduction of IL-7-mFc alters pulmonary immune environments, leading to recruitment of T cells from circulation and their subsequent residency as tissue-resident memory-like T (T-RM-like) cells. IL-7-mFc-primed pulmonary T-RM-like cells contribute to protection upon IAV infection by dual modes. First, T-RM-like cells, although not antigen specific but polyclonal, attenuate viral replication at the early phase of IAV infection. Second, T-RM-like cells augment expansion of IAV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs), in particular at the late phase of infection, which directly control viruses. Thus, accelerated viral clearance facilitated by pulmonary T cells, which are either antigen specific or not, alleviates immunopathology in the lung and mortality from IAV infection. Depleting a subset of pulmonary T cells indicates that both CD4 and CD8 T cells contribute to protection from IAV, although IL-7-primed CD4 T cells have a more prominent role. Collectively, we propose intranasal IL-7-mFc pretreatment as an effective means for generating protective immunity against IAV infections, which could be applied to a potential prophylaxis for influenza pandemics in the future. IMPORTANCE The major consequence of a highly pathogenic IAV infection is severe pulmonary inflammation, which can result in organ failure and death at worst. Although vaccines for seasonal IAVs are effective, frequent variation of surface viral proteins hampers development of protective immunity. In this study, we demonstrated that intranasal IL-7-mFc pretreatment protected immunologically naive mice from lethal IAV infections. Intranasal pretreatment with IL-7-mFc induced an infiltration of T cells in the lung, which reside as effector/memory T cells with lung-retentive markers. Those IL-7-primed pulmonary T cells contributed to development of protective immunity upon IAV infection, reducing pulmonary immunopathology while increasing IAV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes. Since a single treatment with IL-7-mFc was effective in the protection against multiple strains of IAV for an extended period of time, our findings suggest a possibility that IL-7-mFc treatment, as a potential prophylaxis, can be developed for controlling highly pathogenic IAV infections.open1175sciescopu

    Immunomodulatory Effects of Eisenia bicyclis on Innate Immune Cells in Acute Exercise-Stress Rat Model

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    Abstract -In this study we investigated effects of supplementation with ethyl acetate extracts of the brown alga Eisenia bicyclis on innate immune cells to evaluate the possibilities as an immunomoulator in exercise stress. Twenty male SD rats were divided into four groups and the treatments were as follows: A, no Eisenia bicyclis extract (EBE) (200 mg/kg) intake and maintained at rest ; B, no EBE intake and undergoing exercise ; C, EBE intake and undergoing exercise ; D, EBE intake and maintained at rest. After 5 weeks of oral supplementation, rats were undergoing intensive swimming exercises for 2 h and sacrificed to assess the effects on peritoneal macrophages, spleen cells and natural killer (NK) cells. We showed increasing effects on nitric oxide-inducible nitric oxide synthase (NO-iNOS) production by macrophages and no effects of NK tumoricidal activity and suppressive effects on spleen cell proliferation in exercise group. However, EBE supplementation suppressed NO-iNOS production by macrophages and increased NK tumoricidal activity and spleen cell proliferative response to mitogen in exercise group. Overall, these results that EBE supplementation has differential effects on innate immune response and could be useful as sports nutrition