134 research outputs found


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    Zinc coatings have been deposited electrochemically from cyanine free alkaline solutions containing zinc ions with the presence of polyamine 70.000 and polyvinyl alcohol at different contents. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) images showed that the size of zinc grains decreased with the presence of polyamine 70.000 and polyvinyl alcohol with smoother surface of zinc coating. The polarization measurements also revealed that the coatings with the presence of polyamine or polyvinyl alcohol possessed higher value of polarity degree. This result is in good agreement with the result obtained from SEM images

    Expression of flagellin FLjB derived from Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium in Escherichia coli BL21

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    Flagellin FljB composes flagellar antigen (H:1,2) of S. Typhimurium. This kind of antigen increases immunogenicity of any conjugated antigen upon administration. Thus, it is supposed to have an enormous potentiality for vaccine development against bacterial infections and cancer diseases. fljB gene (1515 nucleotides) coding for mature FljB was amplified by PCR from genomic DNA of S. Typhimurium and inserted into pET32a(+) for expression in E. coli BL21. The protein FljB was well expressed under the fusion form with Trx, S-tag at N terminal and hexa-histidine at C terminal, thus the recombinant protein was abbreviated to TrxFljB. Study on the impact of temperature on the gene expression showed that TrxFljB was synthesized at lower level at 37oC comparing to the levels at 22oC and 25oC. 13% of the protein synthesized at 37oC was inclusion body. Lower temperatures used during induction phase increased the solubility of the recombinant protein. About 97% of TrxFljB synthesized at 25oC was soluble. IPTG concentration had a strong effect on the growth of freshly transformed cells but did not affect on the growth of stored and re-cultivated cells. The increase of IPTG concentration resulted in the decrease of the growth of freshly transformed cells and the TrxFljB productivity. However, 0.05 mM IPTG concentration was found to gain the full TrxFljB expression. TrxFljB productivity declined during storage of cells at 4oC and re-cultivation. At optimal condition, volumetric productivity of TrxFljB was about 300 mg/ l broth.

    Corrosion protection of carbon steel by an epoxy resin containing organically modified clay

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    This study focusses on the use of montmorillonite clay (MMT) treated with an organic compound (aminotrimethylphosphonic acid (ATMP)) and dispersed in an epoxy resin to improve corrosion protection of carbon steel. X-ray diffraction was performed to verify that the individual silicate layers were separated and dispersed in the epoxy resin. Corrosion resistance of the coated steel was evaluated by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) and local electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (LEIS). Three systems were tested: the epoxy clear-coat, the epoxy resin containing 2 wt.% clay and the epoxy resin containing 2 wt.% clay modified byATMP (ATMP-modified clay). From conventional EIS, it was shown that the incorporation of clay or ATMP-modified clay in the epoxy matrix significantly improved the barrier properties of the coating. The corrosion resistance of the carbon steel coated by the epoxy resin containing ATMP-modified clay was higher than that obtained for the system containing non-treated clay. Local electrochemical measurements performed on scratched samples revealed the inhibitive role of ATMP at the carbon steel/coating interface


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    In this paper, we present results of drying temperature influence on the structure and corrosion  resistance of  Cr(III)–based conversion coatings on the surface of zinc-coated steel. The results show that the quality of Cr(III)–based conversion coatings is strongly influenced by the drying temperature, the appropriate drying temperature is about 80 oC, and drying at higher temperatures will reduce corrosion resistance durability and raise the cost of the production process

    Co-expression of recombinant single chain variable fragment recognizing blood antigen fused with sumo and chaperones in Escherichia coli

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    Single chain variable fragments (scFv) have widely been used in research, diagnosis and treatment, but the scFv is considered as difficult protein for expression in E. coli. In previous studies, we expressed a construction of recombinant single chain variable fragments again antigen specific for blood type A (antiA-scFv) individually or fused with Trx or SUMO. However, soluble fraction was low abandant and only approximately 40% when fused with Trx, the other cases were expressed in form of inclusion body. Therefore, it was difficult for purification, refolding and activity assesment. In thispaper, we demonstrated a suitable construction for soluble production of antiA-scFv fused with SUMO (SM/antiA-scFv) in presence of chaparones. Under fermentation with 0.1 mM IPTG at 20oC, the SM/antiA-scFv was entirely expressed in soluble form. Importantly, after cleavage from SUMO with SUMOprotease, antiA-scFv was still maintained in the supernatant fraction. Therefore, it can help ensure bioactivity and is useful for purification process. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report showing soluble recombinant scFv fused with SUMO in presence of chaperone for determination of blood group antigens. Thus, this result facilitates the optimal study of soluble expression, purification and bioactivity determination of the antiA-scFv recombinant antibody.

    Expression of the recombinant single chain variable fragments recognizing blood antigen fused with thioredoxin in Escherichia coli

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    The technology of recombinant single chain variable fragments (scFvs) expression has been used in research, diagnosis and treatment of diseases. In the previous study, we studied the expression of a recombinant single chain variable fragment recognizing blood A antigen (antiA-scFv) in E. coli. However, the protein was insoluble form resulting in difficulty for purification, refolding and activity assesment. Here, we present the study on fused expression of the recombinant scFv -specific blood A antigen with thioredoxin (Trx) in the expression vector pET32a (+). The results showed that the Trx/antiA-scFv fusion protein was expressed with molecular weight of 49 kDa in a soluble form reaching 40% of the total recombinant protein. This result facilitates the optimal condition of soluble protein expression, purification and bioactivity determination of the antiA-scFv recombinant antibody.

    Quantum diamond microscopy with sub-ms temporal resolution

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    Quantum diamond magnetometers using lock-in detection have successfully detected weak bio-magnetic fields from neurons, a live mammalian muscle, and a live mouse heart. This opens up the possibility of quantum diamond magnetometers visualizing microscopic distributions of the bio-magnetic fields. Here, we demonstrate a lock-in-based wide-field quantum diamond microscopy, achieving a mean volume-normalized per pixel sensitivity of 43.9 nT⋅μm1.5/Hz0.5\mathrm{nT\cdot\mu m^{1.5}/Hz^{0.5}}. We obtain the sensitivity by implementing a double resonance with hyperfine driving and magnetic field alignment along the orientation of the diamond. Additionally, we have demonstrated that sub-ms temporal resolution (∼\sim 0.4 ms) can be achieved at a micrometer scale with tens of nanotesla per-pixel sensitivity using quantum diamond microscopy. This lock-in-based diamond quantum microscopy could be a step forward in mapping functional activity in neuronal networks in micrometer spatial resolution

    In silico mining for alkaline enzymes from metagenomic dna data of gut microbes of the lower termite Coptotermes gestroi in Vietnam

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    The high alkaline proteases, lipases, cellulases and hemicellulases are important enzymes in research and industries. In this study, using the Alcapred software, the metagenomic DNA sequences of  the gut flora of Coptotermes gestroi were analyzed to identify the enzymes that were specifically adapted to alkaline condition. The results show that 737 of 943 ORFs (accounting for 72%) encoded proteases, 154 of 214 ORFs (holding 78%) encoded lipases and 338 of 575 ORFs (accounting for 59%) encoded cellulase and hemicelluase. All those enzymes were predicted to be alkaline enzymes. This study provide an overview picture of the alkaline enzyme groups of the gut flora of C. gestroi, and provide a good database for mining, isolation of the genes to produce recombinant enzymes

    Silicon quantum-dots-based optical probe for fluorometric detection of Cr6+ ions

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    In this report, silicon quantum dots (SiQDs) with the NH2 functional group were synthesized with the hydrothermal method. The as-prepared SiQDs exhibit a strong fluorescence emission peak               at 441 nm when excited at 355 nm and are effectively quenched upon adding Cr6+ ions. Hence, SiQDs were used as an optical probe to detect Cr6+ ions in solutions. The crystal structure of SiQDs was characterized by using X-ray diffraction (XRD). The Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) was used to determine the linker groups on the SiQDs surface. The fluorescence spectroscopic technique with an excitation wavelength of 355 nm was used to quantify the Cr6+ ion concentration in the solutions in the range of 0.1–1000 µM. Competition from common coexisting ions, such as K+, Na+, Al3+, Zn2+, and Pb2+, was ignorable. The test with actual samples showed good linearity for the Cr6+ concentration range of 0.1–50 µM
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