78 research outputs found

    Subdifferential Formulas for a Class of Nonconvex Infimal Convolutions

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    In this paper, we provide a number of subdifferential formulas for a class of nonconvex infimal convolutions in normed spaces. The formulas obtained unify several results on subdifferentials of the distance function and the minimal time function. In particular, we generalize and validate the results obtained recently by Zhang, He, and Jian

    A Generalized Sylvester Problem and a Generalized Fermat-Torricelli Problem

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    In this paper, we introduce and study the following problem and its further generalizations: given two finite collections of sets in a normed space, find a ball whose center lies in a given constraint set with the smallest radius that encloses all the sets in the first collection and intersects all the sets in the second one. This problem can be considered as a generalized version of the Sylvester smallest enclosing circle problem introduced in the 19th century by Sylvester which asks for the circle of smallest radius enclosing a given set of finite points in the plane. We also consider a generalized version of the Fermat-Torricelli problem: given two finite collections of sets in a normed space, find a point in a given constraint set that minimizes the sum of the farthest distances to the sets in the first collection and shortest distances (distances) to the sets in the second collection

    Convergence Analysis of a Proximal Point Algorithm for Minimizing Differences of Functions

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    Several optimization schemes have been known for convex optimization problems. However, numerical algorithms for solving nonconvex optimization problems are still underdeveloped. A progress to go beyond convexity was made by considering the class of functions representable as differences of convex functions. In this paper, we introduce a generalized proximal point algorithm to minimize the difference of a nonconvex function and a convex function. We also study convergence results of this algorithm under the main assumption that the objective function satisfies the Kurdyka - \L ojasiewicz property

    Geometric Approach to Subdifferential Calculus

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    In this paper we develop a geometric approach to convex subdifferential calculus in finite dimensions with employing some ideas of modern variational analysis. This approach allows us to obtain natural and rather easy proofs of basic results of convex subdifferential calculus in full generality and also derive new results of convex analysis concerning marginal/value functions, normal of inverse images of sets under set-valued mappings, calculus rules for coderivatives of single-valued and set-valued mappings, and calculating coderivatives of solution maps to convex generalized equations

    Variational Analysis of Directional Minimal Time Functions and Applications to Location Problems

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    This paper is devoted to the study of directional minimal time functions that specify the minimal time for a vector to reach an object following its given direction. We provide a careful analysis of general and generalized differentiation properties of this class of functions. The analysis allows us to study a new model of facility location that involves sets. This is a continuation of our effort in applying variational analysis to facility location problems

    Subgradients of Minimal Time Functions Under Minimal Requirements

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    This paper concerns the study of a broad class of minimal time functions corresponding to control problems with constant convex dynamics and closed target sets in arbitrary Banach spaces. In contrast to other publications, we do not impose any nonempty interior and/or calmness assumptions on the initial data and deal with generally non-Lipschitzian minimal time functions. The major results present refined formulas for computing various subgradients of minimal time functions under minimal requirements in both cases of convex and nonconvex targets. Our technique is based on advanced tools of variational analysis and generalized differentiation

    Applications of variational analysis to a generalized Fermat-Torricelli problem

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    In this paper we develop new applications of variational analysis and generalized differentiation to the following optimization problem and its specifications: given n closed subsets of a Banach space, find such a point for which the sum of its distances to these sets is minimal. This problem can be viewed as an extension of the celebrated Fermat-Torricelli problem: given three points on the plane, find another point such that the sum of its distances to the designated points is minimal. The generalized Fermat-Torricelli problem formulated and studied in this paper is of undoubted mathematical interest and is promising for various applications including those frequently arising in location science, optimal networks, etc. Based on advanced tools and recent results of variational analysis and generalized differentiation, we derive necessary as well as necessary and sufficient optimality conditions for the extended version of the Fermat-Torricelli problem under consideration, which allow us to completely solve it in some important settings. Furthermore, we develop and justify a numerical algorithm of the subgradient type to find optimal solutions in convex settings and provide its numerical implementations

    The Fermat-Torricelli Problem and Weiszfeld's Algorithm in the Light of Convex Analysis

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    In the early 17th century, Pierre de Fermat proposed the following problem: given three points in the plane, find a point such that the sum of its Euclidean distances to the three given points is minimal. This problem was solved by Evangelista Torricelli and was named the {\em Fermat-Torricelli problem}. A more general version of the Fermat-Torricelli problem asks for a point that minimizes the sum of the distances to a finite number of given points in Rn\Bbb R^n. This is one of the main problems in location science. In this paper we revisit the Fermat-Torricelli problem from both theoretical and numerical viewpoints using some ingredients of convex analysis and optimization

    Lipschitz Properties of Nonsmooth Functions and Set-Valued Mappings via Generalized Differentiation and Applications

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    In this paper, we revisit the Mordukhovich's subdifferential criterion for Lipschitz continuity of nonsmooth functions and coderivative criterion for the Aubin/Lipschitz-like property of set-valued mappings in finite dimensions. The criteria are useful and beautiful results in modern variational analysis showing the state of the art of the field. As an application, we establish necessary and sufficient conditions for Lipschitz continuity of the minimal time function and the scalarization function, that play an important role in many aspects of nonsmooth analysis and optimization

    Applications of Convex Analysis to the Smallest Intersecting Ball Problem

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    The smallest enclosing circle problem asks for the circle of smallest radius enclosing a given set of finite points on the plane. This problem was introduced in the 19th century by Sylvester [17]. After more than a century, the problem remains very active. This paper is the continuation of our effort in shedding new light to classical geometry problems using advanced tools of convex analysis and optimization. We propose and study the following generalized version of the smallest enclosing circle problem: given a finite number of nonempty closed convex sets in a reflexive Banach space, find a ball with the smallest radius that intersects all of the sets
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