16 research outputs found

    Application of microneedle arrays for enhancement of transdermal permeation of Insulin: in vitro experiments, scaling analyses and numerical simulations

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    The aim of this investigation is to study the effect of donor concentration and microneedle (MN) length on permeation of insulin and further evaluating the data using scaling analyses and numerical simulations. Histological evaluation of skin sections was carried to evaluate the skin disruption and depth of penetration by MNs. Scaling analyses was done using dimensionless parameters like concentration of drug (Ct/Cs), thickness (h/L) and surface area of the skin (Sa/L2). Simulation studies were carried out using MATLAB and COMSOL software to simulate the insulin permeation using histological sections of MN treated skin and experimental parameters like passive diffusion coefficient. A 1.6 fold increase in transdermal flux and 1.9 fold decrease in lag time values were observed with 1.5mm MN when compared with passive studies. Good correlation (R2>0.99) was observed between different parameters using scaling analyses. Also, the in vitro and simulated permeations profiles were found to be similar (f2≥50). Insulin permeation significantly increased with increase in donor concentration and MN length (p<0.05). The developed scaling correlations and numerical simulations were found to be accurate and would help researchers to predict the permeation of insulin with new dimensions of MN in optimizing insulin delivery. Overall, it can be inferred that the application of MNs can significantly enhance insulin permeation and may be an efficient alternative for injectable insulin therapy in humans

    Pickering stabilized peptide gel particles as tunable microenvironments for biocatalysis

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    We demonstrate the preparation of peptide gel microparticles that are emulsified and stabilized by SiO2 nanoparticles. The gels are composed of aromatic peptide amphiphiles 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl-diphenylalanine (Fmoc-FF) co-assembled with Fmoc-amino acids with different functional groups (S: serine, D: aspartic acid, K: lysine and Y: tyrosine). The gel-phase provides a highly hydrated matrix and peptide self-assembly endows the matrix with tunable chemical environments which may be exploited to support and stabilize proteins. The use of Pickering emulsion to stabilize these gel particles is advantageous through avoidance of surfactants that may denature proteins. The performance of enzyme lipase B immobilized in pickering/gel microparticles with different chemical functionalities is investigated by studying trans-esterification in heptane. We show that the use of Pickering particles enhances the performance of the enzyme, which is further improved in gel-phase systems, with hydrophilic environment provided by Fmoc-FF/S giving rise to the best catalytic performance. The combination of a tunable chemical environment in gel phase and Pickering stabilization described here is expected to prove useful for areas where proteins are to be exploited in technological contexts such as biocatalysis, also in other areas where protein performance and activity are important, such as biosensors and bioinspired solar fuel devices