10 research outputs found

    PENGARUH WAKTU EKUILIBRASI TERHADAP KUALITAS SEMEN BEKU BABI LANDRACE DALAM PENGENCER DURASPERM TERMODIFIKASI (Effect of equilibration time on the quality of landrace boar frozen semen in modified durasperm extender)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of equilibration time on the quality of landrace spermatozoa both pre- and post-freezing and to find the best equilibration time. The materials used is fresh semen collected from a 2,5 years old landrace boar. Collecting was carried out twice per week using the glove hand method. Semen of good quality (sperm motility ≥70%, sperm concentration ≥200 x 106 cells/ml, and percentage of sperm abnormalities ≤15%) was diluted with durasperm that had been modified with lontar fruit juice, while the cryoprotectants used glycerol and sucrose. Holding time was carried out for 2 hour at 27-28°C, centrifuged at 2000 rpm for 15 minutes, and the sperm sediment was diluted with the same diluent. After that, the liquid semen was packed in a 0.5 mL straw and equilibrated at 3-5°C for 1 (P1), 2 (P2), or 3 hours (P3). The freezing of semen was carried out on the surface of liquid nitrogen at a distance of 5 cm for 10 minutes, and then stored in a liquid nitrogen container. Thawing is done by placing the frozen semen straws in warm water (37°C) for 30 seconds. The research data were analyzed with analysis of variance and continued with the Duncan test. The results showed that the equilibration time at 2 hours (P2) gave the best results (P<0,05) with the mean percentage of motility, viability, abnormality, intact plasma membrane and recovery rate respectively were 30,62%, 58,21%, 4,68%, 58,94% and 43,74%. It was concluded that the equilibration time did not affect the quality of pre-freezing spermatozoa, but it did affect the quality of post-freezing spermatozoa with the best equilibration time to maintain the quality of frozen semen of landrace boar was 2 hours.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh waktu ekuilibrasi terhadap kualitas spermatozoa babi landrace baik pada pra- maupun pasca- pembekuan serta menemukan waktu ekuilibrasi terbaik. Materi yang digunakan adalah semen segar yang ditampung dari seekor babi landrace yang berumur 2,5 tahun. Penampungan dilakukan dua kali per-minggu dengan menggunakan glove hand method. Semen yang berkualitas baik (motilitas sperma ≥70%, konsentrasi sperma ≥200 x 106 sel/ml, dan persentase abnormalitas sperma ≤15%) diencerkan dengan durasperm yang telah dimodifikasi dengan kuning telur dan air buah lontar, sedangkan krioprotektannya menggunakan gliserol dan sukrosa. Holding time dilakukan selama 2 jam pada suhu 27-28°C, disentrifuge dengan kecepatan 2000 rpm selama 15 menit, dan endapan spermatozoa diencerkan dengan pengencer yang sama. Setelah itu, semen cair tersebut diisi di dalam straw dan diekuilibrasi pada suhu 3-5°C selama 1 (P1), 2 (P2), atau 3 jam (P3). Pembekuan semen dilakukan di atas permukaan nitrogen cair berjarak 5 cm selama 10 menit, dan selanjutnya disimpan di dalam container nitrogen cair. Thawing dilakukan dengan menempatkan straw semen beku ke dalam air hangat (37°C) selama 30 detik. Data penelitian dianalisis dengan analisis ragam dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa waktu ekuilibrasi pada perlakuan 2 jam (P2) memberikan hasil terbaik (P<0,05) dengan rerata persentase motilitas, viabilitas, abnormalitas, membran plasma utuh dan recovery rate sperma secara berturut-turut adalah 30,62%, 58,21%, 4,68%, 58,94% dan 43,74%. Disimpulkan bahwa waktu ekuilibrasi tidak mempengaruhi kualitas spermatozoa pra-pembekuan, namun berpengaruh terhadap kualitas spermatozoa pasca-pembekuan, dengan waktu ekuilibrasi terbaik untuk mempertahankan kualitas semen beku babi landrace adalah 2 jam

    PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN VIRGIN COCONUT OIL DALAM PENGENCER TRIS KUNING TELUR TERHADAP KUALITAS SPERMATOZOA SAPI BALI SELAMA PRESERVASI (Infiluence addition virgin coconut oil in tris egg yolk on the quality of bali bull spermatozoa during preservation)

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of adding various doses of virgin coconut oil to the quality of bali bull spermatozoa during preservation. Semen is accommodated twice a week using an artificial vaginal method from two 3-4 year old bali bull with normal body condition and reproductive organs. Semen with motility> 70%, concentration> 1000 × 106, and abnormality <15% was diluted with Tris-egg yolk (T-KT) diluent added with virgin coconut oil (VCO) at a concentration of: 0% (T0), 2 % (T1), 4% (T2), and 6% (T3). The diluted semen was stored at 3-5ᶱC. Evaluated every 24 hours for motility, viability, abnormalities and vitality of spermatozoa up to a motility of at least 40%. The results showed that semen diluted with T-EY with 6% VCO (T3) had a higher quality (P <0.05) compared to the other three treatments, with motility reaching (43.10 ± 2 , 83%), viability (48.68 ± 1.59%), abnormalities (5.92 ± 0.90%) and survival (6.00 ± 0.00 days). The conclusion of this study is the addition of  6% virgin coconut oil in Tris-egg yolk diluent is more effective in maintaining the quality of bali cattle liquid semen

    PENGARUH PENAMBAHAN EKSTRAK BAWANG MERAH (Allium cepa) DALAM PENGENCER TRIS - KUNING TELUR TERHADAP KUALITAS SPERMATOZOA SAPI BALI PADA PENYIMPANAN IN VITRO (The effect of additional onion (Allium cepa) extract in tris - egg yolk extender on the sperm...

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of adding onion extract (OE) to Tris-egg yolk (T-EY) diluent on the quality of bali bulls spermatozoa. The semen of three bali bulls aged 3-4 years were collected twice a week using the artificial vaginal method. Semen with good quality, motility 79%, viability 84.63%, abnormality 2.93% diluted with T-EY diluent with the addition of OE: T0: 0%; T1 1%; T2: 2%; T3: 3%; T4: 4%; and T5: 5%. The diluted semen was preserved in a refrigerator at 3-5 °C and evaluated for the quality of the spermatozoa every 24 hours. The results showed that the addition of OE in T-EY diluent had a positive effect on the quality of bali bulls spermatozoa. The addition 3% of OE (T3) in T-EY diluent resulted in higher spermatozoa quality (P <0.05) than the other treatments, namely motility 42.01%, viability 48.74%, and abnormalities 4.13% on the sixth day of preservation. It was concluded that the addition of onion extract in Tris - egg yolk diluents could improve the quality of bali bulls spermatozoa,  with the best level of onion extract being 3%

    Pengaruh pemberian ekstrak hipofisa dan probiotik ABG-O pada anak babi persilangan terhadap peningkatan berat badan sapih, ukuran linear tubuh dan metabolit darah

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of giving pituitary extract (EH) and probiotics ABG-O on piglets crossing to increase weaning weight, linear size of body and blood metabolites. The research material was a crossbred of landrace and duroc aged 2 weeks, as many as 24 birds. The experimental design was a completely randomized design with three treatments and eight replications. The three treatments are P0 (control), P1 (EH injection 1 mL), and P2 (injection EH 1 mL + probiotic ABG-O 2 mL). EH injections are carried out every 5 days and administration of probiotics is given orally using spoit every day until the piglets are weaned. The parameters observed were weight gain, linear size of body and blood metabolites. This data was analyzed by ANOVA and continued with Duncan test. The results of this study indicate that the average daily weight gain of crossbred piglets in treatments P0, P1, and P2 are 0.11; 0.13; 016 kg, body length (0.40; 0.45; 0.44 cm), chest circumference (0.29; 0.27; 0,30 cm), and shoulder height (0.25; 0.24; 0.25  cm). Blood glucose levels (117.31; 112.85; 117.25) and total plasma protein (4.60; 4.90; 4.80). The results of the statistical analysis showed that the EH and ABG probiotic treatments affected the UN (P<0.05) but did not affect (P> 0.05) the size of the linear body and blood metabolites. It can be concluded that the administration of pituitary extracts and ABG probiotics can increase the weaning weight of crossing piglets but does not affect the linear size of the body and blood metabolites. ABSTRAK              Tujuan Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak hipofisa (EH) dan probiotik ABG-O pada anak babi persilangan terhadap peningkatan berat badan sapih, ukuran linear tubuh dan metabolit darah. Materi penelitian yang digunakan adalah anak babi persilangan landrace dan duroc berumur 2 minggu, sebanyak 24 ekor. Rancangan percobaan adalah rancangan acak lengkap dengan tiga pelakuan dan delapan ulangan yaitu P0 (kontrol), P1 (injeksi EH 1 mL), dan P2  (injeksi EH 1 mL + ABG-O 2 mL). Penyuntikan EH dilakukan setiap 5 hari sekali dan pemberian probiotik diberi secara oral menggunakan spoit setiap hari sampai anak babi disapih. Variabel yang diamati adalah pertambahan berat badan, ukuran linear tubuh dan metabolit darah. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan ANOVA dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Duncan. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa rerata pertambahan berat badan harian anak babi persilangan pada perlakuan P0, P1, dan P2 secara berturut-turut adalah 0,11; 0,13; 016 kg, panjang badan   (0,40; 0,45 ;0,44 cm), lingkar dada (0,29; 0,27; 0,30 cm), dan tinggi pundak (0,25;0,24;0,25 cm). Kadar glukosa darah (117,31; 112,85; 117,25) dan total protein plasma (4,60; 4,90; 4,80). Hasil analisis statistik menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan EH dan probiotik ABG-O memengaruhi PBBH (P<0,05) tetapi tidak memengaruhi (P>0,05) ukuran linear tubuh dan metabolit darah. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa pemberian ekstrak hipofisa dan probiotik ABG-O dapat meningkatkan berat badan sapih anak babi persilangan tetapi tidak memengaruhi ukuran linear tubuh dan metabolit darah

    PENGARUH SUBTITUSI SARI BUAH SEMANGKA (Citrullus lanatus) DALAM PENGENCER SITRAT- KUNING TELUR TERHADAP KUALITAS SPERMATOZOA SAPI BALI (Effect of watermelon juice supplementation in citrate - egg yolk extender on spermatozoa quality of bali bulls)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of adding watermelon juice (WJ) into citrate-egg yolk (C-EY) diluents on the spermatozoa quality of bali catlle. Semen was collected twice a week using an artificial vaginal method of three bali bulls with normal body condition and reproductive organs. Semen that has motility > 70%, concentration >1000 x 106 and abnormalities ≤ 20 % was used in this study. Semen then divided into five treatments: C-EY 100% (T0), C-EY-25% WJ (T1), C-EY-50% WJ (T2), C-EY-75% WJ (T3), WJ 100% (T4) and then stored in a refrigerator at temperature 3-5oC. The quality of spermatozoa was evaluated every 24 hours for sperm motility, viability, and abnormalities. The results showed that spermatozoa diluted with S-KT supplemented with 75% WJ (T3) had a higher quality (P<0,05) compared to the other treatments, with motility 40,53 %, viability 47,35%, and abnormalities 4,21% on the 6th day of preservation. It was concluded that the addition of WJ to C-EY diluent was able to maintain the quality of bali bull spermatozoa, with the best SBS concentration is 75%

    KUALITAS SEMEN BEKU BABI DUROC DALAM PENGENCER TRIS MODIFIKASI DENGAN WAKTU EKUILIBRASI YANG BERBEDA (The frozen sperm quality of duroc pig in modified tris diluent with different equilibration time)

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    This study aimed to examine the quality of frozen sperm of duroc boar in modified Tris diluent with different equilibration time. Semen was collected from two duroc males and evaluated macroscopically and microscopically. Semen with motility 75%, concentration 200x106 cell/mL and abnormality <20% was diluted in Tris modified diluent, then held for two hours at room temperature (27-28ºC). The semen that has been in the holding time is then centrifuged at 2000 rpm for 15 minutes. The pellet from centrifuge were diluted again with modified Tris diluent + 3% glycerol. The diluted semen was packed in 0,50 mL mini straws and equilibrated according to the treatment equilibration time, namely P1: 1 hour equilibration time, P2: 2 hour equilibration time, P3: 3 hour equilibration time. After equilibration , it was frozen over liquid nitrogen vapor (-110ºC) at a distance of  5 cm for 10 minutes, then stored in liquid nitrogen (-196ºC) and left for 24 hours. Then thawing with warm water at 37ºC for 30 seconds in a water bath. The result showed that motility, viability, abnormality, intact plasma membrane and recovery rate were significantly  higher (P<0,05) at two hour equilibration , namely 23.12%, 45.44%, 4.65%, 50,15%, 33.03% respectively compared  to one and two hour equilibration time, namely 20%, 42.17%, 8.19%, 42.67%, 28.57% and 16,87%, 36.39%, 7.64%, 37.73%, 24.99% respectively. This study conclude that the equilibration time of two hours resulted in higher quality of frozen sperm of duroc boar than one and three hours

    PENGARUH PERBEDAAN WAKTU EKUILIBRASI TERHADAP KUALITAS SEMEN BEKU BABI LANDRACE DALAM PENGENCER DURASPERM MODIFIKASI DENGAN AIR BUAH LONTAR (Effect of different equilibration time on the quality of landrace boar frozen semen on modification diluent....

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    An experiment was carried out to recognize the effect of long equilibration time on the quality of spermatozoa and to obtain optimal equilibration time in the process cryopreservation of landrace pig semen. Semen was obtained from a landrace boar aged 2-3 years using glove hand method. The semen was than evaluated macroscopically and microscopically, good quality semen was diluted in a basic diluent, than kept for two hours at a temperature of 27-28oC. The semen were then centrifuged at 2000 rpm for 15 minutes, the supernatant was discarced and the pellets was re-diluted into basic diluent with a ratio of 1:1. Then, semen was diluted in treatment diluent with modified durasperm + 6% lactose + 4% glycerol with a concentration of 500 x 106/0.5 mL. Furthermore, the semen was packaged in 0.5 ml straws, then equilibrated at a temperature of 3-5oC appropriate to treatment, with 1 hour equilibration (T1), 2 hours equilibration (T2) and 3 hours equilibration (T3). After equilibration, the straws was frozen horizontally 5 cm above the liquid N2 vapor for 10 minutes at a temperature of ± -110oC and then stored in a liquid N2 container  (-196oC). To test frozen semen, it was done by stored frozen semen at 37oC for 30 seconds. The results showed that the highest quality of spermatozoa (P <0.05) was found in T2 and T3 when compared to T1 (P> 0.05), with the motility value was T2: 28.13 ± 2.39%; T3: 25.00 ± 4.08%; and T1 18,15±3,23%. It can be concluded that 2 hours and 3 hours equilibration time was able to maintain the quality of frozen semen landrace boars and the statistically was not significant

    PENGARUH LAMA EKUILIBRASI TERHADAP KUALITAS SEMEN BEKU BABI DUROC DALAM PENGENCER TRIS-MODIFIKASI DENGAN PENAMBAHAN KRIOPROTEKTAN (Effect of equilibration time on frozen sement quality of the duroc pig in tris diluents modification With.....

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    The purpose of this study was to test the influence of the equilibration time on the frozen semen quality of duroc pig in modified tris-egg yolk with the addition of extracellular cryoprotectants. Semen is collected twice per week using massage methods from two duroc males aged ±2.5 years which in good health and have been trained in semen colection. The design used is a completely randomized design with 4 tests and 3 treatments T1: equilibration time of 1 hour, T2: equilibration time of 2 hours, T3: equilibration time of 3 hours at a temperature of 50C. Observed parameters were motility, viability, abnormality, MPU, and recovery rate (RR). The results showed that motility, viability, abnormalities, MPU, and RR were higher (P<0.05) at 2 hours of equilibration (25.63±3.15%, 55.86±5.41%, 4.92±0.53%, 56.69±5.64%, 36.61±4.49%) compared to 1 and 3 hours (20.00±3.54%, 39.28±9.89%, 7.93±0.76%, 40.21±9.39%, 28.57±5.05%) and (15.00±4.08%, 32.19±7.0%, 8.41±0.70%, 32.71±7.07%, 21.43±5.83%). It was concluded the motility of duroc pig spermatozoa in the tris-modified diluents after 2 hours of equilibration reached 64.375% and 25.63% post thawing, but did not reach the requirement of 40% spermatozoa motility for artificial insemination. It was concluded that the sperm motility of Duroc pig in tris-modified diluent after 2 hours of equilibration reached 64.375% and 25.63% post thawing, but did not reach the standard of 40% spermatozoa motility for artificial insemination