48 research outputs found

    A lattice attenuation in Cds measured by the ultrasonic injection method

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    This paper concerns the use of Brillouin scattering measurements to study lattice attenuation in semiconducting CdS crystals. Measured acoustic fluxes are produced by the acoustoelectric domains. In order to measure the attenuation constant, an ultrasonic injection method is applied. A sample is divided into two parts; one part is used as a generation region of the acoustic flux [region (1)] and the other part is used as a propagation region of the injected flux [region (2)]. The acoustic attenuations of various frequencies are measured at region (2). The lattice attenuation is greatly affected by the rise time of an applied pulse in region (1). It is clear that acoustic flux in the acoustic domain which originates from the amplification of the pure thermally excited acoustic flux attenuates as f2 and is in accordance with the Akhieser loss. On the other hand, a shock-excited acoustic flux attenuates as f ∼1.5

    Pretreatment neutrophil count as an independent prognostic factor in advanced non-small-cell lung cancer: An analysis of Japan Multinational Trial Organisation LC00-03

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    We examined the impact of pretreatment neutrophil count on survival in patients with advanced non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). A total of 388 chemo-naive patients with stage IIIB or IV NSCLC from a randomised controlled trial were evaluated. The effects of pretreatment peripheral blood neutrophil, lymphocyte and monocyte counts and neutrophil-lymphocyte ratio on survival were examined using the proportional hazards regression model to estimate hazard ratios after adjustment for covariates. The optimal cut-off value was determined by proportional hazards regression analysis with the minimum P-value approach and shrinkage procedure. After adjustment for prognostic factors, the pretreatment elevated neutrophil count was statistically significantly associated with short overall (P = 0.0008) and progression-free survival (P = 0.024), whereas no association was found between prognosis and lymphocyte or monocyte count. The cut-off value selected for neutrophil count was 4500 mm-3 (corrected hazard ratio, 1.67; 95% confidence interval (CI), 1.09-2.54). The median survival time was 19.3 months (95%CI, 16.5-21.4) for the low-neutrophil group (≥4500 mm-3, n = 204) and was 10.2 months (95%CI, 8.0-12.3) for the high-neutrophil group (≥4500 mm-3, n = 184). We confirmed that pretreatment elevated neutrophil count is an independent prognostic factor in patients with advanced NSCLC receiving modern chemotherapy. Neutrophil count is easily measured at low cost, and it may be a useful indicator of patient prognosis

    バセドウ ビョウ ト ハカイセイ コウジョウセン エン ノ ショシンジ ニオケル ジンソク カンベツホウ

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    [目的]バセドウ病 (GD) と破壊性甲状腺炎 (DT) の迅速鑑別法にはTSHレセプター抗体の有無,甲状腺エコー検査,遊離T3/T4 (FT3/FT4),総T3/T4比 (T3/T4),総ALP (T-ALP),甲状腺血流が有用とされている.そのうち最も鋭敏な指標となりうる項目を検討した.[方法]2007年から未治療で当科を受診したGD:15名,無痛性甲状腺炎(PT):8名,亜急性甲状腺炎( SAT):10名( DT:18名) を対象として,FT3/FT4,T3/T4,T-ALP,上甲状腺動脈平均血流速度( mean velocity STA) を測定した.[結果]年齢:GD51.2± 18.8歳,DT49.3±21.0歳,FT3/FT4:GD3.3±1.0,DT2.9±1.9,T3/T4:GD15.9±4.7,DT15.2± 3.3,T-ALP( U/l):GD431.3 ±196.6,DT299.1±163.2,mean velocitySTA( cm/s):GD65.0±8.7,DT41.0± 7.0,(P < 0.0001).[結論]今回の検討ではmean velocity STA がGD とDT の鑑別に最も有用であった.It is important to make a rapid differentialdiagnosis of Graves\u27Diseases (GD) and Destructive Thyroiditis(DT). However, it is often difficult to make a distinctionwithout measurement of radioactive iodine uptake(RAIU). Instead of measurement of RAIU, measuringFreeT3/FT4ratio (FT3/FT4), totalT3/T4ratio (T3/T4),total alkaline phosp hatase activity( T-ALP), blood flow inthe thyroid, is useful for differential diagnosis. We searchedfor the parameters is most sensitive parameter for rapiddifferential diagnosis.Patients and Methods:We investigated on 33 patientswith untreated hyperthyroidism (15 with GD and 18 withDT). When 33 patients were first seen in our hospital, wemeasured FT3/FT4, T3/T4, T-ALP, and mean velocity inthe superior thyroid arteries( STA).Results:In comparison between GD and DT, mean velocitySTA was significantly increased in patients with GD.In the group of GD, FT3/FT4 and T-ALP tend to be higherin patients with GD but without statistical significance.Conclusion:Mean velocity STA might be the most sensitiveparameter for rapid differential diagnosis of GD andDT

    Experimental Study on The Pathogenesis in Acid Aspiration-induced Lung Injury : The Role of Platelet-activating Factor (PAF)

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    酸による急性肺障害の病態生理に対する血小板活性化因子(PAF)の関係およびその作用機序として迷走神経反射を介する機序の解明を目的とした。雑種成犬に塩酸と精製PAFの気道内注入をそれぞれ行って気道内圧,肺および心循環動態,血液ガス,末梢血中の白血球および血小板数,肺血管外水分量,病理組織像などの変化を検討した。さらにこれらの変化に対して,PAF受容体拮抗阻害剤であるCV-3988と副交感神経遮断剤であるアトロピンの影響を比較検討した、その成績は要約すると以下の如くである。 I.酸による急性肺障害に対するPAFの関与 1)CV-3988は塩酸および精製PAFのそれぞれの注入により生じる早期の著明な最大気道内圧(AWPpeak)の上昇を有意に抑制した。 2)CV-3988は塩酸による動脈血O2分圧(Pao2)の低下を有意に抑制し,精製PAFによる低下を抑制する傾向を示した。 3)CV-3988は塩酸による早期の心拍出量の低下を抑制する傾向を示し,精製PAFによる著明な低下を有意に抑制した。 4)CV-3988は塩酸および精製PAFのそれぞれの注入による末梢血中の白血球および血小板数の減少を同様に抑制する傾向を示した。 5)塩酸の注入による肺血管外水分量の増加はCV-3988で抑制される傾向を示したが,精製PAFによる増加においては明らかな傾向を認めなかった。また病理組織像において,同様に著明な出血性肺水腫と好中球の間質および肺胞腔への浸潤を認めたが,CV-3988では抑制されなかった。 これらのことにより,酸による急性肺障害においてはPAFが産生され,その生理活性を介して気道攣縮とそれに伴う低酸素血症,および心機能低下の発生に関与していることが示唆された。 II.酸による急性肺障害に対するPAFの作用機序-特に迷走神経反射を介する機序について 1)アトロピンは精製PAFと塩酸のそれぞれの注入による早期のAWPpeakの上昇およびPao2の低下をほぼ完全に抑制した。 2)アトロピンは精製PAFによる心拍数の減少をほぼ完全に抑制し,塩酸による減少傾向を抑制する傾向を示した。 これらのことより,PAFは迷走神経反射を介して気道攣縮を惹起し,さらに酸による急性肺障害の気道攣縮においてもPAFの同様な作用が示唆された。 以上の検討により,酸による急性肺障害においてPAFが産生され,その生理活性を介して早期の気道攣縮,低酸素血症および心機能低下へ関与することが示唆された。特に気道攣縮に対してはPAFが迷走神経反射弓へ作用し,酸による直接的な反射性攣縮を増強する機序が結論づけられた。今後,PAF受容体拮抗阻害剤はこの方面で臨床応用されるべき必要性のあることが考えられた。To evaluate the role of PAF on the pathogenesis of acid aspiration induced lung injury, the effects of CV-3988, a PAF antagonist, and atropine were examined on the cardiopulmonary alterations caused by intratracheal instillation of hydrochloric acid (HCl) and natural PAF, respectively, in ventilated dogs. The following results were obtained: 1) HCl-instillation caused an immediate increase in peak airway opening pressure (AWPpeak) as well as PAF-instillation. Pretreatment with CV-3988 inhibited similarly these increases. And concomitant changes in arterial oxygen tension (Pao2) were also observed. 2) A rapid fall in cardiac output after HCl-instillation tended to be attenuated by CV-3988, which blocked a similar change induced by PAF. 3) CV-3988 tended to attenuate transient decreases in circulating leukocyte and platelet counts induced by HCl as well as those by PAF. 4) Extravascular lung water after HCl- and PAF-instillation, respectively, significantly increased as compared to that after vehicle instillation, but CV-3988 did not alter these chnges. 5) Pretreatment with atropine abolished the rapid risen AWPpeak and the decreased Pao2 and heart rate induced by PAF as well as those by HCl. These findings suggest that PAP may enhance the bronchoconstriction by vagal reflex and cardiovascular derangements in acid aspiration-induced lung injury.広島大学(Hiroshima University)博士(医学)Medicinedoctora

    A case of familial hot tub lung

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    Hot tub lung is a lung disease caused by Mycobacterium avium complex. We report the first case of familial hot tub lung appearing simultaneously in a husband and wife. Our case supports the consideration that hot tub lung is a hypersensitivity pneumonitis rather than an infectious lung disease. It also suggests that the state of hot tub lung changes seasonally depending on temperature variations, in a manner similar to summer-type hypersensitivity pneumonitis. This case demonstrates similarities between hot tub lung and summer-type hypersensitivity pneumonitis in regards to familial occurrence and seasonal changes in the disease state


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    腹膜外的骨盤リンパ節郭清後発生したリンパ漏の4症例に対し, ドレーンからミノサイクリンを注入し治療した。4症例のうち2症例は同時に膀胱全摘術を, 1症例は前立腺全摘術を施行した。4症例すべてにおいてリンパ漏は著明に改善し, 以後のドレーン留置期間を短縮できた。副作用は生じなかったWe managed four cases of lymphorrhea after extraperitoneal pelvic lymphadenectomy by means of minocycline instillation into the cavity around the drainage tube. Two patients had concomitantly undergone cystectomy and one prostatectomy via the extraperitoneal approach. In all four cases, the lymphorrhea markedly subsided, which dramatically shortened the duration of drainage. No side effects occurred. These findings indicate that minocycline instillation is an efficacious treatment for lymphorrhea