407 research outputs found

    Clinical Diversity in Biliary Pancreatitis — Classification of Two Types

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    One hundred and seven patients with biliary pancreatitis undergoing operation from 1976 to 1989 were reviewed. To clarify the reason for failure to respond to conventional supportive therapy, 73 patients (68%) who underwent emergency surgery were retrospectively divided into two groups according to the severity of the pancreatitis evaluated at laparotomy and compared. Sixty-two had minimal or mild pancreatitis (Group I), among whom 44 (71%) had life-threatening acute biliary tract disease. All underwent biliary surgery and 4 (6%) subsequently died, 2 due to acute obstructive suppurative cholangitis. Eleven had hemorrhagic necrotizing pancreatitis (Group II), among whom 7 had complications of acute pancreatitis such as pancreatic ascites or abscess. These underwent pancreatic and/or biliary surgery and 3 (27%) died of multi-organ failure

    Etiology and Pathogenesis of Marked Elevation of Serum Transaminase in Patients With Acute Gallstone Disease

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    From 1980 through 1988, biliary surgery was performed in 197 patients with acute gallstone disease and concomitant elevation of serum glutamic oxalacetic transaminase (SGOT) or serum glutamic pyruvic transaminase (SGPT) of over 300 Karmen units. In 137 patients, anatomic inspection and liver biopsy were performed during the acute stage of the disease. Impacted and floating bile duct stones were found in 69 (50%) and in 43 (32%) of the 137 patients, respectively. The main liver histology was necrosis of liver cells. After surgery, high serum transaminase fell rapidly with immediate recovery in 99% of the patients. In the remaining 60 patients, their signs and symptoms settled soon after initial conservative treatment and surgery was performed after an average time of 21 days. At laparotomy, impacted bile duct stones were found in 2 (3%) and liver histology revealed regeneration of liver cells

    What explains the recent fluctuations in Japan's output? A structural factor analysis of Japan's industrial production

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    Since the mid-2000s, Japan's industrial production (IP) has been characterized by increasing volatility. To examine the background to this, we apply the structural factor analysis developed by Foerster, Sarte, and Watson (2011) and decompose variations in Japan's IP into aggregate and sectoral shocks taking input-output relationships between sectors into account. We find that aggregate shocks explain most of the fluctuations in Japan's IP and are highly correlated with variations in overseas economic growth, especially since the early 2000s. However, we find a large increase in the relative importance of sectoral shocks when focusing on the more recent increase in the volatility of IP. Specifically, our analysis suggests that the intersectoral spillovers brought about by the disruptions of supply chain network in the wake of Great East Japan Earthquake and the declines of domestic production (or production capacity) in some sectors as a result of a deterioration in global competitiveness or the shift to overseas production have contributed to the recent fluctuations of Japan's IP

    Survey of above knee (A/K) prostheses currently used in the Chugoku-Shikoku district of Japan

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    To determine the extent to which recent advances in biomechanical technology have been implemented and to evaluate these new technologies, 84 unilateral above knee (A/K) amputees and their prostheses were surveyed in the Chugoku-Shikoku district of Japan, especially in regard to the types, sockets and components of A/K prostheses currently in use. Background factors such as age and sex of the A/K amputees and the period after amputation were also surveyed. Of the 84 amputees surveyed, 74 (88.1%) were over 40 years old and 40 (47.6%) were over 60 years old. There were 10 women (11.9%) and 74 men (88.1%). The period after amputation was under 25 years in 58 (69.0%) cases. Regarding the type of A/K prostheses, one-third of the prostheses was of the exoskeletal type and two-thirds were of the endoskeletal type. Although the endoskeletal type is becoming more popular recently, elderly A/K amputees tend to use the exoskeletal type. Thirty-one (36.9%) had plug-fit sockets which are preferable for those who follow the Japanese practice of sitting on the floor, especially for elderly amputees. Thirty-seven (44.0%) had a lock-knee, 27 (73.0%) of which were used by amputees over 60 years old. Seventy-three (86.9%) had a single-axis ankle which is generally considered to be the most stable ankle. Thus, the most common combination of prosthetic components for elderly A/K amputees was the plug-fit socket, lock-knee joint and single-axis ankle.</p

    What explains the recent fluctuations in Japan's output? A structural factor analysis of Japan's industrial production

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    Since the mid-2000s, Japan's industrial production (IP) has been characterized by increasing volatility. To examine the background to this, we apply the structural factor analysis developed by Foerster, Sarte, and Watson (2011) and decompose variations in Japan's IP into aggregate and sectoral shocks taking input-output relationships between sectors into account. We find that aggregate shocks explain most of the fluctuations in Japan's IP and are highly correlated with variations in overseas economic growth, especially since the early 2000s. However, we find a large increase in the relative importance of sectoral shocks when focusing on the more recent increase in the volatility of IP. Specifically, our analysis suggests that the intersectoral spillovers brought about by the disruptions of supply chain network in the wake of Great East Japan Earthquake and the declines of domestic production (or production capacity) in some sectors as a result of a deterioration in global competitiveness or the shift to overseas production have contributed to the recent fluctuations of Japan's IP

    Experimental Study on a Metal Hydride Tank for the Totalized Hydrogen Energy Utilization System

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    AbstractWe have been performing research on a Totalized Hydrogen Energy Utilization System (THEUS) which is composed of a Unitized Reversible Fuel Cell (URFC) and metal hydride tanks. THEUS is very similar to the regenerative fuel cell system located at the Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) but it utilizes the thermal energy from the system to improve the total system efficiency. AIST and SRNL started a collaborative research program on THEUS in 2010 under the Clean Energy Partnership Technology Program between METI and DOE. To initiate the project, a horizontal type metal hydride tank was developed. It had a double coil type heat exchanger and contained 50kg of AB5 type metal hydride alloy. Absorption and desorption of 6,350 NL of hydrogen was successfully attained at an absorption rate of 11.8 NL/min and a desorption rate of 8.1 NL/min. The experimental results of the heat exchanging performance were compared with the results of a vertical type metal hydride tank which was developed in AIST in 2008. This paper introduces the experimental results of the metal hydride tank which is tested in SRNL
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