1,443 research outputs found

    Dependence of a self-assembled amphiphile structure on the interaction between hydrophilic groups

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    In a previous study (2005 Comput. Phys. Commun. 169, 139?143), we clarified the dependence of the phase structure on the hydrophilicity of an amphiphilic molecule by varying the interaction potential between the hydrophilic molecule and water (a_AW) in a dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) simulation using the Jury model. In the present paper, we perform another DPD simulation using the previous model to investigate the dependence of the interaction potential between adjacent hydrophilic groups on the phase structure. By varying the coefficient of the interaction potential between adjacent hydrophilic groups a_AA (a_AA = 15, 25, 40 and 250) at a dimensionless temperature of T = 0.5 and a concentration of amphiphilic molecules in water of φ = 50%, hexagonal (a_AA = 14, 25, 40) and micellar (a_AA = 250) phases were observed. In comparison with the previous results, the dependence of the A?B dimer’s shape on a_AA was determined to be weaker than that on a_AW. Therefore, it is concluded that the solvent waterWplays an important role in aggregation of the A?B dimers

    Phase Diagram for Self-assembly of Amphiphilic Molecule C12E6 by Dissipative Particle Dynamics Simulation

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    In a previous study, dissipative particle dynamics simulation was used to qualitatively clarify the phase diagram of the amphiphilic molecule hexaethylene glycol dodecyl ether (C12E6). In the present study, the hydrophilicity dependence of the phase structure was clarified qualitatively by varying the interaction potential between hydrophilic molecules and water molecules in a dissipative particle dynamics (DPD) simulation using the Jury model. By varying the coefficient of the interaction potential xx between hydrophilic beads and water molecules as x=-20, 0, 10, and 20, at a dimensionless temperature of T=0.5 and a concentration of amphiphilic molecules in water of phi=50% the phase structures grew to lamellar (x=-20), hexagonal (x=0), and micellar (x=10) phases. For x=20, phase separation occurs between hydrophilic beads and water molecules

    A non-Hermitian analysis of strongly correlated quantum systems

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    We study a non-Hermitian generalization of strongly correlated quantum systems in which the transfer energy of electrons is asymmetric. It is known that a non-Hermitian critical point is equal to the inverse localization length of a Hermitian non-interacting random electron system. We here conjecture that we can obtain in the same way the correlation length of a Hermitian interacting non-random system. We confirm the conjecture using exact solutions and numerical finite-size data of the Hubbard model and the antiferromagnetic XXZ model in one dimension

    An Efficient, One-Pot Synthesis of Fosfomycin Dialkyl Esters from (R)-2-Tosyloxypropanal

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    (R)-2-Tosyloxypropanal (4) was prepared from D-mannitol in a 7-step sequence (51% overall yield). Addition of dialkyl phosphonates to 4 in the presence of titanium isopropoxide and the subsequent treatment with DBU stereoselectively afforded, in one-pot, fosfomycin dimethyl (5a) and dibenzyl (5b) esters both in 58% isolated yield

    Analysis of Human Pointing Behavior in Vision-based Pointing Interface System - difference of two typical pointing styles -

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    13th IFAC Symposium on Analysis, Design, and Evaluation ofHuman-Machine Systems HMS 2016: Kyoto, Japan, 30 August--2 September 2016This paper reports human pointing behaviors in vision-based pointing interface system, to make a mathematical model of them for designing easy-to-use interface. In natural pointing situations, we point targets at distant position with various postures, for example straight arm style or bent elbow style. We analyze their difference in pointing behaviors with assuming the pointing interface system as a feedback control model including an indicator. The difference had been confirmed in the step responses and the estimated parameters in the transfer functions, and matches to our actual experiences in those pointing styles. The estimation accuracy of indicated position from indicator's posture in the intermediate styles has been also analyzed. The results said that the reference point of indication smoothly moves from indicator's eye to his or her elbow according to the elbow joint angle

    SEEdit: SELinux Security Policy Configuration System with Higher Level Language

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    Security policy for SELinux is usually created by customizing a sample policy called refpolicy. However, describing and verifying security policy configurations is difficult because in refpolicy, there are more than 100,000 lines of configurations, thousands of elements such as permissions, macros and labels. The memory footprint of refpolicy which is around 5MB, is also a problem for resource constrained devices. We propose a security policy configuration system SEEdit which facilitates creating security policy by a higher level language called SPDL and SPDL tools. SPDL reduces the number of permissions by integrated permissions and removes label configurations. SPDL tools generate security policy configurations from access logs and tool user’s knowledge about applications. Experimental results on an embedded system and a PC system show that practical security policies are created by SEEdit, i.e., describing configurations is semiautomated, created security policies are composed of less than 500 lines of configurations, 100 configuration elements, and thememory footprint in the embedded system is less than 500KB