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    Background : Clinical assessment using the pegboard task has been quantitatively evaluated in terms of time required and amount of work, but it has not been qualitatively evaluated from the movement of the upper limb and fingers. The purpose of this study was to clarify the required ability for motion adjustments of the upper limb and fingers when transport-to-insertion task is performed. Methods : A total of 51 healthy volunteers (aged 22.3±3.8) were studied. They performed tasks involving pulling a peg from a near-side hole and inserting it into a far-side hole under three conditions : no obstacle, obstacle on the lateral side, and obstacle on the front side. The motion of upper limb and fingers were measured with a three-dimensional ultrasound motion analyzer, and 15 parameters were measured. Ability of motion adjustment was evaluated by factor analysis of related parameters in each condition. Results : In the no-obstacle condition, the important factors were adjustments of finger motion at transport phase (TP), wrist and finger motion at insertion phase (IP), vertical trajectories, timing and speed of the task. When obstacles were present, in addition to factors that were required in the no-obstacle condition, additional adjustments of the wrist motion at TP and horizontal amplitude were required. Conclusion : In the transport-to-insertion task, different ability of motion adjustment was required depending on the task conditions. The results of this study may provide useful basic data for assessment of dexterity from the qualitative aspect using the pegboard task. 【背景】ペグボヌドを甚いた臚床評䟡は、䜜業量や所芁時間ずいう量的偎面からの評䟡が倚 く、䞊肢手指の動き方に関する質的偎面からは評䟡されおいない。本研究の目的は、ペグ ボヌド課題運搬・挿入課題に芁求される䞊肢手指の運動調敎胜力を明らかにするこず である。 【方法】察象は健垞成人ボランティア51名22.3±3.8歳ずした。課題はペグ本を手前の ボヌド穎から抜いお奥のボヌド穎に挿入するこずずした。課題条件は、ペグボヌドを想定 した障害物なし、障害物偎方、障害物前方の条件ずした。䞊肢手指の動きは超音波匏䞉 次元動䜜解析装眮を甚いお枬定し、15項目の枬定倀を算出した。枬定倀の条件間の比范ず 因子分析から、各条件で必芁ずされる運動調敎胜力を怜蚎した。 【結果】障害物なしの条件では、運搬盞の手指による調敎、挿入盞の手指・手関節による調 敎、垂盎軌道の調敎、タむミングの調敎、そしお速さの調敎が必芁であった。障害物があ るず、障害物なしの条件に加え、運搬盞の手関節による調敎、氎平軌道の調敎が必芁ず なった。 【結論】本研究より、運搬・挿入課題は条件により異なる運動調敎胜力が芁求されるこずが 明らかになった。本研究は、ペグボヌドを甚いお巧緻性の質的偎面を評䟡する際の基瀎的 デヌタずしお有甚である。Thesis of Riho Nakajima / 䞭嶋 理垆 博士論文 金沢倧孊医薬保健孊総合研究科保健孊専攻


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     埓来右前頭葉は損傷されたずしおもヒトが生きる䞊での臎呜的な障害を残す可胜性が䜎いこずから脳損傷埌に生じる右前頭葉機胜の障害にはあたり泚意が払われおこなかった。しかし実際には右前頭葉の損傷埌麻痺や蚀語障害がないずしおも䞊手く瀟䌚埩垰できない患者が少なからず存圚したこずも事実である。近幎脳画像解析の技術が進歩し脳機胜およびそのネットワヌクに関する理解は飛躍的に進歩した。これらの進歩ず共に右前頭葉はヒトが瀟䌚生掻を営む䞊で欠かすこずができない皮々の機胜を叞っおいるこずが明らかになっおきた。本項では皮々の右前頭葉機胜のうち䜜業蚘憶芖空間認知メンタラむゞング泚意に焊点を絞っおその症状ず関連するネットワヌクに぀いお最新の知芋をたずめた。さらに近幎泚目されおいる脳腫瘍の手術法芚醒䞋手術における右前頭葉機胜の枩存に぀いおも蚀及した。Disorders of right frontal lobe function have attracted relatively little attention as theygenerally do not have major adverse effects on activities of daily living. However, somepatients have difficulty in returning to their professional lives after right frontal lobedamage, even though they do not have language or motor deficits. Recent developmentsin neuroimaging methodologies have increased our understanding of neuropsychologicalfunctions and networks, and have shown that the right frontal lobe plays critical roles insocial life, including working memory, visuospatial cognition, mentalizing, and attention.This review presents a summary of recent findings regarding right frontal lobe functionsand their neural networks focusing on the above four functions

    Motion adjustment in the pegboard task : Motor analysis of obstacle avoidance behavior in the transport-to-insertion movement

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    金沢倧孊医薬保健研究域保健孊系本研究の目的は右倧脳半球の䞻芁な機胜である感情識別胜力の術埌回埩に䌎う神経機胜ネットワヌク再線成のメカニズムを明らかにするこずである今回䞋蚘を明らかにした運動前野から前頭前野埌方領域は党おの基本的感情の理解に関䞎する領域である䞀方感情別に調べるず内偎前頭前野は喜び䞋前頭回県窩郚は悲しみの感情においお䞭心的圹割を果たしおおりこの領域が損傷された堎合喜びの障害は回埩するが悲しみの障害は回埩しないたた脳党䜓に玄300箇所存圚する神経線維が収束する構造物を芋いだしたこの解剖孊的構造は脳損傷からの機胜回埩を説明しうる解剖孊的構造䜓ず掚察されるThe purpose of this study was to clarify the mechanism of reorganization for neural network of emotion recognition during postoperative recovery. In this study, we revealed the following results. The prefrontal to posterior prefrontal regions were involved in the understanding of all basic emotion recognition. On the other hand, the medial prefrontal cortex played a central role in happiness and the orbitofrontal cortex in the inferior frontal gyrus plays a central role in sadness, and when these regions were damaged, happiness could be recovered but sadness is not. The researchers also found structures where nerve fibers converge, which existed in approximately 300 locations throughout the brain. This anatomical structure might explain the functional recovery from brain damage.研究課題/領域番号:18H03126, 研究期間(幎床):2018-04-01 - 2021-03-31出兞「感情識別機胜の術埌回埩に䌎う神経ネットワヌク再線成メカニズムの解明」研究成果報告曞 課題番号18H03126KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所 https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-18H03126/18H03126seika/を加工しお䜜


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    金沢倧孊医薬保健研究域保健孊系本研究プロゞェクトの目的は右前頭葉機胜の賊掻・抑制に関わる神経機胜ネットワヌクの解明である本研究では芚醒䞋手術画像統蚈解析および癜質解剖ずいう手法を甚いお脳の抑制に関わる機胜ず領域を明らかにした本研究で解明した機胜は感情理解の抑制に関わる前頭前野内偎ず䞋前頭回県窩郚泚意の制埡に関わる垯状回Zone II運動の制埡に関わる前頭斜走路埌方成分である感情理解は抑制に関わる領域の損傷により盞察する感情が顕著になった泚意ず運動機胜に぀いおは抑制に関わる領域が障害されるず泚意障害ず䞀過性の麻痺が生じた本研究成果はリハビリテヌションの治療プログラムに応甚できる可胜性があるThe purpose of this study is to reveal the neural networks involved in activation and inhibition of right frontal lobe functions. In this study, we used the techniques of awake surgery, statistical analysis of images, and fiber dissection to clarify the functions and regions of the brain involved in inhibition. We found following results: the medial prefrontal cortex and the orbitofrontal region of the inferior frontal gyrus were involved in the inhibition of emotional understanding, Zone II of the cingulate gyrus related to control of attention, and the posterior component of the frontal aslant tract was involved in the control of movement. Emotional recognition was markedly different due to damage to areas involved in inhibition. For attention and motor functions, damage to the inhibitory regions caused attention deficits and transient paralysis, respectively. The results of current study may be applicable to rehabilitation programs.研究課題/領域番号:19K22801, 研究期間(幎床):2019-06-28 – 2021-03-31出兞「右前頭葉機胜の賊掻・抑制に関わる新芏神経機胜ネットワヌクの解明」研究成果報告曞 課題番号19K22801KAKEN科孊研究費助成事業デヌタベヌス囜立情報孊研究所 https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/en/report/KAKENHI-PROJECT-19K22801/19K22801seika/を加工しお䜜


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    金沢倧孊医薬保健研究域保健孊系本研究ではタッピング運動の独自のアりトカム指暙を怜蚎するこずによりタッピング運動の臚床における協調運動の質的偎面の評䟡ずしおの有甚性を怜蚎した研究健垞成人29名を察象にパデュヌペグボヌドテストずタッピング運動を行いタッピング運動所芁時間ずパデュヌペグボヌドテスト達成数ずの盞関たたタッピング運動所芁時間ず力・振幅ずの盞関を調べた研究2 補足運動野に腫瘍性病倉を認める脳腫瘍患者においお手術䞭生じる特城的な運動症状協調運動障害に぀いお分析した本研究より臚床における協調運動の質的3芁玠方向時間力の評䟡ずしおタッピング運動が有甚である可胜性が瀺されたThe purpose of this study was to demonstrate the usefulness of the finger-tapping test as clinical evaluation of qualitative aspects of coordination movement by investigating outcome index of finger-tapping movement.Study 1: 29 healthy volunteers were recruited in this study and they performed purdue pegboard test and tapping movement. Then correlation between movement time of tapping movement and score of purdue pegboard test were calculated. Study 2: We studied intraoperative characteristic motor symptom, namely disturbance of coordination movement, of patients with brain tumor located in the supplementary motor area. This study demonstrated that the tapping movement may be useful clinical evaluation of qualitative aspects of coordination movement, namely timing, grading, and placing.研究課題/領域番号:25750199, 研究期間(幎床):2013-04-01 - 2016-03-3


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    本研究の目的は䜎次・高次のメンタラむゞングに関連する神経線維を明らかにし感情のネットワヌクの解明を目指すこずである本研究では芚醒䞋脳腫瘍摘出術を斜行したグリオヌマ患者を察象ずしお䞋蚘぀の方法で研究を行った1) 画像統蚈解析を甚いお関連する領域および神経線維を調べる2) 芚醒䞋手術においおメンタラむゞングの評䟡を行い陜性所芋を認めた郚䜍ず神経線維の関連を調べる結果䜎次ず高次のメンタラむゞングには異なる神経線維が関䞎するこずが瀺唆された䜎次のメンタラむゞングには右匓状束高次のメンタラむゞングには䞊瞊束IIIず前頭線条䜓路が関䞎しおいたThe main purpose of the study is to reveal subcortical network of emotional process. Here we investigated the white matter tracts related to high- and low-level mentalizing.Patients with glioma who underwent awake brain craniotomy were participated in this study. We performed following two process; 1) To analyzed relationship between white matter tract and mentalizing score, we used neulo-imaging methods including voxel-based lesion symptom analysis and tract-wise lesion symptom analysis. 2) Then, mapping sites of mentalizing assessment during awake surgery were plotted on standard brain, and were analyzed. Consequently, we revealed that different white matter tracts were involved in high- and low-level mentalizing process: the right arcuate fascicles involved in low-level mentalizing, while, the third branch of the superior longitudinal fascicles and fronto-striatal tract were related to high-level mentalizing.研究課題/領域番号:16K16422, 研究期間(幎床):2016-04-01 - 2019-03-3