54 research outputs found

    A Randomized Phase 2 Trial of Antibiotic Prophylaxis Versus No Intervention for Muscle Biopsy in A Neurology Department

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    Muscle biopsy can be used to confirm the diagnosis of neuromuscular diseases. However, it is unclear whether antibiotic prophylaxis prior to muscle biopsy is needed to prevent surgical site infection (SSI). We are conducting a phase 2, single-center, open-labeled, prospective randomized trial to clarify the need for antibiotic prophylaxis in patients at low risk for SSI undergoing muscle biopsy. Patients will be randomized to an antibiotic prophylaxis group or a control group, and the incidence of SSI will be compared between the groups. Our findings will clarify the need for antibiotic prophylaxis in this patient population

    Research on Pupils' Progress of Mathematical Ability at Lower Secondary School Level (4) : Considering the "Number" of Test Points

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    Kassel-Exeter Projectによって開発された共通問題を用いて, 日本の中学生の数学的能力の発達・変容を調査し, その検討を通して, よりよい数学教育に向けての示唆を得ることが本研究の目的である。「数」調査問題をもとに1019名の公立中学校2, 3年生を対象とする調査を行ったところ, 日本の中学生の「数」得点は1年次からすでに高いレベルにあり, そのレベルを維持したままで, イギリス・ドイツなどと比して遜色のない程度の伸びを示していることがわかった。さらに, 問題ごとの正答率の変容に着目すると同時に, 被験者を3つの群に層化することによって, 正答率の変容の要因を分析した。その結果, 数学学習に対する「潜在力」の高い生徒および「潜在力」の低い生徒の「数」得点の変容に関する特徴が洗い出され, 個に応じた数学指導を考慮していく際の示唆が得られた。, The authors administered the "number" of test composed of 50 problems developed by Kassel-Exeter Project to students in Tokyo, Nara, Hiroshima, Fukuoka and Nagasaki prefectures a year earlier to identify the students' progress in mathematical ability at lower secondary school level. Analysis of the test shows that Japanese students' progress is almost comparable with the students from other countries like England and Germany, which can be attributed to the effective teaching of Mathematics.Aside from the overall analysis of the test scores, a longitudinal analysis of each problem was made. The analysis showed that Japanese pupils made remarkable progress in many problems but they showed corresponding regression on estimation of problems. Based on their points in a "potential" test, students were grouped as potentially high (PH), potentailly medium (PM) or potentially low (PL). PH students exhibited high points in comparatively difficult problem items while PL students' showed progress in comparatively easy problem items. The observed regression could be attributed to the same kind of problem items. Important implications for the improvement of the teaching of Mathematics were identified

    Rapid Formation of Cerebral Microbleeds after Carotid Artery Stenting

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    Background: Recent studies reported that cerebral microbleeds (CMBs), i.e. small areas of signal loss on T2*-weighted gradient-echo (GE) imaging, could develop rapidly after acute ischemic stroke. We hypothesized that CMBs rapidly emerge after carotid artery stenting (CAS). Objective: We investigated the frequency of and predisposing factors for CMBs after CAS. Methods: We retrospectively examined MRI before and after CAS in 88 consecutive patients (average age: 71.7 ± 7.2 years, average rates of carotid stenosis: 72.6 ± 12.8%) who underwent CAS for carotid artery stenosis between March 1, 2009, and September 30, 2010. We defined new CMBs as signal losses that newly appeared on the follow-up GE. We examined the association of new CMBs with demographics, risk factors, and baseline MBs. Results: Among 88 patients, 18 (20.5%) had CMBs initially, and 7 (8.0%) developed new CMBs right after CAS. New CMBs appeared on the same side of CAS in all of the 7 patients. New CMBs appeared significantly more frequently in the CMB-positive group than in the CMB-negative one (22% vs. 4%, p = 0.03) on the pre-CAS MRI. Multivariate analysis also revealed that the presence of CMBs before CAS was an independent predictor of new development of CMBs after CAS (odds ratio: 8.09, 95% confidence interval: 1.39–47.1). Conclusion: CMBs can develop rapidly after CAS, especially in patients with pre-existing CMBs. Since the existence of CMBs prior to CAS suggests a latent vascular damage which is vulnerable to hemodynamic stress following CAS, particular attention should be paid to the prevention of intracerebral hemorrhage due to hyperperfusion after CAS

    Conical Stream of the Two-Sided Jets in NGC 4261 over the Range of 103–109 Schwarzschild Radii

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    We report the jet width profile of of the nearby ( ∼ 30 Mpc ) AGN NGC 4261 for both the approaching jet and the counter jet at radial distances ranging from ∼ 10 3 – 10 9 Schwarzschild radius ( R S ) from the central engine. Our Very Large Array (VLA) and Very Long Baseline Array (VLBA) observations reveal that the jets maintain a conical structure on both sides over the range 10 3 – 10 9 R S without any structural transition (i.e., parabolic to conical) like in the approaching jet in M87. Thus, NGC 4261 will provide a unique opportunity to examine the conical jet hypothesis in blazars, while it may require some additional consideration on the acceleration and collimation process in AGN jets

    Working together in State-Building and Dvelopment

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    This volume illustrates the stories of a great number of Japanese who have worked to support reconstruction and development in Afghanistan, with a focus on the ten years since 2001, After the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States in 2001, the international community has collectively supported a new state-building in Afghanistan. Japan, as part of the community, has been providing support, drawing on its unique expertise and experience. Many Japanese have endeavored to help local Afghans return to peaceful daily lives and to support the state’s reconstruction and development, sometimes with taking personal risks. The book, introducing their daily activities alongside the accomplishment of their painstaking work, attempts to recapture the overall picture of Japan’s support for Afghanistan. In preparing the volume, the JICA-RI established a project team to compile the experiences and information from a variety of people―representatives of the Japanese government and the private sector, NGO members, staff of UN organizations and JICA―who have involved in the Afghan reconstruction in various positions. The project team reproduced a concrete picture of their activities in Afghanistan. The book presents a wide range of efforts: the emergency humanitarian aid during the initial stage of reconstruction; the assistance for a new state institution building from scratch; the support to build foundation for people’s livelihoods; and the human resource development for the future of Afghanistan. The volume also introduces a number of episodes on Japanese assistance in the 1970s. After the twenty-year absence during the war (in the 1980s and 1990s) their impacts still remains in various places even today. These episodes remind us of the importance of assistance to develop human resources and infrastructure that will serve as the foundation for state-building over decades