200 research outputs found

    Production of Ultrahigh Magnetic Fields by Explosive-Driven Flux Compression

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    Magnetic fields exceeding 1 MOe are reproducibly generated by a flux compression method using a cylindrical metal liner and high explosives. Some new devices are employed for simultaneous initiation of the cylindrical explosive on its outer surface. Detailed measurements are made on the dependence of the liner velocity on the mass ratio of liner and explosive. The results are consistent with an analysis based on the theory of detonation

    Shock Compression Experiments in Solids using High Explosives

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    Small-scale explosive plane wave generators, 40-78 mm in diameter, are developed to perform solid state experiments at shock pressures up to 1 Mbar. Techniques for determining the shock compression curve are described in detail, especially in the case where a phase transformation occurs at a high pressure

    High-Sensitivity Streak Camera Applicable to Time-Resolved Spectroscopy

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    A high-sensitivity streak camera has been designed and manufactured using a photoelectric tube with deflecting plates and a microchannel plate which serves as both a streak device and an image intensifier. Characteristics of the complete equipments are as follows : (1) an image on the film is 10.2 times as large as an image on the photoelectric surface, (2) effective area of the film is 45 mm in diameter, (3) resolution on the film is 2.5 lp/mm (4) writing speed on the film is 0.2~20 mm/μs, 5-stage variable, (5) sensitivity is controlled by the microchannel plate voltage, and (6) a spectroscope is combined to take time-resolved spectrographs, 1 mm on the film corresponding to 0.9 nm of the wavelength

    虹鱒卵の生化学的研究 : I. 蛋白質の電気泳動的研究

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     虹鱒卵の卵黄形成後期の未成熟卵の内容物の分析を行った結果,ほとんどが蛋白質であることを明らかにした.蛋白質の主なる成分は電気泳動的に三つあり,それぞれは84.0%. 11. 6%, 4.4% の割で存在する.  主成分の蛋白質のうち84.0% を占める成分は窒素含量11. 9%, リン含量0.5%,脂質含量22.8%および少量の炭水化物を含むリポ蛋白質である.脂質のうちの50% はりン脂質である.この成分は鶏卵のリポピテリンと同様の蛋白質と考えるが,カロチノイドを含まない点でそれとは異っている. 11. 6%を占める蛋白質は窒素含量12.7% , リン含量0.1% 以下で, リン含量の少ないのが特徴的である.  三成分の蛋白質のうち最も少ない成分は窒素14.3% , リン8.2% を含み, リン含有量の多いことと水溶性蛋白質であることで前二者の蛋白質とは異なる.この蛋白質は鶏卵のフォスピチン様のリン蛋白質と考える. The nature of protein in the immature egg yolk of rainbow trout was investigated. There exist three components in the proportion of 84.0, 11.6, and 4.4 per cent in the yolk.  Among these three components the principal one, component I, was a kind of lipoprotein. It contained 11.9 per cent of nitrogen, 0.5 per cent of phosphorus, a little carbohydrate, and 22.8 per cent of lipid of which some 50 per cent was phospholipid.It is noteworthy that this lipoprotein-like substance was deficient in carotenoid pigment.  The component 11 was an unidentified protein composed of 12.7 per cent of nitrogen and less than 0.1 per cent of phosphorus.  The component Ill was a phosphoprotein soluble in water. It contained 8.2 per cent of phosphorus and 14.3 per cent of nitrogen

    虹鱒卵の生化学的研究 : IV. 胚発生過程における卵内容物の変化

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    虹鱒卵の未受精期から受精後45日迄の各発生段階における水分,脂質,蛋白質および非蛋白質成分について分析を行った. 卵黄内容物は主として孵化後に大きく変化する.蛋白質は分解され利用されるまで非蛋白態窒素化合物として貯えられる.卵黄蛋白質の電気泳動的観察では,三成分の蛋白質は全発生過程を通じ約83:11:6の割合を示し,著しい変化は認められなかったことから,これらの蛋白質は均等に分解されてゆくと考えられる. 孵化後一時的にリポ蛋白質の脂質部分が蛋白質部分より選択的に分解・利用される時期のあることを認めた. 油球の減少は全発生期間を通じ緩慢であるが,リポ蛋白質の脂質の減少は著しく,油球より利用度の高いことを認めた.The analysis of rainbow trout yolk during the development was made on the moisture, lipid, protein, and non-proteic nitrogen concurrently occurred in the yolk sac before consumption by the embryo. The electrophoretic analysis of the protein showed three components distributed there in the ratio of about 83:11:6, decreasing with the same ratio through all the developmental stages, although a change of the lipid content in the lipoprotein after hatching was observed. The lipid of lipoprotein rapidly decreased and was consumed preferentially to the oil globule


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    Structural and magnetic properties of homogeneous oxide glasses containing a large amount of Fe^ ions, are reviewed. A comparative study of the glass and its corresponding crystal, mostly by Mossbauer spectroscopy, reveals that short-range atomic arrangements in the glass do not show much difference from that of the crystal, as far as a few interatomic distances are concerned. The magnetic state in the glasses is characterized by a narrow distribution and a Brillouin-function-like temperature dependence of the internal field, a rather sharply defined magnetic ordering temperature, and remarkable thermoremanence induced in the field-cooling experiments. Surprisingly large reduction in the magnetic ordering temperature of the glass is to be noted, when compared with the coresponding crystal. These observations are consistently interpreted by the concept of spero-magnetism proposed by Coey, where short-range antiferromagnetic order prevails only for a few atomic distances. It is pointed out that the Fe^ ion is particularly favorable species as a network former in the homogeneous glasses because of its (3d)^5 configuration, being insensitive to crystal field effect

    虹鱒卵の生化学的研究 : V. 胚発生過程における卵黄蛋白質の変化

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    未成熟卵,未受精卵,29日目および42日目の卵黄蛋白質の性状を分析し,以下の結果を得た. 1. 卵黄蛋白質は胚発生が進むに従って物理的,化学的性状が変化する.特に受精後42日目に分子量の大きいリポ蛋白質の生ずることを認めた.これはリポ蛋白質が部分的に分解された後再構成される為と考える. 2. 虹鱒卵のリポ蛋白質のアミノ酸組成はアラニン含量が高く,セリン,シスチン,トリプトファンが低いことを除けば大体リポビテリンと似た組成を示した. 3. 受精後42日目のリポ蛋白質のアミノ酸のうちいくつかのものの比率が減少することを認めた.これは特異なアミノ酸が選択的に胚発生に利用されていると考える. 4. 卵黄の糖蛋白質のアミノ酸組成は未受精卵と受精後42日目のものでは殆ど変化は認められなかった.The yolk proteins obtained from various stages of embryogenesis of rainbow trout were analyzed in order to determine their chemical and physical properties. 1. The yolk protein gradually changed its physical and chemical properties with the progressing of the embryogenesis. The increase of molecular size of the lipoprotein was observed in the gel filtration. It was suggested that the lipoprotein molecule was rearranged in the yolk sac after a partial degradation by embryo. 2. The amino acid composition of the rainbow trout egg lipoprotein was somewhat similar to that of lipovitellin, although the high value of alanine and the low content of serine, cystine, and tryptophane were characteristic for the former. 3. A decrease in the ratio of several amino acids in the lipoprotein was found from the 42nd-day after fertilization. 4. The amino acid composition of glycoprotein in both the unfertilized egg and 42nd-day yolk were similar to each other. Therefore the glycoprotein catabolized without consumption of specific amino acid

    虹鱒卵の生化学的研究 : VI. 胚発生過程における脂質の変化

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    未受精卵,孵化直後,さい嚢吸収前の三段階の卵黄に含まれる脂質を油球および卵黄球リボ蛋白質にわけて,それぞれの組成をしらべた。また,in vitroの実験から卵黄球リポ蛋白質の脂質の胚への吸収経路を推定した。 1) 他球の脂質組成には発生過程中に著しい変化は無いが,脂肪酸組成にはわずかながら18:1,18:2酸増加と16:0,20:5,22:6酸の減少がみられた。 2) 卵黄球リポ蛋白質の脂質に50%近く含まれるリン脂質は発生と共に減少し,リゾレシチンと非エステル脂肪酸の割合が増加した。 3) リポ蛋白質のトリグリセライドとリン脂質の脂肪酸組成は互いに異なり,特に前者に不飽和脂肪酸が多い。また,非エステル脂肪酸は発生にしたがい絶対量が増加し,未受精卵に多い22:6,20:5酸が減少したのに対し,16:0,16:1,18:1酸が増加した。これによって発生の進むと共に卵黄の高度不飽和脂肪酸が選択的に胚に吸収されることを認めた。 4) 卵黄球の脂質は,ある酵素によりトリグリセライドが分解され,脂肪酸が遊離される。これは非エステル脂肪酸としてリポ蛋白質内に蓄積された後,胚へと移行する。一方,生じたモノまたはジグリセライドはレシチンから脂肪酸を得てトリグリセライドを再合成し,レシチンはリゾレシチンに変ずると考える。In the three stages of development of the rainbow trout, the lipid composition of the oil globule and of the lipoprotein of the yolk globule was investigated. 1) A variation of the lipid class composition in the oil globule was not observed in the course of the development, while the fatty acid composition was slightly altered. 2) In a later developmental stage, lysolecithin and NEFA appeared with the degradation of lecithin bound to the lipoprotein. 3) On analyses of the fatty acid, it was shown that polyunsaturated acid spreads in triglyceride more than in phospholipid. In NEFA, palmitic, palmitoleic and oleic acids were rich in the latter developmental stage, while docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids were poor. A selective consumption of the polyunsaturated fatty acid was also observed. 4) A certain enzymatic action seemed to affect a transesterification between triglyceride and phospholipid within lipoprotein

    Shock Compression of Titanium Monoxide up to 600 kbar(Physics)

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    Hugoniot data were obtained for titanium monoxide TiO_x (x=0.84, 1.06, and 1.28), up to about 600 kbar by shock wave compression. A small explosive lens system was used for the purpose of generating plane shock waves. Shock velocities and free surface velocities were measured by means of an electric pin-contactor method ; the shock state was computed on the basis of free surface approximation. Regardless of the values of x, the compounds TiO_x were shown to be extremely incompressible even in this ultrahigh pressure region ; no evidence was found for significant filling of vacancies


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    Mitochondrial membrane potential regulation through the mitochondrial permeability transition pore (mPTP) is reportedly involved in the ischemic postconditioning (PostC) phenomenon. Melatonin is an endogenous hormone that regulates circadian rhythms. Its neuroprotective effects via mitochondrial melatonin receptors (MTs) have recently attracted attention. However, details of the neuroprotective mechanisms associated with PostC have not been clarified. Using hippocampal CA1 pyramidal cells from C57BL mice, we studied the involvement of MTs and the mPTP in melatonin-induced PostC mechanisms similar to those of ischemic PostC. We measured changes in spontaneous excitatory postsynaptic currents (sEPSCs), intracellular calcium concentration, mitochondrial membrane potential, and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) currents after ischemic challenge, using the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. Melatonin significantly suppressed increases in sEPSCs and intracellular calcium concentrations. The NMDAR currents were significantly suppressed by melatonin and the MT agonist, ramelteon. However, this suppressive effect was abolished by the mPTP inhibitor, cyclosporine A, and the MT antagonist, luzindole. Furthermore, both melatonin and ramelteon potentiated depolarization of mitochondrial membrane potentials, and luzindole suppressed depolarization of mitochondrial membrane potentials. This study suggests that melatonin-induced PostC via MTs suppressed the NMDAR that was induced by partial depolarization of mitochondrial membrane potential by opening the mPTP, reducing excessive release of glutamate and inducing neuroprotection against ischemia-reperfusion injury.博士(医学)・甲第847号・令和4年9月28日Copyright: © 2022 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY) license (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)