41 research outputs found

    Vibrio parahaemolyticus, enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli and Vibrio cholerae

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    This review highlighted the following: (i) pathogenic mechanism of the thermostable direct hemolysin produced by Vibrio parahaemolyticus, especially on its cardiotoxicity, (ii) heat-labile and heat-stable enterotoxins produced by enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli, especially structure–activity relationship of heat-stable enterotoxin, (iii) RNA N-glycosidase activity of Vero toxins (VT1 and VT2) produced by enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli O157:H7, (iv) discovery of Vibrio cholerae O139, (v) isolation of new variant of Vibrio cholerae O1 El Tor that carries classical ctxB, and production of high concentration of cholera toxin by these strains, and (vi) conversion of viable but nonculturable (VBNC) Vibrio cholerae to culturable state by co-culture with eukaryotic cells

    Multiscale population genetic analysis of mule deer (Odocoileus hemionus hemionus) in western Canada sheds new light on the spread of chronic wasting disease

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    To successfully manage wildlife diseases, it is necessary to understand factors that influence spread. One approach is to analyze host movement and social structure, as these b

    Electronic and magnetic properties of SiC nanoribbons by F termination

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    By using the first-principles calculations, the electronic properties are studied for the F-terminated SiC nanoribbons (SiCNRs) with either zigzag edges (ZSiCNRs) or armchair edges (ASiCNRs). The results show that the broader F-terminated ZSiCNRs are metallic and the edge states appear at the Fermi level, while the F-terminated ASiCNRs are always semiconductors independent of their width but the edge states do not appear due to the Si-C dimer bonds at the edges. The charge density contours analyses shows that the Si-F and Si-C bonds are all ionic bonds due to the much stronger electronegativities of the F and C atoms than that of the Si atom. However, the C-F bonds display a typical non-polar covalent bonding feature because of the electronegativity difference between the F and C atoms of 1.5 is a much smaller than that of between the F and Si atoms of 2.2, as well as the tighter bounded C 2s22p2 electrons with smaller orbital radius than the Si 3s23p2 electrons. For both the F- and the H-terminated ZSiCNRs, the ground state is a ferromagnetic semiconductor

    Tensile Properties of Medium Mn Steel with a Bimodal UFG α + γ and Coarse δ-Ferrite Microstructure

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    While the tensile strength and elongation obtained for medium Mn steel would appear to make it a candidate material in applications which require formable ultra-high strength materials, many secondary aspects of the microstructure-properties relationships have not yet been given enough attention. In this contribution, the microstructural and tensile properties of medium Mn steel with a bimodal microstructure consisting of an ultra-fine grained ferrite + austenite constituent and coarse-grained delta-ferrite are therefore reviewed in detail. The tensile properties of ultra-fine-grained intercritically annealed medium Mn steel reveal a complex dependence on the intercritical annealing temperature. This dependence is related to the influence of the intercritical annealing temperature on the activation of the plasticity-enhancing mechanisms in the microstructure. The kinetics of deformation twinning and strain-induced transformation in the ultra-fine grained austenite play a prominent role in determining the strain hardening of medium Mn steel. While excellent strength-ductility combinations are obtained when deformation twinning and strain-induced transformation occur gradually and in sequence, large elongations are also observed when strain-induced transformation plasticity is not activated. In addition, the localization of plastic flow is observed to occur in samples after intercritical annealing at intermediate temperatures, suggesting that both strain hardening and strain rate sensitivity are influenced by the properties of the ultra-fine-grained austenite.11107sciescopu