96 research outputs found

    Penalizations of the Brownian motion by a functional of its local times

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    In this article, we study the family of probability measures (indexed by a positive real number t), obtained by penalization of the Brownian motion by a given functional of its local times at time t. We prove that this family tends to a limit measure when t goes to infinity if the functional satisfies some conditions of domination, and we check these conditions in several particular cases

    The distribution of eigenvalues of randomized permutation matrices

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    In this article we study in detail a family of random matrix ensembles which are obtained from random permutations matrices (chosen at random according to the Ewens measure of parameter θ>0\theta>0) by replacing the entries equal to one by more general non-vanishing complex random variables. For these ensembles, in contrast with more classical models as the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble, or the Circular Unitary Ensemble, the eigenvalues can be very explicitly computed by using the cycle structure of the permutations. Moreover, by using the so-called virtual permutations, first introduced by Kerov, Olshanski and Vershik, and studied with a probabilistic point of view by Tsilevich, we are able to define, on the same probability space, a model for each dimension greater than or equal to one, which gives a meaning to the notion of almost sure convergence when the dimension tends to infinity. In the present paper, depending on the precise model which is considered, we obtain a number of different results of convergence for the point measure of the eigenvalues, some of these results giving a strong convergence, which is not common in random matrix theory

    A new kind of augmentation of filtrations

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    Let (Ω,F,(Ft)t≥0,P)(\Omega,\mathcal{F},(\mathcal{F}_t)_{t \geq 0},\mathbb{P}) be a filtered probability space satisfying the usual assumptions: it is usually not possible to extend to F∞\mathcal{F}_{\infty} (the σ\sigma-algebra generated by (Ft)t≥0(\mathcal{F}_t)_{t \geq 0}) a coherent family of probability measures (Qt)(\mathbb{Q}_t), each of them being defined on Ft\mathcal{F}_t. It is known that for instance, on the Wiener space, this extension problem has a positive answer if one takes the filtration generated by the coordinate process, but can have a negative answer if one takes its usual augmentation. On the other hand, the usual assumptions are crucial in order to obtain the existence of regular versions of paths for most stochastic processes of interest, such as the local time of the standard Brownian motion, stochastic integrals, etc. In order to fix this problem, we introduce a new property for filtrations, intermediate between the right continuity and the usual conditions. We show that most of the important results of the theory of stochastic processes which are generally proved under the usual augmentation, such as the existence of regular version of trajectories or the d\'ebut theorem, still hold under the N-augmentation; moreover this new augmentation allows the extension of a coherent family of probability measures whenever this is possible with the original filtration.Comment: A new reference to earlier work by K. Bichteler is adde

    The bead process for beta ensembles

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    The bead process introduced by Boutillier is a countable interlacing of the determinantal sine-kernel point processes. We construct the bead process for general sine beta processes as an infinite dimensional Markov chain whose transition mechanism is explicitly described. We show that this process is the microscopic scaling limit in the bulk of the Hermite beta corner process introduced by Gorin and Shkolnikov, generalizing the process of the minors of the Gaussian unitary and orthogonal ensembles. In order to prove our results, we use bounds on the variance of the point counting of the circular and the Gaussian beta ensembles, proven in a companion paper

    A remarkable σ\sigma-finite measure associated with last passage times and penalisation problems

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    In this paper, we give a global view of the results we have obtained in relation with a remarkable class of submartingales, called (Σ)(\Sigma), and its links with a universal sigma-finite measure and penalization problems on the space of continuous and cadlag paths.Comment: This is a contribution for the special volume for the 60th birthday of Eckhard Plate

    On sigma-finite measures related to the Martin boundary of recurrent Markov chains

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    In our monograph with B. Roynette and M. Yor, we construct a sigma-finite measure related to penalisations of different stochastic processes, including the Brownian motion in dimension 1 or 2, and a large class of linear diffusions. In the last chapter of the monograph, we define similar measures from recurrent Markov chains satisfying some technical conditions. In the present paper, we give a classification of these measures, in function of the minimal Martin boundary of the Markov chain considered at the beginning. We apply this classification to the examples considered at the end of our monograph
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