45 research outputs found

    The Effect of <i>Crataegus</i> Fruit Pre-Treatment and Preservation Methods on the Extractability of Aroma Compounds during Liqueur Production

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    The leaves, inflorescences, and fruits of hawthorn have long been known for their therapeutic properties. A wide range of hawthorn products, including liqueurs, are manufactured, due to the technological potential of the raw material as well as the richness of its volatile compounds. This study aimed to determine the effect of the liqueur production method and various methods of fruit preservation on the quantitative and qualitative composition of volatile compounds in the liqueurs produced. Hawthorn fruits saturated with sucrose and non-saturated with sucrose, fresh or preserved through one of three methods: freezing, air-drying, and freeze-drying, were used for liqueur preparation. The samples were analyzed using a gas chromatograph–mass spectrometer. They were found to contain 54 volatile compounds classified into 12 groups of chemicals. All 54 identified volatile compounds were detected in the liqueur made from hawthorn fruits non-saturated with sucrose and preserved by freeze-drying. In this liqueur type, 12 of the identified volatile compounds occurred in the highest concentration when compared to the other treatments. Among all volatiles, the following compounds were present in the analyzed liqueurs in the highest concentrations: dodecanoic acid ethyl ester (11.782 g/100 g), lactones (6.954 g/100 g), five monoterpenes (3.18 g/100 g), two aromatic hydrocarbons (1.293 g/100 g), isobensofuran (0.67 g/100 g), alcohol—2-methyl-2-propanol (0.059 g/100 g), and malonic ester (0.055 g/100 g). Among all analyzed liqueurs, the one made from the fruits non-saturated with sucrose and frozen was characterized by the smallest diversity of volatiles, which were present in the lowest concentrations in that liqueur


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    Abstract: Set yoghurt from goat’s milk with adjusted pH to 6,4, 6,3, 6,2 and 6,1 and than modified by microbial transglutaminase (TGase) were produced. Control yoghurt was produced from goat’s milk of pH 6,4 but without modification by TGase. In yoghurt determined sensory quality, pH, texture parameters and syneresis. Modification of goat’s milk by TGase caused an increase in apparent viscosity, hardness and adhesiveness of the yoghurt. The pH of the milk incubated with TGase in the range 6.4-6.1 has no influence on such texture parameters like viscosity, hardness, adhesiveness, extrusion force and syneresis. The pH and extrusion force of the stored yoghurts was significantly lower than the values of these parameters in fresh yoghurts. Key words: goat’s milk yoghurt, pH, texture, transglutaminase Introduction and literature review Transglutaminase (TGase) (EC catalyses the formation of covalent cross-links between glutamine and lysine residues in many foo


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    **Original scientific paper Abstract: The purpose of this work was to evaluate the quality of commercial kefir, obtained from the local market. Kefirs produced by eight manufacturers were analysed. Four of them were classified as factory with large scale of production and signed: D1, D2, D3, and D4. Three kefirs marked: M1, M2, M3 originated from the local dairy cooperatives. One evaluated product signed T1 was sold as cheap brand in hypermarket. Kefirs were evaluated for the sensory properties, chemical composition (fat, protein, total solids, solid non fat – snf), flow curve and area of hysteresis loop between upward and downward curve of stirred kefir. Flow curves were described by two rheological models: Ostwad de Waele, and Casson, the apparent viscosity was calculated as well. Most of the analysed kefirs were characterised by satisfactory sensory quality, but only the product D2 got the maximal note close to maximal 5.0. Unexpectively kefir D1 obtained from well known brand manufacturer was determined as the lowest sensor

    The Effect of Cow Breed and Wild Garlic Leaves (Allium ursinum L.) on the Sensory Quality, Volatile Compounds, and Physical Properties of Unripened Soft Rennet-Curd Cheese

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of cow breed and the addition of wild garlic on the sensory quality, volatile compounds, and physical properties of soft rennet-curd cheese. Cheese was produced from the milk of the Polish Holstein-Friesian breed Black-and-White type and the Polish Red breed, with or without the addition of wild garlic leaves. The samples were analyzed for their sensory quality, volatile compounds (using an electronic nose and GC/MS), color, and texture. The intensity of taste and smell characteristics depended only on the addition of wild garlic. PCA showed that the differences in volatile profiles resulted both from the milk cow breed and the use of wild garlic. Breed influenced almost all color parameters, while the addition of wild garlic affected all of them. The milk source, wild garlic addition, and storage duration influenced the majority of the textural parameters of the cheeses. The research conducted indicates that the addition of wild garlic leaves results in the enrichment of the volatile compound profile of cheese, making its taste and smell less milky and sour (p &le; 0.001), while modifying its color and some textural properties (p &le; 0.001); while, at the same time, not adversely affecting the sensory assessment of the color, appearance, texture, smell, or taste of the cheese (p &gt; 0.05)


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    Abstract: Set yoghurt from goat’s milk with addition of two textur


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    Abstract: The aim of the present study was to estimate an effect of addition of different starches (potato, maize, waxy maize and tapioca) on the sensoric properties as well as selected physicochemical properties of set-style yoghurts. Sensoric evaluation comprised: colour, taste, smell, consistency and general appearance. pH value, titration acidity, degree of syneresis by centrifuge and FIL/IDF methods, content of acetaldehyde and diacetyl were also estimated. All analyses were done on fresh yoghurts and after 1 week and 3 weeks of storage at 4°C. It was stated that natural (not supplemented with any starch) yoghurt and that fortified with waxy maize starch were characterized with the best sensoric properties. Moreover the latter one was found to maintain the highest acetaldehyde level after 3 weeks of storage. Also maize starch influenced higher level of this aromatic compound. Generally starch additives resulted also in lower acidity of yoghurts during the first period of cold storage. Products with maize and tapioca starches demonstrated th

    Content of cholesterol and fatty acid profile in sweet cream and cream made from milk produced by cows of three different breeds

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    Z mleka pobranego od krów trzech ras: polskiej holsztyńsko-fryzyjskiej odmiany czarno-białej, polskiej holsztyńsko-fryzyjskiej odmiany czerwono-białej i polskiej czerwonej odwirowano tłuszcz, uzyskując śmietankę, a po jej zaszczepieniu zakwasem maślarskim i inkubacji – śmietanę. W uzyskanych produktach oznaczono zawartość t łuszczu metodą butyrometryczną, cholesterolu – metodą enzymatyczną z oksydazą cholesterolową, profil kwasów tłuszczowych – metodą chromatografii gazowej oraz średnicę kuleczek tłuszczowych – metodą mikroskopową. Stwierdzono, że mleko krów analizowanych ras różniło się statystycznie istotnie (p ≤ 0,01) pod względem udziału kwasów tłuszczowych: C15:0, C16:0, C18:0, C18:1n7, CLA, C20:0, C4:0, C14:0, C14:1, C17:0, C18:3n6. Rasa krów nie wpływała na udział kwasów: C6:0, C8:0, C10:0, C12:0, C18:2n6, C18:3n3, C20:1. Tłuszcz mleka krów rasy polskiej holsztyńskofryzyjskiej odmiany czarno-białej charakteryzował się największym udziałem kwasów: C16:0, C18:1n9, C14:0, C18:0, C12:0. W tłuszczu mleka krów rasy polskiej holsztyńsko-fryzyjskiej odmiany czerwono-białej przeważały kwasy: C14:1, C15:0, C18:0, C18:3n6, CLA, C20:0, natomiast tłuszcz mleka krów rasy polskiej czerwonej zawierał najwięcej kwasów: C4:0, C18:1n9, C18:1n7. W profilu kwasów tłuszczowych mleka wszystkich trzech ras krów dominowały kwasy: C16:0, C18:1n9 i C14:0. Nie stwierdzono różnic w profilu kwasów tłuszczowych tłuszczu mleka, śmietanki i śmietany, co świadczy o ich stabilności w trakcie wirowania i pasteryzacji mleka oraz ukwaszania kulturami starterowymi. Stwierdzono, że tłuszcz mleka zawierał nieznacznie więcej cholesterolu w porównaniu z tłuszczem śmietanki. W wyniku ukwaszenia śmietanki prawie dwukrotne zmniejszyła się zawartość cholesterolu w tłuszczu śmietany, co spowodowane było działaniem bakterii kwaszących.Cows of three cow breeds: Polish Holstein-Friesian black-white variety; Polish Holstein-Friesian, redwhite variety and Polish Red were milked and the milk was centrifuged to separate the fat in the form of sweet cream. Next, the sweet cream was inoculated with butter milk starter and, after the incubation, a cream was produced. In the products produced, the following was determined: the content of fat using a buthyrometric method; the content of cholesterol using an enzymatic method with cholesterol oxydase; the fatty acid profile using a gas chromatography method; and the diameter of fatty globules using a microscopic method. It was found that the milk from cows of three cow breeds differed statistically significantly (p ≤ 0.01) in the content of fatty acids: C15:0, C16:0, C18:0, C18:1n7, CLA, C20:0, C4:0, C14:0, C14:1, C17:0, and C18:3n6. The cow breed had no effect on the content of the following acids: C6:0, C8:0, C10:0, C12:0, C18:2n6, C18:3n3, and C20:1. The fat in milk produced by the cows of the Polish Holstein-Friesian breed, black-white variety, was characterized by the highest contents of the following fatty acids: C 16:0, C 18:1n9, C 14:0, C 18:0, and C 12:0. In the fat in milk produced by the cows of the Polish Holstein-Friesian breed, red-white variety, the following acids prevailed: C14:1, C15:0, C18:0, C18:3n6, CLA, C20:0. In the fat in milk produced by the cows of the Polish Red breed, the amounts of the following acids were the highest: C4:0, C 18:1n9, and C 18:1n7. In the fatty acid profiles of milk produced by the cows of the three breeds, the following acids predominated: C16:0, C 18:1n9, and C14:0. No differences were found in the profiles of fatty acids in the fats of milk, sweet cream, and cream; this fact confirms their stability during the centrifugation and pasteurisation of milk as well as during the acidification with starter cultures. It was proved that the milk fat contained lightly more cholesterol compared to sweet cream fat and cream fat. The acidification of sweet cream caused the content of cholesterol therein to decrease almost twice, and this reduction resulted from the activity of starter culture bacteria


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    Abstract: The aim of the present study was to estimate an effect of addition of different native starches i.e.: potato, maize, waxy maize and tapioca on the textural (Texture Profile Analysis) and rheological properties (apparent dynamic viscosity, flow curves) of set-style cow’s yoghurts. All analyses were done on fresh yoghurts and after 1 and 3 weeks of storage at 4°C in three series. Introduction of all starches to the yoghurt formula resulted in higher viscosity and improvement of all textural parameters except hardness. Addition of maize starch caused the highest apparent viscosity value and waxy maize starch supplementation led to the lowest hardness. Also the shape of flow curves was highly affected by the kind of starch added to th

    Effect of pasteurization and homogenization of milk on cholesterol content in soft rennet bundz-type cheeses

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    Celem pracy było określenie wpływu pasteryzacji (jej braku, pasteryzacji: w temp. 72 °C/15 s, w temp. 85 °C/15 s, w temp. 95 °C/10 min) i homogenizacji mleka (jej braku, homogenizacji przy 6 MPa) na zawartość cholesterolu w mleku i wyprodukowanych z niego serach podpuszczkowych typu bundz. Stwierdzono, że oba procesy wpłynęły statystycznie istotnie (p ≤ 0,05) na zawartość cholesterolu zarówno w mleku, jak i w serach. Pasteryzacja spowodowała zwiększenie zawartości cholesterolu w mleku. W serach nastąpiło natomiast zmniejszenie jego poziomu i było ono proporcjonalne do wzrostu temperatury pasteryzacji. W mleku surowym i w serach z niego wyprodukowanych zawartość cholesterolu wynosiła odpowiednio: 14,41 i 115,61 mg/100 g, natomiast po pasteryzacji w temp. 95 °C/10 min odpowiednio: 19,34 i 55,01 mg/100 g. Proces homogenizacji mleka surowego wpłynął na zmniejszenie poziomu cholesterolu zarówno w mleku, jak i w serach, odpowiednio do: 5,55 i 88,48 mg/100 g. Po analizie równoczesnego wpływu obu czynników wykazano, że wraz ze wzrostem temperatury pasteryzacji poziom cholesterolu w serach w większym stopniu zmniejszał się wtedy, gdy były one wyprodukowane z mleka homogenizowanego.The objective of the research study was to determine the effect of pasteurization (no pasteurization; pasteurization at 72°C/15 s, 85°C/15 s, and 95°C/10 min) and homogenization of milk (no homogenization; homogenization at 6 MPa ) on the content of cholesterol in milk and in rennet bundz- type cheeses made from that milk. It was found that those two processes impacted, statistically significantly, the cholesterol content in both the milk and the cheeses. Pasteurization caused the content of cholesterol in milk to increase. However, its level decreased in the cheeses and the decrease was proportional to the increase in the pasteurization temperature. The content of cholesterol in raw milk and in the cheeses produced from it amounted to 14.41 mg/100g and 115.61 mg/100g, respectively; after they were pasteurized at 95°C/10 min, it amounted to 19.34 mg/100 g and 55.01 mg/100g, respectively. The homogenization process of raw milk caused the cholesterol levels to decrease in both the milk and the cheeses to a level of 5.55 mg/100 g and 88.48 mg/100g, respectively. Based on the analysis of the simultaneous effect of the two factors, it was proved that, along with the increasing pasteurization temperature, the level of cholesterol in cheeses decreased to a greater degree in those products that were made from homogenized milk

    Effect of Bear Garlic Addition on the Chemical Composition, Microbiological Quality, Antioxidant Capacity, and Degree of Proteolysis in Soft Rennet Cheeses Produced from Milk of Polish Red and Polish Holstein-Friesian Cows

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    This study aimed to assess the effect of milk source and bear garlic addition on the selected properties of soft rennet cheese. Cheeses were produced from cow milk derived from two sources: Polish Red cows (PR) and Polish Holstein-Friesian cows (PHF) with a 0.5% (w/w) addition of bear garlic (Allium ursinum L.) dried leaves. Chemical composition and fatty acid profiles (GC) were determined in fresh cheeses. Fresh and stored for two weeks cheeses were subjected to microbiological studies, i.e., total aerobic bacteria count (TABC); count of Lactococcus sp., yeast and molds; coliforms; analysis of the proteolysis extension by means of o-phthaldialdehyde (OPA) assay and free amino acids content (HPLC); antioxidant capacity as 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP); as well as pH and water activity. Cheeses with bear garlic herbs were more prone to proteolysis but this was not accompanied by any effect on the microbial counts, water activity or pH. Cheeses produced from PR milk contained less monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) but were richer in n-3 PUFA and had a lower n-6/n-3 FA ratio than cheeses from PHF milk. Bear garlic addition increased DPPH anti-radical power but had less of an effect on the FRAP values