7 research outputs found


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    The aim of this study was to show the relationship between the physical activity of the high-school children and their anthropometrical indices. For that purpose several methods were used. We investigated the habits of living and physical activity of 135 12th-class schoolchildren. Measurement of weight, height, waist and hip circumference was done and the body mass index (BMI) was calculated. The results show that 40% of the schoolchildren have law physical activity. They have overweight more often than their peers who are going in for sports. Young people with overweight can be found in almost every group, but the most serious obesity is found in the group of boys who do not practice any sport at all. In the same group there is the most high average value of the waist: hip ratio (0,86). Forty percent of the young girls who are going for sports have got under- weight body mass. The average value of waist: hip ratio in this group is of 0.75, which turns this group into least risky for visceral obesity. However, at the same time, it is the most risky for malnutrition. Many young people present with law physical activity and higher risk to develop heart disease and metabolic syndrome. There is a high percent- age of girls with underweight who could develop nutritional deficiencies


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    The aim of this study was to estimate the dietary intake of vitamin D in winter (February-March) by the high school students in the region of Varna. For this purpose, 135 12th-class high school students were interviewed. The frequency of their consumption of foods, delivering vitamin D, their lifestyle, including time spent outdoor and physical activity in the open area were investigated. Data of the primarily conducted analysis such as descriptive statistics are presents and the trends of the explored problem are de- scribed. The best nutritional source of vitamin D3 is fish. The results from the interviews show that only 16,7% of the interviewed students consume fish `2 times or more often per week`, which is the recommendation. More than a half of them (55%) consume fish so rarely that they are in a group with higher risk of hypovitaminosis D during the winter. The low consumption of fish by adolescents in- creases the risk of hypovitaminosis D and other socially significant diseases. The optimization of the dietary intake of vitamin D in students would be a good strategy for alimentary long term prevention of diabetes mellitus, hyper- tension and some oncological diseases. Fish, as the best nutritional source of vitamin D, has to present in the menu of people from all ages, especially during the winter

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