3,564 research outputs found

    Non-Thermal Emission from Relativistic Electrons in Clusters of Galaxies: A Merger Shock Acceleration Model

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    We have investigated evolution of non-thermal emission from relativistic electrons accelerated at around the shock fronts during merger of clusters of galaxies. We estimate synchrotron radio emission and inverse Compton scattering of cosmic microwave background photons from extreme ultraviolet (EUV) to hard X-ray range. The hard X-ray emission is most luminous in the later stage of merger. Both hard X-ray and radio emissions are luminous only while signatures of merging events are clearly seen in thermal intracluster medium (ICM). On the other hand, EUV radiation is still luminous after the system has relaxed. Propagation of shock waves and bulk-flow motion of ICM play crucial roles to extend radio halos. In the contracting phase, radio halos are located at the hot region of ICM, or between two substructures. In the expanding phase, on the other hand, radio halos are located between two ICM hot regions and shows rather diffuse distribution.Comment: 19 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Large deformation of spherical vesicle studied by perturbation theory and Surface evolver

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    With tangent angle perturbation approach the axial symmetry deformation of a spherical vesicle in large under the pressure changes is studied by the elasticity theory of Helfrich spontaneous curvature model.Three main results in axial symmetry shape: biconcave shape, peanut shape, and one type of myelin are obtained. These axial symmetry morphology deformations are in agreement with those observed in lipsome experiments by dark-field light microscopy [Hotani, J. Mol. Biol. 178, (1984) 113] and in the red blood cell with two thin filaments (myelin) observed in living state (see, Bessis, Living Blood Cells and Their Ultrastructure, Springer-Verlag, 1973). Furthermore, the biconcave shape and peanut shape can be simulated with the help of a powerful software, Surface Evolver [Brakke, Exp. Math. 1, 141 (1992) 141], in which the spontaneous curvature can be easy taken into account.Comment: 16 pages, 6 EPS figures and 2 PS figure

    Fermi acceleration at fast shock in a solar flare and impulsive loop-top hard X-ray source

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    We propose that non-thermal electrons are efficiently accelerated by first-order Fermi process at the fast shock, as a natural consequence of the new magnetohydrodynamic picture of the flaring region revealed with Yohkoh. An oblique fast shock is naturally formed below the reconnection site, and boosts the acceleration to significantly decrease the injection energy. The slow shocks attached to the reconnection X-point heat the plasma up to 10--20 MK, exceeding the injection energy. The combination of the oblique shock configuration and the pre-heating by the slow shock allows bulk electron acceleration from the thermal pool. The accelerated electrons are trapped between the two slow shocks due to the magnetic mirror downstream of the fast shock, thus explaining the impulsive loop-top hard X-ray source discovered with Yohkoh. Acceleration time scale is ~ 0.3--0.6 s, which is consistent with the time scale of impulsive bursts. When these electrons stream away from the region enclosed by the fast shock and the slow shocks, they are released toward the footpoints and may form the simultaneous double-source hard X-ray structure at the footpoints of the reconnected field lines.Comment: 13 pages, 3 postscript figures, used AASTeX macros; accepted in Astrophysical Journal Letter

    On the peak in the far-infrared conductivity of strongly anisotropic cuprates

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    We investigate the far-infrared and submillimeter-wave conductivity of electron-doped La_(2-x)Ce_xCuO_4 tilted 1 degree off from the ab-plane. The effective conductivity measured for this tilt angle reveals an intensive peak at finite frequency (\nu ~ 50 cm{-1}) due to a mixing of the in-plane and out-of-plane responses. The peak disappears for the pure in-plane response and transforms to the Drude-like contribution. Comparative analysis of the mixed and the in-plane contributions allows to extract the c-axis conductivity which shows a Josephson plasma resonance at 11.7 cm{-1} in the superconducting state.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures include

    Evidence for a Nodeless Gap from the Superfluid Density of Optimally Doped Pr_{1.855}Ce_{0.145}CuO_{4-y} Films

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    We present measurements of the ab-plane magnetic penetration depth, \lambda(T), in five optimally doped Pr_{1.855}Ce_{0.145}CuO_{4-y} films for 1.6 K \leq T \leq T_c \sim 24 K. Low resistivities, high superfluid densities n_s(T)\propto \lambda^{-2}(T), high T_c's, and small transition widths are reproducible and indicative of excellent film quality. For all five films, \lambda^{-2}(T)/\lambda^{-2}(0) at low T is well fitted by an exponential temperature dependence with a gap, \Delta_{min}, of 0.85 k_B T_c. This behavior is consistent with a nodeless gap and is incompatible with d-wave superconductivity.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, reorganized for clarit

    Effect of Compton Scattering on the Electron Beam Dynamics at the ATF Damping Ring

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    Compton scattering provides one of the most promising scheme to obtain polarized positrons for the next generation of ee^- -- e+e^+ colliders. Moreover it is an attractive method to produce monochromatic high energy polarized gammas for nuclear applications and X-rays for compact light sources. In this framework a four-mirror Fabry-P\'erot cavity has been installed at the Accelerator Test Facility (ATF - KEK, Tsukuba, Japan) and is used to produce an intense flux of polarized gamma rays by Compton scattering \cite{ipac-mightylaser}. For electrons at the ATF energy (1.28 GeV) Compton scattering may result in a shorter lifetime due to the limited bucket acceptance. We have implemented the effect of Compton scattering on a 2D tracking code with a Monte-Carlo method. This code has been used to study the longitudinal dynamics of the electron beam at the ATF damping ring, in particular the evolution of the energy spread and the bunch length under Compton scattering. The results obtained are presented and discussed. Possible methods to observe the effect of Compton scattering on the ATF beam are proposed

    Approximation of the Schwinger--Dyson and the Bethe--Salpeter Equations and Chiral Symmetry of QCD

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    The Bethe--Salpeter equation for the pion in chiral symmetric models is studied with a special care to consistency with low-energy relations. We propose a reduction of the rainbow Schwinger--Dyson and the ladder Bethe--Salpeter equations with a dressed gluon propagator. We prove that the reduction preserves the Ward--Takahashi identity for the axial-vector current and the PCAC relation.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    Evidence for a quantum phase transition in the electron-doped cuprate Pr2-xCexCuO4+d from Hall and resistivity measurements

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    The doping and temperature dependence of the Hall coefficient, RH, and ab-plane resistivity in the normal state down to 350mK is reported for oriented films of the electron-doped high-Tc superconductor Pr2-xCexCuO4+d. The doping dependence of b (r=r0+AT^b) and R_sub_H (at 350 mK) suggest a quantum phase transition at a critical doping near x=0.165.Comment: 11 pages 4 figures Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 167001 (2004