2 research outputs found

    Učestalost supkliničkog endometritisa u krava koje se pregone te usporedba učinkovitosti različite antibiotske i biljne intrauterine terapije

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    The present research work was conducted to investigate the incidence of subclinical endometritis (SE) in repeat breeder dairy cattle, and to study the comparative efficacy of different antimicrobial and polyherbal intrauterine therapies. Repeat breeding crossbred cows (>90 days in milking) with clear cervico-vaginal mucous discharge in spontaneous estrus were examined for uterine cytology by the cytobrush technique. The cows with ≥ 4% polymorphonuclear cells (PMNs) in uterine cytology were considered to be affected with SE. These cows were randomly and equally divided (n=12/group) into 5 groups and treated with the intrauterine medicine Vodine-IU (T1), Metricare-IU (T2), Utriguard-IU (T3), Uraksha (polyherbal preparation) (T4), or left untreated (control/C). In the subsequent estrus, uterine cytology was repeated and the cows were inseminated. The cows that failed to conceive but showed estrus were re-inseminated. The pregnancy status was checked. The incidence of SE was observed to be 36.80% (60/163). The PMNs percentage significantly declined in all the treatment group cows in response to treatment. The highest conception rate was observed in the T4 group (Uraksha treated) cows. It was concluded that the uterine cytobrush technique can be used efficiently for diagnosis of SE in dairy cattle, and polyherbal intrauterine drugs may be a good alternative in intrauterine antimicrobial therapy.Rad je proveden kako bi se istražila učestalost supkliničkog endometritisa (SE) u mliječnih krava koje se pregone. Također, usporedila se učinkovitost različitih antimikrobnih i poliherbalnih intrauterinih terapijskih postupaka. U krava koje se pregone (više od 90 dana u mužnji), s čistim cerviko-vaginalnim iscjetkom iz rodnice u spontanom estrusu, tehnikom citočetkice učinjena je citološka pretraga maternice. Za krave kod kojih je utvrđeno 4% polimorfonuklearnih stanica (PMN) smatralo se da imaju supklinički endometritis. Životinje su nasumično podijeljene u pet skupina s jednakim brojem jedinki (n=12 po skupini) i liječene intrauterino sljedećim lijekovima: Vodine (skupina T1), Metricare (skupina T2), Utriguard (skupina T3), Uraksha (poliherbalni pripravak; skupina T4), dok je peta skupina bila kontrolna skupina (C). U sljedećem estrusu ponovljena je citološka analiza maternice i krave su osjemenjene. Krave nisu ostale gravidne te su u sljedećem estrusu ponovno osjemenjene. Provjeren je status gravidnosti. Incidencija SE-a bila je 36,80 % (60/163). Postotak PMN-a znatno se smanjio u svih krava u tretiranim skupinama kao odgovor na liječenje. Najveća stopa koncepcije zabilježena je u krava u skupini T4 (liječene Urakshom). Zaključeno je da tehnika citočetkica može učinkovito poslužiti u dijagnostici SE-a u mliječnih goveda te da poliherbalni intrauterini lijekovi mogu biti dobra alternativa antimikrobnoj intrauterinoj terapiji

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    Not AvailableIn recent times, with the globalization of markets, shrinking of land and climate change, food basket diversification, increase in demand for nutrient-rich food, the protected cultivation of high-value crops (HVCs) have assumed a pivotal role in augmenting higher crop productivity and profitability and enhancing nutritional security of the growing population. In this context, a study was undertaken to analyze the impact of protected cultivation in horticultural crops in the districts of Almora and Dehradun in the Uttarakhand state. It was mainly based on primary data obtained through a primary survey and focus group discussion with the 96 farmers practicing protected cultivation by using a well-structured and pre-tested questionnaire. In economic analysis, the project analysis tools were used to assess the feasibility of the protected cultivation. The study clearly demonstrated that the cultivation of vegetables and flowers under protected cultivation is a highly profitable enterprise. However, the findings of the study indicated that the subsidy scheme needs to be continued to encourage maximum farmers to adopt protected cultivation and farmers need to be encouraged to form farmers producers organizations (FPOs), which would help them in seeking better quality of inputs and enhancing negotiating power in the market to realize maximum returns for their farm produce.Not Availabl