4 research outputs found

    Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Haemorrhage (aSAH) and Hydrocephalus: Fact and Figures

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    Hydrocephalus (HCP) occurs due to the injurious effect of subarachnoid haemorrhage (SAH). It causes increased morbidity and mortality. It can be acute and frequently occurs within 48 hours and up to 7 days. Subacute hydrocephalus may occur up to 14 days and is chronic if remained or develops after 2 weeks of the subarachnoid haemorrhage. Acute hydrocephalus after aneurysmal subarachnoid (aSAH) bleeding is non-communicating or obstructive and occurs due to physical obstruction by a clot, the effect of blood in the subarachnoid space, and inflammation. Chronic hydrocephalus is due to fibrosis and adhesion, which hampers cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) absorption and increased secretion of CSF from gliosis. Various risk factors for developing hydrocephalus in aneurysmal subarachnoid haemorrhage patients range from female gender to high severity scores. Acute hydrocephalus frequently requires diversion drainage of CSF by external ventricular drain (EVD); it usually subsides within a week, and EVD is removed. Fewer patients will develop or continue to have hydrocephalus, requiring either short or longer shunting of the CSF namely by ventriculoperitoneal shunt or other modes of CSF drainage

    Posteclampsia Sudden Cardiac Arrest (SCA): A Rare Etiology

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    Eclampsia is associated with high maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. The mortality in eclampsia is reported to be secondary to cerebrovascular accidents, neurogenic pulmonary edema, or acute kidney injury leading to cardiac arrest. A rarely reported etiology is sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) immediately after the seizure activity. We report a case of morbidly obese multigravida, complicated into postnatal eclampsia developing postseizure SCA due to apnea. Case. A 35-year-old woman in 38 weeks of gestation presented to the women’s hospital emergency with hypertension and proteinuria and had lower section caesarean section under epidural anesthesia and required labetalol infusion. She developed convulsions in the 1st postoperative day, and she was started on magnesium sulphate therapy. After a few minutes, the patient had a 2nd episode of convulsions, apnea, cyanosis, and cardiac asystole requiring cardiopulmonary resuscitation and spontaneous circulation returned in 3 minutes. Her endotracheal intubation was difficult, but we succeeded in the 2nd attempt. She was sedated, ventilated, and required noradrenaline to maintain hemodynamics. Her ECG, echocardiogram, cardiac biomarkers, CT chest/brain, and serum magnesium levels were within normal range. The patient was weaned from vasopressor and ventilator by day 2 and extubated. She became awake; labetalol and magnesium sulphate infusions were stopped by day 3. The patient was transferred to the ward on day 5; from there she was discharged home on day 8 on oral labetalol. She was followed up in an outpatient clinic after 4 weeks and remained comfortable, and blood pressure was controlled with tablet labetalol and repeat echocardiogram was normal. Conclusion. Eclampsia patients can have apnea after seizures, progressing to SCA

    Preeclampsia: From Etiopathology to Organ Dysfunction

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    Preeclampsia is a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy affecting 6–12% of the population. There are various risk factors for the development of preeclampsia, ranging from advanced maternal age to genetics. The proposed etiologies for preeclampsia are abnormal placentation, immunological intolerance, endothelial damage, and genetic inheritance. The pathogenesis includes endothelial activation and dysfunction leading to vasospasm. Preeclampsia is divided into two stages: asymptomatic and symptomatic stages. Preeclampsia causes multiple organ involvement, namely central nervous system, respiratory, cardiovascular, hematological dysfunction, HELLP (hemolysis elevated liver enzymes, low platelets) syndrome, endocrine, renal, hepatic, and uteroplacental dysfunction. These organ dysfunctions increase morbidity and mortality in preeclamptic pregnant patients

    Book of Abstracts of the 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computational Sciences (ICAMCS-2022)

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    It is a great privilege for us to present the abstract book of ICAMCS-2022 to the authors and the delegates of the event. We hope that you will find it useful, valuable, aspiring, and inspiring. This book is a record of abstracts of the keynote talks, invited talks, and papers presented by the participants, which indicates the progress and state of development in research at the time of writing the research article. It is an invaluable asset to all researchers. The book provides a permanent record of this asset. Conference Title: 2nd International Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computational SciencesConference Acronym: ICAMCS-2022Conference Date: 12-14 October 2022Conference Organizers: DIT University, Dehradun, IndiaConference Mode: Online (Virtual