127 research outputs found

    Kombinacione sposobnosti i način nasleđivanja nekih karakteristika korena Å”ećerne repe

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    Sugar beet breeding is very complex because it involves numerous sugar beet root traits that must be measured and investigated, as a basis to create hybrids with high yield, high sugar content and appropriate root shape. In this paper were investigated combining abilities and mode of inheritance for root weight, root diameter and dry matter content of different sugar beet genotypes. Combining abilities were assessed by line x tester method. The mode of inheritance was assessed by evaluation of hybrids versus parents mean. For the estimation of combining abilities and mode of inheritance of analyzed traits were used 8 monogerm pollinators, 3 monogerm cms lines and their 24 F1 hybrids. The mode of inheritance for root weight and root diameter for most hybrid combinations was dominance of better parent. For inheritance of dry matter content intermediate level and partial domination of one parent were obtained.Oplemenjivanje Å”ećerne repe je izuzetno složeno zbog velikog broja osobina korena koje treba ispitati da bi se stvorili hibridi sa visokim prinosom korena, sadržajem Å”ećera i odgovarajućeg oblika korena. U ovom radu su ispitivane kombinacione sposobnosti i način nasleđivanja mase korena, prečnika korena i sadržaja Å”ećera različitih genotipova Å”ećerne repe. Analizom linija x tester utvrđene su opÅ”te i posebne kombinacione sposobnosti roditelja. Način nasleđivanja je određen upoređenjem srednjih vrednosti hibridnih kombinacija i roditelja. Kao materijal u ovom radu koriŔćeno je 8 monogermnih opraÅ”ivača, tri monogermne cms linije i 24 F1 hibrida dobijena ukrÅ”tanjem. Način nasleđivanja za masu korena i prečnik korena kod većine hibridnih kombinacije je bio dominacija boljeg roditelja. Način nasleđivanja sadržaja suve materije bio je intermedijaran i parcijalno dominantan

    Sugar beet micropropagation

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    Vegetative in vitro multiplication is one of the most efficient methods for sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) propagation. The usual steps in this procedure are sterilization of explant, multiplication, rhizogenesis and acclimatization. In the paper is presented development of regeneration and multiplication techniques from different explants. It gives a detailed description of further micropropagation steps and presents necessary conditions for their realization. The paper also discuss different ways of micropropagation application especially in sugar beet breeding, but in other plant sciences as well

    Korelacije korenskih svojstava monogermnih genotipova Å”ećerne repe iz slobodne oplodnje i njihova varijabilnost

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    The aim of this study was to analyze six open-pollinated monogerm sugar beet genotypes for the important root traits, to examine their hybrids with one (CMS) tester and to estimate the correlation between the traits. Root weight, dry matter content, dry matter yield per root, circumference of root and height of the root head were analyzed. All of the tested hybrids showed better results for root weight and dry matter yield per root than their parents. It was not possible to predict superior hybrid combination based solely on the characteristics of parents. Parents with the lowest root weight per se produced the test hybrid with the highest root weight. Parents showed a positive correlation between root weight and dry matter content and this could help sugar beet breeders to choose the most suitable selection criteria.Cilj ovog rada je bilo ispitivanje Å”est novih jednokličnih genotipova Å”ećerne repe poreklom iz slobodne oplodnje, kao i njihovi hibridi za najvažnija korenska svojstva. Određeni su koeficijenti korelacije između svojstava. Nakon zavrÅ”ene vegetacije analizirani su: masa korena, sadržaj suve materije, prinos suve materije po korenu, obim korena i visina glave korena. Utvrđeno je povećanje mase korena i prinosa suve materije po korenu kod svih test hibrida u poređenju sa roditeljima. Za razliku od hibrida, kod roditelja je ustanovljena pozitivna korelacija između mase korena i sadržaja suve materije. Na osnovu karakteristika roditelja per se nije moguće predvideti superiorno hibridno potomstvo, jer su roditelji sa najmanjom masom korena dali hibride sa najvećom masom korena

    Effect of thinning date and genotype on some phenological and quality characteristics of sugar beet seed

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    We analyzed the effect of thinning date and genotype on some phenological and quality characteristics of sugar beet seed produced by the over wintering method in two calendar years. Experiments were conducted in sugar beet seed plots located in the agro-ecological region of southern Bačka. The earlier genotype C had a higher correlation coefficient between the number of seeds per inflorescence branch and seed germination than the later genotype S. The two genotypes had similar correlation coefficients between the length of inflorescence branch and the number of seeds. Compared with thinning in the spring, the fall thinning had significant effects on the length of the inflorescence branch, number of seeds per inflorescence branch and seed viability

    Effect of Sugar Beet Genotype, Planting and Harvesting Dates and Their Interaction on Sugar Yield

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    Climate changes are affecting the plant production, including sugar beet growing especially in the southern and central parts of the Europe. Modifying the sowing and harvesting dates are one of the most often used adaptations in sugar beet cultivation. The aim of this study was to assess the interactions between planting date and sugar beet genotypes for different harvest dates with recommendation for duration of vegetation period for specific hybrids in order to achieve the best performance and to evaluate influence of climatic factors on sugar yield. Three-way analysis of variance and AMMI (Additive main effect and multiple interactions) analysis were performed to investigate interaction between main factors. Analysis of variance revealed that genotypes (G), planting date (PD), harvest date (HD) and interaction G x PD significantly affected sugar yield in 2016. In 2017 genotypes, planting date, harvest date and G x PD interaction significantly affected sugar yield on probability level of 1%, while PD x HD interaction had significant effect on probability level of 5%. Results of AMMI analysis enabled discrimination of genotypes with the highest level of stability in certain planting dates. Hybrids with combined yield and sugar content (NZ type) should have the advantage in earlier planting dates compared to of sugar beet hybrids with higher sugar content (Z type). However, in shortened vegetation period Z type hybrids are more stable and with better sugar yield results. Results of our study suggest that delaying the harvest date decreases differences between sugar yields obtained from hybrids sown in different planting dates. Major factors in the study affecting sugar yield were growing degree days, insolation and number of days from planting to harvest

    Free proline accumulation in young sugar beet plants and in tissue culture explants under water deficiency as tools for assessment of drought tolerance

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    Proline is the most widely distributed metabolite that accumulates under various stress conditions, including the lack of water. To evaluate the suitability of proline accumulation triggered by drought stress to screen sugar beet genotypes for drought tolerance, we analysed accumulation of free proline in eleven genotypes classed in three levels of relative tolerance (low, medium, high), as assessed visually in field cultivation. Analysis was performed in two tests: 1) in greenhouse, where 90 days old plants were exposed to a short-term water deficiency and 2) in tissue culture where the lack of water was imposed by addition of 3 or 5% (w/v) polyethylene glycol (PEG, MW 6000). Both the in vitro test with increasing levels of PEG and the suspension of water supply in the greenhouse experiment showed large increases of free proline in tissues of sugar beet explants or leaves consequent to water restriction, as well as reduction in fresh weight, tissue water content and axillary bud formation. Stress effects varied considerably among genotypes classed at low, medium and high levels of field tolerance to drought stress, but were similar as class averages, except for proline in vitro, which was significantly higher for genotypes in the high tolerance group, and allowed separating them from those in the less tolerant groups. Proline response in the in vitro test correlated better than the response in greenhouse experiment with the field assessed drought tolerance of genotypes

    Sugar Beet Tolerance to Drought: Physiological and Molecular Aspects

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    Drought often reduces sugar beet yield in the Balkan agroecological region. Climate forecasts indicate that this negative trend of drought periods will continue. Tolerance to drought is a complex trait, which comprises involvement of both physiological and molecular mechanisms in plants. This research was conducted on 11 sugar beet genotypes, which showed different tolerance to drought in the field. Experiment had three parts: water deficiency caused by cessation of watering conducted in the greenhouse, water deficiency imposed by different concentrations of polyethylene glycol on plants grown in tissue culture, and analysis of alterations in gene expression under drought. Plants exposed to stress in greenhouse had on average three leaves less, 4% lower water content, and seven-fold higher proline content. Classification of genotypes with respect to the level of tolerance to water deficiency on the basis of concentration of free proline, assessed in the experiment in vitro, corresponded to the result of the observation test in the field. Changes in the expression of candidate genes under drought suggest that one of them might be used for further development as a DNA-based marker. These results can be applied in sugar beet breeding aimed at increasing tolerance to water deficiency

    Primena statističkih transformacija na izmerene koncentracije prolina u listu Å”ećerne repe u uslovima suÅ”e

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    Eleven sugar beet genotypes were tested for their capacity to tolerate drought. Plants were grown in semi-controlled conditions, in the greenhouse, and watered daily. After 90 days, water deficit was imposed by the cessation of watering, while the control plants continued to be watered up to 80% of FWC. Five days later concentration of free proline in leaves was determined. Analysis was done in three replications. Statistical analysis was performed using STATISTICA 9.0, Minitab 15, and R2.11.1. Differences between genotypes were statistically processed by Duncan test. Because of nonormality of the data distribution and heterogeneity of variances in different groups, two types of transformations of row data were applied. For this type of data more appropriate in eliminating nonormality was Johnson transformation, as opposed to Box-Cox. Based on the both transformations it may be concluded that in all genotypes except for 10, concentration of free proline differs significantly between treatment (drought) and the control.Analizirana je tolerantnost 11 genotipova Å”ećerne repe prema nedostatku vode. Biljke su gajene u polukontrolisanim uslovima, u stakleniku, na supstratu koji je bio meÅ”avina zemlje i peska, pri čemu su biljke svakodnevno zalivane. Posle 90 dana, vodni deficit je izazvan prestankom zalivanja, dok su biljke kontrolne grupe i dalje zalivane, do 80% PVK. Pet dana kasnije utvrđena je, u tri ponavljanja, koncentracija slobodnog prolina u listovima. Statistička analiza je izvrÅ”ena koriŔćenjem programa Statistica 9.0, Minitab 15 i R2.11.1. Zbog velike varijabilnosti podataka i odstupanja od normalne raspodele analiziran je uticaj različitih transformacija eksperimentalnih podataka na konačan zaključak. Razlike između aritmetičkih sredina poređene su primenom Dankanovog testa. Na osnovu obe primenjene transformacije može se zaključiti da se kod svih genotipova, izuzev genotipa 10, koncentracija slobodnog prolina u listovima značajno razlikuje između biljaka izloženih suÅ”i i kontrole

    Indukcija i potencijal za mikropropagaciju haploida Å”ećerne repe

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    The aim of research was obtaining sugar beet haploids via gyno-genesis and their micropropagation. Haploids were obtained by ovule culture from fourteen diploid, monogerm, fertile genotypes. On the tested nutrient media genotypes exhibited different gynogenic potential. Eight haploid plant were chosen for further investigation and after development of first leaves put on micropropagation medium. The presence of cyto-kinin in medium stimulated development of axillary buds, while in some genotypes adventitious buds developed as well. Multiplication rate was not consistent, although number of developed plants grew after each sub-cultivation. Differences in plant multiplication started to differ after four subcultures. By testing of differences between correlation coefficients, i.e. multiplication rate during six subcultivations, it was determined that they significantly differ between tested genotypes.Cilj istraživanja je bio dobijanje haploida Å”ećerne repe putem ginogeneze i njihova mikropropagacije. Haploidi su dobijeni kulturom semenog zametka iz Četrnaest diploidnih, monogermnih i muÅ”ki fertilnih genotipova Å”ećerne repe. Ispitivani genotipovi su na podlogama sa različitom koncentracijom stimulatora rasta ispoljili različit potencijal za ginogenezu. Za dalja ispitivanja je odabrano osam haploida koji su nakon razvića prvog para listova postavljeni na podlogu za mikropropagaciju. Prisustvo citokinina u hranljivoj podlozi je stimulisalo pojavu i razviće bočnih pupoljaka u pazuhu listova, dok je kod nekih genotipova takođe doÅ”lo do pojave adventivnih pupoljaka. Porast broja biljaka tokom mikropropagacije nije bio kontinuiran iako je broj novostvorenih biljaka rastao posle svake sub-kultivacije. Razlike u intenzitetu multiplikacije biljaka počele su da se značajno ispoljavaju nakon Četvrte subkultivacije. Testiranjem značajnosti razlika korelacionih koeflcijenata, odnosno intenziteta mikropropagacije ispitivanih genotipova tokom Å”est subkultivacija, utvrđeno je da se one međusobno statistički značajno razlikuju

    Effect of inoculation on azotobacter population size in sugarbeet rhizosphere depending on fertilization

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    The objective of this study was to assess the effect of inoculation on Azotobacter population size in dependence of fertilizer dose and fertilization method. Differences were registered in Azotobacter population size which depended on both, nitrogen dose and fertilization method. On average, the highest percentage of increase in Azotobacter population size in relation to the non-inoculated variant, was registered in the variant with nitrogen, liquid manure and harvest residues. The largest increase in Azotobacter population size was obtained in the inoculation variants
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