3 research outputs found

    Enhancing API Documentation through BERTopic Modeling and Summarization

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    As the amount of textual data in various fields, including software development, continues to grow, there is a pressing demand for efficient and effective extraction and presentation of meaningful insights. This paper presents a unique approach to address this need, focusing on the complexities of interpreting Application Programming Interface (API) documentation. While official API documentation serves as a primary source of information for developers, it can often be extensive and lacks user-friendliness. In light of this, developers frequently resort to unofficial sources like Stack Overflow and GitHub. Our novel approach employs the strengths of BERTopic for topic modeling and Natural Language Processing (NLP) to automatically generate summaries of API documentation, thereby creating a more efficient method for developers to extract the information they need. The produced summaries and topics are evaluated based on their performance, coherence, and interoperability. The findings of this research contribute to the field of API documentation analysis by providing insights into recurring topics, identifying common issues, and generating potential solutions. By improving the accessibility and efficiency of API documentation comprehension, our work aims to enhance the software development process and empower developers with practical tools for navigating complex APIs

    Leveraging Deep Learning for Abstractive Code Summarization of Unofficial Documentation

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    Usually, programming languages have official documentation to guide developers with APIs, methods, and classes. However, researchers identified insufficient or inadequate documentation examples and flaws with the API's complex structure as barriers to learning an API. As a result, developers may consult other sources (StackOverflow, GitHub, etc.) to learn more about an API. Recent research studies have shown that unofficial documentation is a valuable source of information for generating code summaries. We, therefore, have been motivated to leverage such a type of documentation along with deep learning techniques towards generating high-quality summaries for APIs discussed in informal documentation. This paper proposes an automatic approach using the BART algorithm, a state-of-the-art transformer model, to generate summaries for APIs discussed in StackOverflow. We built an oracle of human-generated summaries to evaluate our approach against it using ROUGE and BLEU metrics which are the most widely used evaluation metrics in text summarization. Furthermore, we evaluated our summaries empirically against a previous work in terms of quality. Our findings demonstrate that using deep learning algorithms can improve summaries' quality and outperform the previous work by an average of %57 for Precision, %66 for Recall, and %61 for F-measure, and it runs 4.4 times faster

    Improving Code Example Recommendations on Informal Documentation Using BERT and Query-Aware LSH: A Comparative Study

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    Our research investigates the recommendation of code examples to aid software developers, a practice that saves developers significant time by providing ready-to-use code snippets. The focus of our study is Stack Overflow, a commonly used resource for coding discussions and solutions, particularly in the context of the Java programming language. We applied BERT, a powerful Large Language Model (LLM) that enables us to transform code examples into numerical vectors by extracting their semantic information. Once these numerical representations are prepared, we identify Approximate Nearest Neighbors (ANN) using Locality-Sensitive Hashing (LSH). Our research employed two variants of LSH: Random Hyperplane-based LSH and Query-Aware LSH. We rigorously compared these two approaches across four parameters: HitRate, Mean Reciprocal Rank (MRR), Average Execution Time, and Relevance. Our study revealed that the Query-Aware (QA) approach showed superior performance over the Random Hyperplane-based (RH) method. Specifically, it exhibited a notable improvement of 20% to 35% in HitRate for query pairs compared to the RH approach. Furthermore, the QA approach proved significantly more time-efficient, with its speed in creating hashing tables and assigning data samples to buckets being at least four times faster. It can return code examples within milliseconds, whereas the RH approach typically requires several seconds to recommend code examples. Due to the superior performance of the QA approach, we tested it against PostFinder and FaCoY, the state-of-the-art baselines. Our QA method showed comparable efficiency proving its potential for effective code recommendation