15 research outputs found

    Estimation of acorn production by gall oak (Quercus infectoria Oliv.) in Baneh forests

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    Acorns provide important food sources for wildlife. In addition, they are traditionally used by forest dwellers and promote natural regeneration within forest ecosystems. However, a sufficient acorn mass is essential for a successful regeneration establishment. Here, we estimated acorn production of gall oak (Quercus infectoria Oliv.)trees in Kanybard in Baneh forests of Kurdistan province. Stand structure and general information were obtained from 20 square plots (20×20 m), which were scattered randomly in the study area. In a homogenous area of 80 ha, 80 sample trees were selected. To evaluate the effect of tree diameter and geographical aspect on acorn production, we selected two diameter classes (25 cm) nested in four main cardinal aspects (totally 8 levels). All acorns on each tree were collected at the end of 2013 growing season and were weighted in the field. In each level, 50 acorns were selected randomly, and their weight, length and width were measured. The results showed that geographical aspect does not affect acorn production. However, oak trees on northern and eastern aspects produce bigger and heavier acorns. In addition, tree diameter was found to positively affect acorn production, i.e. thicker trees produce more acorn. In average, each gall oak tree produces 1.907 kg acorn mass which varies between 0 to 19.87 kg in weight and 0 to 3088 acorns per tree. Our result indicated a weak acorn mast year for studied forest stands, which can help forest managers to evaluate and plan for acorn production in northern Zagros forests

    Effect of afforestation with broad leaved and conifer species on herbaceous diversity and some physico-chemical properties of soil (Case study: Dushan afforestation - Sanandaj)

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    Plantation forests can influence both plant diversity and soil properties. This study mainly aims to determine and compare the status of plant diversity of ground flora andsome physico-chemical properties of soil under influencing of plantation with conifer and broad leaved species. Three sites (conifer, broad leaved and non-planted site as control) were selected in Sanandaj (Dushan region). These sites were physiographically and climatically similar. Systematic random sampling was used as a method for data collection. To study quantitative characteristics of stands, 20 quadrate sample plots with 400m2 area were selected in each site (60 plots totally). In order to determine the herbal species and their coverage percent, each plot was divided into 4 sections and a microplot (1.5m×1.5m) was selected in each section. To study the physico-chemical properties of soil influenced by planted species, 3 soil samples were selected in the center of each plot in depth of 0 to 20cm and the soils were mixed with each other to obtain mixed soil samples. The data was analyzed using complete randomized design. Results showed that the plant diversity and frequency on ground flora under influence of plantation with broad leaved species was maximum, while the evenness index was minimum. There was significant difference among all sites regarding to porosity, however there was no difference among the sites from view point of other physical parameters. Moreover, there were significantly differences between most chemical parameters of soil in three studied sites

    Effect of fire severity on organic carbon, total nitrogen and available phosphorus of forest soils (Case study: Marivan)

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    Fire is natural feature of most of ecosystems, including Mediterranean region and the site study in this research. In order to evaluate effect of fire intensity on dynamic of organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus of soil, 56 samples were selected from two depths (0-5 and 5-15 cm) in two areas of burned and unburned. Then, some unburned soil samples were burned in the laboratory by furnace at five temperature levels including of 95, 150, 220, 350 and 490 °C for 30 minutes. The amount of organic carbon, total nitrogen and available phosphorus were measured by Walkley-Black method, Kjeltec method and Olsen method, respectively. Maximum organic carbon and total nitrogen were measured 4.44% and 0.89% in soil depth 0-5 cm burned at 150 ˚C, respectively. Also, maximum available phosphorus was measured 14.99 (mg/kg) in soil depth 0-5 cm burned at 350 ˚C. Overall it might be concluded that although increase in fire intensity, decreased total amount of organic carbon and total nitrogen, but increased amount of available phosphorus

    Evaluation of different sampling method to study of Diameter at Breath Height in the Zagros forest

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    ABSTRACT For maintaining of Zagros forests role in wild life, water and soil conservation, the suitable solutions and methods for assessing the existing conditions and planning for management of this forests should be given. To detection of suitable sampling method to study tree Diameter at Breath Height in the northern Zagros forest, Blake forest, in Baneeh region, Kurdistan province, and west of Iran was selected. 40 square sample plots one hectare (100×100 m) were selected and perfect inventoried. In every sample plot the position of tree, kind of species and Diameter at Breath Height (DBH) were recorded. In order to study of tree density (tree/ha) different sampling methods (rectangular sample with 20×50 m and 10×50, random sampling method with 40, 50 and 60 circle sample plots which everyone was 1000 m 2 ) compered the prefect inventory. To determination of suitable sampling for study of tree Diameter at Breath Height (DBH) used the %E 2 ×T indexes. To compere the Diameter at Breath Height (DBH) in the every sampling methods and perfect inventory used the t-test analysis. Data analyzing was done by SPSS16 software's. Results showed that the rectangular sample with 20×50 m sample methods was the best methods and have maximum of accuracy. Overall results showed that the rectangular sample with 20×50 m sampling methods was (have minimum of time and %E 2 ×T criteria) the suitable methods to study of density (tree/ha). Authors suggested to study of tree density (tree/ha) in the northern zagros forest used the rectangular sample with 20×50 m sampling methods

    Risk zone mapping of forest fire using GIS and AHP in a part of Paveh forests

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    Forest fires, as an ecological risk, whether with human or natural origin, have profound effects on land cover, land use, production, local economies, global trace gas emissions, and health. Identification of factors affecting the existence of forest fire as well as its zonation in the given watershed is one of the basic tools for forest fire control and fighting actions. The aim of this research is to develop the forest fire risk map based on vegetation, physiographic and climatic factors, human, distance to rivers and roads, in a part of Paveh forests. For this purpose, digitally diffusion forest fires map with field checks using GPS were prepared, initially. Then affecting factors were binary compared using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method by indicating the weight of each factor as indicator for their effects in occurrence of forest fire. Accordingly, the forest fire zonation risk map was prepared using weighted information layers and weighted coefficient of each factor. Five categories of forest fire risk, including very high to very low, were derived, automatically. The mapping result of the study area was found to be in strong agreement with actual fire-affected sites. The results indicate that the 90% of burned areas are located in high risk class

    Suitability analysis for plantation development (Case study: Sanandaj)

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    Along with the increasing public interest for recreational activities in the natural environment, the total urban green area per capita has been reduced during the recent years, resulted in an aerially-dense concentration of urban forest park users. Therefore, this study aims at conducting a suitability analysis for establishing plantation sites in a 10km buffer around the city of Sanandaj (48145 ha) in Kurdistan, western Iran. Here, a set of relevant factors including the ecology, socio-economy and tourism were studies to identify potential plantation sites. The criteria were spatially mapped following the data analysis. Questionnaires were used for evaluating each geographical map, and the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was applied for pair wise comparison of the variables. Convenient weights were consequently assigned to each map based on the relevance of variables for establishing plantations. The final suitability map was derived by overlaying the maps of various factors in the Geographic Information System (GIS). The final map was evaluated and classified into five groups based on the finally-assigned values. The results included the regions with highest priorities which turn out to be more suitable for plantation establishment

    Effect of planting depth and time on seeds germination of Manna oak (Quercus brantii Lindl.)

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    Due to benefits of Quercus brantii Lindl. and its important role in soil and water protection, this species is very important in its environment, especially the Zagros area. Because of over harvesting, the existence of this species is in danger, so its plantation must be considered and its sowing methods must be known. Therefore, this study was carried out in Rykhlan nursery in completely randomized design with unbalanced factorial experiment. Planting depth (4-5 cm and 7-8 cm) and time (December and March) was considered as two treatments with 3 replicates and 40 pots in each replication. Results showed that planting time had significant effect on survival and shoot and root dry weight ratio. Planting depth had significant effect on all factors. Therefore, planting in December with 7-8 cm depth had the best results for all studied factors

    An investigation of spatial pattern in Pistacia atlantica Desf. stands by angular method in Javanroud region of Kermanshah

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    In addition to composition and structure, the spatial pattern also plays a key role in forest ecosystems. These three attributes act in constellation by regulating ecosystem functioning and resilience. Regarding the socio-economic importance of Pistachio species, information on the spatial pattern of these trees can be considered as a criterion for management in semi-arid areas of Iran. In this study, the spatial pattern of wild Pistachio (Pistacia atlantica Desf.) was studied. Therefore, a 50-ha areas in Javanroud region was sampled in regular 100×100 m grids with 50 sample plots in a systematic random sampling design. In each sample, angles required for calculating Winkelmass (Wi) and Mean of Angle (MoA) indices were measured. The results showed clumpy pattern of the trees which also tended to random. In addition, the MoA index was shown to be insufficiently inaccurate for estimating the spatial pattern of P. atlantica across the study area

    Spatial pattern of Manna Oak trees (Quercus brantii Lindl.) in Bayangan forests of Kermanshah

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    In order to have a better recognition of plant communities, studying the spatial pattern of them is necessary to understand many of the issues in forest ecology and management. This study was conducted in Bayangan in Kermanshah province, as a part of Zagros forests. Sampling methods including fixed area plots and distance methods, such as T-square and Compound sampling, were used to investigate the spatial pattern of Manna Oak trees (Quercusbrantii Lindl.). A grid of 100 m×100 m was applied and then 50 sample plots were established. The grid intersections were applied as the center of sample plots and the beginning of distance sampling techniques. Dispersal indicators such as Green, Morisita, Standardized Morisita, Johnson and Zimmer, TF, TN, Hopkins and C were used to analyze the spatial pattern. All of the applied indicators showed a clumped pattern for Quercus brantii. Among the distance indicators, TF, TN and C, presented better results than the other indices