7,221 research outputs found

    Using microsimulation feedback for trip adaptation for realistic traffic in Dallas

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    This paper presents a day-to-day re-routing relaxation approach for traffic simulations. Starting from an initial planset for the routes, the route-based microsimulation is executed. The result of the microsimulation is fed into a re-router, which re-routes a certain percentage of all trips. This approach makes the traffic patterns in the microsimulation much more reasonable. Further, it is shown that the method described in this paper can lead to strong oscillations in the solutions.Comment: Accepted by International Journal of Modern Physics C. Complete postscript version including figures in http://www-transims.tsasa.lanl.gov/research_team/papers

    A Simplified Cellular Automaton Model for City Traffic

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    We systematically investigate the effect of blockage sites in a cellular automaton model for traffic flow. Different scheduling schemes for the blockage sites are considered. None of them returns a linear relationship between the fraction of ``green'' time and the throughput. We use this information for a fast implementation of traffic in Dallas.Comment: 12 pages, 18 figures. submitted to Phys Rev

    Discrete stochastic models for traffic flow

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    We investigate a probabilistic cellular automaton model which has been introduced recently. This model describes single-lane traffic flow on a ring and generalizes the asymmetric exclusion process models. We study the equilibrium properties and calculate the so-called fundamental diagrams (flow vs.\ density) for parallel dynamics. This is done numerically by computer simulations of the model and by means of an improved mean-field approximation which takes into account short-range correlations. For cars with maximum velocity 1 the simplest non-trivial approximation gives the exact result. For higher velocities the analytical results, obtained by iterated application of the approximation scheme, are in excellent agreement with the numerical simulations.Comment: Revtex, 30 pages, full postscript version (including figures) available by anonymous ftp from "fileserv1.mi.uni-koeln.de" in the directory "pub/incoming/" paper accepted for publication in Phys.Rev.

    Two candidate brown dwarf companions around core helium-burning stars

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    Hot subdwarf stars of spectral type B (sdBs) are evolved, core helium-burning objects. The formation of those objects is puzzling, because the progenitor star has to lose almost its entire hydrogen envelope in the red-giant phase. Binary interactions have been invoked, but single sdBs exist as well. We report the discovery of two close hot subdwarf binaries with small radial velocity amplitudes. Follow-up photometry revealed reflection effects originating from cool irradiated companions, but no eclipses. The lower mass limits for the companions of CPD-64∘^{\circ}481 (0.048 M⊙0.048\,M_{\rm \odot}) and PHL\,457 (0.027 M⊙0.027\,M_{\rm \odot}) are significantly below the stellar mass limit. Hence they could be brown dwarfs unless the inclination is unfavourable. Two very similar systems have already been reported. The probability that none of them is a brown dwarf is very small, 0.02%. Hence we provide further evidence that substellar companions with masses that low are able to eject a common envelope and form an sdB star. Furthermore, we find that the properties of the observed sample of hot subdwarfs in reflection effect binaries is consistent with a scenario where single sdBs can still be formed via common envelope events, but their low-mass substellar companions do not survive.Comment: accepted to A&

    Critical behavior of a traffic flow model

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    The Nagel-Schreckenberg traffic flow model shows a transition from a free flow regime to a jammed regime for increasing car density. The measurement of the dynamical structure factor offers the chance to observe the evolution of jams without the necessity to define a car to be jammed or not. Above the jamming transition the dynamical structure factor exhibits for a given k-value two maxima corresponding to the separation of the system into the free flow phase and jammed phase. We obtain from a finite-size scaling analysis of the smallest jam mode that approaching the transition long range correlations of the jams occur.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Breakdown and recovery in traffic flow models

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    Most car-following models show a transition from laminar to ``congested'' flow and vice versa. Deterministic models often have a density range where a disturbance needs a sufficiently large critical amplitude to move the flow from the laminar into the congested phase. In stochastic models, it may be assumed that the size of this amplitude gets translated into a waiting time, i.e.\ until fluctuations sufficiently add up to trigger the transition. A recently introduced model of traffic flow however does not show this behavior: in the density regime where the jam solution co-exists with the high-flow state, the intrinsic stochasticity of the model is not sufficient to cause a transition into the jammed regime, at least not within relevant time scales. In addition, models can be differentiated by the stability of the outflow interface. We demonstrate that this additional criterion is not related to the stability of the flow. The combination of these criteria makes it possible to characterize commonalities and differences between many existing models for traffic in a new way

    The Effect of absorbing sites on the one-dimensional cellular automaton traffic flow with open boundaries

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    The effect of the absorbing sites with an absorbing rate β0\beta_{0}, in both one absorbing site (one way out) and two absorbing sites (two ways out) in a road, on the traffic flow phase transition is investigated using numerical simulations in the one-dimensional cellular automaton traffic flow model with open boundaries using parallel dynamics.In the case of one way out, there exist a critical position of the way out ic1 i_{c1} below which the current is constant for β0\beta_{0}<<β0c2\beta_{0c2} and decreases when increasing β0\beta_{0} for β0\beta_{0}>>β0c2\beta_{0c2}. When the way out is located at a position greater than ic2 i_{c2}, the current increases with β0\beta_{0} for β0\beta_{0}<<β0c1\beta_{0c1} and becomes constant for any value of β0\beta_{0} greater than β0c1\beta_{0c1}. While, when the way out is located at any position between ic1 i_{c1} and ic2 i_{c2} (ic1 i_{c1}<<ic2 i_{c2}), the current increases, for β0\beta_{0}<<β0c1\beta_{0c1}, with β0\beta_{0} and becomes constant for β0c1\beta_{0c1}<<β0\beta_{0}<<β0c2\beta_{0c2} and decreases with β0\beta_{0} for β0\beta_{0}>>β0c2\beta_{0c2}. In the later case the density undergoes two successive first order transitions; from high density to maximal current phase at β0\beta_{0}==β0c1\beta_{0c1} and from intermediate density to the low one at β0\beta_{0}==β0c2\beta_{0c2}. In the case of two ways out located respectively at the positions i1 i_{1} and i2 i_{2}, the two successive transitions occur only when the distance i2i_{2}-i1i_{1} separating the two ways is smaller than a critical distance dcd_{c}. Phase diagrams in the (ι,β0\alpha,\beta_{0}), (β,β0\beta,\beta_{0}) and (i1,β0i_{1},\beta_{0}) planes are established. It is found that the transitions between Free traffic, Congested traffic and maximal current phase are first order

    Economics-Based Optimization of Unstable Flows

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    As an example for the optimization of unstable flows, we present an economics-based method for deciding the optimal rates at which vehicles are allowed to enter a highway. It exploits the naturally occuring fluctuations of traffic flow and is flexible enough to adapt in real time to the transient flow characteristics of road traffic. Simulations based on realistic parameter values show that this strategy is feasible for naturally occurring traffic, and that even far from optimality, injection policies can improve traffic flow. Moreover, the same method can be applied to the optimization of flows of gases and granular media.Comment: Revised version of ``Optimizing Traffic Flow'' (cond-mat/9809397). For related work see http://www.parc.xerox.com/dynamics/ and http://www.theo2.physik.uni-stuttgart.de/helbing.htm
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