176 research outputs found


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    本研究の目的は、エキスパート・コンディショニング・コーチのコーチング観を分析することである。本研究は、半構造的インタビューによる定性的データ収集・分析により進められた。インタビューデータは、117のミーニングユニットに分類された。さらに、類似するミーニングユニットをグループ化することによって8つのサブカテゴリーが形成された。最終的に、(1)モーティベーション、(2)心的環境、(3)個人特性の3つの大カテゴリーが形成された。本研究により次の3点が明らかにされた。第1に、選手のモーティベーションを高めるためには、選手が楽しくトレーニングできるように練習方法を工夫し、時には選手と同じ練習メニューをこなして選手の競争意識を刺激している。また、トレーニングの効果を選手に確認させ、トレーニングの意義を説明することにより、選手自身がコンディショニング・トレーニングの必要性を認識できるように指導している。第2に、トレーニング、及び試合に対する選手の精神的なコンディションを高め、維持するために、選手と信頼関係を築き、選手が最善のパフォーマンスを発揮できる環境を用意し、選手をリラックスさせることに、エキスパート・コンディショニング・コーチは努力を費やしている。第3に、技術レベル、理解力、及び身心のコンディションは、個々の選手により大きく異なる。そのため、エキスパート・コンディショニング・コーチは、選手のコンディションとレベルの変化に臨機応変に対応しながら選手に携わっている。こうしたコンディショニング・コーチの取り組みの中で選手は技術ばかりでなく、コンディショニング・トレーニングにも集中して取り組むことになる。エキスパート・コンディショニング・コーチは、上記のような方法で選手の心理的コンディションを高め維持した上で指導を行っている。コンディショニング・コーチは、コンディショニング・トレーニングの指導だけでなく、むしろ、選手の心理面への支援・ケアという面で大きな役割を果たしている点が明らかにされた。This study focused on the coaching view of expert conditioning coaches. This study was conducted with a qualitative research methodology. In-depth interview was used to collect the data. The interview transcripts were divided into 117 meaning units. Then, the meaning units were regrouped to eight categories and three factors which were crucial for the conditioning coaching. Three factors emerging from the analysis consisted of (1) motivation, (2) mental resource, and (3) individual characteristics. As a result, the coaching view of conditioning coaches is based on the support of athletes\u27 psychological condition.論

    Bright Type II SN 2023ixf in M101: A Quick Analysis of the Early-Stage Spectroscopic and Near-Infrared Light Curves

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    We present the early-stage analysis of the low-resolution (R=1000R=1000) optical spectra and the near-infrared light curves of the bright Type II supernova (SN II) 2023ixf in the notable nearby face-on spiral galaxy M101, which are obtained since t=1.7t=1.7 until 8.08.0 d. Our first spectrum shows remarkable emission features of Balmer series, He~{\sc ii}, N~{\sc iv}, and C~{\sc iv} with a strong blue continuum. Compared with SNe II showing the flash-ionized features, we suggest that this SN could be categorized into high-luminosity SNe II with a nitrogen/helium-rich circumstellar material (CSM), e.g., SNe 2014G, 2017ahn, and 2020pni. The H~{α\alpha} emission line is composed of broad (~2800 km~s1^{-1}), intermediate (520 km~s1^{-1}), and narrow (<200<200 km~s1^{-1}) components. The near-infrared light curves are well consistent with those of another luminous SN II 2017ahn, and the absolute magnitudes locate on the bright end in the lumosity distribution of SNe II. These observational facts support that SN 2023ixf is well consistent with a high-luminosity SN II with the dense nitrogen/helium-rich CSM.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to PASJ Letter

    Cepheids and other short-period variables near the Galactic Centre

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    We report the result of our near-infrared survey of short-period variable stars (P<60d) in a field-of-view of 20'x30' towards the Galactic Centre. Forty-five variables are discovered and we classify the variables based on their light curve shapes and other evidence. In addition to 3 classical Cepheids reported previously, we find 16 type II Cepheids, 24 eclipsing binaries, one pulsating star with P=0.265d (RR Lyr or delta Sct) and one Cepheid-like variable whose nature is uncertain. Eclipsing binaries are separated into the foreground objects and those significantly obscured by interstellar extinction. One of the reddened binaries contains an O-type supergiant and its light curve indicates an eccentric orbit. We discuss the nature and distribution of type II Cepheids as well as the distance to the Galactic Centre based on these Cepheids and other distance indicators. The estimates of R0(GC) we obtained based on photometric data agree with previous results obtained with kinematics of objects around the GC. Furthermore, our result gives a support to the reddening law obtained by Nishiyama and collaborators, A(Ks)/E(H-Ks)=1.44, because a different reddening law would result in a rather different distance estimate.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, 7tables, accepted for publication in MNRA

    3D Numerical Simulation of Epidermal Skin Turnover Process Using a Particle Model

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    Skin is the largest organ of the human body. In recent years, concern regarding the cosmetics area has increased, and research studies on anti-aging therapy or cosmetics have been rapidly conducted. Skin cells are not only changing its shape but also its physical properties during the epidermal skin turnover process. Computational simulation can be useful in further understanding the mechanisms of skin formation. We propose a particle model that can handle complex biological phenomena, including cell interactions and is a suitable method for simulating skin formation. The particle model was applied to simulate three-dimensional skin formation accompanied by proliferation and cornification of skin cells. The simulation results represented and reproduced the epidermal skin turnover phenomenon

    3D Numerical Simulation of Epidermal Skin Turnover Process Using a Particle Model

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    Skin is the largest organ of the human body. In recent years, concern regarding the cosmetics area has increased, and research studies on anti-aging therapy or cosmetics have been rapidly conducted. Skin cells are not only changing its shape but also its physical properties during the epidermal skin turnover process. Computational simulation can be useful in further understanding the mechanisms of skin formation. We propose a particle model that can handle complex biological phenomena, including cell interactions and is a suitable method for simulating skin formation. The particle model was applied to simulate three-dimensional skin formation accompanied by proliferation and cornification of skin cells. The simulation results represented and reproduced the epidermal skin turnover phenomenon

    Faint warm debris disks around nearby bright stars explored by AKARI and IRSF

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    Context: Debris disks are important observational clues for understanding planetary-system formation process. In particular, faint warm debris disks may be related to late planet formation near 1 AU. A systematic search of faint warm debris disks is necessary to reveal terrestrial planet formation. Aims: Faint warm debris disks show excess emission that peaks at mid-IR wavelengths. Thus we explore debris disks using the AKARI mid-IR all-sky point source catalog (PSC), a product of the second generation unbiased IR all-sky survey. Methods : We investigate IR excess emission for 678 isolated main-sequence stars for which there are 18 micron detections in the AKARI mid-IR all-sky catalog by comparing their fluxes with the predicted fluxes of the photospheres based on optical to near-IR fluxes and model spectra. The near-IR fluxes are first taken from the 2MASS PSC. However, 286 stars with Ks<4.5 in our sample have large flux errors in the 2MASS photometry due to saturation. Thus we have measured accurate J, H, and Ks band fluxes, applying neutral density (ND) filters for Simultaneous InfraRed Imager for Unbiased Survey (SIRIUS) on IRSF, the \phi 1.4 m near-IR telescope in South Africa, and improved the flux accuracy from 14% to 1.8% on average. Results: We identified 53 debris-disk candidates including eight new detections from our sample of 678 main-sequence stars. The detection rate of debris disks for this work is ~8%, which is comparable with those in previous works by Spitzer and Herschel. Conclusion: The importance of this study is the detection of faint warm debris disks around nearby field stars. At least nine objects have a large amount of dust for their ages, which cannot be explained by the conventional steady-state collisional cascade model.Comment: 17 pages, 21 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic