8,226 research outputs found

    Classification of local realistic theories

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    Recently, it has shown that an explicit local realistic model for the values of a correlation function, given in a two-setting Bell experiment (two-setting model), works only for the specific set of settings in the given experiment, but cannot construct a local realistic model for the values of a correlation function, given in a {\it continuous-infinite} settings Bell experiment (infinite-setting model), even though there exist two-setting models for all directions in space. Hence, two-setting model does not have the property which infinite-setting model has. Here, we show that an explicit two-setting model cannot construct a local realistic model for the values of a correlation function, given in a {\it only discrete-three} settings Bell experiment (three-setting model), even though there exist two-setting models for the three measurement directions chosen in the given three-setting experiment. Hence, two-setting model does not have the property which three-setting model has.Comment: To appear in Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretica

    Kochen-Specker theorem as a precondition for secure quantum key distribution

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    We show that (1) the violation of the Ekert 91 inequality is a sufficient condition for certification of the Kochen-Specker (KS) theorem, and (2) the violation of the Bennett-Brassard-Mermin 92 (BBM) inequality is, also, a sufficient condition for certification of the KS theorem. Therefore the success in each QKD protocol reveals the nonclassical feature of quantum theory, in the sense that the KS realism is violated. Further, it turned out that the Ekert inequality and the BBM inequality are depictured by distillable entanglement witness inequalities. Here, we connect the success in these two key distribution processes into the no-hidden-variables theorem and into witness on distillable entanglement. We also discuss the explicit difference between the KS realism and Bell's local realism in the Hilbert space formalism of quantum theory.Comment: 4 pages, To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Comment on ``All quantum observables in a hidden-variable model must commute simultaneously"

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    Malley discussed {[Phys. Rev. A {\bf 69}, 022118 (2004)]} that all quantum observables in a hidden-variable model for quantum events must commute simultaneously. In this comment, we discuss that Malley's theorem is indeed valid for the hidden-variable theoretical assumptions, which were introduced by Kochen and Specker. However, we give an example that the local hidden-variable (LHV) model for quantum events preserves noncommutativity of quantum observables. It turns out that Malley's theorem is not related with the LHV model for quantum events, in general.Comment: 3 page

    Multipartite positive-partial-transpose inequalities exponentially stronger than local reality inequalities

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    We show that positivity of {\it every} partial transpose of NN-partite quantum states implies new inequalities on Bell correlations which are stronger than standard Bell inequalities by a factor of 2(N1)/22^{(N-1)/2}. A violation of the inequality implies the system is in a bipartite distillable entangled state. It turns out that a family of NN-qubit bound entangled states proposed by D\"ur {[Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 87}, 230402 (2001)]} violates the inequality for N4N\geq 4.Comment: 4 pages, To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Bell inequality with an arbitrary number of settings and its applications

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    Based on a geometrical argument introduced by Zukowski, a new multisetting Bell inequality is derived, for the scenario in which many parties make measurements on two-level systems. This generalizes and unifies some previous results. Moreover, a necessary and sufficient condition for the violation of this inequality is presented. It turns out that the class of non-separable states which do not admit local realistic description is extended when compared to the two-setting inequalities. However, supporting the conjecture of Peres, quantum states with positive partial transposes with respect to all subsystems do not violate the inequality. Additionally, we follow a general link between Bell inequalities and communication complexity problems, and present a quantum protocol linked with the inequality, which outperforms the best classical protocol.Comment: 8 pages, To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Two Nucleon-States in a Chiral Quark-Diquark Model

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    We study the ground and first excited states of nucleons in a chiral quark-diquark model. We include two quark-diquark channels of the scalar-isoscalar and axial-vector-isovector types for the nucleon states. The diquark correlation violating the spin-flavor SU(4)SF_{SF} symmetry allows to treat the two quark-diquark channels independently. Hence the two states appear as the superpositions of the two quark-diquark channels; one is the nucleon and the other is a state which does not appear in the SU(4)SF_{SF} quark models. With a reasonable choice of model parameters, the mass of the excited state appears at around 1.5 GeV, which we identify with the Roper resonance N(1440).Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures. Errors are corrected. Conclusions are not affecte

    Estudo da diversidade de begomovirus em tomateiro cultivado na região da caatinga do Brasil.

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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a diversidade de begomovirus infectando tomateiro no Nordeste brasileiro.Resumo 673-