2,901 research outputs found
Eccentricity Evolution of Extrasolar Multiple Planetary Systems due to the Depletion of Nascent Protostellar Disks
Most extrasolar planets are observed to have eccentricities much larger than
those in the solar system. Some of these planets have sibling planets, with
comparable masses, orbiting around the same host stars. In these multiple
planetary systems, eccentricity is modulated by the planets' mutual secular
interaction as a consequence of angular momentum exchange between them. For
mature planets, the eigenfrequencies of this modulation are determined by their
mass and semi-major axis ratios. But, prior to the disk depletion, self gravity
of the planets' nascent disks dominates the precession eigenfrequencies. We
examine here the initial evolution of young planets' eccentricity due to the
apsidal libration or circulation induced by both the secular interaction
between them and the self gravity of their nascent disks. We show that as the
latter effect declines adiabatically with disk depletion, the modulation
amplitude of the planets' relative phase of periapse is approximately invariant
despite the time-asymmetrical exchange of angular momentum between planets.
However, as the young planets' orbits pass through a state of secular
resonance, their mean eccentricities undergo systematic quantitative changes.
For applications, we analyze the eccentricity evolution of planets around
Upsilon Andromedae and HD168443 during the epoch of protostellar disk
depletion. We find that the disk depletion can change the planets' eccentricity
ratio. However, the relatively large amplitude of the planets' eccentricity
cannot be excited if all the planets had small initial eccentricities.Comment: 50 pages including 11 figures, submitted to Ap
Three-Dimensional Cytoskeletal Structures of the Chinchilla Organ of Corti: Scanning Electron Microscopy Application of the Polyethylene Glycol Method
We describe the application of a polyethylene glycol (PEG) embedding technique to examine the sensory and supporting structures of the inner ear. The chinchilla organ of Corti was exposed by cracking PEG embedded cochleas. A range of PEG molecular weights (2000-8000) were utilized; PEG 2000, with a melting point of 57°C was preferred. After removal of the PEG, the three-dimensional aspects of intracellular structures were observed using scanning electron microscopy. Filamentous elements in the hair cell cuticular plate and in the supporting cells were clearly observed, as was the mesh work of cross-linked actin filaments in the cuticular portion of sensory hair cells. Microtubule and microfilament alignment patterns in pillar and Deiters cells were also clearly demonstrated. Characteristic structures in the outer hair cell synaptic region, such as the post-synaptic cistern and synaptic body, were well preserved using the PEG method
Three Dimensional Intracellular Structure of the Cochlea Using the A-O-D-O Method
We have observed the three-dimensional intracellular structure of the organ of Corti and the spiral ganglion of the chinchilla using the aldehyde osmium-DMSO-osmium (A-O-D-O) method, and compared our findings with previous studies in the guinea pig. In cells of the spiral ganglion and the organ of Corti, microtubules and other cytoplasmic filaments were digested by OsO4 during processing to provide a clear view of membranous structures such as mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus. The appropriate digestion time with 0.1% OsO4 solution was found to be 60-80 hrs for the organ of Corti and 70-90 hrs for the spiral ganglion. The A-O-D-O method has been especially useful to show the organization of the endoplasmic reticulum of the outer hair cells. We have made a further characterization of the apical cistern, a reticular network which appears to link the basal body of the (vestigial) kinocilium to both Hensen\u27s body and the subsurface cisternae
Correlation of Cochlear Pathology with Auditory Brainstem and Cortical Responses in Cats with High Frequency Hearing Loss
Newborn kittens were treated with the aminoglycoside amikacin to produce a bilateral high frequency cochlear hearing loss. The degree and stability of hearing loss were confirmed by recording auditory brainstem evoked potentials (ABR audiograms). After maturation, cochleotopic frequency representation within primary auditory cortex (Al) was mapped using standard microelectrode recording techniques. The cochlear sensory epithelium was assessed with SEM and the pattern of damage compared with the ABR audiograms and cortical frequency maps.
Amikacin treatment resulted in various patterns of haircell damage towards the base of the cochlea. A relatively abrupt transition between damaged and undamaged haircell regions resulted in an ABR audiogram with normal threshold to low frequencies and a high frequency elevation with a steep cut-off slope. In the cortical map, low frequency representation was normal, but anterior areas contained only neurons tuned to a common frequency which corresponded to the frequency-place position of the boundary of the haircell lesion and to the cut-off frequency of the audiogram. A large transitional zone of the cochlear lesion correlated with a gradual cut-off slope to the audiogram and again a remapping of the anterior and normally high frequency area to a common lower frequency. Haircell loss or damage (i.e. disarray of stereocilia) in lower frequency regions of the cochlea correlated with a significant reorganization of the lower frequency bands in the cortical map.
We conclude from this study that the pattern of cochleotopic organization of the cortex is dependent on the pattern of activity in the ascending sensory pathway during early stages of development
Entropy, time irreversibility and Schroedinger equation in a primarily discrete space-time
In this paper we show that the existence of a primarily discrete space-time
may be a fruitful assumption from which we may develop a new approach of
statistical thermodynamics in pre-relativistic conditions. The discreetness of
space-time structure is determined by a condition that mimics the Heisenberg
uncertainty relations and the motion in this space-time model is chosen as
simple as possible. From these two assumptions we define a path-entropy that
measures the number of closed paths associated with a given energy of the
system preparation. This entropy has a dynamical character and depends on the
time interval on which we count the paths. We show that it exists an
like-equilibrium condition for which the path-entropy corresponds exactly to
the usual thermodynamic entropy and, more generally, the usual statistical
thermodynamics is reobtained. This result derived without using the Gibbs
ensemble method shows that the standard thermodynamics is consistent with a
motion that is time-irreversible at a microscopic level. From this change of
paradigm it becomes easy to derive a . A comparison with the
traditional Boltzmann approach is presented. We also show how our approach can
be implemented in order to describe reversible processes. By considering a
process defined simultaneously by initial and final conditions a well defined
stochastic process is introduced and we are able to derive a Schroedinger
equation, an example of time reversible equation.Comment: latex versio
Entropy: From Black Holes to Ordinary Systems
Several results of black holes thermodynamics can be considered as firmly
founded and formulated in a very general manner. From this starting point we
analyse in which way these results may give us the opportunity to gain a better
understanding in the thermodynamics of ordinary systems for which a
pre-relativistic description is sufficient. First, we investigated the
possibility to introduce an alternative definition of the entropy basically
related to a local definition of the order in a spacetime model rather than a
counting of microstates. We show that such an alternative approach exists and
leads to the traditional results provided an equilibrium condition is assumed.
This condition introduces a relation between a time interval and the reverse of
the temperature. We show that such a relation extensively used in the black
hole theory, mainly as a mathematical trick, has a very general and physical
meaning here; in particular its derivation is not related to the existence of a
canonical density matrix. Our dynamical approach of thermodynamic equilibrium
allows us to establish a relation between action and entropy and we show that
an identical relation exists in the case of black holes. The derivation of such
a relation seems impossible in the Gibbs ensemble approach of statistical
thermodynamics. From these results we suggest that the definition of entropy in
terms of order in spacetime should be more general that the Boltzmann one based
on a counting of microstates. Finally we point out that these results are
obtained by reversing the traditional route going from the Schr\"{o}dinger
equation to statistical thermodynamics
Analiza oborine (1923-2004) u Ataru-Mauretaniji
The shortage of water resources in Adrar region, especially in Atar (Capital
city of Adrar prefecture) and the surrounding villages along Seguelli watershed
has been taken the concern of the policy maker and populations of
this region since long time. This area had been suffering from recurrent
droughts and faced water crises many times. Several attempts have been
made to overcome these problems. Meanwhile the risk is still endangering the
life and agricultural activities in one of the most important oasis areas. This
study analyzed Atar rainfall time series periodicity, trends, and its relationship
with Sea Surface Temperature (SST). The nonparametric Spearman test
was used for trend analysis and the serial autocorrelation for persistency.
Also, power spectrum and Fourier fit were deployed for analysis of frequency
and periodicity. The tendency of Atar rainfall time series shows rainy periods
in 1920’s and 1950’s and decreased rainfall since the late of 1950s. On the
other hand, the prolonged drought periods appeared during 1970’s in contemporaneous
with the Sahelian drought. The persistency analysis indicated the
presence of biennial components in the annual and bimonthly rainfall in last
three decades. SSTs of Atlantic, Indian and Pacific Ocean were modulating
Atar rainfall during 1923–1992 period.U području Adrara, posebno u Ataru (glavnom gradu pokrajine Adrar) i okolnim selima duž Seguelli sliva proučavao se manjak vodenih resursa u odnosu na političke odnose i stanovništvo tog područja kroz duže vrijeme. To je područje karakterizirano čestim periodičnim sušama i nedostacima vode. Usprkos pokušajima da se taj problem
prebrodi, život i poljoprivreda su i dalje ugroženi u jednoj od najvažnijih oaza u tom području. Ova studija analizira periodičnost vremenskog niza oborine u Ataru, trendove niza i njegov međuodnos s površinskom temperaturom mora. Pri analizi trenda koristio se neparametarski Spearman-ov test, dok je perzistencija analizirana
putem autokorelacije. Također se koristio i spektar snage i harmonijska analiza za određivanje frekvencija i periodičnosti. Tendencija vremenskog niza oborina u Ataru
pokazuje kišne periode u dvadesetim i pedesetim godinama 20. stoljeća i smanjenje oborine od kasnih pedesetih godina 20. stoljeća. Dugotrajni periodi suše pojavljuju se tijekom 70-tih istovremeno sa sušom u Sahelu. Analiza perzistencije ukazala je na postojanje dvogodišnjih komponenti u godišnjoj i dvomjesečnoj oborini u zadnje tri dekade. Površinske temperature mora Atlantika, Indijskog i Pacifičkog oceana utjecale su na količinu oborine u Ataru u razdoblju od 1923. do 1992. godine
Evolution of Topological Defects During Inflation
Topological defects can be formed during inflation by phase transitions as
well as by quantum nucleation. We study the effect of the expansion of the
Universe on the internal structure of the defects. We look for stationary
solutions to the field equations, i.e. solutions that depend only on the proper
distance from the defect core. In the case of very thin defects, whose core
dimensions are much smaller than the de Sitter horizon, we find that the
solutions are well approximated by the flat space solutions. However, as the
flat space thickness parameter increases we notice a deviation from
this, an effect that becomes dramatic as approaches . Beyond this critical value we find no stationary solutions to the field
equations. We conclude that only defects that have flat space thicknesses less
than the critical value survive, while thicker defects are smeared out by the
expansion.Comment: 14 page
On the stochastic mechanics of the free relativistic particle
Given a positive energy solution of the Klein-Gordon equation, the motion of
the free, spinless, relativistic particle is described in a fixed Lorentz frame
by a Markov diffusion process with non-constant diffusion coefficient. Proper
time is an increasing stochastic process and we derive a probabilistic
generalization of the equation . A
random time-change transformation provides the bridge between the and the
domain. In the domain, we obtain an \M^4-valued Markov process
with singular and constant diffusion coefficient. The square modulus of the
Klein-Gordon solution is an invariant, non integrable density for this Markov
process. It satisfies a relativistically covariant continuity equation
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