231 research outputs found

    Axial distortion as a sensor of supercoil changes: a molecular model for the homeostatic regulation of DNA gyrase

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    Negative supercoiling stimulates transcription of many genes. In contrast, transcription of the genes coding for DNA gyrase is subject to a novel mechanism of autoregulation, wherein relaxation of the template DNA stimulates their transcription. Since DNA gyrase is the sole supercoiling activity in the eubacterial cell, relaxation-stimulated transcription (RST) could reflect an autoregulatory mechanism to maintain supercoil levels within the cell. Extensive deletion and mutational analyses of Escherichia coli gyrA promoter have shown that the -10 region is essential for RST; however, a molecular model has proved to be elusive. We find a strong bend centre immediately downstream of the -10 region in the gyrA promoter. On the basis of analysis of various mutants in the -10 region, we propose a model where axial distortion acts as a sensor of topological changes in DNA. Our model is consistent with earlier data with E. coli gyrA and gyrB promoters. We also extrapolate the model to explain the phenomenon of RST of gyr promoters in other organisms and contrast it with promoters induced by supercoiling

    Inhibition of DNA gyrase activity by Mycobacterium smegmatis MurI

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    Glutamate racemase (MurI) catalyzes the interconversion of L-glutamate to D-glutamate, one of the essential amino acids present in the peptidoglycan. In addition to this essential enzymatic function, MurI from Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis and Mycobacterium tuberculosis inhibit DNA gyrase activity. A single gene for murI found in the Mycobacterium smegmatis genome was cloned and overexpressed in a homologous expression system to obtain a highly soluble enzyme. In addition to the racemization activity, M. smegmatis MurI inhibits DNA gyrase activity by preventing DNA binding of gyrase. The sequestration of the gyrase by MurI results in inhibition of all reactions catalyzed by DNA gyrase. More importantly, MurI overexpression in vivo in mycobacterial cells provides protection against the action of ciprofloxacin. The DNA gyrase-inhibitory property thus appears to be a typical characteristic of MurI and would have probably evolved to either modulate the function of the essential housekeeping enzyme or to provide protection to gyrase against gyrase inhibitors, which cause double-strand breaks in the genome

    An atypical type II topoisomerase from Mycobacterium smegmatis with positive supercoiling activity

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    Topoisomerases are essential ubiquitous enzymes, falling into two distinct classes. A number of eubacteria including Escherichia coli, typically contain four topoisomerases, two type I topoisomerases and two type II topoisomerases viz. DNA gyrase and topoisomerase IV. In contrast several other bacterial genomes including mycobacteria, encode for one type I topoisomerase and a DNA gyrase. Here we describe a new type II topoisomerase from Mycobacterium smegmatis which is different from DNA gyrase or topoisomerase IV in its characteristics and origin. The topoisomerase is distinct with respect to domain organization, properties and drug sensitivity. The enzyme catalyses relaxation of negatively supercoiled DNA in an ATP-dependent manner and also introduces positive supercoils to both relaxed and negatively supercoiled substrates. The genes for this additional topoisomerase are not found in other sequenced mycobacterial genomes and may represent a distant lineage

    Dual role for transactivator protein C in activation of mom promoter of bacteriophage Mu

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    Transactivator C protein of bacteriophage Mu activates the mom gene of the phage by an unusual mechanism. DNA binding by C to its site results in unwinding of the neighboring sequences, realigning the out-of-phase promoter elements to facilitate RNA polymerase (RNAP) binding. High level stimulation of a C-independent constitutive promoter mutant (where RNAP is already bound) by the transactivator suggested an additional mechanism of transcription activation at a step after RNAP recruitment. In this study, we have investigated the various steps of promoter-polymerase interactions during transcription initiation by using both the promoter mutant and a positive control (pc) mutant of C protein. The transactivator does not influence formation of the open complex or its stability after facilitating the RNAP binding. However, at a subsequent step, the protein exerts an important role, enhancing the promoter clearance by increasing the productive RNAP.promoter complex. The pc mutant of the transactivator C is compromised at this step, supporting the additional downstream role for C in mom transcription activation. We suggest that this unusual multistep activation of Pmom has evolved to ensure irreversibility of the switch during the late lytic cycle of the phage

    Silencing of toxic gene expression by Fis

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    Bacteria and bacteriophages have evolved DNA modification as a strategy to protect their genomes. Mom protein of bacteriophage Mu modifies the phage DNA, rendering it refractile to numerous restriction enzymes and in turn enabling the phage to successfully invade a variety of hosts. A strong fortification, a combined activity of the phage and host factors, prevents untimely expression of mom and associated toxic effects. Here, we identify the bacterial chromatin architectural protein Fis as an additional player in this crowded regulatory cascade. Both in vivo and in vitro studies described here indicate that Fis acts as a transcriptional repressor of mom promoter. Further, our data shows that Fis mediates its repressive effect by denying access to RNA polymerase at mom promoter. We propose that a combined repressive effect of Fis and previously characterized negative regulatory factors could be responsible to keep the gene silenced most of the time. We thus present a new facet of Fis function in Mu biology. In addition to bringing about overall downregulation of Mu genome, it also ensures silencing of the advantageous but potentially lethal mom gene

    Chromosomally encoded gyrase inhibitor GyrI protects Escherichia coli against DNA-damaging agents

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    DNA gyrase, a type II topoisomerase, is the sole supercoiling activity in the cell and is essential for cell survival. There are two proteinaceous inhibitors of DNA gyrase that are plasmid-borne and ensure maintenance of the plasmids in bacterial populations. However, the physiological role of GyrI, an inhibitor of DNA gyrase encoded by the Escherichia coli genome, has been elusive. Previously, we have shown that GyrI imparts resistance against microcin B17 and CcdB. Here, we find that GyrI provided partial/limited protection against the quinolone class of gyrase inhibitors but had no effect on inhibitors that interfere with the ATPase activity of the enzyme. Moreover, GyrI negated the effect of alkylating agents, such as mitomycin C and N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine, that act independently of DNA gyrase. Hence, in vivo, GyrI appears to be involved in reducing DNA damage from many sources. In contrast, GyrI is not effective against lesions induced by ultraviolet radiation. Furthermore, the expression of GyrI does not significantly alter the topology of DNA. Thus, although isolated as an inhibitor of DNA gyrase, GyrI seems to have a broader role in vivo than previously envisaged

    DNA gyrase genes in mycobacterium tuberculosis: a single operon driven by multiple promoters

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    The two genes encoding DNA gyrase in Mycobacterium tuberculosis are present next to each other in the genome, with gyrB upstream of gyrA. We show that the primary transcript is dicistronic. However, in addition to the principal promoter, there are multiple weaker promoters that appear to fine-tune transcription. With these and other mycobacterial promoters, we propose consensus promoter sequences for two distinct sigma factors. In addition to this, the gyr genes in M. tuberculosis, as in other species, are subject to autoregulation, albeit with slower kinetics, probably reflecting the slower metabolism of the organism

    Moonlighting function of glutamate racemase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis: racemization and DNA gyrase inhibition are two independent activities of the enzyme

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    Glutamate racemase (MurI) provides D-glutamate, a key building block in the peptidoglycan of the bacterial cell wall. Besides having a crucial role in cell wall biosynthesis, MurI proteins from some bacteria have been shown to act as an inhibitor of DNA gyrase. Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Mycobacterium smegmatis MurI exhibit these dual characteristics. Here, we show that the two activities of M. tuberculosis MurI are unlinked and independent of each other. The racemization function of MurI is not essential for its gyrase-inhibitory property. MurI-DNA gyrase interaction influences gyrase activity but has no effect on the racemization activity of MurI. Overexpression of MurI in vivo provides resistance to the action of ciprofloxacin, suggesting the importance of the interaction in gyrase modulation. We propose that the moonlighting activity of MurI has evolved more recently than its racemase function, to play a transient yet important role in gyrase modulation

    Characterization of DNA binding activities of over-expressed KpnI restriction endonuclease and modification methylase

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    The genes encoding the KpnI restriction endonuclease and methyltransferase from Klebsiella pneumoniae have been cloned and expressed in Escherchia coli using a two plasmid strategy. The gene for KpnI methylase with its promoter was cloned and expressed in pACYC184. Even though the methylase clone is in a low copy number plasmid pACMK, high level expression of methylase is achieved. A hyper-expressing clone ofKpnI endonuclease, pETRK was engineered by cloning the R gene into the T7 expression system. This strategy resulted in over-expression of KpnI endonuclease to about 15-30% of cellular protein. Both the enzymes were purified using a single Chromatographic step to apparent homogeneity. The yield of purified endonuclease and methylase from one liter of culture was approximately 30 and 6 mg respectively. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays show that both the enzymes are capable of binding to specific recognition sequence in the absence of any cofactors. The complexes of KpnI methyl transferase and endonuclease with their cognate site exhibit distinctive behaviour with respect to ionic requirement

    Alternate paradigm for intrinsic transcription termination in eubacteria

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    Intrinsic transcription terminators are functionally defined as sites that bring about termination in vitro with purified RNA polymerase alone. Based on studies in Escherichia coli, intrinsic termination requires a palindromic stretch followed by a trail of T (or U) residues in the coding strand. We have developed a highly efficient algorithm to identify hairpin potential sequences in bacterial genomes in order to build a general model for intrinsic transcription termination. The algorithm was applied to analyze the Mycobacterium tuberculosis genome. We find that hairpin potential sequences are concentrated in the immediate downstream of stop codons. However, most of these structures either lack the U trail entirely or have a mixed A/U trail reflecting an evolutionarily relaxed requirement for the U trail in the mycobacterial genome. Predicted atypical structures were shown to work efficiently as terminators both inside the mycobacterial cell and in vitro with purified RNA polymerase. The results are discussed in light of the kinetic competition models for transcription termination. The algorithm identifies >90% of experimentally tested terminators in bacteria and is an invaluable tool in identifying transcription units in whole genomes