4,493 research outputs found

    Pfaffian Expressions for Random Matrix Correlation Functions

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    It is well known that Pfaffian formulas for eigenvalue correlations are useful in the analysis of real and quaternion random matrices. Moreover the parametric correlations in the crossover to complex random matrices are evaluated in the forms of Pfaffians. In this article, we review the formulations and applications of Pfaffian formulas. For that purpose, we first present the general Pfaffian expressions in terms of the corresponding skew orthogonal polynomials. Then we clarify the relation to Eynard and Mehta's determinant formula for hermitian matrix models and explain how the evaluation is simplified in the cases related to the classical orthogonal polynomials. Applications of Pfaffian formulas to random matrix theory and other fields are also mentioned.Comment: 28 page

    Correlations for the orthogonal-unitary and symplectic-unitary transitions at the hard and soft edges

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    For the orthogonal-unitary and symplectic-unitary transitions in random matrix theory, the general parameter dependent distribution between two sets of eigenvalues with two different parameter values can be expressed as a quaternion determinant. For the parameter dependent Gaussian and Laguerre ensembles the matrix elements of the determinant are expressed in terms of corresponding skew-orthogonal polynomials, and their limiting value for infinite matrix dimension are computed in the vicinity of the soft and hard edges respectively. A connection formula relating the distributions at the hard and soft edge is obtained, and a universal asymptotic behaviour of the two point correlation is identified.Comment: 37 pgs., 1fi

    Lattice Dirac fermions in a non-Abelian random gauge potential: Many flavors, chiral symmetry restoration and localization

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    In the previous paper we studied Dirac fermions in a non-Abelian random vector potential by using lattice supersymmetry. By the lattice regularization, the system of disordered Dirac fermions is defined without any ambiguities. We showed there that at strong-disorder limit correlation function of the fermion local density of states decays algebraically at the band center. In this paper, we shall reexamine the multi-flavor or multi-species case rather in detail and argue that the correlator at the band center decays {\em exponentially} for the case of a {\em large} number of flavors. This means that a delocalization-localization phase transition occurs as the number of flavors is increased. This discussion is supported by the recent numerical studies on multi-flavor QCD at the strong-coupling limit, which shows that the phase structure of QCD drastically changes depending on the number of flavors. The above behaviour of the correlator of the random Dirac fermions is closely related with how the chiral symmetry is realized in QCD.Comment: Version appears in Mod.Phys.Lett.A17(2002)135

    A theory of the electric quadrupole contribution to resonant x-ray scattering: Application to multipole ordering phases in Ce_{1-x}La_{x}B_{6}

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    We study the electric quadrupole (E2) contribution to resonant x-ray scattering (RXS). Under the assumption that the rotational invariance is preserved in the Hamiltonian describing the intermediate state of scattering, we derive a useful expression for the RXS amplitude. One of the advantages the derived expression possesses is the full information of the energy dependence, lacking in all the previous studies using the fast collision approximation. The expression is also helpful to classify the spectra into multipole order parameters which are brought about. The expression is suitable to investigate the RXS spectra in the localized f electron systems. We demonstrate the usefulness of the formula by calculating the RXS spectra at the Ce L_{2,3} edges in Ce_{1-x}La_{x}B_{6} on the basis of the formula. We obtain the spectra as a function of energy in agreement with the experiment of Ce_{0.7}La_{0.3}B_{6}. Analyzing the azimuthal angle dependence, we find the sixfold symmetry in the \sigma-\sigma' channel and the threefold onein the \sigma-\pi' channel not only in the antiferrooctupole (AFO) ordering phase but also in the antiferroquadrupole (AFQ) ordering phase, which behavior depends strongly on the domain distribution. The sixfold symmetry in the AFQ phase arises from the simultaneously induced hexadecapole order. Although the AFO order is plausible for phase IV in Ce_{1-x}La_{x}B_{6}, the possibility of the AFQ order may not be ruled out on the basis of azimuthal angle dependence alone.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure