21 research outputs found

    The Enchanted Hunters in Nabokov’s Lolita

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    In Nabokov’s Lolita, Humbert Humbert’s The Enchanted Hunters, as a quest for love, aims to reconstruct a felicitous world or integrate various fragmentary details into an organic unity that revives a lost love, experiencing it on the basis of irony, and revealing a simulation of the desire, violence, and despondency which have been expressed in myths of nymphs and Persephone. The protagonist never reaches this unity, but his narrative of erotic and romantic love reveals him as a pathetic addict engaged in mechanical reproduction related to the phenomena of desire, seduction, violence, and sex. His The Enchanted Hunters does not simulate what he expects of his childhood love with Annabel; rather, it simulates the erotic imagination suggested in Mary D. Sheriff’s term “nymphomania,” in which artists fall degenerately to a model of tragedy

    Azar Nafisi, 39th Annual ODU Literary Festival

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    Azar Nafisi is the author of numerous books including Reading Lolita in Tehran: A Memoir in Books, which has been translated in 32 languages; Anti-Terra: A Critical Study of Vladimir Nabokov’s Novels; and The Republic of Imagination: America in Three Books. Her work has been published in The New York Times, The Washington Post, and New Republic. She has received many literary and humanitarian awards including the Prix du Meilleur Livre Étranger; an American Immigration Law Foundation achievement award; a Persian Golden Lioness Award for Literature from the World Academy of Arts, Literature, and Media; and a Cristóbal Gabarrón Foundation International Thought and Humanities Award. She currently is a visiting fellow at the Foreign Policy Institute of Johns Hopkins University in Washington, DC

    Reading lolita in Tehran: a memoir in books

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    Buku ini menceritakan seorang guru yang berani dan terinspirasi bernama Azar Nafisi diam-diam mengumpulkan tujuh siswanya yang paling berkomitmen untuk membaca klasik Barat terlarang. Ketika pasukan moralitas Islam melakukan penggerebekan sewenang-wenang di Teheran, fundamentalis merebut universitas, dan sensor buta menahan ekspresi artistik, gadis-gadis di ruang tamu Azar Nafisi mengambil risiko melepas cadar mereka dan membenamkan diri dalam dunia Jane Austen, F.Scott Fitzgerald , Henry James, dan Vladimir Nabokov. Dalam memoar yang luar biasa ini, cerita mereka saling terkait dengan apa yang mereka baca. Membaca Lolita di Teheran adalah eksplorasi ketahanan yang luar biasa dalam menghadapi tirani dan perayaan kekuatan sastra yang membebaskan. sUMBER: https://www.amazon.com/Reading-Lolita-in-Tehran-audiobook/dp/B01C3AP8LA/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&keywords=Reading+Lolita+in+Tehran%3A+A+Memoir+in+Books&qid=1621224730&s=audible&sr=1-

    Reading Lolita in Tehran : a memoir in books

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    Book Reviews

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