128 research outputs found

    Synthesis of Nanometal Oxide–Coated Cotton Composites

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    Several selected studies dealing with the development of novel antimicrobial metal oxide–coated cotton nanocomposites and their antimicrobial applications have been reviewed in this chapter. Synthesis of metal oxide nanoparticles (NPs) and its deposition onto cotton fibers were conducted using various methods. These include the high energy γ-radiation, thermal treatment-assisted impregnation, “pad-dry-cure” of the impregnated fabric in the colloid formulation of metal oxide soluble, and ultrasonic radiation methods. The coated metal oxide nanoparticles have shown an effective enhancement for antimicrobial activity. They reduce the chance of diseases originating from hospital infections. The antimicrobial properties of cotton fabrics finished with metal oxide NPs against a variety of bacterial strains commonly associated with nosocomial infections, caused by Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, have been investigated by four different methods. The morphology of the cotton-coated metal oxide nanoparticles and their chemical structure have been analyzed by UV-vis, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectra (XPS). SEM and XRD analyses revealed that the shape and size of the coated nanoparticles are dependent on the nature of the metal oxide and its preparation conditions

    Analisis Semiotika Representasi Kecantikan Iklan Fair and Lovely Versi Jessica Mila di Media YouTube

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    Semiotics Analysis of Beauty Representation in Jessica Mila's Fair and Lovely Advertisement on YouTube Media which aims to analyze, describe and find out the meaning of beauty advertisements brought by Jessica Mila based on icons, symbols, and also the index on Fair and Lovely YouTube ads using research on semiotics. The research method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research, while the focus in this study is to analyze the signs used in advertising. Data collection techniques in this study used documentation techniques and data analysis techniques using Peirce's theory (1955) which revealed that semiotics is a science that discusses signs and the meaning of their application. Based on the results of research and discussion, the representation of beauty in Jessica Mila's version of Fair and Lovely advertisement there are 20 signs and icons, 5 index signs, and 12 symbol signs

    Les céramiques anciennes sous le regard des archéosciences

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    Le colloque EMAC (European Meeting on Ancient Ceramic) organisé en 2017 à Bordeaux a rassemblé des chercheurs des sciences des matériaux et des sciences humaines. Cette quatorzième édition a donné lieu à la publication de 14 articles autour des thèmes principalement explorés ces dernières années en Europe. Des questions de provenance à la mise en évidence de technologies de fabrication, le matériau céramique apparaît plus que jamais comme un vecteur d’informations dans une vision intégrée de la recherche archéologique.The EMAC (European Meeting on Ancient Ceramic) symposium in 2017 in Bordeaux brought together researchers from the material sciences and humanities. This fourteenth edition gave rise to the publication of 14 articles on themes mainly explored in recent years in Europe. From questions of provenance to the highlighting of manufacturing technologies, the ceramic material appears more than ever as a vector of information in an integrated vision of archaeological research

    Le cru et le cuit : processus post-dépôt et altérations différentielles des matériaux céramiques

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    A common approach in provenance studies of ceramic materials is to compare the elemental composition of raw materials with that of archaeological artefacts. However, alteration problems remain neglected and the nature of the analogy between clayey materials and archaeological ceramics is still not discussed. This study thus proposes a first comparison between ceramic materials and unfired potsherds found in the same archaeological context from the late Iron Age. Our results highlight the importance of proper analysis of compositional data and the relevance of the methodological advances following J. Aitchison's (1986) work. This approach makes it possible to identify post-depositional processes, such as those related to pedogenesis, that do not affect clays and ceramics in the same way. Differential alteration depending on the nature of the materials suggests caution in the strict application of the provenance postulate when comparing archaeological and geological materials.Dans le cadre d’études de provenance des matériaux céramiques, il est courant de comparer la composition élémentaire de matières premières argileuses avec celle d’artefacts archéologiques. Les problèmes d’altération demeurent cependant peu pris en compte et la nature de l’analogie entre matières argileuses et céramiques archéologiques n’est jamais discutée. La présente étude propose ainsi une première comparaison entre des matériaux céramiques et des tessons non cuits retrouvés dans un même contexte archéologique de la fin de l’Âge du Fer. Nos résultats illustrent l’importance d’un traitement adéquat des données de compositions et l’intérêt des développements méthodologiques dans la suite des travaux de J. Aitchison (1986). Cette approche permet d’identifier les processus intervenant après l’abandon des artefacts, notamment liés aux mécanismes de pédogenèse, qui n’affectent pas argiles et céramiques de la même façon. L’existence d’une altération différentielle en fonction de la nature des matériaux invite à la prudence quant à l’application stricte du postulat de provenance lorsqu’il s’agit de comparer des matériaux archéologiques et géologiques

    In vitro, Alternative Methods to the Biological Control of the Aphids by Entomopathogenic Fungi Beauveria bassiana Isolates from Gaza Strip

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    Sustainable vegetable production it depends mainly on yield and quality, if not properly managed, pests and diseases can dramatically reduce crop yield, quality and subsequent returns. Plant diseases need to be controlled to maintain the quality and abundance of food, feed, and fiber produced by growers around the world (Pal and Gardener, 2006). Disease control is an essential component of crop management for increase yield potential. A low disease loss in your fields in the recent past does not ensure disease losses will remain low (Tobacco disease management (2015). Every year gardeners confront many insect pests feasting on fruits and vegetables (Jackman, 1998). Plants have many pests, such as aphids and mites. Aphids are important herbivores of both wild and cultivated plants that feed on the phloem of vascular plants (ZĂĽst and Agrawal, 2016). Most vegetables crops attached by this pest and also it can stunt and distort the growth of plants and cause wilting and bud drop, resulting in poor flowering and fruit set. Synthetic pesticides have played a central role for control plant pathogen (Chandler et al., 2011; El-Wakeil, 2013). In the recent years, the negative effects on health and the environment as a result of the indiscriminate use of pesticides have led the EU to the prohibition of many synthetic pesticides (D'Addabbo et al., 2014). Consequently

    Desa Grogol dengan Potensi Perkembangannya

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    KKN 78 UAJY or KKN Society 5.0. using online method, so there is no direct contact with people who live in the village. Group 40 located in Grogol Village, Paliyan, Special Region of Yogyakarta. This village has a potential in tourism sector. This program aim to help Grogol Village for their development, support, and manage their potential resource. This KKN program using literature review method based on trusted source from internet, personal experience, and interview with the expert. The result of this method give us the information and idea that can relate with the situation of Grogol Village. The result is develop the tourism sector by build the tourist object such as Nature learning program using the human resource in Grogol because most of them are farmers, the second is build the outbond area using the forest or not used land, the third is build the rafting zone or develop the water travel, and the fourth is build the Culture Center because Yogyakarta is the city with strong Java Culture and Grogol is located in Gunungkidul that has a lot of tourist attraction, and the fifth is team up with the tour agency in purpose to introduce the Grogol Village to people inside or outside of Yogyakarta so they are interested to come to Grogol Village. Beside tourism, Grogol village can develop the shallot cultivation because shallot doesn’t need too much water and the climate and land condition is potential for shallot cultivation

    Use of a mobile application for Ebola contact tracing and monitoring in northern Sierra Leone: a proof-of-concept study.

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    BACKGROUND: The 2014-2016 Ebola epidemic in West Africa was the largest Ebola epidemic to date. Contact tracing was a core surveillance activity. Challenges with paper-based contact tracing systems include incomplete identification of contacts, delays in communication and response, loss of contact lists, inadequate data collection and transcription errors. The aim of this study was to design and evaluate an electronic system for tracing contacts of Ebola cases in Port Loko District, Sierra Leone, and to compare this with the existing paper-based system. The electronic system featured data capture using a smartphone application, linked to an alert system to notify the District Ebola Response Centre of symptomatic contacts. METHODS: The intervention was a customised three-tier smartphone application developed using Dimagi's CommCare platform known as the Ebola Contact Tracing application (ECT app). Eligible study participants were all 26 Contact Tracing Coordinators (CTCs) and 86 Contact Tracers (CTs) working in the 11 Chiefdoms of Port Loko District during the study period (April-August 2015). Case detection was from 13th April to 17th July 2015. The CTCs and their CTs were provided with smartphones installed with the ECT app which was used to conduct contact tracing activities. Completeness and timeliness of contact tracing using the app were compared with data from April 13th-June 7th 2015, when the standard paper-based system was used. RESULTS: For 25 laboratory-confirmed cases for whom paper-based contact tracing was conducted, data for only 39% of 408 contacts were returned to the District, and data were often incomplete. For 16 cases for whom app-based contact tracing was conducted, 63% of 556 contacts were recorded as having been visited on the app, and the median recorded duration from case confirmation to first contact visit was 70 h. CONCLUSION: There were considerable challenges to conducting high-quality contact tracing in this setting using either the paper-based or the app-based system. However, the study demonstrated that it was possible to implement mobile health (mHealth) in this emergency setting. The app had the benefits of improved data completeness, storage and accuracy, but the challenges of using an app in this setting and epidemic context were substantial

    The PAU Survey: A Forward Modeling Approach for Narrow-band Imaging

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    Weak gravitational lensing is a powerful probe of the dark sector, once measurement systematic errors can be controlled. In Refregier & Amara (2014), a calibration method based on forward modeling, called MCCL, was proposed. This relies on fast image simulations (e.g., UFig; Berge et al. 2013) that capture the key features of galaxy populations and measurement effects. The MCCL approach has been used in Herbel et al. (2017) to determine the redshift distribution of cosmological galaxy samples and, in the process, the authors derived a model for the galaxy population mainly based on broad-band photometry. Here, we test this model by forward modeling the 40 narrow-band photometry given by the novel PAU Survey (PAUS). For this purpose, we apply the same forced photometric pipeline on data and simulations using Source Extractor (Bertin & Arnouts 1996). The image simulation scheme performance is assessed at the image and at the catalogues level. We find good agreement for the distribution of pixel values, the magnitudes, in the magnitude-size relation and the interband correlations. A principal component analysis is then performed, in order to derive a global comparison of the narrow-band photometry between the data and the simulations. We use a `mixing' matrix to quantify the agreement between the observed and simulated sets of Principal Components (PCs). We find good agreement, especially for the first three most significant PCs. We also compare the coefficients of the PCs decomposition. While there are slight differences for some coefficients, we find that the distributions are in good agreement. Together, our results show that the galaxy population model derived from broad-band photometry is in good overall agreement with the PAUS data. This offers good prospect for incorporating spectral information to the galaxy model by adjusting it to the PAUS narrow-band data using forward modeling.Comment: Submitted to JCAP, 28 pages, 15 figures, 3 appendice
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