52 research outputs found


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    Objective: The aim of the current study was to evaluate the black salsify (Scorzonera hispanica L.) as a potential source of inulin and to characterize the physicochemical properties of isolated polysaccharide.Methods: The carbohydrate content in its roots and leaves was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography with refractive index detection (HPLC-RID) method. Microwave-assisted extraction was performed for isolation of inulin from black salsify roots. The obtained polysaccharide was characterized by HPLC-RID method, HPLC size-exclusion chromatography, and Fourier transformed-infrared spectroscopy. Functional properties as swelling capacity, solubility, and water-holding and oil-holding capacities (OHCs) were also evaluated.Results: Black salsify (S. hispanica L.) roots were evaluated as a rich source of inulin (22% dw) and 1-kestose (6.25 g/100 g dw). The isolated inulin (yield 20%) was characterized with average degree of polymerization 17, with polydispersity index (1.04) that was near to medium-chained inulin. This polysaccharide showed better OHC than water-holding capacity, and it was characterized with swelling capacity 0.5 ml/g sample.Conclusion: For the first time, inulin was isolated from black salsify roots. The chemical characterization of inulin reveals the potential of this plant to be used as a valuable source of this polysaccharide for future application in food technology and pharmaceutical industry for dietary fibers, stabilizer, and coating agent

    Biopreservation of Fresh Strawberries by Carboxymethyl Cellulose Edible Coatings Enriched with a Bacteriocin of Bacillus methylotrophicus BM47

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    Bacteriocins are a large group of antimicrobial compoundsthat aresynthesized byrepresentatives ofthegenus Bacillusand lactic acid bacteria (LAB). Bacteriocinsare used extensively in thefood industry as biopreservatives. Incorporatedin the composition of edible coatings, bacteriocins canreduce microbial growthand decay incidencein perishable fruits, thusimproving productshelf-life and commercial appearance. The present study aims to investigatethe effect of edible coatings of0.5% carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) enriched with a purified bacteriocin fromBacillus methylotrophicusBM47 on the shelf-life extension of fresh strawberries. During storage at 4\ub0Cand 75 % relative humidity(RH) for 16 days, measurements of massloss, decay percentage, total soluble solids(TSS), titratable acidity(TA),pH, organic acids, total phenolic and anthocyaninscontents and antioxidant activity were taken.The results demonstrated that the application of 0.5% CMC and 0.5% CMC+bacteriocin (CMC+B) edible coatings led to a significant decrease of massloss in treated strawberriescompared to the uncoated fruit. After the 8-th day of storage, significant reductions in decay percentage along with the absence of fungal growth in CMC+B-coated fruit wereobserved in comparison to the CMC-coated and control strawberries. During the second half of the storage period, CMC and CMC+B treatmentsreduced TSS levels inthe coated fruitcompared to the control, but did not affectincreasedTA and loweredpH valuesthat arenormally associated with post-harvest changes. The CMC and CMC+B coatings wereineffectiveagainst thedecrease inascorbic acid, total phenolics and anthocyanins contentduringcold storage. The application of CMC and CMC+B coatingsexhibited a significant inhibitory effect on decreasing antioxidant activity throughout the storage period and maintained the antioxidant levels inboth treatmentsclose to the initial value of 76.8 mmol TE/100 g of fm

    Физико-химични показатели и сензорна оценка на ранно зреещи сортове праскови и нектарини

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    The present study was carried out to determine some physicochemical, composition and sensory attributes of earlyripening peach varieties: “Filina” (peach), “Gergana” (nectarine), and “Ufo-4” (flat peach). Fruit weight, shape and size, as well as color and firmness were evaluated. Image analysis was used to describe properties such as length, width, thickness, etc. Skin hue ranged from 33.45±10.70 to 42.75±29.87. Dry matter (%), ash content (%), total soluble solids, pH, titratable acidity, total sugar content, and protein content were employed to characterize the studied varieties. Results showed differences in all properties of the types. Ash content varied from 0.45±0.04% to 0.96±0.12% and pH from 3.95 to 4.46. “Gergana” had the lowest total soluble solids. A trained descriptive sensory panel evaluated the peach varieties in five categories with a total of twenty-five attributes. The fruit attributes were evaluated by a 15-point ascending scale. The panellists detected differences between varieties in each of the categories (aroma, texture, taste, internal and external appearance). These results offer and highlight new data in terms of early-ripening peach variety properties.Настоящото проучване е проведено с цел определяне на някои физикохимични, химични и сензорни качества на ранно зреещи сортове праскови: „Филина“ (праскова), „Гергана“ (нектарина) и „Уфо-4“ (плоска праскова). Оценени са теглото, формата и размерът на плодовете, както и цветът, и твърдостта. За описание на свойства като дължина, ширина, дебелина и др. е използван анализ на изображения. Оттенъкът на прасковената обелка варира от 33,45±10,70 до 42,75±29,87. Сухо вещество (%), съдържание на пепел (%), общо разтворими твърди вещества, рН, титруема киселинност, общо съдържание на захар и съдържание на протеин характеризират изследваните сортове. Резултатите показват разлики във всички свойства на сортовете. Съдържанието на пепел варира от 0,45±0,04% до 0,96±0,12%, а рН от 3,95 до 4,46. Гергана има най-ниските стойности на общо разтворими твърди вещества. Обучен сензорен панел оцени сортовете праскови в пет категории с общо двадесет и пет характеристики. Характеристиките на плодовете се оценяват по 15-степенна скала, в която 15 е максималната стойност. Дегустаторите откриват разлики между сортовете във всяка от категориите (аромат, текстура, вкус, вътрешност и външен вид). Получените резултати предлагат и подчертават нови данни по отношение на свойствата на ранно зреещи прасковени сортове


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    The aim of this research was to investigate the possibility of meat-vegetable sterilized pate production with reduced fat content and functional ingredient supplementation, as well as to evaluate the thermal effect on physicochemical and lipid content of the final products. In the study, ten experimental groups of poultry pate were produced with different level and type of fat substitution with inulin and lentil power. The residual quantity of fructans was examined to evaluate the thermal effect on functional ingredients. Analysis upon changes in lipid fraction was performed in order to determine the appropriated thermal effect in different pate content. The pate from sample 4 and 6 in which the amount of recipe fat was reduced and partially substituted with inulin or lentil had the most acceptable nutritional characteristics

    Snow Cover Changes in Bulgarian Mountainous Regions, 1931-2000

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    Principal component analysis (PCA) was carried out on annual snow cover series from 15 mountain climate stations in Bulgaria to characterize the spatial and temporal variability in snow cover over the 1931-2000 period. The PC analysis revealed three distinct snow cover response regions in Bulgarian mountains: (1) high elevation sites above 1500 mASL; (2) the eastern Rodope Mountains and (3) a mid-mountain zone covering 1000-1500 mASL. Over the 1931-2000 period snow cover exhibited evidence of decadal-scale variability but no evidence of any long-term trends linked to climate warming. Over the more recent 1971-2000 period stations in the 1000-1500 elevation band have exhibited more coherent temporal variability in maximum snow accumulation and a trend toward a later start to the snow cover season. No clear links were found between snow cover variability and NAO, and only spring snow cover at the higher elevation sites was found to be significantly correlated with regional air temperatures. The results reflect the complex climate of Bulgaria